Showing posts with label Yisrayl Hawkins sees donkeys in clouds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yisrayl Hawkins sees donkeys in clouds. Show all posts

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Yisrayl Hawkins Sees Jackasses In The Clouds

Yisrayl Hawkins, the heretical false prophet of the Armstrongite splinter cult, The House of Yahweh, has been watching clouds too long and is imagining all kinds of things in them.

When was the last time you lay on the ground and watched the clouds roll by and envisioned animals, castles, and all kinds of stories.  Most stopped doing that as kids.  Well, I say most, because Yisrayl Hawkins is still staring at clouds.

What is the first thing he saw recently?  That there was a big donkey in the clouds staring at an olive tree.  In Yisrayl's hallucinogenic state he saw this donkey and had a vision that the was actually representing his church members.  We have heard COG ministers refer to church members jackasses in the past, but never as donkeys.

I had driven from the present Sanctuary at Abel, which sits on forty-four acres of campgrounds where we celebrate Yahweh's Feasts, to the studio where we do the Prophetic Word programs, and noticed the clouds along the way. I stopped in front of the studio and looked to my right at the clouds and saw the most amazing sight of my life—a cloud that was not moving. 

I had been bringing out the Prophecies concerning the donkeys (Genesis Chapter 49), which refer to the workers in The House of Yahweh who are tethered to the Branch in this last generation. I had been bringing these Prophecies for several months so everyone was fully acquainted with them at the time this cloud was formed over the Land of Yahweh, now known as Abelin.

I first noticed the donkey itself in this cloud. In fact, I stared at it for several seconds, amazed at how perfectly it was formed. It was not moving. It was a perfectly formed donkey with a perfectly formed pack on its back. Its ears were pointed slightly forward, as if it was staring at the cloud in front of it, which wasn't moving either. It was like someone took a large picture and hung it in the sky over the land of Yahweh. I had plenty of time to study the full scene, as I realized that Yahweh was holding it there for me to see. In fact, it didn't move at all until I called another family in that area to have them see this marvelous sight. Only then, did the cloud start to move and break up. 

The more I dwelt on this scene, the more I realized this was a sign from Yahweh to His House. Yahweh and the High Priest over The House of Yahweh, Yahshua Messiah, are the only Beings in the universe Who have Power (Authority) to actually control clouds. Signs in the Clouds
It amazes me that there are foolish people in his cult that actually believe this drivel!   You have to check out his web site to see this entry that also describes seeing an olive tree in the clouds.  These people are crazy!  Plain and simple.