Sunday, February 23, 2020

Narcissists in the Church of God Ruin Everything

After Rod Meredith's death, LCG made a big-to-do of publishing his master's thesis from Ambassador College in 1956. The title of this 138-page booklet is "The Plain Truth About The Protestant Reformation." On the back cover, it says, "Before his death in 2017, he began editing and lightly revising his thesis for a brand-new audience."

After reading it, I had to wonder why there was not a single person in the boardroom who said, "Given our own church history, would it be wise to publish this?"

Maybe one or more did. And maybe that is why they state it is for a "brand-new audience." But I couldn't help but think how this book will not bode well for the old audience and those in-the-know on the history of Herbert W. Armstrong and his Worldwide Church of God cult.

Certainly, we are aware of the arrogance that exudes from the AC elite running all the splinters. Quite possibly, Gerald Weston settled the matter by saying something like, "It is true that the booklet reads as if it was our own putrid history but it is not likely our sheep have the mental capacity to make such a connection. After all, we are selling this to the generation born in this church after 1986. Surely, our youth won't scan the internet to learn the truth about the Church their parents birthed them into. And any of their parents who do happen to be able to make the connection have been embroiled in the lie for so long that the cognitive dissonance will not allow them to challenge it." (You read that with Weston's voice in your head, didn't you?)

What I want to do is just review the booklet and point out, in particular, the ways the Protestant Reformation mirrors the history of HWA and the WCG. By doing so, I will prove that Roderick C. Meredith was indeed, a prophet. His thesis is, in fact, a not-so-encrypted prophecy of who HWA would prove to be and what his cult would become over the next 30 years. (Save the stupid comments. I'm being facetious about the prophet thing.)

As is true of just about every argument made in the churches of God, RCM plants his whole thesis on a straw man. He asks the same question, chapter after chapter, "Was the Reformation a return to the faith once for all delivered?" He then sets his own prophetic trap by saying in the close of chapter one pertaining to his central question above: 

"This is the question that should burn itself into the minds and hearts of all thinking men and women, because the final answer to this question will determine -to a great extent- the real meaning of  the religious division and confusion of our time."

He also states at the beginning of his thesis that, "We must weigh any religious denomination or movement in the balance of Christ's prophetic saying: 'You will know them by their fruits.'"

Before moving on from his opening chapter, I do want to share this rather bizarre quote from page 20:

"We need to bear in mind that these men [pre-reformation reformers] -and Luther, Zwingli, Calvin and their associates-had all been reared from childhood in Roman Catholic doctrine and practice. They had been taught nothing else, and since there were practically no religious books or Bibles available in the common tongues , they knew of little else than the Roman Catholic faith, ceremonies, rituals and traditions. Therefore, it was virtually impossible for them to objectively look at the religious system in which they had been reared and compare it to the beliefs and practices of Jesus Christ and the inspired New Testament Church."

Wow! So, let me get this straight. They could not approach the Bible objectively because they were Catholics but apparently, former Methodist, Gilbert Cranmer was able to found the Sabbath-keeping Church of God. And of course, Herb, of Quaker stock, and self-evident narcissist and incestuous child rapist, had the "objectivity" to get baptized by a Baptist preacher, collect minister checks from COG7D for 5-7 years, then start his own (information marketing business) religious cult, cherry-picking ideas from others who thought them, built by already impoverished dupes who kept sending him money even as his false prophecies piled up on radio. Makes sense.

In the 2nd chapter, his first concern about the Catholic church was the Pope's "insatiable craving for money." (You can't make this stuff up.)

The Roman pontiffs were able to extract this money from their unwary subjects by various means concealed under the appearance of religion." -p.24

He goes on to say that much of early reform and revolt was from German nobility who wished to free themselves from "papal taxation." Later, he calls it a "ruthless financial policy." But what RCM was very careful not to call it was "tithes" which is exactly what it was. The Apostolic church certainly never collected tithes as it was understood that it was done away with the Old Covenant. It wasn't until the 500's that the Catholic Church attempted to collect tithes in order to pay for their ornate cathedral buildings but was rejected. The Catholic Church finally succeeded in duping Europe into tithing in 777. The sick irony is, of course, that WCG went on to demand 30%+ in tithes and offerings. As far as I know, that record of financial extraction hasn't been surpassed until Dave Pack declared 100%.

In chapter 3-5 (and a few other places in the booklet) is a personal attack on Martin Luther. Here is a list of character traits he brings out:
  1. a desire to escape authority and obedience
  2. periods of exaltation and depression
  3. moodiness
  4. dogged by perpetual guilt
  5. deep sense of personal inadequacy
  6. spiritually drunk
  7. practiced eisegesis
  8. rejected or ignored Scriptures he disagreed with
  9. justified using violence
  10. became enmeshed in politics
  11. condoned bigamy
  12. chose division instead of fellowship over petty differences
  13. stubborn and self-willed
  14. lived life as though above the law or what he taught others
  15. inconsistent and self-contradictory
  16. proclivity to pick-n-choose from multiple sources to formulate a private system of belief
Obviously, anyone with first-hand experience with or read about HWA knows RCM is describing his very own "spiritual papa." Martin Luther and Herbert Armstrong suffered from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. One noteworthy reference on the subject is a book by Sam Vaknin called, "Malignant Self Love" with a chapter addressing religious leaders. Another is a video on Youtube by Dan Rogers covering the Adventist roots of Grace Communion International. You can watch it below.

Chapter 6 is spent attacking John Calvin for essentially the same character traits as Luther. He does spend more time on his theology but also emphasizes his violent character in enforcing very strict rules of life and carrying out acts of torture and murder on sinners. Sharing more narcissistic traits with Luther and Herb, Calvin was never wrong, refused to change anything he committed to and justified the death of fellow Christians over extreme petty doctrinal differences. HWA (as far as I know)  never advocated for the death of anyone openly but one has to realize, placing a narcissist in the right setting where he knows he can get away with it, will indeed stoop to any heinous sin, whether it be fraud, sexual immorality, theft, torture or murder. In addressing the sheer harshness of Luther and Calvin, RCM concludes by saying:

"This very dominance of Luther and Calvin was, in many ways, detrimental. It led men to accept without question their doctrine and practice-never thinking to prove these ideas by the holy word of God...Protestants often have tended to make infallible popes out of Luther, Calvin and the other early reformers."

Is it just me or does Herb deserve a seat at the same table? For Herb's-sake, the man has been dead for 34 years and if you question even the pettiest of doctrines in the churches of God openly, you are red-flagged by both minister and some members as a rebel, heretic, dangerous, etc.

And on p.107, he says:

"Before gaining political power, the reformers all insisted upon the inalienable right of every Christian to search the Bible for himself and to judge its teachings independently. But once they were in power, woe be to the Catholic, the Anabaptist, or to any other who continued to insist upon this inalienable right!"

The COG7D was established with Congregational governance. By the time HWA came into contact with that church, Andrew Dugger was throwing his weight around, attempting to centralize more power over the church to himself. Narcissists, when not in charge, are all for rebellion, revolution, anarchy or whatever it takes to dismantle power and control. One of Herb's better articles was on church government in 1939. It is clear that he was absolutely opposed to top-down hierarchical government and made a decent case for it being unbiblical. But as some know, by 1979, HWA had just finished using RCM and RFM as his toady henchmen to rid HWA of his "liberal" enemies and secure his papal status in his Armstrongian Catholic church.

RCM is very careful not to attack Roman Catholic government throughout the book, but instead, zeros in on the problematic effects of that government. In his mind, the government wasn't the problem, it was the people. The Catholics are devoid of God and His Holy Spirit, therefore they could not do good. But WCG was Spirit-filled and Spirit-led by "holy" men and therefore "holy" men can make any government function properly.

RCM candidly admits in his Global Church of God government booklet that it was he and Herman Hoeh who convinced HWA in 1953-54 that top-down, hierarchical, one-man rule is the New Testament government. In many ways, RCM played right into the narcissist monster in hiding, feeding him all the narcissistic supply he needed to continue moving forward, his money-making cult venture.

[An interesting side note: he dedicates a page to the lust of nationalism that was sweeping the continent of Europe alongside the Reformation. What he obviously didn't catch was the fact that what started out as a theological theory in England at the time, because of the Reformation, evolved into British-Israelism.]

"It is an undeniable fact the 'fruit' of the Protestant Reformation is the divided 'churchianity' of our day. We must say at the outset that this is bad fruit. Paul tells us that the Spirit of God produces unity-not division." -p.104

Just imagine how easy this was to say in 1956 and not have a clue that what he put in motion with Herman Hoeh in 1954 would lead to what we have today! Here is another easy thing to say in 1956 in the last chapter of the booklet, having no clue what the next 30 years would bring:

"We are forced to conclude that the Reformation certainly did not lead men to the Bible...nor return men to the faith which was once for all delivered...We must recognize that the leaders of the Reformation were only transferring authority to themselves within the same pagan system."

This is exactly what Rod Meredith and Herman Hoeh did in 1954. The two most important doctrines every false church must have in place, in direct opposition to what Christ required in Matthew 20:20-28, in order to draw all power, control, and authority to itself is:

  1. top-down, hierarchical governance
  2. tithing
I don't care if all your other doctrines, dogmas and traditions are spot on, you are disqualified on these two false doctrines alone. Period. Spirit-filled or not, men are not qualified to practice God's hierarchical government (He does indeed have in Heaven) because we are not God. The history of HWA and his cult business is ample proof that this is simply an undeniable truth. The history of man proves this undeniable truth.

The back cover claims there were light revisions made. If I had to guess, these two comments at the very end were probably part of that:

"The true church will be a body of people continually growing into more complete truth and knowledge and deeper understanding!...For decades, this church has dared, as no other church on earth, to proclaim definite, specific prophetic events to occur-and they have been happening!" 

Seriously? The only thing remotely close to being prophetically accurate from the churches of God is this booklet I facetiously pointed out at the beginning. Growth? The churches of God are in suspended animation and have been for at least since Herb drew his last breath, but arguably longer. Some members and their children in the churches of God are actually growing in truth, knowledge and understanding. It is the AC elite that refuses. The churches of God are filled with good people who want to transition from a cult to a church but I wonder if the long shadow of a dead gnostic narcissist will forever prohibit such a jubilee.

I will just conclude with a quote from a Protestant reformer, John Knox, whom RCM quotes on pg. 3:

"All worshipping, honouring, or service of God invented by the brain of man in the religion of God without His own express commandment is shall nothing excuse you to say, we trust not in idols, for so will every idolater allege; but if either you or they in God's honour do anything contrary to God's word, you show yourself to put your trust in somewhat else besides God, and so are idolaters, Mark, brethren, that many maketh an idol of their own wisdom or phantasy; more trusting to that which they think good not unto God."
by: Stoned Stephen Society


Anonymous said...

It's obvious from his sermons, that Rod is no book reading intellectual type. Rather he's like your typical car mechanic. He probably had ghost writers write his thesis, just like Herbs Mystery of the Ages was written by several of his ministers. Herb claiming that he felt that he didn't write the book, is very true, a Freudian slip. The LCG being headed by a car mechanic, whom they still have on a pedestal, is unsurprising in ACOG land. The Car Mechanic church of God.

Byker Bob said...

Everyone whom I've ever met had some degree of narcissism, although some were fairly capable of masking it. Actually, narcissism runs on a sliding scale. What we witnessed amongst many of the leaders in Armstrongism was extreme narcissism. The problem is that many of the examples in the workplace whom we see every day, (managers, magnates, etc.), are successful narcissists. One would think that in the field of Christian ministry, things would be different, and narcissism would have no place amongst those who were making an honest attempt to imitate Jesus. This is another factor that kind of makes one go huh when pondering whether Armstrongism might have even been a Christian religion.


Anonymous said...

Byker, if you have ever owned a business, or even just rune one, you should know that "Christian ministers" are some of the most difficult, even dishonest, clients you are likely to encounter. This is especially true of Protestant Christian ministers; Catholic priests seem to run the gamut. In this one respect, at least, Armstrongist ministers are not that much different from other ministers.

Byker Bob said...

@8:09 I do own my own business, and what you described has not been my experience with either Catholic or Protestant churches. Of course, that could be due to the fact that I do the work for about 20 of my Christian church "customers" pro bono, as part of my personal ministry, because the machines at these churches are being used to get out the gospel of Jesus Christ.


Anonymous said...

I read Rod's thesis some years ago. From what I remember, it was simply a biased compilation of semi-historical information, rather than substantiating an hypothesis. I've seen BBC reformation presentations - there were a lot in 2011 (400th anniversary of KJV) - that were more intellectual than Rod's tome.

Anonymous said...

Narcissists *anywhere* ruin everything. Toxic, exhausting and devoid of empathy.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what has become of Tonto?


Well put together post Stephen!

Mr. Meredith certainly was a prophet, an unknowing one at that, but being caught and trapped in the long shadow for too long a time, truth and error become moot in the presence of the shadow because it is indeed all about the shadow.

I think you disprove your point about hierarchical government and tithing being the two disqualifiers of the true church of God. If some in the COGs are growing in knowledge and understanding in the framework of such a structure then is not a parallel of the Kingdom with the tares and wheat, (with many of the tares being in governmental positions no doubt) much the same? I mean it is not going to be considered a false kingdom because of what is going to happen?

That growth in knowledge, understanding and truth has happened in the perfect place for those looking at it in the context that growth comes by trials or fire or by the edge of the sword or by default with just viewing the actions of men.

With the fact that many got really messed up or killed in these organizations makes it really hard to proclaim or state as fact that they, we or I are a survivor and are thriving as well.

The apostle John in his message to the true church being lead by Diotrephes his antagonist told the church; follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. John then defined "that" as following he that does good who is of God.

Those that can't discern the "inventions" of men are unfortunately stuck following that(those) which are evil.

Anonymous said...

Why is a UCG Pastor under a fake name going after LCG repeatedly?

This is the situation in 2020 the rebels within the Ministry are doing.
It's 6 weeks to the Passover stoned "Stephen". And your writing articles like this. No articles about the goodness of God or Jesus's ministry and the build up to Jesus cruxifiction. No, you'd rarther spend your time wallowing in the WCG past.
Attacking men you never knew personally from behind a mask.

Does Aaron Dean know your doing this? Your brazen. Why are you free to do this?

You write all this, then in real life are quite happy to reap the benefits of being a UCG Pastor. Yet you believe in nothing and are quite happyily posting Grace Communion videos.
No concern there, dare not challenge you on that, but you want others to debate a dead mans AC thesis.
I'd rarther debate your craftiness and deceit.

Vanity, Vanity all is Vanity Stoned 'Stephen'

Anonymous said...

10:50 "happily posting Grace Communion videos"

Do you mean like here, where they reveal HWA thought Sabbath not binding on Christians?!

Anonymous said...

10.50 PM
'..but you want others to debate a dead mans AC thesis.'

Well, all the men in the bible except Christ and God the Father are dead. So are the authors of the American constitution and bill of rights. So are many of the authors of books that I'm reading.
I love reading and debating in my mind, dead mens ideas.

Anonymous said...

6:51am At what time slot in that two hour video does he state that? I'm not listening through the entire spiel.

Stoned Stephen Society said...


Thank you for the thoughtful comment. You make a good and interesting point in using the "wheat and tares" as an example. Individual Christians can and do find ways to grow, even under the most egregious circumstances. Like a dandelion that finds its way through black top. I suppose my view of what the church IS, shapes my thoughts on hierarchy. That is, I believe the church is invisible and precludes organization. If and when it is organized, (if two or three are gathered in My name) what Jesus plainly establishes as order in His church in Matthew 20:20-28 is a priori. That is why it is my opinion that anyone is best to avoid altogether, an organization that lays claim to any type of hierarchical authority from God and demands any amount of one's personal substance.

Human nature has made it a self-evident truth that predators lurk in places that are abundant in prey. They also do so in an environment that is safe and supportive. Hierarchy attracts the worst among us to claw their ways to the top. And they eventually succeed because they are narcissists; in other words, they will achieve their goal by any means necessary.

But I absolutely agree with you: individuals can find ways even in the worst environments. But that does not excuse the environment.

Anyway, that is why I feel so strongly about those two doctrines. Thanks again for the thoughtful comment.

Anonymous said...

"6:51am At what time slot in that two hour video does he state that? I'm not listening through the entire spiel."

This link will start you at the right place - @ 3865 seconds time point.

Anonymous said...

@ 6:51 AM, I can't be sure whether you are deliberately dishonest, or just not too bright.

HWA held to all sorts of positions over the decades. Dan Rogers is such a liar or moron that he mixes up stuff HWA claimed to believe in the 1920s and stuff he claimed to believe in the 1960s as if he won't allow the man to change as he grows and learns.

Few religious leaders are as detestable as HWA, but the new GCI leaders often reach that mark.

Tonto said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I wonder what has become of Tonto?

Due to popular demand, responses from Tonto for BANNED are now a "syndicated podcast" available for your perusal at just $9.99 a month!

Tonto responses will be emailed directly to your email address after you sign up with your credit card at the following location:

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RSK said...

Are answers from Connie cheaper?

Anonymous said...

1:10 said “HWA held to all sorts of positions over the decades. Dan Rogers is such a liar or moron that he mixes up stuff HWA claimed to believe in the 1920s and stuff he claimed to believe in the 1960s as if he won't allow the man to change as he grows and learns.”

The problem is HWA could supposedly change his views about the Sabbath, church government, d&r, Monday Pentecost, etc. but other Christians (Armstrongists or ex-Armstrongists) aren’t allowed to change their minds as they have to stick to what HWA believed and taught in the 1920s or 30s or 40s or 50s or 60s or 70s or 80s. It’s as foolish as the Amish and Muslims.

Anonymous said...

The quote about the "undeniable fact" that the Protestant Reformation resulted in divided "churchianity" and the observation that God's spirit leads to unity and not division is priceless. All I can say is wow! The lack of self awareness and utter denial of the leadership within many of these groups is truly amazing. I simply cannot think of any other explanation as to why this stuff would be published since it is so descriptive of the current state of the splintered cogs that has just gotten progressively worse over the last twenty five years, with little effort or even desire from the leadership of our various factions, or denominations, which is what we are, to try to remedy the situation. What then, should this tell us about any evidence of the Holy Spirit working through the governmental structures and leadership of these groups when we are a reflection of the very thing we criticize about those we consider Protestants? What conclusion is any thinking person supposed to come to? Or are we simply to read the words but not make too many connections with the reality of the Corporate COG itself, and therefore not learn the lesson that God seems to be placing in front of our own noses. We point to the lack of clothing someone else is wearing, when we ourselves are poor, blind, miserable, and naked.

If the Roman Catholic "system" is truly to blame for the ills of Christianity, then why do so many of our corporate church leaders mimic and defend their governmental system? Does the fact that we call the man in charge a president, presiding evangelist, or pastor general instead of a pope, somehow make it okay? We claim Jesus as our head, but so do the Catholics. They claim Jesus as their "invisible head" while the pope occupies the position of "visible head". Are we so very different? Ask your average cog member or minister where their "headquarters" is. Most will tell you it's in Charlotte, Cincinnati, etc. It won't even occur to them to tell you that it resides in heaven, where the true head of the body currently sits. We pay lip service to Jesus as our king, while we seek out human kings, just as Ancient Israel did.

Want more proof that the governmental system many of us grew up in and have largely continued is in many cases effectually the same as theirs? Here is a quote from a letter HWA wrote to the ministry in a publication called the Bulletin in the 1970s..."Meanwhile, Christ, who KNOWS better than we that He is dealing with fallible humans --but who are HONEST with His Word, has BOUND in heaven what His Church, even in unrealized error, has bound in earth." (Dec.3, 1974) In other words, what is being said here, is that even if the "church", meaning the corporate structure, or guy in charge is in "error" Jesus binds it anyway. How is this in practice any different than what the Catholics teach about humans being given the authority to bind and loose? And what happens then if we as individual Christians within the body come to see that something is in error? Are we to just wait until Jesus somehow "unbinds" it, and hope the guy in charge or "church" picks up on it? Or do we have a responsibility to work out our own salvation with trembling and fear? Will we be held accountable if we continue to practice or believe something that is untrue, because it has been "bound" by the human powers within the corporation we attend? This is just one of the pitfalls of a strict pyramidal hierarchy, that does not allow for the practice of faith and conscience of the individual christian.

Concerned Sister

Anonymous said...

The same married couple with their various fake names have posted numerous times here on their own post.

The same couple that will be sat in the UCG GCE 25th anniversary audience.

Make of that what you will.

Anonymous said...

7:20am Who cares?

Anonymous said...

Who cares ? God the Father and Jesus Christ care.