Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, August 10, 2013

James Malm: Big Band Style Dances at the Feast are CARNAL!

Old James is back in his typical negative Pharisaical mindset today.  There does not seem to be much in the world that makes this man happy except for when the law of the Old Testament is discussed.  Then his eyes light up and gleam though only for as long as he thinks you are keeping the entire law.  Break one of them and you will get scowled at.

Apparently Malm thinks Big Band music and dancing lead to fun things later on in the evening:

One of his acolytes asked him today about his mentioning of  dancing in some of his postings.

Hi. James. I noticed you highlighted the word dance thrice in your post today. Could you be in favor of dancing in church?

James, the legalist, responds:

Not in services; however I am in favor of a dance for joy to God, and not the usual COG big band carnal dance at the Feasts. Dancing before the Lord as David involved songs of praise and dancing for joy in the Eternal. Here is an example.

The COG Feast are far too carnal and focused on ourselves and not really on God. Everything is about us having a good time, or about how we will dominate others. James

This is what James likes to see at the Feast.  This group of people are non-Church of God and are among large groups that "keep" the Feast annually with lots of singing and dancing.  It certainly looks faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar more enjoyable than anything that will happen at Malm's feast site this year.  Listening to him preach for 9 day straight would send any thinking person to the looney-bin. Oh wait, if the person was a thinking person they would not even be at James feast!  Imagine 9 days of one sermon after another about the law.  "You can't do this, you can't do that, No!  No!  No!  No! You are sinful human garbage in God's eyes!  He is going to SPIT you out!  You are a stench in God's nostrils!  You are destined to the lake of fire! Every time you sin you crucify Jesus Christ all over again."

Friday, August 9, 2013

Dave Pack: Four Days Remain Till Jesus Comes on Tuesday...After He Missed Last Tuesday

Dave admits he could have written much much more on this great event soon to happen, but too many people are too stupid to grasp what he has to say and others are mocking him, so no one deserves to know the rest.

Then we are warned that we have four days left till his god returns to take over the church. He made this same announcement last week and his god never showed up.  Next Tuesday will be a repeat performance.  Jesus Christ is NOT returning to help Dave with his putrid cult.

I decided to make this final announcement shorter. This is because instruction and warning has been given. Enough has been written. The serious reader will read and consider the following passages, chapters and whole books over the coming days in light of the prophecy as you have learned it. Considering that the apostles all believed they lived at the time of the end, and that God inspired them to write and record events as though they did, we should look at what God is saying through them TO US. Consider reading the list below in the order given. Some points are explicit, others more subtle. The reader should ask God to guide him through what is recorded. Look for specific themes, descriptions, parallels and warnings. (Of course I realize these are passages that can be taken in more than one way, that can have multiple applications). But how many specific themes, descriptions, parallels and warnings can you find while studying these scriptures—perhaps on your knees?:
(1) II Peter 1:19-2:22—Many points apply here—there are many parallels—but who are those “made [Grk: born] to be taken and destroyed” in the context of the “swift destruction” of chapter 2, verse 1 after having “made merchandise of the brethren”? Who are these men described as “among you,” meaning among the brethren?
(2) Acts 20:28-32—“Grievous” wolves means “weighty” or “authoritative” wolves—TOP wolves—and Paul also describes these wolves as “among you.” What was it that Paul knew—“For I know this”—that caused him to warn as he did—day and night for three years with tears? Ponder this.
(3) James 5:1-9—This entire book is addressed to “brethren,” a word found over 20 times in James—by far more than any other book of the Bible. Chapter 5 focuses on “rich men” who “howl.” James speaks directly to these men who are among, and who are afflicting, the brethren. Strangely, James has no power to deal with them—to DO anything about them. For the moment, imagine Mr. Armstrong describing such people and then not disfellowshipping them. This is an end of the age prophecy about men who only God could address because they were “beyond the reach” of the apostle James. Verses 7, 8 and 9 all talk as though Christ’s coming would be soon.
(4) Jude—Note that Jude references three men in verse 11—Cain, Balaam and Korah—who are seen to be a type of evil. In reference to “ungodly men,” God says “Woe to them” who “crept in unawares” and copied the path of these three men. These are yet again described as leaders who are foretold to live in the “last time” (vs. 18) and who are among God’s people (vs. 12). Yet, like James, Jude writes as though the Government of God’s Church cannot “reach” these men—to do anything about them.
(5) Psalm 11—All
(6) Psalm 37—All, but read very carefully for a long series of powerful terms, messages and signals.
(7) Psalm 44—All, but particularly the latter two-thirds where it is obvious that the flock of slaughter—seen to be “cast off,” and in “the place of dragons”—is asking God to intervene and save them.
(8) Psalm 50—All
(9) Psalm 80—All
(10) I Kings 19—All
(11) Ezra—All
(12) Nehemiah—All
Four days remain until Elul 1 (Tuesday evening), when the Great Shepherd, Christ, begins actively shepherding the remnant!

Dave Pack Drops Great Reunification of ENTIRE Church to Just 7,000 Members

Dave's great addition of new members is already dropping and they haven't even joined yet!

Many Old Testament passages foretell a remnant of physical Israel returning from captivity. In the Zechariah 11 prophecy, God is going to break His staff called “Grace.” How interesting that the apostle Paul was inspired to describe the New Testament “remnant” (of Romans 11:1-5) as a “remnant according to the election of GRACE.” In addition, verse 4 points to the Old Testament account in I Kings 19, involving Elijah the prophet. The serious reader may wish to read all of I Kings 19 for parallels in search of why God inspired Paul to use THIS ACCOUNT as a reference regarding how we do or do not listen to God, among other purposes. Recall and reread I Corinthians 10:11 and Romans 15:4 from last week. Is Paul also telling us that 7,000 baptized members will be faithful, and added to His Church? If so, what about children in the count? Are these just the number who are “holdovers, the surviving portion” (the meaning of “remnant” in Haggai), from the Worldwide Church of God, with others converted later in the splinters on top of this? How do the thousands already in The Restored Church of God fit into this number—if it is to be taken as a literal number at all? I do not know the answers. Again, I have ideas, but we will all wait to see the answers.

Dave Pack: I Could Tell You Who The Three Church Leaders Are....But I Won't

I don't think Dave realizes how incredibly stupid he sounds when he writes this stuff!  He has been blabbering on for months and months about his god killing three COG leaders, yet he refuses to say who they are, even though The 16 have discussed these three men many times.

Of course, many are eager to learn “Who are the three shepherds?” We will know soon enough. But we might also ask: Which three leaders are the greatest obstructionists to God’s stated purpose in Haggai—returning HIS people to doing HIS Work? Yet again, we will watch and see.

Dave can't publicly say who these three are.  If he does he sets himself and his organization up as suspects in their death.  Too many know that Dave has made these announcements and many are eager to turn him in to the authorities if this happens.

He also can't say who they are because he will look like a fool come September 1 when they are all three still alive.  Dave has essentially painted himself into a corner and will not have any positive outcome to the story.

Dave Pack Tries to be Humble and Can't Grasp the Concept

Dave is such a humble man that he would NEVER EVER dream of pretending to be a prophet.  Dave also wants you to know that he does NOT EVER spout personal opinion!  Though, Dave does want us to know that his new Reunified church will be COLOSSAL!  No humility there, boys and girls, no need to look......move along...there are better things to see....like three dead church leaders....

If I were trying to palm myself off as a prophet, I would just spout a personal opinion at this point without worrying about whether I was right or wrong, or what God says. But the above question is an example of something we must wait to see. The “size”—the MAGNITUDE—of the three shepherds’ removal on the world scene will speak volumes to God’s Church and the Government within it about how rapidly God is planning a Work of great impact. We can emphatically rule out the Work emerging as “small.” But we might ask: will events of August catapult God’s Work to something immediately the size of “medium,” “large” or “colossal”? While I have ideas, I do not have the answer. We will wait and see together.

Dave Pack Presents A Hilarious List of 6 Proof-text's for the Complete Obliteration of the Splinter Churches of God....Oh, Need I Remind You That the Silver and Gold Are HIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here are Dave's vital six points on the complete obliteration of the Churches of God when his god kills the three major splinter group leaders this month.

Complete Destruction!

We learned that God is bringing “desolation” on the splinters. I promised last week to present six biblical proofs that after the prophecy is fulfilled the splinter “houses” will be gone or well on their way out. All competition to God’s true Work will be eliminated. Here are GOD’S proofs, not mine:
(1) Haggai 1:11 reveals that God calls for a “drought,” more correctly translated “desolation.” It involves a list of very distinct categories within the splinters. The categories that God lists are comprehensive—complete. One of my previous announcements explained them. Verse 11 also describes God’s desolation including “all the labor of the hands.” Labor includes “toil, work, property and produce.” This describes destruction of competing works—labors. (Point 4 will amplify labor.) “Desolation” means desolation, not something short of desolation. God’s plain meaning is that He plans to destroy these organizations. On what basis would you disagree with the meaning of desolation?

(2) Zechariah 11:3 describes “shepherds” (ministers) “howling” because their “glory is spoiled.” Reviewing last week: Glory means “something ample (as a large vine, a wide dress)…garment, glory, goodly, mantle, robe.” These are “respected” men in positions of authority. Spoiled includes the meaning “ravage: dead, destroy (-er), spoil (-er), (lay) waste.” We might ask: Does this imply anything less than complete destruction? Make yourself answer.
I guess all the mockers and scoffers will be in the first group.  As if anyone of us gives a rats ass if we are "severed" from Dave's impotent god!

(3) Zechariah 11:9 describes three categories of people remaining after God removes the “poor of the flock” from their midst—a group now merely described as “you.” These are those who will not return to God’s Church when given the final opportunity, and who are permanently severed from God. Read the passage and see the three categories, as we did last week. What do they say to you? Verse 9 is God interpreting verse 3. Possibly small pieces of organizations may remain, and probably only temporarily. But it is obvious they can accomplish nothing. With God’s Spirit gone, the collapse and loss of corporate assets and income, and loss of many ministers and staff, a less than pretty picture remains.

(4) Haggai 2:17 speaks of symbolic “blasting, mildew [Heb: paleness from fright] and hail” poured out by God on the splinters. This supports and reinforces #1 above—a scene of desolation. Add to this Haggai 1:9, where God says of the splinter “houses’” efforts, “I blew it away” (margin). Note that the “blasting, mildew and hail” also comes upon “all the labors of your hands,” encompassing all the competing works of men. Labors here is a different Hebrew word, and it means, “actions, transactions, activity, products, business, labor, thing made, occupation, operation, work (manship).” These are all GOD’S choice of words and terms. Let’s ask: Why would we believe He meant something other than what He said?
Then Dave has to resort to his obscene obsession with the money these groups all have.

(5) Notice the instruction to “this people”—many of whom soon after form the remnant—in Haggai 1:8 to “bring wood” from their “mountain(s)” to “build God’s House.” Wood is used for offerings all through the Old Testament. Beginning Christians learn that mountains is a symbol for governments or nations—in this case, governments of the splinters. It is pretty obvious the kind of assets that become available to God’s Work. Related to this, God says in Haggai 2:8 that “the silver is Mine and the gold is Mine.” Ponder this a little in the context of a book (Haggai) covering the subjects you have seen. Why would God include such a blunt statement, and seemingly so out of context? It appears God is saying these things were always His, not anyone else’s. The massive thievery by false leaders is now over. In effect, at least in part, God is saying what was Mine is now Mine again, as it always should have been. If you disagree with the meaning of #5 here, why?
Dave falsely claims that James, the brother of Jesus predicted this great obliteration of the false splinter group ministers:
 (6) Supporting all of this is an extensive New Testament passage written by the apostle James. In a context easily seen to be a parallel of the prophecy—for many reasons!—James 5:1-6 describes the riches of false leaders being “corrupted” and destroyed. It is interesting that James 5 starts out with “rich men” who are told to “howl,” only one indicator (a strong one) that this is a New Testament parallel of the Haggai/Zechariah prophecy.

After reading the above points, the objective person concludes that God foretells complete desolation of the splinters and slivers. We will see if this takes a while for some groups—or happens QUICKLY to all. Reread Zechariah 11:9.

After reading the above points, the objective person concludes that God foretold of raving lunatics like Dave coming in like wolves to devour the sheep!

Dave Pack Is Already Facing Stiff Opposition From Splinter Group Ministers

I looks like Dave's Great Reunification is hitting some bumps in the road.  Many COG ministers are letting members know what an idiot Dave is and he doesn't like it. 

When they speak out against god's greatest living man to ever exist, leading the worlds greatest Church of God ever, they are deliberately ending their ministry - giving themselves NO CHANCE to continue ministering to the people of God.

It has been fascinating to see which ministers in the splinters will not even wait to see if they could be wrong in disagreeing with the explanation in these announcements. Rather they are speaking out against the meaning of the prophecy, thus choosing to end their ministry—choosing to give themselves no chance to continue serving God’s people. This is because they have gone on public record against how Christ is regathering His flock (recall Matthew 12:30-32)—and because they do not want to give up their positions of power. Such men should have read and believed the “Attention Ministers” section at the end of each of these announcements. A little patience and humility would have served them well. But, we are all the “captains of our own ship.” This prophecy will soon prove this at a profound level.

It seems like a little patience and humility on DAVE's part would have served him well too!

Dave Pack: My 'god' Feels It Is More Important To Let The Church Know About The Great Reunification Than It Is About The Return of Jesus

Dave feels it is vitally important that his god has to inform the Restored Church of God before he does the next big miracle.   Otherwise the members are too stupid to know what is happening.  What a weak impotent little god that god is!

It was more important to Dave's god to let the year be known when the church would reunite than it is to announce the return of Jesus.

Dave admits that The 16 have wasted huge amounts of time sitting around  analyzing, plotting and planning this great reunification.  The Church of God is no more ready for this stupid reunification than they are for the return of Jesus.

Consider. God would first have to notify—inform!—His Church in advance of His plans, and for many reasons. Again, Amos 3:7. The biggest reason is that His Church could not be ready for what would absolutely blindside it with sudden enormous growth, and growth coming without explanation. Our questions would be what is God doing and why—and when will it end. How will this change and expand our ministry?—and size of Headquarters staff?—and the same with our college? How big will the Work now suddenly grow? In short, what does all this sudden growth mean? Wherever you think God’s Church is, you surely would agree with this much. God would have to inform His Church of what He intended to do. The only question remaining for His Church—and this IS the biggest one we had among many others that were big—was WHEN—what was the YEAR He would gather His people to one House. Consider again. We would also have to know the year of fulfillment EARLY ON or we would waste a tremendous amount of time researching, analyzing and preparing for a prophecy that lay far in the distance. There would have to be enough time to prepare. I can report on behalf of God’s Church that the amount of time given us has been perfect. The Church of God is READY for events now on the horizon.

Dave seems to conveniently forget this stinging rebuke from God:

New International Version
"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
New Living Translation
"However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows.
English Standard Version
“But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.
New American Standard Bible
"But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.
King James Bible
But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
Holman Christian Standard Bible
"Now concerning that day and hour no one knows--neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son--except the Father only.
International Standard Version
"No one knows when that day or hour will come —not the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father,
NET Bible
"But as for that day and hour no one knows it--not even the angels in heaven--except the Father alone.
Aramaic Bible in Plain English
But about that day and about that hour no one knows, not even the Angels of Heaven, but The Father alone.
GOD'S WORD® Translation
"No one knows when that day or hour will come. Even the angels in heaven and the Son don't know. Only the Father knows.
King James 2000 Bible
But of that day and hour knows no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
American King James Version
But of that day and hour knows no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

Dave Pack: I have Much More To Tell You But Pain-in-the-Ass Bloggers Will Just Mock Me

Poor Dave.  Everyone in the blogisphere seems to be getting on his nerves!  How dare we mock God's most important man to live since Jesus!  How dare we mock the leader of the worlds most superfantabulous Church of God eeeeeeeeeeevvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

What a thin skinned little prick he has turned out to be!  The worlds biggest narcissist can't handle criticism.  Mr. Perfect can't handle being thought of as imperfect.

Before Dave whines and cry's over the bloggers, notice how he thinks his followers are stupid idiots that are not worthy of the "hidden points" that he still claims to know about  but refuses to publish because we will mock him.  What a pansy ass!

Some weeks ago, when explaining the year that the prophecy is fulfilled, I listed perhaps two dozen reasons for 2013. There are perhaps twice that many more reasons that have been listed by those of us inside the process of learning what God is doing. There is no point in enumerating them all because they would merely be lampooned by scoffers and mockers who in many cases might not even respond to the prophecy when they SEE it! For those who wish to be objective, but who take as a starting point that they do not believe the year of the prophecy’s fulfillment is 2013, ask why you disagree with the internal elements of the prophecy itself. I have put in a great many hours preparing what you read because there is value in getting people to think about what will happen BEFORE it happens. If you are among those who agree with the prophecy but have decided that some later year carries a better chance for fulfillment, then you are probably already at least a little bit “considering your ways” as God instructs twice in Haggai 1. This much is good. The job was never mine to convince you of the prophecy, but rather to inform you in the spirit of God’s promise in Amos 3:7, explained last Friday. It is God’s job to convince you of EVERYTHING He is going to do. His servants merely inform you, knowing they are powerless to convince. Grasp this difference.

Dave gives himself an easy out again when his prophecy fails this coming Feast.  "It wasn't MY job to ensure that it happens, it was God's job and God delayed the timing.  Don't blame me!  Morons!"

Dave Pack Says He Is FINALLY Going To Shut Up!

Dave Pack has come forth with what he claims is his LAST announcement to the unwashed, unrepentant COCGers who continue to laugh at him.  I will not hold my breath on that one.  He is such an arrogant narcasssit that he will just have to say one more thing....then another.....then another....and then another.......

He also arrogantly claims what he has been prophesying is one of the greatest prophecies of the Bible.  Leave it to an Armstrongite to find the greatest prophecy of the Bible to be Old Testament law related instead of the birth of Jesus, his, ministry and mystery of the resurrection.  Jesus and his wimpy-ass message is not worth talking about. Law trumps grace every single time in Armstrongism.

This is my last announcement in this long series covering one of the greatest prophecies in the Bible—the reunification of God’s people. Much has already been covered. There is no value in restating all that has been written. Twenty-four previous announcements are available on our website. This one will be much shorter, covering final points.

Philadelphia Church of God Continues It's Abusive Child Sabbath Rules To Extend Before and After Services

The craziness at PCG continues today with the latest article about children being FORCED to  behave in church services. 

Joel Hilliker, a junior underling at PCG HQ has penned another child rearing article he is not qualified to be writing.  Before and After Services - Still Holy Time

The true identity of the true church is well behaved children.  Apostle Paul would know it was a COG because the kiddies were well behaved.

What would the Apostle Paul say if he walked in on one of our Sabbath services?

He wrote that we should know “how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God” (1 Timothy 3:15, Revised Standard Version).

In those congregations that are blessed to have children, the behavior of those young ones can make all the difference in whether the services really represent the name Philadelphia Church of God. That is, whether they uphold the Philadelphian standard; whether they befit the very elect, called-out ones; and whether they honor the Being whose name we stand for.
 Of course well behaved children behave because their daddy has made them submissive and scared shitless.

Paul said a leader in the Church should be “one who rules his own house well, having his children in submission with all reverence” (verse 4, New King James Version). Every parent with children at home should have that goal. Our children’s Sabbath behavior is an excellent test of how well we are living up to it.

Now that PCG kids are submissive in church, the PCG is extending it's reach beyond church services.  That strict and vigilant ENFORCEMENT of the law for church etiquette has to extend to the home also.

In my last column we talked about how our children should behave during services in order to minimize distractions and to prepare them to receive the instruction as they get older. Here we’ll discuss the standard we should strive to maintain in our children’s behavior before and after services.

“Many of our brethren may not fully realize the seriousness of strict training and vigilant enforcement of behavior of children at Church services,” Herbert W. Armstrong wrote in the Good News magazine, May 1981. “God is holding every one of you parents responsible!”
Hilliker continues on by quoting the letter that HWA reprinted in the Good News form his son Richard David covering child rearing practices.  That abusive drivel has been discussed on various COG sites over the last week.  Given that Hilliker now brings that letter up as a shining truth means that PCG is closely monitoring these blogs.  Its not a coincidence.

This sickest part of HWA's praise of Richard's abuse, is this:

In this article, Mr. Armstrong reprinted a letter his son Richard David wrote in 1958 to the brethren in the Fresno congregation addressing children’s behavior at Sabbath services. “I do not think my son really wrote this letter, except as God’s instrument. The living Christ, I feel, actually authored it,” he explained. “But it contains a dynamic sermon on the responsibility of parents for the training and the behavior of their children at Church services.”

What an endorsement from God’s end-time Elijah! Consider the main points of instruction and correction this Christ-authored letter has for us parents.
The lengths that PCG goes to to lick HWA's ass is appalling.

So what can your kiddies do on Saturdays?

That is the overarching principle we must remember when we monitor and regulate our children’s behavior before and after services. This is still holy time. Isaiah 58:13 commands that we all—including our children—refrain from doing our own pleasure to ensure the Sabbath is “holy of the Lord, honourable.”

That means no running or horseplay. The children should not be throwing things, or noisily rolling cars around, or being overly loud. Boys seem especially prone to such behavior. We must direct them toward appropriate alternatives.
“Of course your children can play with the other children when services are over,” said the August 1965 Good News. “They should look forward to and enjoy the Sabbath when they see all their friends again. But this is not license to sail airplanes out of restroom windows, wrestle on the floor, or bang chairs around ….”

Our children should be quiet and orderly throughout the Sabbath. They should respect the property at services—including songbooks and other children’s toys—and have a sense of decorum befitting the occasion.
 Also, take some time before and/or after services to have your children speak with adults. Teach them how to be friendly—to look them in the eye, to answer questions (hopefully with more than a yes or no), to speak up.
 Two more points: Children should be taught not to walk through adult conversations (we can all help with this). They should be taught not to interrupt when adults are talking.

God Punishes Man's Daughter Because He Let The Cable Guy Fix His Unit On The Sabbath

The magical and punitive  god of Armstrongism still continues to eagerly sit on high with his thumb on the punishment button ready to dish out pain and suffering on sinful COG members.

Is it any wonder the COG is loosing so many members across the board when the god they follow is this angry and pissed off all the time?

Do you ever think sometimes that when bad things happen to you or someone you love, you might have brought it on by your sinning? Well, something very bad happened to my daughter recently, right after I let the cable guy come fix my cable on the sabbath. I would have had to take off work to do it any other day. I sure should have. Ironic, after six weeks of sitting by her bed in the hospital, I lost my job anyway. Thankfully I didn’t lose my daughter. God is serious, and he is quick to forgive too. It’s never too late to learn how to honor our Father. (From The Church of Malm)

James Malm: COG's Should Not Be Renting Halls Where "pagan" Employee's Are Working to Keep it Clean on Saturdays

A Church of Malm acolyte asks the apostle:

James if we take the points brought out in the above posting and apply them to meeting in facilities on the Sabbath where employees are operating the facility, is that also not an area to examine in breaking the Sabbath?

The Chief Pharisee and apostle responds:

We have God’s command to meet, and therefore operating a meeting room for a meeting and sermon is NOT sin, it is obedience to God’s command. The tabernacle and the temple functioned on Sabbaths and High Days. That said such meeting places where there are paid staff working on Sabbaths should be reassessed and changes should be made, so that set up is before Sabbath and clean up is after Sabbath etc.

Also I do take issue with meeting in pagan environments like Masonic Lodges, other religious church buildings etc.

Efforts should be made to have a place for services that is in a godly environment and where as little as possible work is done on Sabbath and as much preparation as possible is done before the Sabbath begins. The COG Groups fall far short in these areas just as they fall far short by cooking and doing other work, or paying others to work on Sabbath.

I know that many people even shine shoes, do ironing etc etc on Sabbath to prepare for services; these things can easily be done the preparation day and on Sabbath we should be devoted to prayer, Bible Study and teaching our families and discussing the scriptures. Maybe along with a few breaks for a nap[ or a walk in the park. James

James Malm Is Ready To Climax in 2014

No silly, not THAT kind of climax!  Malm is expecting his ministry to end by the end of 2014 when his "christ" returns and whips the disobedient asses of the rebellious COG members who refuse to follow him.

The apostle Malm has written what he intends to be preaching about at his Oregon feast site this year. Notice his topics.  Jesus is not even hinted at in any of his sermons. It will be the law, 24/7/9.

The apostle is also facing intense persecution and is suffering horribly as a true martyr because nasty bloggers and rumor-mongers are making fun of him.  Shame!  Shame!

What will I be doing over the next year?

First is the Feast of  Tabernacles, during which I shall be concentrating on the subjects of overcoming sin and on the law and the Ten Commandments; as well as the Psalms appointed to be sung at the Feast.  These messages will be recorded and posted on the Audio site as quickly as possible.  The first High Day will be prerecorded so that the sermons can be posted in a timely manner for the High Day.

After the coming Feast the focus will be on Daniel and Ezekiel; to be followed by Leviticus and Numbers, with Genesis and then Exodus in the general time around Passover, followed by Joshua.  In the summer  the history books of Samuel, Kings and Chronicles.

Late in 2014 there will be a refresher on law and grace, the end time signs and various other important points.

After this year’s Feast there will be some analysis of how things could be improved and on how we can have more Feast sites.  This year a considerable number could not attend because of distance and cost of travel.

IF things continue on track for a declaration of Peace and Safety and IF the abomination is empowered in 2014; he would be set up near 25 September and the tribulation would begin about 75 days later when he goes to the Holy Place.

The Feast of Tabernacles is expected on Oct 11 to the 18th; which means that this man could be working his miracles, and the New Europe could be rising; during the Feast of Tabernacles in 2014!

Hopefully this work will reach its climax at the 2014 Feast of Tabernacles, and God’s two servants will begin their mission after that Feast.

If not, and we have more time; then I shall continue with this work of warning and calling all the brethren to a closer relationship with our Creator and his Father.

This work is not some fly by night casual thing I dreamed up.  I could do without all the cursing, false rumors, false accusations and name calling that has been heaped on me, as well as the serious financial struggle.  

I am doing this for a reason, and it is a very real and vital warning; that if not heeded will have dire consequences for the brethren.  God is giving his people a very serious warning to turn to a zeal to learn and keep his word.  This is no light thing; it is a matter of being in the first; first fruits resurrection to eternal life or not.
I will never stop until God’s two begin, or I am dead. 

James Malm: "Those leaders, elders and brethren who think that I am some kind of irrelevant flash in the night are gravely mistaken."

The Church of God's greatest legalist is back today stating his purpose for existence, though he is NOT starting a church.

Apostle Malm sees himself as an Elijah restoring truths once delivered which are ignored by 99% of the COG, as a prophet because his god speaks to him, and an end time witness.  His is a "WARNING" work dedicated to "HOT zeal" in the truly called out ones. He is preparing the way for the Two Witnesses and is the spokesman for Jesus Christ.  As a spokesman for Jesus Christ he is here to warn everyone that Jesus Christ is going to reject and spit out the disobedient COGers.

He is doing such an amazing work that literally thousands will repent and return to the truth over the next couple of years.

He is also so arrogant in his message that the thinks he is preparing people for their "correction" by Jesus Christ.

With Flurry claiming he has the only truth and Dave Pack's asinine pronouncements, it is getting really hard to know which idiot is the true COG end time leader.

This post is to restate my agenda and announce plans for the coming year.

I began this work about six years ago; and I began this Blog in April 2010.

From the very beginning I have said that my agenda was to: wake up, stir up and challenge, to provoke or inspire and to encourage the brethren into a zeal to study, to learn and to keep the whole word of God. 

Further, that I wanted to share the understanding that has been given to me; and to restore what has been lost over the years; and to reveal new things, according to God’s promise that in the last days knowledge should be increased, Dan 12:4.

Finally, this work is a work of WARNING and turning people to a dedicated HOT zeal for God and his word!  

Reaching out to those who are willing to respond now, preparing the way for the coming two servants of God; and also warning the unrepentant who are about to be rejected by Christ, so that in tribulation they will remember that they have been warned and will in their hour of correction turn back to the Mighty One of Jacob.  

I do believe that the vast majority will not repent and will be cast into the correction of great tribulation, that is when the main fruits of this work will come.  However at this time, hundreds of brethren in most COG organizations are turning to a wholehearted zeal for God and his word.

I expect this process to continue and to grow over the next year; and that hundreds, perhaps as many as a thousand will be ready to obey the voice of God’s two servants when they are revealed.

What I am doing is warning the Called Out and helping to turn them to a zeal for God and his word: and preparing the way for God’s two servants; and warning and preparing  the unrepentant for their correction; so that they will understand why they have fallen into great tribulation, and will repent at that time

Those leaders, elders and brethren who think that I am some kind of irrelevant flash in the night are gravely mistaken.  This work will go on and continue in scope and power right up until God’s two servants begin their work.

Dennis on: 'The Three Shepherds: Exposing the soft underbelly of " ABCD and XY and Z "

Soft Underbelly Exposed

The newly appointed and self ordained Joshua the High Priest which was, and is and  meant to be, David C Packstrong is very mislead in his strange and weird ideas about the intended meaning of Zechariah 11 and in particular verse 8. 

Let's just remind ourselves one more time why this is important to point this out and that we have complete permission from DCP to do so.

"...now, if I became deceived, I will never tell you what I'm going to tell you now...I am telling you if I go off into strange ideas, misconduct, rebellion, you name it, don't follow me. I want to tell you that now, because if I start doing that I'm gonna try to get you to follow me! I'm gonna come to you and tell you it doesn't apply, it doesn't mean me, no, no, no, no, no, no, it's OK to follow me because ABCD and XY and Z. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

I can't speak for the members of the Restored Church of God to whom this was spoken, but , yes I do understand Dave and I'm going to keep it up until you do.  We are in the last three weeks, according to David Pack before the Grand Unification, which seems to me more a Grand Uni-fiction, of all the splinters left over from the WCG implosion over the last two decades.  Within Dave's strange and weird ideas about himself as being the fulfillment of what the minor prophet Haggai was getting at concerning the mere type of Joshua the High Priest in the actual book of Haggai.  What Haggai really meant was David C Pack and the Restored Church of God.  Crazy I know, but it's written in Bible Code according to Dave and he has the keys to unlock the code.  Actually he says the code is easy to unlock if you let the Bible interpret the Bible but then if it is an easy code why bother with a code at all.  Double talk if you ask me.

Please bare with me on this. I have chosen the core of what Dave seems to believe about the meaning of Zecharia 11 and not included all the ramblings and cockeyed reasonings that lead up to this.  Let's just say that Dave has a tendency to concoct a mistaken meaning which we will call concocted meaning and mistaken interpretation number one and from that flow ever more misleading and misguided mistakes which add up to truth in Dave's view.  If you can't see it, I can't help you. The idea that Dave is seeing the literal demise of three COG ministers in one day to satisfy his misconceptions of both himself and what Scripture actually means or at least does not mean is simply outrageous to me .  If Dave would go by his own judgmental criteria, he'd be one if not all three of these "men" he thinks Haggai speaks about.

I am personally hoping I can get through this brief article as this week, according to David C Packstrong aka Joshua the Real High Priest of Haggai, was a real milestone in his imaginary prophetic musings.

"Jesus Christ is a shepherd. He is about to again actively shepherd His flock—starting Elul 1 (August 6/7). What should He be expected to do to wolves now in His path? What would any good shepherd do when he sees wolves close by—in this case among and over—his flock? Remove them!"

While I am not a Shepherd, I am sure if my heart quit in the midst of this article, you'd have your proof that Dave is indeed the chosen one of Haggai.  According to Dave, Jesus Christ has been inactive in the Church up to yesterday the 6th but that has now changed.  In my personal experience, when past Apostles and Evangelists said, "Christ is moving mightily in the Church, it was a quiet kind of mighty that was not very noticeable but "if you say so" comes to mind. 

So take a quick look once again...

From Two Culminating Events:Screed 24

"Zechariah 11:8: “Three shepherds also I cut off in one month; and My soul loathed them, and their soul also abhorred Me.”

Now the second culminating event. We saw the “shepherds” throughout Zechariah cannot be religious leaders overseeing congregations (flocks) in the world. Otherwise, which three ministers would it be referencing? We could never know. And what would the removal of ANY three worldly ministers, occurring in ANY particular month, ever have to do with God being able to feed a flock that was being slaughtered? Remember, we saw this flock is His flock. No matter how influential any three worldly ministers might be, their removal from power would not affect GOD’S PEOPLE. Protestant ministers and Catholic priests are not deceiving (slaughtering) God’s people. Do you know a single person who thinks they are?

RNC Train Wreck Continues: Ad Casts Pelosi As   Pussy Galore   | The

(Comment: Dave can't imagine the Three Shepherds can be other than three humans.  Theology begs to differ with him as the Bible and real history unfolded to show it can mean categories of rulership as well.  Right from the start here, Dave has gone off the rails and all that follows in his reasonings is just an ongoing train wreck of one wrong idea reinforcing the next wrong idea.)

The Stanley Kubrick Project: Paths of Glory | Yes, I Know

But the time has come for God to deal with these three men. They have gone from being in God’s purpose to being IN HIS WAY. For over two decades, modern enemies have thwarted God’s Work. Top leaders have bought and sold God’s people to enrich themselves. These wolves have kidnapped the brethren, stolen God’s tithes and blocked HIS Work from advancing to the size and scope that it should have and still must reach.

Jesus Christ is a shepherd. He is about to again actively shepherd His flock—starting Elul 1 (August 6/7). What should He be expected to do to wolves now in His path? What would any good shepherd do when he sees wolves close by—in this case among and over—his flock? Remove them! II Peter 2 describes “swift destruction” falling on certain false teachers. At a point, their “judgment” no longer “lingers” and their “damnation” no longer “slumbers.” We have almost reached this time.

Some will ask: WHEN exactly will Christ remove the three men? Starting with the fact that Christ is a shepherd, we might ask: How long would any active shepherd tolerate wolves who are threatening His flock when He holds the power to address them? It will certainly not be on the last day of His purpose, but rather some time likely well before that date. The following should help. The remnant is not listening. Christ knows this—and why. He can change it. How long would He wait to do this?

Each day lost with the remnant not hearing Him is a day less for them to recover. There are only 24 days total for the people to act. The same is true with Christ organizing their move and a complex merger. There are only 24 days total for the people to act. Yet again, the same is true with ministers who may be battling other wolves in their organizations as they strive to save sheep—and to establish themselves again as faithful ministers before God. There are only 24 days total for these ministers to act. We will see how long Christ waits…


Dramatic supernatural intervention is necessary for God to regather His flock—a flock trapped under a constant barrage of lies and deceit. Zechariah 11 should not be surprising. All of this is something GOD does—and ONLY God could do—not any man. No human being could ever carry out such things. God would never ask them to—or permit them to. Of course, His enemies happily assert otherwise about us. It is in their devil-inspired interest to spew their insane, hateful accusations. But at least these “haters of the Lord” (Psa. 81:15) always come as advertised—they are easy to identify for people thinking even a little. God will soon enough also “reward them according to their works” (II Tim. 4:14).

Poster - Failing to Pay Attention - ABC Safety Training

Getting the Remnant’s Attention

By dealing with and removing top leaders, God gets His people’s attention. The remnant finally starts listening to Him again. Recall Haggai. There is a point when brethren become frightened—now better understood to be because of what God did. They suddenly begin “considering their ways” after years of ignoring God. Any parent knows that to get his child to listen sometimes he must bring punishment. God is no different. He must traumatize His people to wake them up to their condition—but also remove the sources of deceit that are blocking their ability to see events and conditions as they are, and to see their own spiritual complacency. Although the event of Zechariah 11:8 is big, it is not the only thing that brings God’s people back together. Something else BIGGER happens—the powerful stirring of God’s Spirit for over three weeks as God works with His people."

bullshit meter photo: Bullshit detector bullshit-meter-011.gif

Dave Pack is the only human being in the history of Old Testament theology and studies to come to these dramatic yet misguided conclusions about what it all means.  Of course, in the ever continuing saga of the WCG and Herbert W Armstrong, those captured by it's many errors and personality cult like aspects, like Dave, have kept it going reenacting, in their own minds, all the early first century church dramas.  Dave, like many, read their Bibles as it the contents were written to them personally yesterday and not to others thousands of years ago.  It's why "Jesus is coming soon" and "Time is short" can be read today to people with no grasping that these words were for others 2000 years ago and they were wrong.  The idea that "and that's exactly why those scriptures are for us today," is equally as insane and wrong and an apologetic that won't die soon enough.  Probably never.

So for your consideration and balance, who are the Three Shepherds that must die in "one day" according to men who don't see themselves spoken of in the scriptures by the minor prophet Haggai?  You owe it to yourself at least to see what the view of it has been over the past 2500 years.  If you then end up thinking it really is Dave Pack being spoken of and that these Three Shepherds are really three deceiving, lying and money hungry Church of God notables as Dave counts notability, then knock yourself out.  I personally believe you are in for a big fall on your face along with Mr. Packstrong. 

Three shepherds also I cut off in one month
Not Moses, Aaron, and Miriam, as is suggested in the Talmud F5; nor David, Adonijah, and Joab, who died in the space of a month; nor the three kings, Jehoash, Jehoiakim, and Zedekiah, who died by the hand of their enemies in a very little time; which is the sense of some, as Abendana observes; nor the three last prophets, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi, according to Aben Ezra; nor the three Maccabees, Judas, Jonathan, and Simon, as Abarbinel; rather the three sects among the Jews, the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes, instead of which last some put the Herodians; and others the Scribes; though some are of opinion that the three sanhedrim or courts of judicature among the Jews are designed; but it seems best of all to interpret them of the three orders of magistrates among them, princes, prophets, and priests; and the "cutting" them "off" may denote the cessation of civil government, the sealing up of vision and prophecy, and the putting an end to sacrifice; which is much better than to interpret them of the three Roman emperors who succeeded Nero; that is, Galba, Otho, and Vitellius, who were put to death by their own subjects, within the space of a year and some days F6; and which is a term of time that can not well be thought to be expressed by a month; which either signifies in general a small space of time; or, if a certain month is meant, either it designs the month Nisan, in which Christ suffered, when of right sacrifice should have ceased, as well as then prophecy was sealed up, and there was no more of it among the Jews, nor any civil government in their hands: or else the month Ab, in which the city of Jerusalem was burnt; and so an end was put in fact to all the above offices there. It may be that a month of years is intended, as in ( Revelation 11:2 ) ( 13:5 ) and so Abarbinel here interprets it; though he applies it to the times of the Maccabees; but it may respect the thirty years, or thereabout, which were between the death of Christ and the destruction of Jerusalem, within which compass of time the above events were actually and manifestly fulfilled: and my soul loathed them;
because they did not perform the duties of their office; the civil magistrate did not govern according to the laws of God; the prophets did not teach sound doctrine; and the priests did not do their service aright, nor teach the people the use and end of sacrifices, and in them direct to the Messiah, as they should have done: wherefore Christ expressed his dislike of them by words in his ministry, particularly in Matthew chapter twenty three, ( Matthew 23:1-39 ) and by deeds, causing vengeance to come upon them to the entire removal of them: or, "my soul was shortened", or "contracted in them", or "towards them" F7; his affections were lessened towards them; he loathed their ways and works, which were not good; and he rejected and cast them off as his people, and wrote a "loammi" on them; took away his Gospel from them, and abolished their civil and church state: and their soul also abhorred me; which is the reason of the former; and so the Targum paraphrases it,
``and my Word cast them away, because their soul abhorred my worship;''

all ranks and orders of men among the Jews had Christ in abhorrence; they abhorred his person, his name, his miracles, his doctrines, his ordinances, and his people; this they did because of his mean appearance; and because of his inveighing against their traditions, superstitions, and immoralities; and this appeared by their contemptuous rejection of him as the Messiah; by their crucifixion of him; and by persecuting his disciples and followers.

And here:  http://www.studylight.org/com/bcc/view.cgi?book=zec&chapter=011

Zechariah Verse 8

"And I cut off the three shepherds in one month; for my soul was weary of them, and their soul also loathed me."
"The three shepherds ..." We identify these with the three classes of evil shepherds which dominated the life of Israel during the ministry of Christ, the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Herodians. Lewis believed that, "No clue to the identity of these persons is available";[20] but Zechariah 11:5 seems definitely to be such a clue. See under that verse, above. It seems clear enough, as Keil affirmed, that, "The persons occurring in this vision are not individuals, but classes of men."[21] Despite the fact of commentators having identified the "three shepherds .... in at least forty different ways,"[22] we strongly feel that none of the identifications we have seen fills the bill so exactly as that we have accepted.
"In one month ..." Such an expression in any prophecy usually stands for "a little time"; and as Henry stated, after mentioning the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Herodians as a possible identification, "All of them Christ silenced in dispute (Matthew 22) and soon after cut off, in a little time."[23] Mitchell's assertion that Zechariah representing Jehovah in this verse could not possibly have been the one seen, "destroying three other shepherds for the same offence he was instructed to commit,"[24] is merely a case of failure to distinguish between the false shepherds (those destroyed) and the Good Shepherd who "cut them off." Some theologians do not believe that God will ever "cut off" any one, no matter what they do. Evidently the ancient enemies of Jesus spoken of in this verse were of the same opinion. However, the tragic destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in A.D. 70 nevertheless occurred.

Verse 9
"Then said I, I will not feed you: that which dieth, let it die; and that which is to be cut off, let it be cut off; and let them that are left eat every one the flesh of another."

Here is detailed the attitude that Mitchell and other critics consider to be impossible in God; but when all else fails, God throughout human history has destroyed the incorrigibly wicked. The first great example of it was the deluge that swept over the ancient world. The whole theology of judicial hardening is little understood, but it is a fact, none the less. As Gill said:

"Here the prophet states his intention not to feed the flock but to let it die. This brings to mind two key passages. One in which Jesus wept over the city of Jerusalem because of her historic failure to heed the prophets (Luke 13:33-35), and the other one in which he predicted the destruction of the city (Luke 21:5,6)."[25]

Horrible as this prophecy for Israel appears, it was literally fulfilled. "Even the cannibalism described here was fulfilled literally during the final days of the siege of Titus."[26] Sword, pestilence, and famine, the three great destroyers in all wars, appear here under the metaphor appropriate to a shepherd and the sheep."

The point is that there have been many many interpretations of Haggai since the day it was written.  The Three Shepherds have been a multitude of three priests, offices and politicians. Everyone wanted to make it mean something in THEIR day over the last 2500 years.  Dave Pack is just one more and probably the worst, example of over reaching and delussional thinking on the topic.  99.9999999999% of humanity had never heard of HWA and it is worse for DCP as if being heard of proves anything either. 


So perhaps this can be a more balanced view of what Zecharia 11:8 can also mean or has meant.  I don't personally have a need to pick any meaning as in my studies and current views Prophets who write and people who believe are on a different journey than I am in such matters. 

Prophets in the Old Testament were not nearly as accurate as credited.  They are often romanticized and some exhibit ALL the characteristics of mental illnesses we know of in our times.  A schizophrenic, narcissist or one with temporal lobe epilepsy , back in the day, could easily been misunderstood as having special powers and visions that today we would treat with medications and hope for a recovery.  We take prophets of old much more seriously than we would ever take one today.  We reject modern day prophets and the religiously whacked out very quickly today because we actually get to see how they behave, think and teach.  If I laid siege to a frying pan, laid on my side for a year and flipped over for more, drilled a hole in the temple and went in with my backpack on, cooked my food either with or in my own dung depending on how you read it and married a prostitute, I doubt I'd get much sympathy from you.  Ezekiel or others do it in the distant past  and wow...they are  awesome and speak for God Almighty. 

David C Pack, the self appointed, ordained and set apart Apostle who is Herbert Armstrong Part II of Team Zerubbabel/Joshua is as wrong as any human can be about himself and this view of what the Bible actually intended.  Dave, as was Herbert Armstrong or at least those around him, is a master at making ancient scripture written for one reason mean what it never meant.  Dave is not an educated theologian (neither am I).  Dave is not well trained in the disciplines needed to tell others what the Bible even says and why much less means. Dave has turned the Book of Haggai into a giant YES lesson and come to very very wrong conclusions.  

Dave Pack is NOT any Joshua of Haggai.  Never was and never will be.  That is truly a ego centric and totally bogus claim on his part. It is rather sad actually to view scripture in such a flippant manner and it is pathetic theology. I will continue to offer both caution and an opposing view as long as this foolishness goes on. 

 Dave does not seek a multitude of counsel on such matters that he does not already know ahead of time he will get approval of.  Those 16 who could not agree more with Dave in everything he comes up with should be ashamed of themselves and don't tell me you all actually do agree with what you see and hear.  I know your job is at stake. I also know that when you live in a very small world, cloistered behind walls of dogmatic foolishness and under the sway of one human being, you can lose touch with reality.  The story makes sense in the mind until it doesn't.  We all know now what process you probably had to go through to even get the job and it is pretty pathetic.  Dave has put you all in a very time sensitive and very bad position so I suppose we shall see soon now.  If you dare come up with, "God is obviously giving us more time to reach the world," or "God in his mercy is giving COG members and ministers more time to repent and come to RCG, "  We will be back.....