Monday, June 16, 2014

From Prophet to Beefcake

I guess being a prophet was a little too much for Eric King.  He seems to be placing more focus upon his music.  Though I wonder why he calls himself a "beatnik" since most of his music is more along the "country" genre.  He should stick to his music because he certainly is better at that than he is at church and prophetic interpretations! 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Famine of the Word is HERE!!!!! Did A COG Leader Flee to Petra, Get Raptured, Hiding Out in a Sweat Lodge or Become a Professional Beatnik?

The famine of the word is here!  Gods most mighty servant E. W King no longer has a public ministry where he can witness to the WCG or to new comers.

After enduring the last two to three years of being mocked endlessly for his crazy beliefs it seems he has wandered off into the sunset with his sheep dog and horses.

His journey has been a mixed bag of cultish nonsense.  What he was before the Seventh Day Adventist Church I have no idea, but he thought he was a major voice in that church.  Then he became disillusioned that no one as listening to him so he because a Worldwide Church of God member.  If he though no one listened to him in the SDA church he had a LOT to learn about Armstrongism.  They too ignored him causing him to start his own web based church where he claimed to be the only leader holding on to the truth of Herbert Armstrong.  While doing that he also immersed himself in to Native American spiritual that sent him further overboard.  He even made a foray into being "A Modern Beatnik" where he "blows your mind" with "And the Wind Blows."

His blog where he boasted about his mind boggling prophetic powers now comes back with this:

His main church blog comes back with this:

If King really thinks he is that important and that his ministry is holding on to the truth then WHY has he abandoned the world around him?  Is he only letting in a select few of loyal followers?  If so then he has betrayed the world around him and is willing to let people suffer horrific deaths in the endtimes because he was an impotent unwilling man who cared more about his hurt feelings than he did about their salvation.