Monday, December 3, 2018

COG Pharisees, Judgement, and Christ who Calls us Friend

I was involved in the Church of God (Armstrongism) movement for over 20 years. In fact, I was born and raised into it. From my immediate family to all those that I have been affiliated within the movement, to all the sermons, booklets, and articles that I had ingested throughout my time in that tenure, there is one aspect that was nearly completely never talked about - the relationship that a Believer has with Jesus Christ. More specifically, the fact that Jesus Christ is our friend!

The only aspect of Jesus Christ that was continually blasted from the pulpit, over and over again - was Jesus as King and Ruler - which He duly is. He was the One who would return to this Earth with fire in His eyes. He was the One with a double-edged sword - one you feared and trembled to cross wrongly. He was known to us nearly always only as "Christ". The one thing you did not want to do - and feared doing, was blaspheming his name by accident - saying, doing, thinking the wrong thing, with a paranoid and wretched fear of punishment for doing the wrong thing. To say we were out of balance is the understatement of the century! 

I'm not saying one should not have a healthy, reverent, and awestruck respect of Jesus Christ. In fact, I believe that wholeheartedly! What I am saying is that we did not - in any way or form or shape - acknowledge Him as not only King, Ruler, and God, but also, and just as importantly- as Friend, Brother, and Advocate. We treated Him as our Superior, but not as One who we love, and as one who loves us back. We were taught to love and honor God as our spiritual Superior - but not in a relationship of deep, abiding, and joyous freedom of love as our closest Brother and most trusted Friend. 

Let me give an example here of what I am talking about. Recently an article was posted here from the Ambassador College Ambassador Correspondence Course, which really was not an article at all - but a snippet. In the snippet, it was pointed out the entirely physical and ridiculous statements by Herbert Armstrong and hirelings about Jesus Christ zipping around the world like lightning , and going to "the Fathers throne", "millions" of miles away (Herb had NO clue what he was talking about here, as usual), and back, all in one day. Noting exactly what Herb was talking about, the superpower speed and lightning fast physical attributes of Jesus - I had no problem comparing Jesus with "The Flash". - because that was exactly what Herbert was saying. That Jesus was more like "Superman", or some super-powerful Mortal Being, entirely bounded by the rules and laws of our mortal Universe. This - predictably - struck up the ire and fire of the Armstrongites - who quickly - at the speed of the Pharisees' rage and temper (and fear) - condemned the entire post as BLASPHEMY. Another took offense at an image that was added to the post after I sent it in - calling that image as "crossing a line that should not be crossed." 

Really? No, I mean... REALLY? 

I offer absolutely no apologies for my reference! I offer no apologies to my post! Why? Am I being an unrepentant blasphemer? Am I being a disrespectful, rebellious, shameful apostate who has lost all respect and love for my Savior? Am I just a lost soul wallowing around in muck after the WCG experience? No, no, and NO. Let me tell you first and foremost I have the deepest love for Jesus - and He has the deepest love for ME. No, I'm not being pretentious. I'm not being arrogant. Because Jesus also has the deepest love for YOU, too - whether or not you return the favor to Him or not, or acknowledge Him, or not, or are so buried in this physical realm that all other realms seem nonexistent and purely fiction. There is a relationship between us and with Jesus - a friendship, a bond, a security - a trust and a loyalty that is bound by the grace and love of Jesus through the power and binding of the Holy Spirit - who is IN US - Christ IN us. This is relationship. 

On the other side, we have the Armstrong Pharisees - who, like the Pharisees of two thousand years ago, hear one reference, one comparison, and one analogy about Jesus Christ that offends them and what do they yell? Blasphemer! Apostate! Sick! Disgusting! - ready to "throw us bloggers in the mud" and stone us with their words and keyboards for what they think is so offensive. 

I am absolutely certain God - and Jesus - were not offended. Why? Because they understand the heart and the intent of my words because He and I are friends

Let's say you are FRIENDS - close friends - with a Royal King. You KNOW this King personally - why? Because you are related to that King. You live in the same palace. You understand that King inside and out. You know Him. You trust Him. You are there with him all the time because you're the King's Brother. Unless that king is a real prick - which our Lord is NOT - you would NOT be afraid of him - because he KNOWS you. I mean - KNOWS you. Friends are like that! You can love them, respect them, and honor them! But you also know that he knows what you say in your heart is honest and truthful - and you don't have to fear that person because of the relationship you have with that person. That's relationship. That's real. That's what The Father has done for us because we acknowledge what Jesus did for you and me.  

Jesus - the King - God, Immortal, Invincible, and only Wise - calls us friend. We - saved by His blood, and his Grace, and mercy - call Him friend. We need not fear making Him angry, ready to strike us with a bolt of lightning at every single thing that offends humans. Jesus didn't offend the Father when all the Pharisees were ready to kill him for the things He was saying about God and Himself. We, as Christians, know God and He knows us. It is that very friendship - that intimate relationship between God and Man - He and I - YOU and HIM - that provides the peace and love that transcends all understanding. A God who knows our hearts and our words, and a God who loves us. It is that relationship that I pray all who call themselves Christians will receive, will savor, and will enjoy, as they walk in His footsteps as His Hands and Feet. It's time to not only acknowledge and respect Jesus as King and Ruler - but as Friend and Brother - without fear, knowing He alone knows our heart and He alone is our Judge. Pharisees in Armstrongism should lay down their gabbles and step off the bench of their self-appointed judgemental attitudes - because they have no power over those they complain about. My security and my judgement is in Christ alone - my brother, and my Friend. And so is yours. Think about that one word - relationship - and think on it deeply. You might just see that word in a whole new light where our Lord is concerned. I hope it does.

submitted by SHT


Anonymous said...

I was always told to read my bible, which I did. So, if anyone in the cult missed out on the bible message about jesus it was their own fault. They were not reading their bible.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Song needed in all COG hymnals immediately... "What A Friend We Have In Jesus"

TLA said...

"Don't believe me, believe your Bible" - looks like some of us are trying to do it.
What finally got to me was how little of the Bible the COGs were following and some of it was being refuted by their own customs - following their parent organization - the Pharisees of old.
Asking about differences between COG beliefs and Bible beliefs were ridiculed.
The leaders attitude towards the members is the same as the Jewish leaders of Christ's days towards their fellow Jews - utter contempt.
Plus most of the sermons were becoming intolerably boring - plus I could see the rapid deterioration of those ministers who once had a spark of life. (Seeing this was quite shocking to me.)

Anonymous said...

Just because someone does not agree with your careless portrayal of Christ in your post, it doesn't mean they are a pharisee. Some believers may just be sincerely uncomfortable with it. Let me be clear, I am not attacking you personally in anyway I am just making a point. I know you may not be bothered if you offend those in the Cogs but what about those who are not.

Anonymous said...

Psychological operations (PSYOP): planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.

The church had a bias and an agenda. Who doesn't? Most of what you read and hear is psyops. It is EVERYWHERE.

Anonymous said...

That was actually a good article. Those tyrants, Pack and Flurry need to read it. 1000 times.

Anonymous said...

Just as Republicans paint a caricature of Hilary Clinton and Democrats do the same with Donald Trump, HWA picked and chose which passages he emphasized to paint the portrait of Jesus that he wanted. He wanted the one that present a strong, judgmental, leader. He wanted Rambo, not Mr. Rogers. He pictured the Lion of Judah and ignored the Lamb of God. We can also do the same with the image of HWA. Some view him as a Christian leader, preacher, educator and others see him as a greedy con man. The only fair thing to do it to take a look at the full person to get a more accurate picture.

Anonymous said...

SHT says:

You understand that King inside and out.

Your Bible says:

Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unsearchable. (Ps. 145:3)

Behold, these are but the outskirts of his ways, and how small a whisper do we hear of him! But the thunder of his power who can understand? (Job 26:14)

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isa. 55:8–9)

A God you can understand "inside and out" is hardly a god. What you can do is trust God, and know that unlike some ACOG ministers He is not trying to make you a dependent spiritual cripple. Jesus wants SHT to be the very best SHT that SHT can be. We cannot fully understand all the ways in which Jesus has our best interests in mind, but we can have complete confidence that He is trying to lift us up, not put us down.

Earl said...

Anon 7:15 I agree that the image of Jesus was offensive. I think the image (but not the written description) is more than I would do though I don't believe it is blasphemous. I don't have much of a problem if it simply offended others in order to make them think how HWA and the COGs often limit Jesus within physical dimensions and not as a friend and loving savior.
The COGs state the Sabbath was made in part so we would consider our Creator; it would seem that if this consideration was actually given rather than the busyness and mind numbing sermons given on the Sabbath, then a Jesus outside of the confines of the physical universe would be understood. The description of Jesus by HWA should offend our sensibilities/consciences.
Some of the comments on this page are too much and I generally skip over them, but I don't see that with NO2HWA among others.

Anonymous said...

Name call me all you want, I still believe that the person who put up that superman-Christ sketch deserves to be flogged.

Anonymous said...

The biggest distortion of Christ by Herb and his ministers is that of portraying Him as a tyrant. They have made God in their own image. On the contrary, God is a rights respecting, freedom loving God.

Isa 55.8-9 "my thoughts are not your thoughts and your way are not my ways.." is often hijacked to portray a Doctor Who universe. Gods thought and ways are simply the ten commandments. The preceding verses makes plain that He is addressing evil people and asking them to repent. So Isa 55.8-9 is not a invalidation of everything that people know, as often made out.

That scripture also means that bully COG ministers believe that only bully tactics work. They do in fact 'work,' but are in the category of Esau getting his bowl of soup. Doing things Gods way is 'pearls before swine' to these bully-ministers.

Anonymous said...

Jesus is a big boy 933. He's not offended but might wince at the idea of flogging someone

SHT said...

9:33 - Congratulations. You've joined the ranks of the people who stoned Stephen because they thought he was committing blasphemy, when Stephen was not. Stephen, the Apostle, had a relationship with Jesus. Think about this.

5:44 - The "understanding the King inside and out" was a reference to an analogy used to portray a close relationship with a relative. You took this way too literally. Nevertheless, we have the Holy Spirit - Christ in US - God in us - the mind of Christ made possible through reconciliation with the Father. If you do not think Christ knows us inside and out, or that we do not have the ability to know Jesus closely and intimately - as our friend, and brother - as our friend AND our King - or if the idea of that kind of closeness with God seems irreverent, then I would consider if your relationship with Christ is simply a business formality, rather than a personal relationship. Don't undersell the power of the Spirit of God and what He can reveal to us, show us, and teach us about Himself.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
"1-EX- sheeple" said...

Speaking for myself..(of course, non other)I thank you for your comment here & I find very helpful, your putting the issue in perspective. HWA & D. Pack now especially, is doing MORE
to alienate more people against God the Father & Jesus Christ than perhaps the rest (other
than G. Flurry himself?) And very sad to say only God knows how many have been damaged beyond "repair". Their poison penetrates to a persons "core" contaminating ones' very "soul" so to
speak, corroding almost everything ones does, thinks & says. So much like Orwell's 1984 ex-
cept that the Hate frenzy sessions & Hate Week weren't included. At least not as portrayed as such but in "substance" never the less. Don't know IF I'll ever "recover" fully myself.Or the
damage done to my #1 daughter. To "forgive" someday may be "possible" to forget? NEVER.

Anonymous said...

Try reading for instance, Amos chapter two, where God describes punishing nations for their sins. He does a lot more than flogging people. The Protestant "always a nice guy" God, only exists in peoples imagination.

RSK said...

Where were all these picture-sensitive folk when Basil Wolverton was putting out his pics of suffering people in the literature?

James said...

Anonymous 10:54

Your god is a mass murderer. Why worship him? This god of yours has millions dead under his belt. Satan has 3 at most in your bible. All of them in the book of Job.

SHT said...

2:50 is a prime example of what happens when you cannot separate between the covenant relationship that exists with God in the New, thanks to reconciliation with the Father, and the non-relationship with God in the Old before Jesus brought reconciliation. The relationship with God - now, in the age of reconciliation and grace - is personal, thanks be to Jesus Christ. I am sorry you only see God as the Great Punisher, with rage and wrath - who only deals with kings and important people. Wait - that sounds kind of familiar, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

My bible tells me that "the Lord Most High is awesome." That's hardly a wussy. Among other things, a superman-Christ reduces God to the human plane. This is one of the secret attitudes of those who think that they can predict the year of Christ's return.

The 1975 debacle was also the result of those who reduced God to the human plane, thinking that they could manipulate Him to return on that date for their own selfish ends.
God is so great that no one can have Him figured out.

Byker Bob said...

I've refrained from comment on this thread thus far, because it really does no good to conduct debate with brainwashed people whose personal image of God is one of HWA on steroids. Also, although I can relate to a wide variety of people of various philosophies, it is also silly to discuss God's personality, and character with those who do not believe in Him.

Some stuff, it's just best to keep personal and private.


nck said...

Great discussion. In light of how to see God and how to see Jesus who clearly assumed a more identifiable identity with humans.

Anyone offended by the jesus in suit picture?

Perhaps my point about the jewish superman on the original posting was besides the point. In any case I ll repeat that culturally everything about superman mirrors the jewish experience (in america). It does not come as a surprise that the superman personage was conceived in a jewish brain.

The stories are Woody Allem gone rogue. The jewish reporter schlemiel outsider with glasses, arriving from a world destructed, finding heroism in a new land through action etc etc


RSK said...

And wheres all the "JAYZUS DIN HAVE LONG HAIRRRRR" fury?

Anonymous said...

One of two Jewish creators of superman explained that superman represents the Jews in their persecuted state throughout history. I don't recall him mentioning America. Outwardly they are like Clark Kent to their persecutors, but are like superman inwardly, in being able to tolerate the abuse. It had nothing to do with Christ or God.

nck said...


Thank you that is right. The American experience is where the jews get to be superhumans after leaving their destroyed world of Krypton. Superman cannot be a personage in the image of Jesus since the jewish faith really has no concept for the christian jesus. My point is that from a cultural perspective both Jesus and superman evolved from the Jewish perspective of a (human) savior/messiah and combattant of evil.

Faith is a completely different topic I (like BB) do not wish to discuss with the swine. I responded to the pop art. Which is great just like the Wolverton Toons.


On another topic. The great american songbook like the gerswhin music and songs like "white christmas" all stem from that same experience, creating a new american culture. Nothing in the songs that are most popular at christmas hints at Jesus. They are all about snow being white, animals, sleighrides, some these even got aproved for the feast films etc etc.

Anonymous said...

This god of yours has millions dead under his belt.

"Yeah, but they were all bad." This is how Arnold explained the high death count in one of his movies.

Unknown said...

Anon 6:26 PM, Only an Armstrong worshipping nitwit would set dates.