Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tonight You Must Blow Your Shofar! It's New Mooner Time!

Apostle Malm is directing all of his true followers to blow a shofar tonight in honor of the new moon and the start of the sixth month.

The Apostle claims the new moon is as important as Passover:

The New Moon day is not a Holy Day; it IS an Appointed Time, like Passover and Wave Offering.  The New Moon is to be observed with the blowing of trumpets and special sacrifices.
I bet you did not know that you are still required under the New Covenant to do sacrifices!  But just what kind of sacrifices does the Apostle expect you to do?  In typical COG proof-texting fashion and "here a little, there a little", the Apostle says you are to sacrifice by doing bible study.

Since the physical sacrifice was only a physical reminder of the spiritual sacrifice of the Lamb of God, we do a special study of the Scriptures in place of the sacrifices [which cannot be offered because there is no Tabernacle or temple at Jerusalem:

Somehow opening an  onion skin book on a dining room table does not equate to slaughtering oxen, sheep and doves over an altar so that the blood flows off it onto the ground.

Armstrongism has always had to find the easy way out of doing all kinds of things.  Many things in Leviticus are supposedly required, while many things right next to the required things are not required.  Just  one more reason why Armstrongism has no credibility!


Anonymous said...

All so very necessary for an Old Testament Christian.

And tonight there are various telephone hookups from the various Armstrongist Cults.

Of course, there are non Armstrongist Cults keeping the New Moon tonight [or some it was last night]. The Sanctuary is open. Revelation will occur.

Or so they would have us believe.

But wait a month and we'll have a REAL celebration! If only they cold agree on the date -- four official different days so far for the Feast of Trumpets [which differs wildly for those folks of the Seventh Day Church of God from the Armstrongists -- but of course, the 7th Day CoG has been at it longer, far before Herbert Armstrong came on the scene].

Byker Bob said...

Why doesn't he jetisson the HWAcaca completely, leave, and join some Messianic group? HWA's picking and choosing was always "diet Moses" at best, anyway! Though I disagree with Malm and believe that he does not appreciate the meaning of the New Covenant, certainly we can respect him for attempting to keep the whole law, which is what Paul instructs for people who believe that they are under the law, and not grace.


Anonymous said...

Byker Bob,

I'm thinking that the Ancient Isrealites were given the Feasts as a Shadow of the Spiritual to come. Certainly, Pentecost -- the giving of the Law at Mount Sinai -- was the Spiritual Giving (at least that's the theory) of putting God's Law in the heart and not just written on two tables of stone.

The Feast of Trumpets was a Shadow of the coming of Jesus Christ.

The question has been asked as to whether (for those believing in keeping the Sabbath) whether or not the Feasts shold be kept to insure salvation. The Universal answer outside the Armstrongists is a resounding "No!". Keeping the Old Testament Ceremonial Laws cannot -- in the Christian dispensation -- render salvation. That is through faith and the ancient Israelites did not have any -- according to Scripture.

There's another problem which we have covered before: Without the tithe -- and there is no tithing on wages in the Biblical venue -- there is no way to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. The Armstrongist lie that there are three tithes on the gross income of wages is unworkable. It is putting a pattern in place which has no Biblical basis. In the past, for my wife and I, the Feast cost a minimum of $2,500, what with travel, housing, meals and incidentals. Housing for the Pacific Church of God in Kellog, Idaho is $1,350 for a condo unit before taxes.

The problem becomes worse when the ACoGs start spouting British Israelism: We have absolute irrefutable proof that British Israelism is a fraud. Some of the presumptions concerning the Feast was that as Israelites, Americans were punished for not keeping the Sabbath and Holydays and was being judged for not keeping the rest of the Old Covenant Ceremonial Laws. Since this is absolutely false and a complete fraud, the Feasts become even more irrelevant.

David Malm and Robert Theil need to address the fundamentals of Armstrongism, because its core has been proved a fraud. They have no basis for their religion at all. Worse, they don't even live up to Preaching the Gospel as Herbert Armstrong did it: A positive message of a Utopian world ruled by qualified people who are uncorruptible and rule for the benefit of the people, transforming the world. Instead, these depressives preach a dirge about destruction, devastation, death.

Herbert Armstrong gave them words which ever ring true about his own ministry, "You don't get it! You just don't get it!"

Which is why they fail.