Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, June 22, 2024

After leaving the church has the fear of losing your salvation or being too worldly crippled you with fear?

Ex-WWCOG Truth Seekers! 
Not Allowed to Enjoy Success? 
Fear of Being Worldly? 
Has This Crippled You?


Since Leaving WWCOG - Melina Oine made a hard decision, when it was almost too late to do it that she would GO BACK TO SCHOOL (College) and BECOME A HEALTH ADVOCATE! None of it made any sense at the time considering her circumstances, her upbringing and especially WWCOG ability to keep woman from becoming much of anything but a homemaker. She put one foot in front of the other doubting herself much of the time - but with much love and support - she GRADUATED with a MASTERS Degree in Health Advocacy a week ago! Congratulations Melina and congratulations for overcoming the programming about how woman are not meant to succeed - let alone men for fear that this is worldly! What do you think about this? Do we need to experience success and a sense of accomplishment and the building of a certain sense of self with a bit of self-esteem to keep you confident and strong? We say YES! Armstrong used this tool to keep us all under his thumb of control along with his Leaders and Ministers. 

About Melina Oine. Melina was born and raised in the WWCOG. Her family officially got out in the mid 90's shortly after Tkach Jr. took on the mantle when Melina was 17. Melina actually almost completely stopped attending around the age of 15-16. In her earlier years, Melina attended services in Anchorage Alaska until about 1985. At that point, her family moved to Honolulu, Hawaii where Melina lived until she was married at age 18 to a Navy Marine. They had 3 children together About 12 years later, her daughter was diagnosed with a life threatening disease which landed her in and out of emergency rooms and hospitals and soon after, Melina herself was diagnosed with an auto-immune condition that she was now also dealing with at the same time and started therapy. That pushed her to look at her past and current traumas. She discovered that the conditioning from childhood had predisposed her to being involved in a dysfunctional and traumatic marriage and learning this, she was eventually at a point where she was able to leave the marriage. 

Melina recently moved to South-East Washington state where she now lives with her daughter and where she also has recently become board certified (BCPA) as an Independent Patient Advocate and now has just received her Masters in Health Advocacy!

Brian Orchard/Father's Call: The splinter group everyone has forgotten about...


Brian Orchard, you remember him, right? Most today will say, who? Many thought he was no longer alive. He has the distinction of leading three different insurrections in the church, WCG to UCG, UCG to David Hulme, and David Hulme to Father's Call. 

Never has a COG splinter group faded into nothingness quicker than the Father's Call group did. No one hears anything from them anymore and they are just one more pin on the bulletin board of splinter churches.

Like so many other men before him. he thought he knew better how to do things and led an insurrection against David Hulme starting in late 2013. A large group of Hulme's ministers walked out. 

Brian Orchard, Peter Nathan, Matt King, Bill Hutchison, Bob Rodzaj, Cliff Veal, Marshall Stiver, Stephen Elliott, Steve Andrews, and Ted Budge, are just a few of the ministers who rebelled against Hulme.

A member from Australia had this to say about Orchard:

Brian Orchard may get an invitation to become the goalie for the Australian national ice hockey team. He has mastered the splits! First, years ago, with a behind-the-scenes campaign that led to WCG Australian Regional Director Dean Wilson being ousted and then Brian and his co-conspirators disciplined, with a split ministry in Australia that took years to heal. Then Brian participated, albeit as part of a larger movement, in the UCG split from WCG. Then Brian honed his skills developed in the Wilson ouster by helping to foment the 1998 Hulme split from UCG , and now Brian is involved in yet another split! He has truly mastered “the splits” and would likely make a great ice hockey goalie!

Orchard plotted along with Vic Kubik and others while they were employed by the WCG in Pasadena. They met often in the SOG 360 Apartments plotting and scheming their exit from the mother church, but not before they stole member lists and had set up a bank account that funded their ministerial lifestyles when they jumped ship into the United Church of God. 

Then, dissatisfied with the United Church of God, he along with David Hulme and others split off to set David up in the Church of God and International Community. Which turned out to be another meaningless blip on the Church of God splinter group map.

It wasn't long till he was fed up with Hulme's stance on marriage and divorce and British Israelism, so he rebelled again and started the Father's Call splinter.

Once fully ensconced in the Father's Call splinter group, Orchard then preached a sermon about Jesus. No, no that kind of a sermon but one in which he declared that the church talks TOO MUCH about Jesus! 

Mr. Orchard said something that surprised me. He said that in the past the Church of God has focused too much on Christ and not enough on the Father, and that COGFC is trying to put the focus on the Father. It surprised me because I do not think that Mr. Armstrong taught the Church too much emphasis on Christ, rather, when he was alive I thought we were properly focused on the Father. Perhaps Mr. Orchard was speaking of only the past 16 or so years since COGaic formed under Mr. David Hulme. I have not attended that organization enough to know if they were negligent in focusing on the Father. But Mr. Armstrong was not negligent. He focused on the Father, and so did the Church of God when he was alive. I think many or most converted members of the Church of God today in various fellowships put primary focus on the Father, addressing our prayers to the Father for example. Avoiding a Spirit of Hostile Competition / Church of God, a Family Community at Six Months

All of these self-appointed saviors of the church, each with their own special message that the rest of the church is supposed to be in need of, have turned out to be one great big fat...


The Future Destiny of Dave Pack and Gerald Flurry's Campuses

Plaque on the former Ambassador College/Worldwide Church of God Headquarters
located by the Fowler Gardens (Lower Garden's) steps

Site of former Hall of Administration

Former Hall of Administration site.  Now apartments and condos with an architectural feature in reference to the old Hall of Ad.

Looking across the Auditorium lake bridge towards the old Hall of Ad site.
Harvest Rock painted over the rich patina of the egrets in order to cover over the last vestige of Armstrong that they could.  They dumped salt in the lake to cast out the demons of Armstrongism and used anointing oil on all of the bridges, walkways, and landings around the outside of the auditorium to keep the demons away.  They also anointed each of the rooms inside, and laid hands on the fixtures and walls to cast out the demons that resided there. 

Ambassador Auditorium, home of Pentecostal Harvest Rock Church 
and Pasadena Symphony

Maranatha High School Student Center and offices. 
Maranatha is a top-tier Christian College Prep school

Maranatha High School Student Center
Former Ambassador College Student Center

Fowler Gardens, former lower gardens of Ambassador College.  
Home of graduation ceremonies, student dinners, receptions, and weddings.

Baptismal pool in lower gardens

Steps leading up to former college library site which was the Fowler estate home.  
Now apartments and condos

Fowler Gardens balustrade with Student Center, Auditorium , and Mt Wilson in the background 

Looking back from the former library steps towards the football field of Maranatha High School. Ambassador College track was removed and the surface extended to make a football field.

Bottom of the stream where Grove Street used to be.

Stream steps up the hill.  Many of the exotic trees Ambassador had planted 
are dead, dying, or totally missing.

Former men's dorm Grove Terrace, now a state-of-the-art classroom facility 
for Maranatha High School

Former 360 Dorm, now apartments renting out for $4,000+ a month. 
Each unit was extensively remodeled restoring them to their former glory after the college had stripped so much out of them. This is where Victor Kubik, Brian Orchard, and others dreamt up the United Church of God while still ministers and employees of the Worldwide Church of God

David Wynn Dove Fountain.  The apartment building background is on the site of the former lawn in front of the old college library and Herbert Armstrong's private backyard.

Former 380 and 390 dorms.  Now high-end apartments.

Herbert Armstrong's mansion. Now offices for Dorn Platz and the property manager of the site. The bottom corner was his TV room where watching Saturday afternoon Westerns and Laker's basketball was enjoyed.  The top right of the house is HWA's former office. 
Top left was his bedroom changing/closet area.

Looking towards HWA's mansion across what used to be a reflecting pool.  Now filled in with sand.

HWA's mansion.  His library was on the right, the first floor.  Now a conference room for Dorn Platz.
"Pink" guest bedroom was on the second floor, right.  The area to the right is now a parking lot for Dorn Platz.  The grass area was removed and the garage was relocated into this area.

The apartment building where old carriage house of the Fowler estate was. 
The college used it as the library annex.

Mayfair, the original student center and dorm for college in the first few years. Later was a women's dorm.  Extensive restoration work had to be done to restore it after previous work had been done to remove so much detail to make it a dorm.  Then, in the 1990's, a church woman who thought she was an interior decorator stripped all of the unique wood in the large living room and hallway and whitewashed it.  Now a private home for a wealthy Pasadena businessman.  The garage for the house is to the left.

This condo complex sits on the site of the Mediterranean gardens that was located 
behind Terrace Villa.

Terrace Villa, former women's dorm.  This also had to be totally refurbished to restore it to its former glory.  Now being sold as a private residence. Presently looks empty and abandoned. 
Outside looks rather run down.

This condo complex sits on the site of the former Science Hall

This picture of the condo complex is on the site of the former Fine Arts Hall and garden area.  
Picture was taken on Green Street.

The driveway where old men's dorm Olcott was located.  Now provides vehicle access to the super high-end condo complex in from of Merritt Mansion and the former Loma D Armstrong Academic Center area.

Condos on site of former Fine Arts Hall area.

Merritt mansion, former Ambassador Hall.  Now being marketed as a private residence, with ZERO privacy!

Yes!  The Word of God is still there, blasting out a final warning to all of the heathen's now occupying the grounds!  Once the house is sold as a private residence this will disappear.  Hopefully!

Former location of Science Hall.  Now high-end condos.  Entrance to underground parking.

Former Sunken Gardens.  It is now a swimming pool for the condo complex. Elephant Ears fountain is still there but painted black.  The condos in this area sold out before each building was finished.  They sold for between $2,000,000 - $2,500,000 each.

Looking down the steps from Ambassador Hall towards the bottom of the stream.  The pristine gardening of the past is no longer being done. Cypress is very overgrown.

From in front of Ambassador Hall looking north towards where the old Television Studios used to be. More apartments.

Rolling lawns towards lower stream area.

The garden elements, gazebo, and urn fountain, of the old Mediterranean Gardens behind Terrace Villa have been moved to the lawn area between Terrace Villa and Ambassador Hall.

Stream looking towards Mayfair dorm

Double-click to enlarge.

These are all pictures that I took when Dennis Diehl came by for a visit.  This is the future destiny of the campuses that splinter group leaders Dave Pack and Gerald Flurry have built in their honor and in vain attempts to copy the former glory of Ambassador College.  From imitating building designs to imagining they have created world-class gardens that Jesus will return to and walk around on; they have instead created nothing more than dollar store imitations of what once was. Neither of these two men nor the leaders of ANY of the splinter groups will EVER come close to what was here on this campus nor will they EVER be able to preach and have a ministry like Herbert Armstrong did.  From Living Church of God, COGWA and on to United Church of God, these groups are nothing more than vain little men trying to hold on to the past and to maintain their steady stream of income. 
Money still continues to trump salvation.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Crackpot Prophet Suffers Major Meltdown After Herbert's Armstrong's Very Own Words Call Him A Self Appointed False Prophet


Holy milquetoast prophet, Batman! Banned has done it again! That Gary is such a BAD person! Stop picking on Bob, you agent of Satan!

Apparently, God's greatest gift to the Church of God popped his self-righteous cork big time over the video produced by a pro-Herbert Armstrong site that took the Great Bwana Bob and other self-appointed COG prophets to the woodshed and gave them all a royal Philadelphian spanking.

The all-knowing and Great Bwana Bob Mzungu was highly offended that he had been exposed in such a manner and immediately went on the defensive.

He immediately starts off by blaming Herbert and uses some of the deluded men HWA had ordained as PROOF that he, the Great Bwana was legit:

Several hours ago, I noticed the following headline from Gary Leonard at the anti-Church of God, Banned by HWA website: 
Herbert Armstrong’s Own Words Make Mincemeat Of Bob Thiel And His Fake Prophet Status 

Of course, the criteria for a prophet comes from the word of God, the Bible, and not statements from the late Pastor General of the old Radio/Worldwide Church of God, Herbert W. Armstrong.

It is always fun to watch self-appointed self-righteous COG ministers immediately dunk on HWA when he does not fit the interpretation that the false leaders expect us to believe. Both Bob Thiel and Gerald Flurry are really good at this. If they had their way they would delete everything HWA said about false prophets, because he damns every single one of these lying buffoons to the pits of hell where they belong.

The Great Bwana continues:

That said, let’s look at what he said, some of what the Bible teaches, as well as comments from leaders that Herbert W. Armstrong had ordained, on the matter of prophets.

Always the true prophets and ministers of God have stood almost alone and opposed by the overwhelming majority in Israel. That is Israel’s history of old. It is true today. (Armstrong HW. Why Russia Will Not Attack the United States, reprint 1980) 
But the TRUE prophets of God have always put emphasis on the right CAUSE-on God’s WAY to the desired blessings. 
Let me explain that. Let me make that PLAIN! This magazine deals with making truth PLAIN–understandable! 
You may search the Bible from beginning to end. You’ll find the true prophets, apostles, ministers of God put first emphasis on the right CAUSE, not the effect. They proclaim THE WAY that leads to peace, happiness, security, and finally, eternal life. In Bible language, this means that God’s Word, and God’s true prophets and ministers put first emphasis on God’s LAW…God sends HIS prophets and ministers to proclaim the RIGHT WAY, to sh ow people that they are going the WRONG WAY, to cause them to turn around and get back on the RIGHT WAY through Jesus Christ by God’s free grace… 
God’s true servants are not OF this world nor of its ways. (Armstrong HW. Personal from the Editor. Plain Truth, May 1966, pp. 2, 44-45)

HWA was in no way, shape, or manner talking about the self-appointed liars that were to arise after his death. Bwana Bob is NOT a true prophet, that is an absolute impossibility. 

Notice how deceitfully deceptive the Great Bwana is in discrediting HWA:

Now, yes, Herbert W. Armstrong at least once declared that there were no prophets in WCG and no doctrinal need for them. Furthermore, here is what he said in a Bible Study on 1 Corinthians on July 18, 1980:

Paul is speaking to the Church. Now the Church of God was raised up primarily for two purposes: that God could call to lead the Church, apostles, the Church is founded on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets, the prophets of the Old Testament; because no prophet in the New Testament has anything to do with infusing doctrine into the Church or with an administrative position in the Work of the Church. No prophet had anything to do with any of that; so, the prophets mean, the prophets of the Old Testament. They did not preach to Israel. Israel rejected their writings, ancient Israel. The writings of the prophets, beginning with Isaiah and even other prophets – no you could say with Moses for that matter, and with David in the Psalms. All were for the New Testament Church, believe it or not, and yet today they want to say that we are a New Testament Church; and we don’t want anything to do with that Old Testament. 
Let me tell you this is the book of God. Now the Old Testament Church couldn’t proclaim the gospel. The Old Testament Church did not have the Holy Spirit, that’s true; but the prophets did and they were writing for the doctrines of the Church and much of Church doctrine comes from the writings of the prophets; Christ being the chief cornerstone and the Head of the Church. Now just keep that in the background as we begin to read what Paul is writing to one of the Churches. 
The bolded portion above is not biblically correct. The Apostle Paul was a prophet and so seemingly was the evangelist Timothy. So those prophets did have administrative as well as doctrinal responsibilities.

The Indian diploma mill graduate in theology knows better than HWA! Stupid old man! He had no idea there would arise in the perilous end times the Greatest Prophet the church would ever see! 

Just to make sure he did not lose his high status as a prophet, he ran to Aaron Dean begging him to legitimize him as a true prophet.

Furthermore, I did discuss Herbert W. Armstrong’s “no prophet” position with his long time aide, Aaron Dean (who HWA also ordained). Aaron Dean basically told me that Herbert W. Armstrong was annoyed by various ones who contacted him claiming to be a prophet and he wanted people to stop doing that. However, Aaron Dean also said that Herbert W. Armstrong was not intending to teach that there would be no more prophets or that they would not have a role in the church as we got closer to the end.

The Great Bwana Bob NEEDS for HWA to be wrong:

Of course, since the Two Witnesses prophesy (Revelation 11:3), it should be clear that Herbert W. Armstrong was not teaching that the people who would be the two witnesses could not have been alive in 1972 (especially since he felt that they would possibly fulfill their calling during his lifetime). Plus, as editor in chief of the publications of the old Radio and Worldwide Church of God, he did have items about prophets in the history of the Church of God published. Items that contradicted a statement he wrote about prophets not having administrative roles as Timothy did as did Melito of Sardis as did those called Paulicians that he had information published about.

As a side note, everything about the 1971-1975  debacle was one blatant lie after another. When caught with their pants down when nothing happened, and quickly resorted to saying: "HWA never predicted such a thing." They also resorted to lying that HWA never called himself an apostle or prophet. Gaslighting COG history is a full-time business!

The Great One next writes:

In absence of a clear apostle, a prophet, particularly an evangelistic one, would be expected to lead the most faithful in the Church of God.

You can quickly see where this is headed. Without an apostle alive in the church today, it has to have a prophet, and the Great Bwana Bob fulfills that department. 

The Great One believes that a prophet must arise in the end times before the two witless witnesses arrive (Ron and Laura Weinland). It is his duty to announce to the world who those two witless ones are.

So, Herbert W. Armstrong felt that there would be prophecy BEFORE the two witnesses were given power, hence the need for one or more prophets. 
The New Testament (e.g. Acts 2, 1 Corinthians 14, Revelation 11) makes it clear that there would be prophets in the latter days.

Bwana Bob equates himself to Herbert Armstrong and the "persecution" he faced. Everybody picks on Bwana Bob just like they did HWA. 

Notice something else from the late Herbert W. Armstrong:

PERSECUTORS HAVE CALLED me a “false prophet.” Now how would you KNOW whether the accusation IS true- or false?
Actually, it probably is not very important to you to know whether my persecutors are right or wrong, when they call me dirty names, hurl epithets, resort to innuendo, impute sinister motives, strive to discredit, attempt character assassination. What is important to YOU is whether what you read in The PLAIN TRUTH really is the truth – whether what you hear over The WORLD TOMORROW broadcast is true- not whether I , as an individual, am true or false. 
I think our readers know by now that we always say: ” DON’ T believe what we say because you believe in us.” We say ” Listen with open mind, without prejudice, then CHECK UP in your own Bible-prove whether it is true, and BELIEVE what you find proved!” I don’t seek to induce people to believe in ME- I seek to lead them to believe in JESUS CHRIST! (Armstrong HW. Personal from the Editor. Plain Truth, May 1966, pp. 2) 
I have never been a false prophet and urge all to check out what I have taught with the Bible.
Because I am an imperfect human being and one may not agree with all of my views does NOT make me a false prophet.

Yes, you are! That is a fact.

He then trots out Herb again to legitimize his self-appointment:

Notice further that Herbert W. Armstrong also stated:

Joel 2:28-29 And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: (29) And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit. 
So there is a time coming when God will start pouring out His spirit on human beings. … Day of Pentecost, 3000 were baptized. Peter preached a sermon. They were pricked in their hearts. God began to draw them. God was now… Remember He said, “I will pour out of my spirit on all flesh.” All right, there’s a duality of that. (Armstrong HW. Building The Temple. Sermon, February 14, 1981) 
Yes, there was a duality to what Peter preached in Acts 2–and that duality is for our current time.

More of the "duality" crap that Armstrongite leaders like to prooftext with to make them look better in their follower's eyes. 

The Great Bwana likes to pretend that  Gaylyn Bonjour double-blessed him so that he could start a new group as a prophet. This "so-called" double blessing became something that Bonjour regretted. He told many in LCG that he had no idea that Bob would use it to lie about being ordained or to start a new group. This has been one of Bwana Bob's foundational lies.

He also tries to pawn off on gullible believers that he is able to channel dreams straight from God's mind to his.

Thank you for your question concerning visions or dreams. The Bible reveals that in times past servants of God were given visions and dreams for specific reasons and/or to convey special messages. … God has used this means of communication in the past and will do so again (Acts 2:17; Joel 2:28) (L052 Worldwide Church of God, 1989) 
As the WCG did not publicly acknowledge any such dreams after that letter was sent, the interpretation must be that God would later use dreams (it should be mentioned that the original date of L052 was prior to 1986–hence it was not a change by the Tkach Administration).

This in no way was referring to Bob Thiel. These dreams are no more than delusions of a man who in an act of rebellion split off from the Living Church of God to start his own group. God was never part of this and certainly did NOT speak to him in dreams. 

The all-knowing Great Bwana says again that Herb made mistakes about prophets. Bob is just like Flurry in that he either deletes or reinterprets HWA's writings to fit the self-imposed prophet status he unworthily claims.

In another attempt to yank our chains, he says this about HWA and the two witless witnesses. You can see why the Great Bwana bolded these words. He, in his delusional state of mind, thinks this is all about him:

Herbert W. Armstrong felt that the two witnesses, who will be prophets, were alive in 1984, and presumably, one or more was an adult by then.

Guess who was alive at that time? The Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel! The bullshit is so deep he can never shovel it all away.

He continues on with the prophet nonsense. Did you know that there are administrative prophets?

It also needs to be understood that prophets do not have to perform public miracles to be genuine. John the Baptist was a prophet according to Jesus (Matthew 11:7-10), but he is not recorded as performing any public miracles. Actually, the Bible records, “John did no miracle” (John 10:41, KJV). Jesus told the Pharisees that an adulterous generation sought signs, beyond prophetic accuracy (Matthew 12:38-40) and obedience to God (cf. Deuteronomy 13:1-4). 
Let me add that both the Bible and writings published by the old Radio Church of God show that prophets can also have administrative roles (e.g. see previous quote from Meredith RC. How Church Government Really WORKS. Good News, March 1964, pp. 4-5).

The Great Bwana has another excuse when it comes to how his Indian diploma mill "degree" in theology that we discovered was actually worthless (Thanks to Gavin Rumney). Even taking a few classes here and there at Ambassador and Fuller did not grant him a degree. The only "training" he has had is a bunch of poorly researched booklets, sermons, and his place at the feet of Rod Meredith. 

As long as the Great Bwana is "most" accurate then we are supposed to believe him.

It also should be noted that while the Apostle Paul considered himself to be a prophet, not all of his speculative predictions were accurate. He once claimed:

10 I perceive that this voyage will end with disaster and much loss, not only of the cargo and ship, but also our lives (Acts 27:10).

And while his speculation was mostly accurate, it was not completely accurate, as there was no loss of lives. His position became completely accurate when he claimed to speak as God led him as opposed to his perceptions:

It also should be noted that while the Apostle Paul considered himself to be a prophet, not all of his speculative predictions were accurate. He once claimed:

10 I perceive that this voyage will end with disaster and much loss, not only of the cargo and ship, but also our lives (Acts 27:10). 
And while his speculation was mostly accurate, it was not completely accurate, as there was no loss of lives. His position became completely accurate when he claimed to speak as God led him as opposed to his perceptions:

21 Men, you should have listened to me, and not have sailed from Crete and incurred this disaster and loss. 22 And now I urge you to take heart, for there will be no loss of life among you, but only of the ship. 23 For there stood by me this night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve, 24 saying, ‘Do not be afraid, Paul; you must be brought before Caesar; and indeed God has granted you all those who sail with you.’ 25 Therefore take heart, men, for I believe God that it will be just as it was told me. (Acts 27:21-25) 
So, delays and speculations do not make one a false prophet. Stumbling does not make a leader false either, as according to the Apostle James:

1 My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment. 2 For we all stumble in many things. If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body. (James 3:1-2) 
There is a difference between stumbling and being a false leader.

Bob is a false teacher. He teaches false doctrines, legalism, lying dreams, and denies the salvational work of the cross. He despises the cross and makes no bones about it. 

Notice how he tap dances around the Bible verse about lying false prophets. It only takes one!

A leader is biblically and clearly a false prophet when one claims to speak on God’s behalf and gives a prophecy that does not happen:

21 And if you say in your heart, ‘How shall we know the word which the Lord has not spoken?’ — 22 when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing does not happen or come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him. (Deuteronomy 18:21) 
(The above suggests that if God’s prophets make statements that they do not claim to be from the Lord, and are in error, perhaps like what they think someone will do, that God is saying that personal comments from prophets are not inspired and not the same as false statements from those while claiming to speak in the name of the Lord.)

Most important of all, at least for us who deny him,  it really frosts his butt that we do not acknowledge him as a prophet. Poor little guy!

Truly, most people, even in the COGs, will not listen to a true prophet of God in this age. And, even when God grants power to His two witnesses, most in the world will not only not listen to them, they will be deceived enough to support an army that will fight against the returning Jesus Christ (Revelation 16:13-14; 19:11-19)!

I imagine if a REAL prophet arose many would follow him (or her). But, you Bob are NOT a true prophet. Never have been and never will be. Even the Living Church of God rejected you en masse! You are not even worthy of being one of the two witnesses, 

 He desperately continues:

A true prophet is one called of God (which you were not), teaches the same gospel that Jesus taught (which you do not), keeps the commandments of God (which you do not, he Bbile says you do not), AND has predictions that come to pass (of which you have not had happen and will never have happen). Jesus (Mark 1:14) and Paul (Acts 28:30-31) taught the gospel of the kingdom of God. Even if one appears to be “an angel from heaven,” unless the true gospel is being taught, Paul says that such a one should be “accursed” (Galatians 1:9).

He attempts to make Rod Meredith out to talk about his prophet status, which Meredith never did and best of all publicly rebuked Bob for his deceitful craftiness. 

HWA never had all the truth and only partially revealed some of it. It is up to the Great Bwana Bob to complete that knowledge. The Great Bwana even knows more than Rod Meredith.

Unlike Herbert W. Armstrong who restored truths to the Philadelphia era, and Bob Thiel who added more details to those truths, etc. Dr. Meredith did not do that. Nor did he fulfill the prophetic office. Nor has anyone currently in LCG done so.

Now we get specifically to his butthurt due to Banned:

Anyway, no, HWA’s word do not make mincemeat of my prophetic role. Herbert W. Armstrong believed that there would be future prophets, Aaron Dean confirmed that, Roderick C. Meredith said that I might be one, and that had the concurrence of Richard Ames (who HWA ordained) and Dr. Douglas Winnail (who had some type of ordination when HWA was alive).

If Aaron Dean and Rod Meredith both confirmed that the Great Bwana truly was a prophet, then they are as mentally disturbed as Bob is. 

Despite improper accusations from various ones on the internet that I am some type of a false prophet, to the best of my knowledge I have never once posted a false prediction (and I do try to indicate when something is speculation), nor do those critics actually post any “false” predictions that I supposedly made and provide proof that even one was false. Thus, those who love the truth will not listen to their false dismissals.

Oh, and he is God-ordained! What a crock of steaming doodoo! God no more ordained Bwana Bob than the so-called double blessing of Gaylyn Bonjour did. It was meant for a one-time moment, not to raise up one of the most pathetic COG group ever.

Furthermore, I did not anoint myself– LCG minister Gaylyn Bonjour anointed me with oil and prayed I would receive a double-portion of God’s Spirit (which he said was reminiscent of the passing of the mantle)–hence I am not self-ordained, but am God-ordained. Yet sadly, some so misunderstand the role of prophets in the New Testament that they would rather believe the lies about me than face the truth that the actual facts reveal. Elisha then received a “double-portion” (“two-portion” literally) of the gift that God had given Elijah (2 Kings 2:9-13). Elisha picked up the mantle of Elijah (2 Kings 2:13) which Elijah dropped and God wanted him to have (1 Kings 19:16-19), as he replaced Elijah as God’s top ecclesiastical authority on earth (cf. 1 Kings 19:16). Yet, for several years after picked Elisha up the mantle that Elijah dropped, Elijah was still alive. While many outside of the genuine Church of God seem to doubt this, this is verified by 2 Chronicles 21:5, 12-15. 
There are no "actual facts" revealed about the Great Bwana from God. It is all made up in the mid of the Great Bwana. God had nothing to do with it.
He ends with this:

Do not let pride or preconceived ideas get in the way of you accepting biblical truth. That, according to Jesus, is actually the biggest problem for most Christians in the end time per Revelation 3:14-22–most Christians refuse to fully “hear what the Spirit says to the churches” (Revelation 3:22). 
Will you truly hear and take the proper steps related to matters such as prophets?

Pride has nothing to do with rejecting one of the greatest false teachers and prophets of the COG today. Wisdom for decades of being the COG and watching one liar after another set themselves up as the one true church leader with each and every one of them denying Christ as they bow down at the altar of Moses.

Bob Thiel is a false teacher and a false prophet.



Apostate Sisters Interview Deni Azeredo


Join us for a revealing interview with Deni Azeredo, a Brazilian American who now resides in Brazil. Deni's unique perspective as someone who grew up in the Worldwide Church of God offers an inside look at the intricate and often perilous dynamics of this high-control group. 

Deni's father worked at the church headquarters in Pasadena as a groundskeeper and Portuguese translator, placing their family in close proximity to the church's leadership. Deni attended the prestigious Imperial Schools and was one of the 'Little Ambassadors,' performing with children from around the globe to bolster the church’s image. 

In this episode, Deni shares his firsthand experiences navigating the upper echelons of the cult, detailing the backbiting and dangerous political games among the leaders. He provides an intimate look at the controlling world of Herbert W. Armstrong, shedding light on the complex power dynamics and the constant maneuvering for favor and position within the church's hierarchy. 

Beyond his childhood and adolescent years, Deni also recounts his time in the military, including his service in Iraq, offering a comprehensive view of his journey from a child within a powerful cult to a seasoned veteran. 

Don't miss this in-depth exploration of life inside the Worldwide Church of God and the personal journey of someone who lived through its inner workings. Like, comment, and subscribe for more eye-opening interviews and discussions.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Narcissistic personality disorder in the COG Leadership


People with NPD, diagnosed via psychological surveys, are those focused on an idealized and grandiose image of themselves — often to avoid deep feelings of insecurity.

Men are around twice as likely to be narcissists as women, with signs of the disorder appearing at an early age or in teenage years.

Causes of the disorder include negative experiences as a child — such as trauma or rejection — or having overindulgent parents.

People who have the disorder are likely to exhibit a sense of entitlement, manipulative behavior, and may regularly seek admiration from others.

They may also be arrogant or lack empathy for others.

Estimates suggest about 0.5 percent of the US population, or one in 200 people, has the disorder.The surprising facial feature that could reveal someone is a narcissist

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Juneteenth, Galveston TX and Bob Thiel


God is an amazing dude! He inspired our most highly favored Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel to pick Galveston, Texas as the site of his Feast of Tabernacles for 2024. Who said that miracles never happen anymore!

Galveston was where the US Government enforced the ending of slavery in Texas. Since Bob Thiel is the greatest prophet the church has ever seen and the Feast of Tabernacles portrays the millennium, it is only logical that the two greatest things in the church can be tied in with the emancipation of slaves in Texas.

U.S. President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, a declaration following the end of the Civil War that legally freed more than three million enslaved Blacks in Confederate States. But not all slaves were free because the proclamation could not be implemented in parts of the southern United States. 
To enforce the proclamation, Union Army Major General Gordon Granger marched into Galveston, Texas, on June 19, 1865, to issue the “General Order Number 3,” which ended the enslavement of Blacks in Texas. The mandate freed an estimated 250,000 slaves two-and-half years after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed. 
“White Texans knew the Civil War was [over] and slavery was banned, but they didn’t tell their slaves the war was over for years [in order] to continue to get free labor out of them,” said Holland. “Juneteenth is when the lie ended and federal forces showed up to enforce the new federal law saying slavery was illegal in the United States.” 
While Juneteenth is celebrated as the end of slavery, the practice of involuntary servitude continued briefly in the states of Delaware and Kentucky. On December 6, 1865, ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution abolished slavery in the United States. US Observes Juneteenth National Holiday

The Great Self-appointed Prophet to the Church of God, the Great Bwana to Africa had this to say 

Racial discrimination is a problem in many societies. 
Liberation from oppression is a good thing. 
Whether an additional holiday will help is a matter of debate. The real solution is the Kingdom of God. 
Notice that Juneteenth occurred in Galveston, Texas. As it turns out, that is the city that the Continuing Church of God has a contract with to have the Feast of Tabernacles (which portrays the millennial kingdom of God) in 2024. 
Jesus came to proclaim that liberty:

1 “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me,
Because the Lord has anointed Me
To preach good tidings to the poor;
He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives,
And the opening of the prison to those who are bound;
2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord,
And the day of vengeance of our God;
To comfort all who mourn, (Isaiah 61:1-2) 
God has a plan which will result in people of every nation and race being saved:

9…I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands, 10 and crying out with a loud voice, saying, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!” (Revelation 7:9-10) 
God has a plan where people of every nation will be able to rule:

9…You were slain, And have redeemed us to God by Your blood
Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation,
10 And have made us kings and priests to our God; 
And we shall reign on the earth. (Revelation 5:9-10) 
God has a plan where “all flesh shall see the salvation of God” (Luke 3:6):

21 And it shall come to pass
That whoever calls on the name of the Lord
Shall be saved. (Acts 2:21)

1 Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away” (Revelation 21:1-4). 
God has a fantastic plan.

Yes, God does. Thankfully it does not involve Bob Thiel in this as some significant personality in the kingdom, nor even leading people to a place of final training before that kingdom arrives.

Galveston might want to rethink having the improperly named "continuing" Church of "god" holding their little convention there.  Since we have all been conditioned by COG propaganda to expect Satan to be angry at Feast sites, Galveston unwittingly opened itself up for some dangerous hurricane activity.

National Hurricane Center names Alberto, the first tropical storm of the hurricane season

Tropical Storm Alberto forms in Gulf of Mexico as storm surge, heavy rain, wind lash Texas

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Herbert Armstrong's Own Words Make Mincemeat Of Bob Thiel And His Fake Prophet Status

This video is from a pro-Herbert Armstrong site that uses HWA's own words in various video clips.

The interesting thing about this one is that it uses Herbert's own words to totally debunk and deflate the self-appointed prophets of the Church of God. Herbert calls out the over-inflated buffoons like Bob Thiel, Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, Ron Weinland, and Alton Billingsley, to name a few.