Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, October 7, 2023

David C. Pack and the Restored Church of God are a broken church teaching heresy as a doctrine, promoting another god, and another gospel


Out of Order


On the sixth day of the Feast of Tabernacles, David C. Pack interrupted a field minister's sermon to teach The Restored Church of God more important information. Temporarily titled "Special Comments," David C. Pack inserted a 29-minute message on October 5, 2023, that will be later renamed “The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 473).”'

The entire clip has been posted until Brad Schleifer imposes a copyright strike against the YouTube channel. You can jump to each timecode listed below to see Dave in action.


Decency and order are nice to preach, but putting it into practice is only meant for the brethren as a means of control. The hirelings need not abide by such restrictions.


The term “out of order” can be applied to various circumstances.


•  A machine is “out of order” when it is broken or temporarily nonfunctional.

•  Someone is “out of order” in a courtroom when they practice inappropriate behavior.

•  A sequence is "out of order" when the presentation adulterates the widely accepted succession.


David C. Pack and The Restored Church of God are out of order in all three ways. It is a broken church teaching heresy as a doctrine promoting another god and another gospel. David C. Pack has systematically reduced the significance of Jesus Christ in the Bible and has assumed divine titles for himself. Confusion and interruptions are a mainstay in that corrupted organization that acts as a functional betrayal of all the principles upon which it was founded in 1999.


The reporting on Part 473 is out of order because I skipped writing about Parts 471 and 472 for now. This was low-hanging fruit too timely to pass up.



Field enabler Nestor Toro either got a note slipped to him, or he interpreted hand gestures from the back of the Main Hall because he knew to stop talking, step aside, and let David C. Pack have the spotlight.


Special Comments (Part 473) – October 5, 2023

Nestor Toro @ 00:00 And now, brethren, I will cut my sermon at this point because we have Special Announcements. We have an additional an addition to the prophetic understanding that we’re what we have been learning. And for that, our Pastor General, Mr. Pack.


Dave always knows how to warm up the crowd, especially when a child cries.


@ 00:28 Somebody’s crying because I’m gonna speak again. [big audience laugh] I don’t blame them. [laughs] He always says he’s done. [audience laughs] Thanks to Mister Toro, who adjusted on the fly. And he understands rushing to call out his sermon [chuckles] now. I wanted a quick mention that title that is important to be aware of just before coming down.


Hey, Nestor. So much for your weeks of careful preparation to give that message at the Headquarters’ Feast that can no longer be produced due to an abrupt ending. Dave gets what he wants when he wants, and everybody else be damned.


Notice David C. Pack mentioned “coming down.” Because I am fluent in Packinese, I knew he was stating he was too busy with more important matters to attend Services like everyone else. This means he was toiling in the Third Floor Executive Imaginarium instead of assembling for Services with the rest of the commoners. After all, he has no need of such trivialities.


Dave confirmed at the end of the message what I already knew in the first minute. This admission is more for the skeptic’s sake, not mine.


@ 29:19 I'll just say I truly rushed today. Certainly, again, not having planned to speak. I know you know that. I mean, I didn't contrive all of this. My typist will tell you I prepared this message entirely upstairs, and I missed the sermon. All of it. I didn’t have a note written down until it all came together at home this morning.


David C. Pack willfully skipped an RCG Service because what he was doing was more important. He instructed a sermon he did not hear to be cut short so he could riff on ideas that proved utterly worthless 24 hours later.


This point holds a vital significance later when he gets on his soapbox to hand down firm judgments and death threats upon the RCG membership.



As is his style, Dave poses a question that implies the answer.


@ 01:54 What if the Last Great Day is exactly one day off? Lemme just go straight to the question. I would normally take more time to explain this. But what if every verse cited two days ago is just as correct after the Last Great Day?


And by "just as correct," he means not correct at all. Today is the Last Great Day. The attacks in Israel will surely send Dave into Chicken Little conniptions, but that has been in and out of the news since 1948. One summer a few years back, Israel was under constant rocket attack for over a month. Dave was not "just as correct" back then and is even further from “just as correct” now.


@ 02:12 What if other verses (certain verses) even fit better if we waited one more day?


If waiting one more day is “better," it must be much more super betterer-est waiting ten years. That is the state of The Restored Church of God. David C. Pack has been prophetically failing since August 2013.


@ 02:29 Why don’t you just set your pencils down, your pens. And I’m not gonna tuh I’ll turn to maybe one verse.


Dave flew off the handle with his Greatest Hissy Fit in March after he heard that some members do not take notes during his messages. But it is okay when he instructs them not to take notes.


To be fair, Dave never turned to a verse but recited three during the 29 minutes. But the set-up showed he planned on spending his time spouting off his opinions, which is most often the case. His theories have Bible verses nestled in between to give the impression of being correct.



Former Worldwide Church of God members may find this following tidbit of interest.


@ 04:32 The Feast (and all the brethren now understand) is eight days long. The Feast of Tabernacles is seven.The Last Great Day is the eighth day of the Feast. It’s the last day of the Feast. So, would it be you go one extra day?


Since the inception of The Restored Church of God, David C. Pack firmly taught that the Last Great Day was a separate feast from the Feast of Tabernacles. He loved to criticize the United Church of God (UCG) for blurring those two independent Holy Days by combining them. He called that a heresy and a watering down of God’s Word.


But as of Part 472 on October 3, 2023, UCG became innovators ahead of their time. Denny Luker is happily strutting in his grave because his Ambassador College nemesis finally adopted his thinking. Instead of throwing stones at UCG and PCG, Dave has reversed course and adopted their doctrines. The self-imposed walls of the Splinters Us vs. Them are getting thinner in RCG.


For the record, do not think I am advocating that Dave is wrong on this. Leviticus 23:36, :39, and Numbers 29:35 clearly state an eighth day holy convocation during the Feast of Tabernacles. The Last Great Day is a term inferred from John 7:37.


Whether the FOT is eight days or seven, I have no skin in the game. The hotel bills and airplane tickets all confirmed we were there for at least eight days, so it does not personally seem like a big deal. It was worth noting because Dave reversed his adamant decades-long stance.



Dave got to participate in one of his favorite aspects of his self-assigned position. He took off his belt and laid the brethren across his knee. Just remember, he does it because he loves them.

@ 09:43 Here’s another powerful point. And it’s very powerful. And I’m gonna warn the church right now. I’m gonna give a very strong warning and a rebuke to people thinking of leaving. Hebrews 10:25 tells people to assemble. “So much the more as you see the day approaching.” Don’t stop assembling. This is equated with the will of God in verse 36. And vengeance on those who ignore it.


When you measure the standards of David C. Pack against himself, the outcome is not optimistic.


God has a sense of humor and is a fan of irony. David C. Pack ignores assembling together with the brethren more often than anyone might think. That has been his custom for years. I am not the only eyewitness to this.


By his own admission at the beginning of this message, he came down from on high because he was not in the room for the assembly at Headquarters. Even the All-Believing Zealots notice his absences. I wonder what excuses they come up with so they can keep smiling as they put the green envelopes into the basket.


During the Feast of Tabernacles of years past, Dave and his team did not attend all the Services, even when they were not traveling. Sometimes, they did not show up at all unless Dave took the stage. His personal Bible study and high-level discussions with trusted advisors were more important than obeying the will of God to assemble. Assembling with the brethren is beneath him, just like paying attention to the opening prayer is beneath him.


“…before coming down…I missed the sermon. All of it.”


He recalled a Last Great Day story from the 1960s and another from an unknown point in RCG history as if they were necessary flags of warning for current members. He had to reach back sixty years to find something that illustrated an infrequent occurrence in the COG landscape just to justify his threatening rant.


A not-yet-ordained unidentified hireling at some unknown time spotted two unnamed members allegedly dressed casually on the Last Great Day. If you wear shorts on a Holy Day, it is the Lake of Fire for you! Details are so sparse on this account, and knowing Dave tends to stretch reality to the breaking point, the validity of this account should be highly in question.


My rainbow story is worth a review for those who have not yet read it.


David C. Pack is a personification of biblical hypocrisy to the nth degree. Not only does he chastise brethren for doing the very thing he does, but because he proclaims this under God’s authority, he blasphemes God and takes His name in vain. When a man accepts the role of a “minister,” he acknowledges the agreement of a greater judgment before Jesus Christ. Yikes, Dave…


@ 12:22 Now, had he been a minister, I woulda said to them, here’s what I’da said if I’da been there, “You are disfellowshipped immediately. You can do anything you want. You're outta the church, and you will not ever be back. That’s willful disobedience against God’s Law. You’re gone now.”




The next time David C. Pack skips Sabbath services, Holy Day services, or an Offertory, please walk up to him and state with God’s authority, “David C. Pack, you are disfellowshipped immediately. You can do anything you want. You're outta the church, and you will not ever be back. That's willful disobedience against God's Law. You're gone now."


@ 12:42 Now I told you I’m gonna be strong. All eight days is the truest test. I’ve watched thousands and thousands of people blow off the Opening Night. “Well, I don’t feel like it.” But, you’re to follow the traditions of God down through the decades.




God does not have traditions.


Conduct an eSword search to put Dave in his place. The “traditions of God” is a fraudulent concept with no biblical authority. David C. Pack just made it up. God has laws, statutes, and judgments. The church has traditions and standards. They are not equal, yet Dave tries to make them seem comparable.


And he knows this. Two weeks ago, Dave admitted to RCG members that the Opening Night of the Feast of Tabernacles was NOT a commanded assembly but a tradition Herbert W. Armstrong of The Worldwide Church of God created.


Part 470 – September 23, 2023

@ 40:15 There's no evidence (and this is gonna be kind of important later on) there's no evidence that the Church of God or the Scriptures ever say that the Opening Night is to be kept at the Feast of Tabernacles. It’s just not there. Mr. Armstrong modeled the seven fall days (of course, the Last Great Day, the eighth) but modeled them after Passover. Passover opens with the Night To Be Much Observed. So, he thought, "Well, the brethren are all there. We oughta have an Opening Night Service."


So, which is it, Dave? Is the Opening Night a commanded assembly or not? Is it a sin to skip it or not?


Many people will owe Ole Herbie a clean punch in the face after his resurrection for inventing traditions like the exhausting Feast of Tabernacles Opening Night Service, giving uncommanded offerings on Atonement, Trumpets, and the Last Great Day as a way to bilk the brethren out of more funds, and the unbiblical theft known as surrendering “excess” Second Tithe to the church. Herbie conjured those.


The church doctrines regarding make-up and birthdays are also entirely manmade and cannot be proven with just the Bible as your support. Watch any World To Come or read RCG’s literature to observe how they dance around those issues. Binding and loosing, man. Binding and loosing.



Not only does Dave throw people out of the church, but they may DIE before they get home.


Special Comments (Part 473) – October 5, 2023

@ 13:22 “For if we sin willfully after we received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sins.” And the context is the will of God and assembling at the Feast. You’re done! You leave the Feast, you’re done. You may not even get home.


If you find yourself disfellowshipped from RCG, count it as a blessing rather than a punishment. Those outside RCG are thankful they are today. Whether they quit or were thrown out, everyone is better off for it.


The golden ticket for any COG is the “binding and loosing” verses that codify “because I say so” policies. The sticking point to that authority is that it needs to come from a legitimate apostle. David C. Pack is not a legitimate apostle. Neither was Herbert W. Armstrong. Even worse, David C. Pack is a proven false prophet and blaspheming liar. Nothing he says has any of God’s authority.


When Paul instructed followers of Jesus Christ to abide by church traditions, it was qualified with careful wording.


2 Thessalonians 2:15

Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which you have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.


Our epistle. Meaning the New Testament Bible. Not Herbie.


2 Thessalonians 2:6

Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you withdraw yourselves from every brother that walks disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us.


Received of us. Meaning Paul, the apostles, and the New Testament Bible. Not Dave.


Churches can have traditions. But breaking those traditions does not carry the same consequences as breaking a command of God. David C. Pack doles out condemnation as if two separate things have the same value. Church traditions are not as important as God’s laws. But he and his enabling hirelings exercise enforcement equally.


@ 13:44 I’ve often said, and this what our ministers are instructed to do right now. Starting right now. You ask people, “Do you believe sin is the transgression of the law? And it is a law that you keep the Feast. It’s a commanded holy convocation. Commanded assembly, all of it.


Well, technically, not "all" of it. One small side point: HWA also came up with having services on the second through seventh days of the Feast of Tabernacles. Those are not holy convocations. Only the first day is a commanded assembly. The eighth day, known as the Last Great Day, is a commanded assembly. Not days two through seven. Go read it.


Believe that only if you are a Bible purist. You know, taking the Word of God at face value and following the instructions as written without the private interpretations of  False Apostle Know-It-Alls like Davey Faux Passover and Herbie McGot-Much-Of-It-Wrong.


Would it not be interesting to learn in the Kingdom that God intended for His people to rejoice for the Feast by going on relaxing, entire-day outings with brethren and family and that He never meant to have official services eight days in a row?


@ 14:19 …and they say, "I'm still leaving," they're finished. Don’t even let ‘em keep the rest of the Feast. If you find that out today, expel them immediately. I warned the church a year ago if there's anybody thinking like that, you're gone now if we can discern it. If you know of anybody who’s gonna leave the Feast, tell us now so we can maybe save their life. Maybe warn them and save their life. If not, expel them. They’re way more than out of the church.


Snitchers gotta snitch.


@ 14:59 I’m glad I have the opportunity to stand up and speak like this. I'm sorry I have to. But maybe we'll save a few lives.


To truly "save lives" in RCG, people must flee before the miracles start. The next rung on the antichrist ladder toward further demonic thinking will be when Dave starts having vivid dreams of God giving him instructions. First will come the dreams. Then will come the miracles.


@ 24:51 And I can give you ten verses that say the saints alive on earth today who fell away die day one. They don’t drift on through the Kingdom for a year.


Leaving RCG has a death sentence attached to it, brethren. This message was not a warning for those who will leave the Feast early but a warning for people who leave RCG at any time.


With the continual disappointments through Trumpets and the Last Great Day, Dave knows some people made too many plans to abruptly depart before the Feast, so they will leave after. It is as good a time as any, with months before Passover, to plan a better future after The Restored Church of God.


RCG members did not come to the Feast to learn to fear God. They came to learn to fear Dave.



@ 29:39 So, now we wait a really tiny, tiny micron…we wait two days, not three, from two days ago [chuckles] till tomorrow. But, two days from today, and even that's more accurate.


Something entirely inaccurate cannot be more accurate. Accurate is not even in the ballpark. Nothing David C. Pack declares prophetically will be accurate. Ever.


And what exactly are they waiting for? Just a few days ago, Dave swore off setting dates.


Part 471 – September 30, 2023

@ 1:43:41 I just don’t know. And I’m not here to tell you the day. I’ll never do it again. I’ll never do it again.


This out-of-order 29-minute interruption wove in points about today being IT. Wow. That "I will never" declaration was one of his most short-lived yet. I wonder what excuse-making is happening across the street right now because nothing prophetic occurred today.


There will be more clarifying knowledge dispersal in the coming days with Part 474, which will prove to be even more accurate because they were not supposed to see the newest piece of the puzzle until it was the right time at the very end as part of the ending of the Mystery of God.


This article is an out-of-order report of an out-of-order message delivered by a man completely out of order with reality who runs a church out of order with God’s Word.

Marc Cebrian

See: Out of Order

Dave Pack Threatens His Members With Death If They Leave The Feast

My father-in-law is a sick man. 
He threatens his membership with death if they leave the Feast early.
Kevin Denee


PCG: The Feast undoubtedly would be a disaster were it not for your forced labor and tithing

The Philadelphia Church of God has been shrinking in numbers over the last several years, as have all the COG's. From its aberrant doctrines, and appalling treatment of members by the ministry, to its demands for more money has slowly been forcing members away. Church members have always been used as chattel in the PCG to provide financial resources and to volunteer their hours. This is evident at the Feast time when the membership has basically run Feast sites volunteering since Edmond Ok staff feel they are above doing any dirty work.

Lil'Stevie has an article up that he did in 2001 today. In it, he says this:

Of all the words that describe the meaning of the Feast of Tabernacles for God’s people, perhaps one of the best is service. It is through service that we picture the fulfillment of the World Tomorrow—when God’s Family will serve the world to bring it peace, education and ultimately salvation into God’s Family. 
In fact, the Feast undoubtedly would be a disaster were it not for the innumerable men and women in God’s Church who voluntarily serve to make God’s Feast of Tabernacles the best possible every year.

Lil'Stevie is like Bob Thiel, neither has broken a sweat in their lives or worked so hard they got calluses on their hands. Being the highly chosen ones of "god's work" they sit back and write articles and produce mind-numbingly boring sermons to entice their followers to give more money for the never arriving "final push". While the elitists sit back and watch they expect their followers to do their dirty work for them.

The Revised Standard Version renders it, “For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, God’s building.” This verse inspired Herbert W. Armstrong’s use of the term co-worker. We are all working together as a team. 
3 John 8 refers to us as “fellowhelpers to the truth.” 
Think about it. The amazing growth of God’s Work over the past several decades has been possible only through the combined efforts of thousands of voluntary co-workers! 

The PCG no longer has amazing work. Its membership is declining. Money is down. The concert series, silly Celtic productions, Old Covenant stage plays, and the jet is draining resources as fast as members can send it in. Flurry has never shared any "gospel message" or warning to the world, heck, he can't even share a message with Church of God folk that is of any relevance! 

In the Philadelphia Church of God’s (pcg) early days, we were only able to reach a select few—mostly those in the Worldwide Church of God for whom we had addresses. But look at the power and scope of the pcg’s work today! This Work needs co-workers! On a worldwide scale and at the local level. Each local congregation and each Feast site needs co-workers, or volunteers, as well.

The PCG, like the United Church of God and Global Church of God, stole member lists from the Worldwide Church of God to try and recruit new members to their organizations. 

Granted, part of being a Christian is that as followers of Christ, people do good works because they have been blessed by Christ and his message. Not so in Armstrongism, people are expected to work and work hard for church organizations as a matter of salvational importance.

As usual, in Church of Godland the next step in any article after demanding hours of work from embers is to demand their money. Ultimately, their salvation rests upon financing the church.

Giving Beyond Our Means 
“We want you to know brethren, about the grace of God which has been shown in the churches of Macedonia, for in severe test of affliction, their abundance of joy and their extreme poverty have overflowed in a wealth of liberality on their part” (2 Corinthians 8:1-2; Revised Standard Version). 
Why such an abundance of joy while yet under “severe test of affliction”? Verses 3-4: “For they gave according to their means, as I can testify, and beyond their means, of their own free will, begging us earnestly for the favor of taking part in the relief of the saints” (Revised Standard Version). 

Christians will sacrifice freely, of their will, if they are benefiting from the real gospel message, not when it is forced tithing of 30-40% of your income. If you do not give money to the church you are quickly shown the door and told not to come back. Your salvation is now at stake because you are outside the so-called "one true church"'

These brethren in Macedonia really wanted to help. They were giving to the brethren at Jerusalem who were suffering through a drought. 
Notice, the Macedonians gave according to their means, and, when the urgent need arose, many gave beyond their means. 
Paul was telling the Corinthians this because, a year earlier, they also had volunteered to support the members in Jerusalem. For whatever reason, they did not follow through with their commitment. 
Have you ever done that? Volunteered for something and then, as that day grew closer, hoped people would forget about it? “And this, not as we expected, but first they gave themselves to the Lord and to us by the will of God” (verse 5; Revised Standard Version). Paul was concerned about more than just the material offerings he thought the Corinthians would give. He was concerned that they hadn’t fully given themselves to God! 

The one sure sign of a cult is how much it demands of followers to be constantly doing something for the cult, whether it is giving money, attending multiple meetings a week, holding moneymaking fundraisers, selling 10 Commandment plaques or cases of oranges. Keep the members financially drained and physically exhausted and they will cling to the church. 

The Macedonians, in contrast, gave. And as we give in love, God gives back. That’s why the joy!
“I say this not as a command, but to prove by the earnestness of others that your love also is genuine” (verse 8, Revised Standard Version). There were certain things that were commanded of the brethren. But Paul could not command them to go “above and beyond” in their service. 
There is nothing special about just serving where you are commanded to serve. God expects more.
“For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich” (verse 9). If we follow this example, with the attitude of sacrificing everything if need be, we will become rich! 

The COG version of the property gospel, which unfortunately does NOT have a good return on members' investments, but instead misery, broken relationships, financial ruin, and untimely deaths. 

In the coming months and years, perhaps even at this year’s Feast of Tabernacles, you can be sure that God will test us to see whether our love is genuine—whether our heart is really into serving.
Paul continues “Now therefore perform the doing of it; that as there was a readiness to will, so there may be a performance also out of that which ye have” (verse 11). Yes, the Corinthians had the desire to serve, but they did not have the will to carry it out. 

Everything in the Church of God is always a test. Its god is an angry scorekeeper ticking off the black boxes of members who never measure up. Compare that to New Covenant followers of Christ who are at rest never having to worry about not making the grade or having to measure up. Never having to be constantly "doing" something to appease Angry God.

Ask yourself, does the performance of your service match your desire to serve? Do you give with the attitude of the Macedonians or the attitude of the Corinthians? 
“For if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not” (verse 12). If your heart is in it, then the service will be acceptable to God, no matter how small. But no service is acceptable if you do not follow through with what you have committed to. 
Verse 13 states, “For I mean not that other men be eased, and ye burdened.” God is not trying to burden us. He is not asking us to give more than we can give. He is asking us to give all that we can give. 
“But by an equality, that now at this time your abundance may be a supply for their want, that their abundance also may be a supply for your want: that there may be equality: As it is written, He that had gathered much had nothing over; and he that had gathered little had no lack” (verses 14-15). The point here is that we must give of the abundance God has given us.

Come on brethren! Do the work we are too privileged to have to do.

Once you do your dirty work for us, you need to realize that you need to be doing MORE!

Doing More Than Required 

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service” (Romans 12:1). What is our reasonable service? To sacrifice! 
To sacrifice means the “surrender of something for the sake of something else.” In this case, surrendering yourself to better help someone else
Mr. Armstrong said, “If we do only what is required and what we’re supposed to do, in God’s sight, that is not enough. God requires that we do a little more than that. Many of us think if we do just what is required, we’ll get into the Kingdom of God. We’re still thinking of how much we can get.As long as you’re thinking how much you can get, you’re probably not going to get into the Kingdom of God.” 

Pure unadulterated crap theology. 👆 

God does require certain basic things from us. To sacrifice, however, is to do more than what is required. 
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” (verse 2). Notice again the emphasis on attitude. You obtain the right attitude by the renewing of your mind (see also 2 Corinthians 4:16). 
Moffatt translates Romans 12:2, “… be transformed in nature, able to make out what the will of God is.” God’s will is that we never lose that humble, serving, footwashing attitude. 
“For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith” (verse 3). 
God is training us for leadership positions, and this is how we train! 
1 Corinthians 10:12 reminds us, “Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.” When you are in a position of leadership, one of two attitudes comes to the surface: either humility or self-righteousness. Leadership in God’s Church is a position of service, as we saw earlier. 
Mr. Armstrong had tremendous ambition as a young man, but it was all, as he describes it, “pure vanity—a swelled up self-exaltation.” God had to humble him, which He did by stripping him of business success, on several occasions. The jolt made Mr. Armstrong do an about-face in attitude.
Once he was in a right attitude, God began to work with him. What then did Mr. Armstrong do? He sacrificed for the rest of his life! 

Yeah, right. Living in a mansion furnished with fine art, gold, silver, antiques, tailor-made suits from Hong King, an endless supply of expensive liquors and wines, having servants cook, clean, and do your laundry, having a personal chauffer and jets available at your request, besides the millions of dollars at your fingertips for your executive decisions. Sacrifice, humility, and fleeing from vanity were never attributes that people attributed to HWA, other than those who constantly bow at his feet instead of following Jesus.

For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office: So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another” (Romans 12:4-5).
God’s people need each other. The members of the body are all interdependent upon each other. The success of our Feast of Tabernacles is dependent upon our service and the service of others. 

Church of God members were never actually real members of any of the incorporated COG's. The only members listed in the articles of incorporation were certain high-ranking officials and sometimes the Board of Directors, who were actually nothing more than castrated Yes Men. The Ambassador Reports covered that a lot. 

“Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith; Or ministry, let us wait on our ministering: or he that teacheth, on teaching” (verses 6-7). 
Despite the fact that there are different areas of responsibility that we all have, there is one thing we can all do: “He that giveth, let him do it with simplicity” (verse 8). We can all give! “With simplicity” is referred to in the margin as “liberally.” We must give, and give a lot. 
Proverbs 11:24-25, in the Moffatt, states, “One gives away, and still he grows the richer: another keeps what he should give, and is the poorer. A liberal soul will be enriched, and he who waters will himself be watered.” 
Luke 6:38 backs that point: “Give, and it shall be given unto you.” 
Acts 20:35 states, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” The Moffatt translates it: “To give is happier than to get.”

There you go, boys and girls! Give and give and give till you are drained dry and then give some more! You will be sooooooooooooooooooooooo much more happy! 

If you do, you will reap many wonderful, bountiful blessings. Giving yourself in service brings lasting happiness. Doing so at God’s Feast of Tabernacles will make it the most joyous Feast you could imagine!

Friday, October 6, 2023

Are You Prideful and Filled With Super Vanity?


Armstrongism has trained its followers to constantly believe they must be DOING something all the time to support the amazing "work" that they all think they do.

This drivel above is from a speaker at one of the Great Bwana to Africa and 100 Caucasians' so-called "feast" sites. It is pretty amazing to see him speak about "super vanity" when his own Chief Overseer is the vainest church leader in the history of Armstrongism. The Great Bwana Mzungu doesn't have an ounce of humility in his body. That is obvious from all of his speaking and booklets that are all about himself and the imaginary amazing "work" he thinks he is doing. Pride seems to be the Great Bwana's middle name.

The speaker wants everyone to be "hopeful and optimistic". That can ONLY happen once a person leaves the improperly named '"continuing" Church of the lesser god".

All of the sermon topics the Great Bwana has boasted about at his so-called "feast" this year have never mentioned Christ at all. Basic Christian understanding totally escapes this guy.


On another note...here is the Great Bwana's United States Feast site:

Thursday, October 5, 2023

The Truth Is Out There - Updated


Do a word search on Google for Feast of Tabernacles under pictures and watch all of the craziness that will pop up.

This group has determined who the 12 tribes are. Bob Thiel is embarrassed again.

Present yourselves as living meat sacrifices unto greedy men who neither care for you nor your families' welfare


Exit and Support Network has a letter from someone who writes about the Philadelphia Church of God and how they collect money. 

When it really boils down to it, the Church of God's version of the Feast of Tabernacles is the money-making machine that keeps the church afloat till spring holy days when they are guilt-tripped into giving more money because they caused the death of Christ for their previous year worth of sins. 

More money is raked in during these eight days than imagined, especially when these apostate men pit one site against the next to see who can give more money.


The Feast is not about gathering but about collection. Not about people gathering to a place selected by God, but about forcing the members to go through a very narrow gate and choke point in order to be stripped of what they have saved for all year long. Instead of having the PCG’s bill collectors coming to you, you must come to them in their appointed places. How convenient. 
When hearing another message from Gerry-boam’s ministers regarding feeding the flock at the Feast, and how they are commanded to be joyful, or else, poison at the pulpit is what outspoken voice the members ought to hear, and then run away from there. 
How can a member become so convinced that what they experience there is joy before God? The giant motel/hotel corporations take away most of that joy for themselves and leave the members with a post-Feast headache when it comes time to pay the bills. What kind of a private deal must exist between HQ and their chosen Feast sites?  
The spiritual food that goes into the members’ minds at the Feast is just as fabricated as are their fake orated prayers coming out of their mouths. You may leave there a bit fatter but be ever more thirsty and hungry in the spirit. 
The members do not come to eat and drink and be merry, but only for themselves to be processed in a spiritual factory, as a living meat sacrifice unto greedy men who neither care for them nor their families welfare. The ministers slice and dice the words of the Bible to flavor and garnish their brainwashing sermons, but the primary message boils down to keeping that religious mafia’s living assets (aka members), under complete control. 
That money loving Philadelphian church brags about its proceeds going higher and higher, but where does all that money and all that love come from? And the average offering per member is always announced on their commanded offering days in order to shame the majority of the members whose offerings fall below the announced average. Where does all that money come from that so inflates the average? From a few extraordinarily wealthy members, or from some unnamed source?
With the headcount of the PCG membership shrinking, it defies nature and logic that offerings and donations could be going higher and higher.

Read the entire letter here

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

A Plea to Those Who Continue to Enable David C Pack:

The day is far spent. 


Hasn't the foolish prophetic non-sense, inflicted weekly on members, ministry and the Board of  RCG gone far enough?  How many more waste precious lifetime will you all allow Dave Pack to suck from your life before you say "enough!"?  Evidently the tolerance, to date, for giving Dave his weekly soap box to be wrong, yet again, is endless.  

End it! Stop enabling it...

Time to man up, member, minister and especially the "Board of Enablers" that I can't imagine, by now, is simply going along to get along with the hope Dave won't completely implode the Church. Perhaps they think he will come to his senses. He won't. Not now. Not ever. 

By the time one foolishly sees themselves spoken of in the scriptures, we're facing some real  and seriously religious delusions. Letting them slide is not the solution. Everyone is going to get hurt. Your kids will grow up and speak of their youth as "those crazy times when I had to go to that church..."  and you parents, in your older years, will be apologizing to them for putting them through it. This I guarantee. 

If you sincerely believe that you are not just going along to get along, you need help yourself in seeing and admitting that you need to admit and see what, to date, you have refused to see. 


In a negative sense, "enabling" can describe dysfunctional behavior approaches that are intended to help resolve a specific problem but in fact may perpetuate or exacerbate the problem. [ 

A common theme of enabling in this latter sense is that third parties take responsibility or blame, or make accommodations for a person's harmful conduct 

The practical effect is that the person themselves does not have to do so and is shielded from awareness of the harm it may do, and the need or pressure to change.

The following signs can help you recognize when a pattern of enabling behavior may have developed.

1. Ignoring or tolerating problematic behavior

Even if you personally disagree with a loved one’s behavior, you might ignore it for any number of reasons.

If you believe your loved one is looking for attention, you might hope ignoring the behavior will remove their incentive to continue.

You might avoid talking about it because you’re afraid of acknowledging the problem. You or your loved one may not have accepted there’s a problem. You might even be afraid of what your loved one will say or do if you challenge the behavior.

(NOTE: Until the Board no longer cares what David C Pack's reactions will be, the foolishness will continue and eventually destroy RCG. I know, I say that like it's a bad thing :)

2. Providing financial assistance

There’s often no harm in helping out a loved one financially from time to time if your personal finances allow for it. But if they tend to use money recklessly, impulsively, or on things that could cause harm, regularly giving them money can enable this behavior.

(NOTE: Concerning RCG and David C Pack, this would be in letting the practice of Common and the original "Clarion Call" to "send it in" a pass as normal giving as one is able, not demanded.)

Financially enabling a loved one can have particularly damaging consequences if they struggle with addiction or alcohol misuse.

(NOTE: Or it can enable the offender, in this case DCP to demand more without question or consequences.)

3. Covering for them or making excuses

When worried about the consequences of a loved one’s actions, it’s only natural to want to help them out by protecting them from those consequences.

It’s tempting to make excuses for your loved one to other family members or friends when you worry other people will judge them harshly or negatively. But this won’t help your loved one change.

(NOTE: "Even the New Testament Apostles made mistakes in prophecy. But they were still God's chosen Apostles")

But your actions can give your loved one the message that there’s nothing wrong with their behavior — that you’ll keep covering for them.

(NOTE: This is what the RCG "Board" does every time, almost weekly, by not reminding David C Pack just how mistaken he is and often and perhaps he could move on to something else if he expects the church to survive.)

4. Taking on more than your share of responsibilities

You might be enabling a loved one if you find yourself frequently picking up their slack: doing household chores, looking after their children, or taking care of essential daily activities they leave undone.

There’s a difference between supporting someone and enabling them... 

But if your help allows your loved one to have an easier time continuing a problematic pattern of behavior, you may be enabling them.

(NOTE: Showing up week after week at services, "sending it in" and not questioning David C Pack about all his mistaken predictions and title taking makes it easy peasy to do it all again next week.)

5. Avoiding the issue

Whether your loved one continues to drink to the point of blacking out or regularly takes money out of your wallet, your first instinct might be to confront them. You want the behavior to stop.

But after thinking about it, you may begin to worry about their reaction. You might decide it’s better just to ignore the behavior or hide your money.

It’s often frightening to think about bringing up serious issues like addiction once you’ve realized there’s a problem. This can be particularly challenging if you already tend to find arguments or conflict difficult.

But avoiding discussion prevents you from bringing attention to the problem and helping your loved one address it in a healthy, positive way.

(NOTE: Thus, it is a sure thing that some, even in ministry and perhaps even on the board are withholding or cutting back a bit on giving and saving more in fear that RCG will implode, and they will need to move on. Yet not address the problem causing them to do so.)

6. Brushing things off

People dealing with addiction or other patterns of problematic behavior often say or do hurtful or abusive things. They might insult you, belittle you, break or steal your belongings, or physically harm you.

You might tell yourself this behavior isn’t so bad or convince yourself they wouldn’t do those things if not for addiction.

But the reason for the behavior doesn’t really matter. If the behavior causes harm, it causes harm. Minimizing the issue implies to your loved one that they can continue to treat you similarly with no consequences.

By pretending what they do doesn’t affect you, you give the message they aren’t doing anything problematic.

(NOTE: David C Pack's delusional beliefs, expectations of loyalty and false predictions are not to be ignored or diminished in the harm they bring to all who come in contact with RCG and DCP. Including the children.)

7. Denying the problem

It can be hard to admit a loved one needs help. They could say they’ve only tried drugs once or twice but don’t use them regularly. They might also ask if you think they have a problem. You reassure them you aren’t concerned, that they don’t drink that much, or otherwise deny there’s an issue.

You may choose to believe them or agree without really believing them. You might even insist to other family or friends that everything’s fine while struggling to accept this version of truth for yourself.

But by not acknowledging the problem, you can encourage it, even if you really want it to stop. Denying the issue can create challenges for you and your loved one.

It isolates you both, for one. It also makes it harder for your loved one to ask for help, even if they know they need help to change.

(NOTE: "Maybe next week Dave will get it right... This is still God's true Church.)

8. Sacrificing or struggling to recognize your own needs

Missing out on things you want or need for yourself because you’re so involved with taking care of a loved one can also be a sign you’re enabling that person.

Do you struggle financially after giving your loved one money? Do you lack time for your work, self-care, or other relationships since you’re doing more at home?

Sometimes we want to make sacrifices for the people we care about. This doesn’t always mean you’re enabling someone. The reason you’re letting your needs go unmet matters.

It’s certainly important to take care of yourself first, especially when taking care of a sick loved one, but you may not mind missing out on some of your typical activities for several days or a few weeks.


But if you’re consistently struggling to get things done or feel worn down by your attempts to take care of a loved one, it may help to consider your reasons for helping and the effect they’re having on your loved one. Does your sacrifice allow their behavior to continue?


But you also work full time and need the evenings to care for yourself. You’ve let this slip by the wayside. You figure it’s just a fact of life.

9. Not following through on consequences

If you state a consequence, it’s important to follow through. Not following through lets your loved one know nothing will happen when they keep doing the same thing. This can make it more likely they’ll continue to behave in the same way and keep taking advantage of your help.

(NOTE: To date, no consequences for David C Pack's mistaken and delusional prophetic failures have been issued by the Board or anyone on it.)

10. Not maintaining your stated boundaries

Healthy boundaries are important in any relationship. Some boundaries you might express to a loved one experiencing addiction, abuse, or another concern might include:

If you or your loved one crosses a boundary you’ve expressed and there are no consequences, they might keep crossing that boundary.

(NOTE: NO boundaries have been set, by the Board, on David C Pack that he need adhere to if he is to be allowed to continue as the soon to be announced surrogate of Christ.) 

11. Feeling resentment

When a pattern of enabling characterizes a relationship, it’s fairly common for resentment, or feelings of anger and disappointment, to develop.

Your resentment may be directed more toward your loved one, toward the situation, both, or even yourself. 

(NOTE: You'll find yourself kicking the dog at home, but never directed towards David C Pack, where it belongs.)

You might feel hurt and angry about spending so much time trying to help someone who doesn’t seem to appreciate you. You may feel obligated to continue helping even when you don’t want to.

Resentment can damage your emotional well-being, but it can also help you realize the situation may not be healthy.

(NOTE: So don't sit in Church or that meeting going along to get along or sitting down on the outside but standing up on the inside. Until how you feel on the inside and how you speak on the outside match, your stomach will hurt)

...and remember that when your head is telling you one thing (Mr. Pack is God's Apostle) and your stomach is telling you something else, (This is all bullshit), your head is lying to you...