Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Apostle Seeks To Prove His Legitimacy

I started calling James Malm "The Apostle" some time back.  That is the impression he gives off to people as to what he thinks he is.  Today he is seeking to clarify what apostles are and why he can be considered one.

The term apostle is derived from Koine Greek ἀπόστολος (apóstolos), meaning one who is sent forth as a messenger in contrast to a disciple who is a “student” that learns from a “teacher”.  Apostle is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew word shaliah.

A Shaliah is an appointed emissary, or official representative of a Sender.  The New Testament equivalent is a person appointed as an official emissary of Jesus Christ or of any congregation of the faithful.  This is akin to the word “prophet” which means “spokesman” by divine influence.

Malm has always considered himself as specially appointed by God at this important time in church history to deliver a warning to the backsliding Church of God members.  His message is not to the world because the world does not understand God's word.  His message is only to those who have, according to him, been taken in by the subtle false teachings of various men in UCG, and other COG's.

Prophets still remain in the New Covenant, their role being to preach repentance and revealing things not  otherwise known; however the apostle is to carry on the work of Christ in magnifying the law and revealing its spiritual nature and intent.

Malm has always seen himself as the person described in the second half of the above comment. He believes he is "carrying on the work of Christ in magnifying the law and revealing it's spiritual nature."  Malm is all about the law.  The more rules and regulations he can demand that people keep the better.  Only backsliding heathens eat out in restaurants on Saturdays, buy gas for their cars, buy their kids an ice cream cone on that long drive home from church, etc.

The only problem with Malm's logic is that he CANNOT keep all the law perfectly and never will.  All he needs to do is break one little itty-bitty law and he has broken all 613 of them. Because he breaks hundreds of laws every single day is cannot be considered an apostle or even a spokesman for God.  He is just one of many hundred of men who have set themselves up as "prophetic voices" speaking out to the Churches of God through through the last 70 some years.  Every single one of them has fallen by the way side and produced no good fruit.


Anonymous said...

An Apostle is "one sent forth".

That is why I know I am an Apostle.

You'd be surprised how many people tell me, "GET OUT OF HERE!".

et tu, imposter? said...

He did not claim to be an apostle.

His scriptures are confirmed. There were/are more than the 12 + 1 apostles.

If you had a real 'love for the truth,' as you imposters pose, you'd be impressed.