Friday, April 29, 2011

Important Things That Occupy the Minds of Conservative COG Members

You would think that COG related boards around the country would be enraptured with William and Kate's wedding in London today.  Considering William will eventually sit on the Throne of David after his nutcase dad is dethroned or abdicates.  But noooooooooo, not a word so far.

Instead these are the important topics of discussion with the rabid pre-1986 HWA loving COG members:

evidence here: The Big Wobble

Scientists find Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA
evidence here: Canadian National Newspaper

This writer seems to be more concerned about the poor chickens than the human lives lost.  But then he goes off the deep end and into some incredible stretching of his imagination about God frying the earth. Why are Armstrongites so giddy about their 'god' punishing humanity?  They get all breathless about how humanity will suffer.  They want it to happen.  I guess they think it will prove them right.

"I will Make Your Heavens Like Iron And Your Earth Like Brass"

  Leviticus 26:19, last part, "I will make your heavens like iron and your earth like brass." I am sure that you all have heard about the destructive tornadoes that have struck several of the southern states killing millions of chickens in several chicken houses along with a very large number of people. I, also, feel sure that all of you are aware of the constant rains and more rains that are striking the crop growing areas including the local area. As I said earlier, the local farmer friend of mine told me that his ground is so saturated with rain making for soggy fields that he has been unable to have gotten into the fields to have gotten his crops planted that remain much overdue!!
  Now, my question! With the now muddy fields, will God soon now turn on the heat with scorching sun to bake the fields into brass fulfilling Bible prophecy; referring to our sins?!! It will be interesting to see, since we are so very close to the end!!

 Um, how many hundreds and thousands of times have we heard THAT statement?  So far seventy years of spouting that claim has NOT produced the desired outcome they all want.  Instead, they just sit there taking in the lies over and over, year after year, decade after decade.


Anonymous said...

Armstrongists get excited when disasters occur because in their own deluded minds it not only confirms that they are right, but that the time is near that they will become gods. This fanaticism will continue to grow until they have some kind of mental breakdown, after which, they will really become manic.

My advice to those who are so inclined to engage in this dystopian fantasy: Don't count your chickens until they're hatched.

DennisCDiehl said...

There must be a paleogene in humans that connect natural disasters, lava from volcanoes, tornadoes in spring, blizzards in winter, floods after heavy rain and wiltage with drought, that searches for why?

It's funny how if these things hit you as a person of faith, Satan is after YOU. If these things hit you as a person of no faith, God is "trying" (does he have to try?) to tell you something.

3000 years ago humans came up with writing and put these ignorant observations in print and somehow that has made it true for the past 3000 years.

Actually, Julian Jaynes and his classic, Consciousness and the Break Down of the Bi Cameral Mind gives a nice reason for all this. At least some kind of explanation that makes sense. Long story.

James said...

From Wiki: "The bicameral state of mind has some similarities to that of a modern-day schizophrenic. Divination, prayer and oracles arose during these breakdown periods."

This explains a lot Dennis. It explains why all the Armstrong church leadership homies are f*%king nuts! The god they talk with is the other half of the brain.

By the way, didn't the bible god say that he punishes with drought? We are getting record rains all over the US. And I do recall reading that he PROMISED not to ever flood the earth again.

Just how can we trust him anymore?

Anonymous said...

The prophecies are bogus. The United States and Canada are not tribes of Israel. The prophecies do not apply at all.

However, doesn't Scripture say that judgment begins at the house of God?

If anything, we would expect the wrath of God to be poured out on the Armstrongists first. Or have you all forgotten Revelation 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.?

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Or not.

Anonymous said...

David Malm is merely a symptom of the original problem created by Herbert Armstrong. It is the same problem shared by so many organizations. Leaders don't listen.

If the ministers and administrators of the Armstrongists, particularly those in United who have stopped their ears and gone "La, la, la, la, I can't hear you," had really come to him and visited with him, listened to his concerns they could have addressed them. I don't know what actually happened, but my suspicions are that he posed a problem, and in the grand tradition, they did everything they could to ignore him.

I think that when he finally realized he was being ignored, he went really nuts and the hyperbole kicked in. He DEMANDED an audience and now he has one.

At least we're giving him what he wants right here. He's finally getting noticed. And frankly, I doubt it matters what kind, just so he's getting it.

In this generation of "have your say and go your way," not having people have their say even when you know they are wrong is a seriously dangerous thing. Boomers react very strongly to that. Those of us before the generation of Boomers, particularly Generation Whine, are used to suffering in silence and saying "Yes, ma'm".

It's too late for UCG and CoGWA to address the problem. They could have nipped this in the bud.

Instead, they just let it nip them in the butt.

Michael D. Maynard said...

"This fanaticism will continue to grow until they have some kind of mental breakdown, after which, they will really become manic."

Right Douglas, but the UNTIL is past, just look at Gerald Flurry and tell me his behavior is that of a rational human being...or the others like him.

If a real Prophet shows up with a true warning these Armstrongists would ignore him/her. They can not see past the dilusion they are under.

Homer said...

Douglas wrote ....those in United who have stopped their ears and gone "La, la, la, la, I can't hear you,"....

A few years ago I made a comment to a deacon (now a local elder in United, (strange, he isn't old enough to be an elder / older mam) and he did exactly that. He reached up, stuck a finger in each ear and said "La, la, la, la, I can't hear you," and walked away.

DennisCDiehl said...


Well, I think sometimes the Deity likes drought and sometimes flood. I don't think he can be held to any promises because if we don't do what we are supposed to, all bets are off.

I think schizophrenics may actually see reality without the filters we have to have, but it is too much information and thus the mental confusion and "illness"

I think the Apostle Paul was schinophrenic according to the symptoms

Byker Bob said...

Salesmanship 101: Take a negative, or a fear, magnify and dramatize it to the extreme, and then propose your product as the total solution.

I don't believe I even need to draw a parallel here, as everyone is already familiar with the Armstrongist application of it, and why we all allowed "them" to become out gatekeepers to the place of safety and the Kingdom.

There is one understanding that the time of the end is keyed to the rebirth of Israel as a nation. I'm not totally convinced that this is correct. If it is, the generation spoken of would be the baby boomers, in which case we'll probably know sometime during the next twenty years.

But, why live life so negatively? Why create an environment in which people are forced to live in constant fear? Why not live for all of the blessings promised in connection with living the Christian life? I don't believe that Armstrong theology properly addressed God's love, God's protection, or the proper role of the Holy Spirit in transforming the heart of individuals. That is why there was so much fear and authoritarianism. It's no wonder that so many of us have dallied with non-belief in the aftermath! HWA's God is totally unacceptable, and behaves more like Satan. I'm certain that Satan finds this tremendously amusing, but it's really tragic.


dewdrop said...

Now, now - Paul Suckling blogged on 28 April about the Royal Wedding on the COGWA website and tied it in with the usual British Israel dogma, using it to push their new and one and only booklet.
So, not a lot has changed.

Anonymous said...

A close friend of mine who worked at Hatfield House, home of the duke of Bedford, told me of a scroll that traces the ancestry of the current royal family all the way back to King David of ancient Israel.

OK, that's something old.

The booklet is new.

But the ideas are all borrowed.

And that makes me feel blue.

Note: The attempt to legitimatize utter sociopathic idiotic insane lies by associating them with royalty.

Anonymous said...

"I don't believe that Armstrong theology properly addressed God's love, God's protection, or the proper role of the Holy Spirit in transforming the heart of individuals."

I disagree, Bob. Just read the Psalms, and read Romans 8:16-17 (in the KJV, at least), to address all of those points. Texts which professing Christians downplay or disavow, because the Church's teachings go against their "traditions." ("In vain do you worship Me, teaching for doctrine commandments of men.") I suppose you think God's commandments are "commandments of men," but that's the deception of false Christianity in this world.