Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Dave Pack: You have to take ownership. It's deeply foolish and faithless to say, “Mr. Pack said.”

Mr. Pack Said

While pontificating his expert opinions during “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 523)” on July 6, 2024, David C. Pack admonished the brethren of The Restored Church of God not to hide behind the phrase, “Mr. Pack said.”

Part 523 – July 6, 2024
@ 37:52 You, you have to take ownership of these verses. We're in this together. Don't you dare let yourself, and then boy, if you believe this way, don't you dare let me hear it. “Mr. Pack said.”

@ 39:08 It's deeply foolish and faithless to say, “Mr. Pack said.”

The people who believe what he says are worse off than those who hide behind his foolish malarkey.

I was baptized in the United Church of God in September 2009. By that time, I had already begun my personal tradition of reading the Bible cover to cover. A singular verse became the stone foundation of my Christian walk because it embodied everything else I learned.

1 Thessalonians 5:21
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

When Headquarters’ token stooge and theological sycophant Edward L. Winkfield preached that this was ONLY for people before they joined RCG and, then ONLY for the ministry afterward, I bolted up in my seat. Stepford Prime became a non-critical thinking David C. Pack fawner regurgitating whatever prophetic idiocy his human idol presumed at the moment.

The guiding principle of 1 Thessalonians 5:21 compelled my resignation from The Restored Church of God in March 2021 and became the genesis of exrcg.org.

The entire website germinated from a seed concept: document what Mr. Pack said. Through my own personal documentation, I sought to discern if I was deceiving myself, being tempted by the devil, or if David C. Pack was an arrogant, hypocritical, blaspheming liar teaching biblical fraud. The factual evidence was overwhelming.

The Pastor General of The Restored Church of God tells you everything you need to hear to discern if he speaks the truth or not. When a clear, honest mind commits to proving all things, what Mr. Pack said becomes of paramount importance.


According to David C. Pack in Part 523, the Bible proved that Jesus Christ would bring the 7-Year Kingdom of God on Tammuz 5 (July 11), and it was up to the brethren to see it the way he does. Unless God tricked them again.

He proved it so convincingly he abandoned his own conclusions the next day, leaving Salasi Jezhi and Jaco Viljoen to flip a coin to see who had to send out the anonymous Church Administration concession email. They both have little white flags tucked in their desk drawers.

Sunday’s email on July 7 noted, “Following yesterday's Bible study more knowledge has been gained requiring further explanation.

Monday’s email on July 8 embraced doctrinal surrender, “For several reasons, it is better for Mr. Pack to speak on Thursday. This alone means we are not looking for this Wednesday.

Hindsight is 20/20. Knowing he fled from everything he said the next day makes watching his proud mannerisms and cocky tones laughable.

@ 12:12 I’ve been suspicious of the fifth [of Tammuz], but how could I absolutely prove it?

The haughty private interpretations of David C. Pack did not absolutely prove anything.

@ 30:10 I'm gonna show you something else that drives home the fifth [of Tammuz].

A chronic mental illness epidemic recirculates at The Restored Church of God Headquarters. Patient Zero David C. Pack in the Third Floor Executive Imaginarium spreads his infectious biblical disease throughout the organization.

I remember learning about "the sin of omission, rather than commission," while attending RCG.

If anyone cowers behind what Mr. Pack said, it is the Headquarters hirelings Bradford Schleifer, Ryan Denee, Edward Winkfield, Jaco Viljoen, Carl Houk, Salasi Jezhi, Frank Lydick, James HabboushAndrew Holcombe, and “the rest” who fool themselves into thinking they protect the sheep when they are ones helping slaughter them by their inaction.

David C. Pack never fears crediting God for his false doctrines when his pattern is to deny them quickly after much suspicion and discomfort.

@ 30:24 And if you knew when God's two years were, and you had Tammuz 5 in mind, by the time you got to Habakkuk, you would be ready for God throwing the overhand right and the left hook to finish the knockout, proving the fifth of the month.

According to Monday’s CAD email, God did not throw anything: “This alone means we are not looking for this Wednesday.

34:24 I can't come and tell you it's the fifth [of Tammuz], but it's some other moed when God has gone way out of his way to point to this day.

David C. Pack can and will tell us it is some other moed as noted in Monday’s CAD email: “…you may be able to determine the date if you take a moment to think about it …and you will probably figure out exactly what day this is!

That email renders the following statements Mr. Pack said utterly impotent.

@ 34:32 In fact, if it weren't this year on the fifth [of Tammuz], I will tell you, there is no chance for the sixth or after based on what I know. We're gonna wait a year to this exact same day. I'm so certain of it now.

This moment captures David C. Pack basking in his certainty during Part 523.

I guarantee you, none of the men sitting with him on Sunday saw him reclining like that.

Dave should have stuck to his “tiptoe just right” approach so he would not have to eat more of his words in 3…2…1…

@ 35:07 But I will tell you, I will tell you, I will not say to you it's any day beyond the fifth. If it does not happen on the fifth, buckle up. I'll tell you, buckle your seatbelt 'cause we're gonna wait till the exact same day, and God just teased us with the correct day…

Wow. God just teased the members of The Restored Church of God? Yep. That is what Mr. Pack said.


Despite what Mr. Pack said next, no divine interventions were causing his change of mind.

@ 41:11 And I can't imagine, short of Gabriel telling me, “No, it is the fast day and the fifth was close.” I can’t imagine coming back and giving you a different date.

He imagined it just fine the next day.

@ 41:26 What other date or moed could I tell the house?

Whatever date the vague email referred to: ...you will probably figure out exactly what day this is!” Part 524 was delayed from Tuesday to Thursday to today. Do not hold your breath that the same date survived each postponement.

@ 41:35 And interesting, I’m told I’ll be found so doing. Well, I’ll be found at the office working. [chuckles] That’s where I’ll be on Wednesday.

On Wednesday, David C. Pack pined away in the Third Floor Executive Imaginarium with Coffee Kid and Pepper Boy, conjuring the next biblical illusion that was not ready for prime time until today when Part 524 will better utilize 25,000 hours of expert Bible study proven to be so fruitful thus far.

Will Part 524 contain Tippy-Toe Dave or Brazen Certainty Dave? Whichever version of him sits at the table in the Main Hall, we will be atwitter when it leaks out whatever Mr. Pack said.


Enjoy this bonus sampling of what Mr. Pack said.

“It’s a cowardly act to say, ‘Well, Mr. Pack says.’
Well then, you don’t believe it. You got a faith problem.”
Part 231 – January 21, 2020

“On God’s Authority, I am right!”
Part 221 – December 7, 2019

“And God allowed certain errors to see who didn’t care about truth.”
Part 172 – April 27, 2019

“So, would it be strange that I would not know when I became a prophet?”
Part 375 – June 12, 2022

“If you nail that day down, it strikes me as particularly arrogant.”
Part 459 – July 15, 2023

“I’m just gonna tell you absolutely on God’s authority …I will stand on this date:
The Kingdom of God comes Abib 1.”
Part 487 – December 23, 2023

“There’s no way we’ve got this wrong.”
Part 429 – March 15, 2023

“But, of course, all of this crashes if Christ does not come this Friday.”
Part 285 – February 1, 2021

“I could never come back to another date.”
Part 460 – July 22, 2023

“I believe absolutely this Wednesday night you will meet Moses and Elijah.”
Part 381 – July 9, 2022

“It’s the single most important message probably ever delivered on Earth.”
Part 275 – December 26, 2019

“…unless God violates His word, two more weeks aren’t possible.”
Part 455 – June 21, 2023

“10-1-7-1000 is immutable. I will die on that hill. That’s the hill I die on.”
Part 447 – June 6, 2023

“So, I know I don’t die. A couple places say that.”
Part 510 – April 27, 2024

“I’ll never ever, ever again say the day.”
Part 172 – April 27, 2019

Brethren of The Restored Church of God, please pay attention to what Mr. Pack said.

Marc Cebrian

See: Mr. Pack Said

Friday, July 12, 2024

A Sad Example Of What Obsessive Armstrongism Does To A Person


We have featured on here numerous posts about the Kitchen family over the years. The devotion or obsession with all things Herbert Armstrong is over the top and it weighs heavily on the remaining family members.

YouTube recently shut down Samuel Kitchen's video channel where he featured HWA's sermons. From reading his posts it seems as if a former member of the WCG also has claimed ownership of the WCG name and videos and filed a claim with YOutube against Samuel's site. It is a convoluted mess.

Tonight, Samuel made a rather discouraging post on his Facebook page. It shows exactly what happens to a mind obsessed with the church and Armstrong. It is unhinged and unbalanced. I seriously have concerns for the guy.

This is what he posted:

I've been feeling lately like a man facing extermination. Not only with regards to my physical family line, but also with my spiritual family as well.
Seeing how far people will go, to put to death this Worldwide Church of God, well it saddens me and angers me.
I've seen how far people will go to put to death members of my own personal family. It's pretty far.
So when I wrestle with these things, I realize a fear of the unknown is so worthless. What will happen will happen. It's in God's control.
If extermination is my written end, I want my days to be filled with making sure it doesn't happen to someone else.
In God's Word, we have a promise that the Church of God Jesus started won't be exterminated. I have hope in that promise.
The Worldwide Church of God is not something a man started. It isn't subject to extermination when people get tired of it, like some child with a toy. God doesn't trash it.
Satan the Devil has thought that limiting the numbers of the membership of the Worldwide Church of God, will suffice in exterminating it.
He thought that by vacating the ministry, and luring them over into other groups, would allow for the extermination of the Worldwide Church of God.
What a worthless work. All in vain. He won't succeed.
Now whenever someone speaks up, they are persecuted and bullied. Perhaps their family line gets exterminated as well?
But I ask the question....what if the one you keep trying to kill, gets up and keeps coming?
You can read about the prophecies of the two witnesses, the world will face this sort of spectacle. To try to kill again and again, people who just won't die! When the two witnesses shall die, the world rejoices! They were waiting for the day!
I think all of God's people have been at one time or another, someone who couldn't be exterminated.
Looking at my father's life, I know some have to be bald from pulling their own hair out over my dad not dying when they thought he would!
God protects His people and delivers them.
So why fear what men can do?
I only fear of being negligent of fighting for others who do not know yet what is being done.
The Worldwide Church of God continues to exist. Bullies do not. Satan is going to be chained soon. So let us rejoice to be found on the opposite side of the Devil!
Let our name burn his ears!

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Dave Pack: Bible Expert Proven Wrong Since 2013™


Expert Opinions

Today is Tammuz 5 on the Hebrew calendar. It started at 12:47 PM ET yesterday as sunset arrived in Jerusalem, Israel. Tammuz 5 will officially end in Wadsworth, Ohio, at 8:59 PM tonight.

During “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 523)” on July 6, 2024, the brethren of The Restored Church of God humored their Pastor General by allowing him to waste another 55 minutes of their lives proving from the Bible that Jesus Christ would begin the 7-Year Kingdom of God on Tammuz 5.

David C. Pack spends more time crafting and compiling his notes than he does believing them. Before laying his head on his pillow Sunday night, he had already discarded everything he taught about Tammuz 5 for the past two weeks.

These two brief emails are a fantastic introduction to what was taught during Part 523 only hours before.


Sunday, July 7, 2024
Subject: Upcoming Live Stream Message – Early This Week

Dear brethren,

Warm greetings from Headquarters!

Following yesterday's Bible study more knowledge has been gained requiring further explanation.

These will be detailed further in an upcoming message, likely Monday or Tuesday.

Look out for additional communication.

Warm regards, 
Church Administration

It gets even better the next day.

Monday, July 8, 2024
Subject: Upcoming Live Stream Message – Thursday, July 11

Greetings again brethren, 

For several reasons, it is better for Mr. Pack to speak on Thursday. This alone means we are not looking for this Wednesday.

However, he wanted to pass on that many of you may be able to determine the date if you take a moment to think about it and don't jump to any quick conclusions. Think back, starting about a month ago, and you will probably figure out exactly what day this is!

Warm regards,
Church Administration

Within 24 hours of David C. Pack dismounting from his high horse in the Main Hall, he abandoned his own prophetic theories that he had spent weeks conjuring. Knowing this makes all his brazen chest puffing during Part 523 even more hilarious.

RCG’s unwanted external publicity machine must be impactful because this email reeks of Dave’s signature Tiptoe Just Right preaching style by whispering coded hints and gesturing vaguely. By avoiding direct statements, Church Administration was willing to play Bible Prophecy Charades with the brethren because boldness is for the righteous, not the enablers at The Restored Church of God.

Pastor General David C. Pack:
So confident about what he teaches.
Until he isn’t.

No wonder Dave never made it as a competitive athlete. The guy never learned how to cross a finish line.


David C. Pack is a hypocritical blasphemer who lies so often that he cannot remember them all. He wants the brethren to believe God guides him, but he also wants to take credit for figuring out a new secret.

Part 523 – July 6, 2024
@ 18:15 And that season means now. But they're called a season. And none of them have anything remotely to do with a Sabbath, Holy Day, or New Moon. So, if God wants to fix a time. It struck me like a bombshell when I discovered this.

Before educating his audience about how intelligent he was, Dave offered some faux humility to grease the path.

@ 21:24 No man can find out. I couldn’t, either. Somebody had to be guided to see these things.

Dave discovered it, but Dave was guided to see it. Guided by what? Based on those cryptic CAD emails, what he found was false, and he was not guided by God. It does not matter what new knowledge was discovered if the old knowledge was not knowledge to begin with.

@ 28:38 So we're waiting for a day that will come come. It's the midst of the years. …And it repeats the date it came on twice. Now, I'm sitting here. I know the Bible. I I don't know, I don't know, you know, I'm not a calculus teacher. I don't know how to play the piano. I don't know a lot of things. We all know some things. They say if you if you do something for 10,000 hours, you'll become an expert. …It's a famous saying. I've been studying thi–thi [chuckles] what God is gonna do for between 20 and 25,000 hours. I preached for almost a thousand to try to figure this out.

You have to do something RIGHT for 10,000 hours to become an expert. Running in the same circles for 10,000 hours does not make you an expert. It makes you a hamster.

Dave has already spent 25,000 hours trying to “figure this out," and it still eludes him. By his own math, he should be an expert 2.5 times over. The problem is the guy has never been right, and the Bible guarantees he will never be right.

The thought that he can never be an expert would not cross his mind. Walking away and trying another vocation is out of the question. He knows he is God's servant, and he knows that he knows it. That is too sweet a deal to bail on now.

@ 29:26 So, presumably, I might be because of gifts of God, not me. Not nothing to do with me. I might be an expert on the Bible.

Pastor General David C. Pack:
Bible Expert Proven Wrong Since 2013™

David C. Pack is a Bible expert so skilled at the top of his craft he abandoned Tammuz 5 less than 24 hours after saying this.

David C. Pack was not prophesying and did not receive an oracle from God. This cannot be God-inspired preaching. By his own admission, he just teaches what he thinks the Bible says. This makes the Pastor General of The Restored Church of God their resident Sunday School Teacher.


Dave was so faux-confident in his expert opinions about Tammuz 5 that he absolved himself of any responsibility by placing the obligation on the brethren to prove his presumptuous malarkey matched what the Bible actually says.

The brethren who obeyed him must have felt like total dopes when he changed the narrative the next day. They did not yet know that when he threw some serious guilt their way.

@ 37:12 These verses are not what I say. What I say duddn't matter.

No. They are his private interpretations.

@ 37:24 But when we're reading from the Bible, my job is to tell you what it says. To be wise with it and faithful with it. What I what, you know, these verses are are are not what I say. They're what I believe, and I'm teaching, but they're what the Bible says.

Not according to those CAD emails.

@ 37:40 If God means something else, that it's not Tammuz 5, we can't know that. …You you have to take ownership of these verses. We're in this together. Don't you dare let yourself, and then boy, if you believe this way, don't you dare let me hear it. “Mr. Pack said.”

Mr. Pack said Jesus Christ brings the Kingdom of God on Tammuz 5, and then, Mr. Pack said never mind the next day.

@ 38:05 I read dates to you, and I did math, and you cannot get out of it. But do not say I said it. I explained to you what the Bible said. I didn't come back with some vision like I'm Joseph Smith on, you know, the Hill Cumorah east of Rochester and then start a religion off of it.

David C. Pack denies being a prophet while explaining why he might be a prophet in 3…2…1…

@ 38:25 I do not claim to be a prophet. If God says laying all of this out was prophesying and and then, on the fifth [of Tammuz], I do it again. I eat the book and do it again. Well, then, that's what He says. If that helps you to believe, maybe that's what I'm doing now. It doesn't really change me because I don't I don't I didn't get the word at God's lips unless He counts His word. Well, then I got it exactly from His lips.

@ 39:03 But you gotta take ownership of the verses yourself. It's deeply foolish and faithless to say, “Mr. Pack said.”

The people who do not hide behind what “Mr. Pack said” leave The Restored Church of God. They come to accept that what he teaches does not stand up to the mildest scrutiny when doing an honest Bible study. David C. Pack’s legendary piss-poor reading comprehension skills are the tip of the iceberg when it comes to goofy ideas and obvious lies.

I admit that even after I stopped believing anything “Mr. Pack said,” it still took me years to resign from The Restored Church of God. Since my departure in March 2021, the consistent lunacy has ratcheted up several notches.

@ 40:03 For years, I wondered. I knew there'd be some date we would learn, and we thought it was this and thought it was that and thought it was in this year or the other year. Whatever we thought. But eventually, we had enough knowledge to be able to pin it down, and it's locked. And again, it can't be a day known only to God. What use would that be to us?

That sure date after 25,000 hours of Bible study was not Tammuz 5. Will Dave need another 25,000 hours of expert opinions to discover the truth?

@ 55:08 So, has this been the the final short ration foretold by Christ? I think so. Where there’s just a tiny, tiny micron to go? Something under 90 hours? I think so. I can’t imagine it’s not. Good night.

He imagined it just fine on Sunday.

David C. Pack's expert opinion was that Jesus Christ would bring the 7-Year Kingdom of God on July 10, 2024, at 12:47 PM ET. And it was his expert opinion the next day He would not.

David C. Pack is a hypocritical, blaspheming liar. He is a proven false apostle, false prophet, and false teacher. He is surrounded by cowardly hirelings who care not for the sheep and willfully ignore the spiritual insanity.

David C. Pack is not moved by the Holy Spirit to declare dates for the return of Jesus Christ. The most foolish in The Restored Church of God are those who believe him and trust his words.

Those are just my expert opinions.

Marc Cebrian

See: Expert Opinions

Ex-Member Shares Her Worldwide Church of God Story

This channel is for the Cultimatum podcast & it's episodes. This is a podcast dedicated to bringing awareness to cults and human trafficking.



One of the interesting things in this interview is that one of the interviewers is an ex-member 
of House of Yahweh cult, a COG splinter based in Abilene Texas.

Why do COG leaders feel the need to keep their followers living in a constant state of fear?


Fear has to be the biggest and most universal unspoken doctrine of the Armstrongist Church of God movement.

Fear has kept church members living in constant fear of losing their salvation. Being labeled as a Laodicean was a great tool for that fear. Expressing your opinion or disagreeing with the church leader or ministers was grounds for disfellowshipment and as we had all been trained by the fearmonger leadership, anyone kicked out of the church would live lives of failure and disappointment. Not only that, the gates of salvation would be slammed in our faces. Not tithing 30%? Zap!, Eat some pork or shrimp? Zap! Skip church one week? Zap! Hold a Bible Study in your home with friends? The flames of the lake of fire will soon be licking at your feet.

Dave Pack has his few remaining diehard members anticipating the return of their creature called "christ" and those that dare to question that live in fear of getting kicked out of the church and losing their salvation. Dave makes that clear to all of his followers that is what will happen.

Gerald Flurry keeps his followers living in fear of Irish Dance and church government. Rebel against church government and the lake of fire with it's 24-hour-a-day Irish Dance will be your destination.

Then we have the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel, the greatest fearmonger the church has in the 21st century. Endless stories and sermons are made about fearful events happening around us today or shortly in the future. Most of his African members could not give a rat's ass about 99% of the stuff he posts on his blog. These are topics foreign and irrelevant to their society. Living safely, avoiding raging Muslims, feeding their families, and providing shelter is far more important than any of the useless crap the Great Bwana finds important.

Some of his latest fear topics: 

  European military leadership role for Germany’s Bundeswehr?  

  • WND: ‘Sleeper cells in almost every American urban area’ 

  • Vatican excommunicates Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò who responds with a warning about Freemasonsry and the WEF’s influence on the Vatican 

  • Kamala Harris getting consideration and criticism as a potential replacement for Joe Biden 

  • Does the European Union actually use Babylonian symbols? 

  • Zechariah’s Plague: a brain-eating amoeba? Bird Flu vaccine push? 

  • French vote gives leftists most seats over right, but leaves hung parliament and deadlock 

  • The Great Tribulation cannot begin before 2028! 

  • AP: Scammers are swiping billions from Americans every year. Worse, most crooks are getting away with it 

  • White Buffalo: Hopeful sign or lying wonder? 

  • BibleNewsProphecy: Cyborg Abominations! 

  • RT: Are traditional international Institutions viable in the New World Order? 

  • Worldcoin setting up for the 666 Beast? 

  • CNN: Earth’s core has slowed so much it’s moving backward 

  • Sermon: Jesus and God’s Plan for Muslims 

  • ‘King Charles Appoints Sir Keir Starmer as His Third Prime Minister’ 

  • An LCG ‘whiteboard’ helps demonstrate why it will not know when the Great Tribulation starts until basically after it does 

  • ‘The Houthis’ Hypersonic Missile Is a Game-Changer in Red Sea’ 

  • Egypt Teeters On Brink Of Economic Ruin As Public Debt Mounts, Poverty Rate Soars and Overhauls Cabinet, but the Bible and Islam Point to Temporal Wealth

  • The USA is not like its founders envisaged 

  • ‘Norway to stockpile 82,500 tons of grain to prepare for famine and war’ & ‘If The High Cost Of Groceries Makes You Feel Sick, You Are Not Alone’ 

  • Democrats concerned as ‘Only Michelle Obama bests Trump as an alternative to Biden in 2024,’ and at least 25 Democratic Congressmen want Joe Biden out 

  • Herbert W. Armstrong and Laodicean ‘independence’ 

  • Harbinger Daily: Gog of Magog: Who Is The Russian Leader At The Center Of The Ezekiel 38 Prophecy? COGwriter: They are wrong about that and other prophetic matters

Without fear, the Church of God would cease to exist. That's why you rarely find any COG leader ever talking about living in the peace of Christ. Living in grace is so upsetting to most of them that they constantly have to bad mouth grace at any chance they get. Their utter contempt at the possibility that their followers could be justified and sanctified and immune to their idiotic rants and fear-mongering pushes their buttons to no end. So they do everything in their power to keep members enslaved by fear. 

Sadly, many of the people sitting in their groups need that fear. It is a scary concept to break free from fear and revel in grace and freedom and not have to worry about so much of the useless crap COG leaders spoonfeed their members with. Structure and control are safer than unfettered grace.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Relax Everyone! Crackpot prophet says tribulation CANNOT start before 2028!

Never has the Church of God movement been so blessed to have so many self-appointed prophets in its midst. 

We have Dave Pack with the imminent return of Jesus in a couple days to Wadsworth Ohio. Gerald Flurry has Jesus coming to sit on a throne prepared for him in Edmond Oklahoma. Then we have the greatest prophet to ever exist since the dawn of humanity, our very own self-appointed prophet, the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel. Never have we had a prophet so attuned to God's wavelength than we have in him. All the things Flurry and Pack say are just baby pablum compared to the astounding knowledge we receive from the Great Bwana Bob.

We all can now relax and party down for a couple more years because the Great Bwana Bob says the trib cannot start before 2028! Woo Hoo!  Party down, Garth!

Is the end of the world near?


When is the earliest year that the Great Tribulation can begin?

Various ones seem to feel that it can begin in 2024 or 2025 or that it already started some time ago.

Those who believe and understand what the Bible actually teaches realize that the Great Tribulation cannot begin before 2028.

Whew! Buy that house, pay for your children's wedding, and let your children graduate from high school or college. Save that tithe money for something more important!

Should we see an escalation in the Middle East this Summer, to the point that Israel will agree to the biblical peace deal of Daniel 9:27, then we would expect Jesus to return in 2031 and the Great Tribulation to begin in early 2028.

Poor Dave Pack, wrong again.

Not only is Dave wrong, but all splinter COG groups and the COG7 are wrong, too! They are Sardis and Laodicean anyway, so why should we expect anything less?

That being said, please understand that the COGs associated with the Sardis and Laodicean churches cannot possibly know when the Great Tribulation will begin unless they change. 
CG7-Denver, for one example, believes that most events in the Book of Revelation have already been fulfilled, so they are not officially looking for it. And the Laodicean churches have added extra, non-biblical events/requirements to precede the Great Tribulation, that are not necessary and hence those who believe them will NOT believe that the Great Tribulation will start until it is too late. 
Here is a listing of some of the wrong prophetic views of real and claimed COG groups: 
Many COG groups (ICG, CGI, UCG, COGaIC, CG7-D, CGG, CEM, etc.) do not officially teach and/or do not believe in the idea of Church eras (The Churches of Revelation 2 & 3), though they sometimes teach about the churches of Revelation. They tend to take more of a preterist (past) view of those churches, despite the fact that many statements made to them had to have future prophetic ramifications (e.g. Revelation 1:19; 3:3; 3:10). Because of that they do not teach certain prophetic aspects of this, most do not see their own problems and will have to go through the Great Tribulation.

The Great Bwana Bob Mzungu then goes on to list 54 more points as to why EVERYONE is wrong except him. Everyone is too stupid to understand the signs of the end times like he does.

He is particularly ticked off at the United Church of God and the Living Church of God. Both of these groups REFUSED to listen to him and accept the truths he gave them. The butthurt from Rod Meredith rejecting him still burns like crazy.

Yet, it should be noted that leaders in the Living Church of God and/or the United Church of God have confirmed to me personally that I was biblically correct on basically all the above points, despite the fact that their respective churches hold to several of the errors pointed out above. Those who rely too much on a compromised ministry (Ezekiel 34:7-10) to teach them prophecy that is not truly in accordance with scripture need to realize that according to Jesus’ words in Revelation 2 & 3 and Luke 21, only relatively few Christians will be protected from the hour of trial that will come upon the whole world.

How can we trust anything Bob Thiel says when he says they all confirmed to him personally that he was right? Rod Meredith said that Bob's delusional mind makes things up.

This is just more made-up junk from Bwana Bob. So, enjoy life. Enjoy the beautiful world around you and the amazing things in it. Don't let these demonic pigs masquerading as ministers of righteousness rob you of the beauty around you.

Dave Pack: RCG News Flash – July 9, 2024. Jesus Returns Tomorrow!

RCG News Flash – July 9, 2024


David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God said that the Bible teaches Jesus Christ will begin the 7-Year Kingdom of God on Tammuz 5, which starts at sunset in Jerusalem at 12:47 PM ET on July 10, 2024.


Yes, that is tomorrow afternoon.


During “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 523)” on July 6, 2024, Tammuz 5 was “proven” from the Bible by reading verses in Habakkuk, Ezekiel, and Zechariah. The Pastor General said he was certain and does not believe he can ever teach any other date.

Too bad he has said that before.


Jesus Christ returns on Tammuz 5 
(July 10, 2024 at 12:47 PM ET)

Dave had to admit he knows the Bible since he has studied it for 25,000 hours during the Series. So, he might be a Bible expert. Failing since August 2013 does not seem to be a factor in that reasoning.


David C. Pack might be a Bible expert. Wink-wink.

More importantly, the brethren of The Restored Church of God cannot hide behind “Well, Mr. Pack said.” They must take ownership of what is being taught and accept it as God’s word of truth. It is faithless and foolish for them to say, “Mr. Pack said.”


No more hiding behind “What Mr. Pack said!”

Golly. Dave is not the only one “rushing to call this out.”


Article forthcoming.



Monday, July 8, 2024

They Don’t Have the TRUTH!

The Armstrong Churches of God are fond of pointing out that most folks who profess to be Christians are deceived about most things. Unfortunately, as many of us have learned, the “plain truth” is that they wouldn’t recognize the truth if it bit them in the posterior! Where do we begin? They are wrong about so many things!

First and foremost, most Armstrongites do NOT understand or accept what Jesus of Nazareth has done for them. All true disciples of Jesus Christ understand that Jesus Christ removed our sins and imputed to us his righteousness. They understand that Jesus reconciled us to God and made it possible for God to dwell within us through the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately, most Armstrongites believe that Christians must observe parts of the Law of Moses in order to be saved and that all of our sins will someday be placed on the head of Satan, NOT on Jesus.

Second, most Armstrongites fail to acknowledge that the New Covenant in Jesus has supplanted the Old Covenant between God and Israel. In keeping with their belief that salvation is accomplished in part by their own efforts to obey God’s Law, they believe that things like the observance of the Sabbath and Holy Days are essential for Christians. For them, God’s Law for Christians is still found among the provisions of the Old Covenant between God and Israel. Indeed, instead of understanding that Jesus and his love make us righteous and clean, they continue to define sin as the transgression of the terms of the Old Covenant, and they continue to believe that the physical consumption of certain animals as food can make us unclean.

Third, in clear contradiction of the writings which we refer to as the New Testament, they believe that the Gospel or “Good News” is focused on the establishment of a literal Divine Government on this planet. Unlike most Christians, their message does NOT center on the person of Jesus of Nazareth and salvation through him. Instead, they focus on end-time prophecies and how they think that they relate to today’s headlines. Likewise, instead of spiritual salvation, their message is focused on the physical fulfillment of God’s promises to Abraham. And, in keeping with that message, most of them believe that the English-speaking peoples of the earth are descendants of two of the twelve tribes of Israel. In other words, inheriting God’s promises in Christ takes a backseat to the physical birthright of being Abraham’s physical descendants!

Fourth, instead of celebrating the birth, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus of Nazareth with other Christians, they insist that it is only appropriate to celebrate Christ’s death! They believe that the holidays that most Christians celebrate are drawn from ancient pagan practices and reject any association of those days with Jesus Christ. Likewise, they shun meeting together with other Christians on Sunday and insist on worshipping with folks of like mind on the Jewish Sabbath. Indeed, they believe that gathering on Sunday is another pagan practice and that Jesus didn’t really mean that wherever two or three are gathered together in his name he would be there in the midst of those people!

Fifth, they reject the Christian understanding of the nature of God. In fact, they deny that the Holy Spirit is God, and both believe and preach that only the Father and the Son are God! Moreover, they believe and teach that humans will one day be God – as God is God! Indeed, most of them believe that God looks like us and thinks the way that we think! Instead of things like compassion, mercy, and love, they believe in a God who is royally pissed off at humanity and is just waiting for an opportunity to zap most of us out of existence. Instead of a God who wants to save the world, they preach an authoritarian and stern God who will forcibly impose his will on a rebellious and delinquent mankind. Instead of serving and helping humanity, they see themselves as someday ruling over mankind with a rod of iron!

And, finally, instead of acknowledging that Jesus Christ is THE TRUTH, they arrogantly believe that their own little package of beliefs constitutes the truth. Likewise, instead of love as the foundation, object and goal of everything that God has done and will do, they believe that a utopian government and world is his objective. For them, what happens when we die is more important than how we treat each other in the present. In short, the Armstrong Churches of God embody the Spirit of Anti-Christ more than they embody God’s Holy Spirit. In the words of the book of Revelation, they believe that they are rich (in truth) and have everything that they need, but they do not realize that they “are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked.” In times past, God winked at such ignorance, but NOW it is time for them to REPENT and accept Jesus of Nazareth as their Savior and acknowledge the inadequacy of their own righteousness!

From Anon...

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Dave Pack: I Am Branch

I Am Branch

Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God did not arrive on July 7, 2024. That is today. David C. Pack’s Tammuz Trifecta was a perfect failure for the third year in a row. Nothing biblical happened as the Pastor General of The Restored Church of God taught about Tammuz 1 in 2022, 2023, and 2024.

Do not fret because the newest date was firmly established last night:

Jesus Christ Returns on Tammuz 5
Sunset in Jerusalem
July 10 @ 12:47 PM ET

That will be covered in the coming days.


During “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 521)” on June 29, 2024, David C. Pack continued to tiptoe just right when bringing up The Restored Church of God’s depleting membership. Being a little flock is biblical, so it is actually good news despite growth no longer being a fruit of God’s blessings.

Dave carefully words his statements with a bait-and-switch mid-thought.

Part 521 – June 29, 2024
@ 1:10:42 In Luke 12, we’ve been a little flock. Haggai 1 twice describes God’s house lies waste. His church. Not been easy to be in a smaller group. A lotta people would not leave the bigger groups ‘cause they wanted numbers. Their proof of where God was working was numbers. That’s it’s called democracy.

a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives;
a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections

@ 1:11:07 Majority rules. You gotta bigger church, then you gotta be the right church. But there's a micro flock. Revelation 3 says they have micro-strength. But they have an open door, and nobody could shut it.

First, it is about numbers, but then he shifts to voting. It is unclear what point he is trying to make, which gives the impression he is not sure either. His rationale is as brittle as his reliability.

Church size has NOTHING to do with any form of government. You can have a church totaling 100 members that vote or a church consisting of 100,000 members that do not vote. Dave was trying so carefully to tiptoe just right he stepped in logic manure and tracked it across the house.

@ 1:14:46 We’ve got all kinds of literature. We’ve got a wonderful Campus. We’ve got websites galore. All kinds of tools. A fabulous staff. But, we are one seriously abbreviated church. [chuckles] We are diminutive. We used to be Gulliver. Now we’re in Lilliputia. I despised it. I hated that I we could not see all of us back together again. I hated it.

Dave is a big phony. He loves people being together just as long as he stays in charge.

All kinds of outdated literature and an ample library of discontinued books, booklets, and videos. A wonderful Campus that does nothing for “the Work” but is a private money pit for the paid Headquarters ministry, their families, and the local congregation. Websites galore that recycle material produced years ago. A fabulous staff that surrendered their integrity to support an exploitative system they know is spiritually corrupt.

It is enough to give you goosebumps on your goosebumps.

Calling the Common Kettle black in 3…2…1…

@ 1:15:15 I’ve watched people treated like merchandise. Swapped around by leaders who are so greedy and selfish they only thought about themselves.

Brethren, give your Common or “No salvation for you!”

@ 1:15:31 But, some people loathed and hated it and wouldn’t endure, so they left. They wanna go someplace bigger. This wuddn’t good enough for them.

When anyone joins The Restored Church of God, it is not about the membership numbers. They come to hear the truths of God. But RCG is not in the truth business anymore. Some would point out they never were.

People leave The Restored Church of God because a proven false prophet, false apostle, and false teacher lies to them weekly, and cowardly hirelings who were supposed to protect the sheep let the wolves gorge themselves.

I left the United Church of God in 2012 to join RCG. UCG vastly outnumbered those attending The Restored Church of God, even though they were growing. I did not come for the larger choirs. I moved to Ohio because I thought that was where God was working. I resigned from RCG in March 2021 when I knew for sure He was not. Some point out that RCG was never where God was working because Armstrongism was corrupt from the beginning.

The Restored Church of God is not the right church, the true church, or even a good church. They embody so much of what is vile in modern religion but are smug while doing it. It is a den of all manner of theological filthiness.

Former members are not eager to find “someplace bigger.” They are eager to find the right church that does not manipulate them with fear. Speaking of fear…

@ 1:15:38 And they are not gonna see the plummet in the hand of Christ. They may in seven years. He may rise in their hearts, and they're gonna wait a long time. Assuming they even get to wait at all. Those who try to destroy us don’t appear to have much of a future.

David C. Pack cannot wait to see the Lake of Fire put to good use, especially on those who accurately report what he says. How that is trying to destroy them is a mystery. Facts are facts regardless of the intent.

@ 1:18:42 We go first. We’re gonna shock the planet. But, yes, I despise the day of small things. I despised it. I wanted it to end. And it would go on and on and on and on and on. It’s why I’ll always say I don’t care how long we go. This is the right church.

I will finish Dave’s thought for him:

"As long as I'm in charge and nobody challenges me with facts or tells me I'm wrong about the smallest detail. I can do whatever I want. I live in a house built with donated money from my foolish worshippers. I stable my horses on property freely given by the sacrifices of gullible people, thinking that one million dollars would do the Work. So, I don't care how many dates I get wrong. I'm staying put because the RCG Board of Directors lack the guts to do what they know they should to extract a toxic presence from this spiritually corrupt organization.”

@ 1:19:02 If people if we went on another year, I know there’d be some who’d who’d despise the day of small things and do something about it. They’d leave. And nobody else that teaches this, but you can forget this in ten minutes if you work at it. Actually, if you work at it, you can forget it in about five.

Dave harbors deep resentments that his followers do not appreciate all the blessings he bestows upon them while ruining their Sabbaths by teaching presumptuous temporary doctrines. The nerve of those little ingrates.

@ 1:19:16 They forget all the way they feel about this massive, marvelous knowledge.

Departing members do not forget about biblical fraud, mental abuse, constant disappointment, shameful mind control tactics, relentless lying, theft, hypocrisy, and blasphemy.

@ 1:19:24 Or all the all the the the endless things we learned just today. Or just in the last month.

In the last month, brethren learned the Kingdom would come on Sivan 1. Then, Pentecost. Then, Tammuz 1. They learned the Kingdom comes in Spring. Then, it comes in summer. They learned a long list of proofs proving Pentecost can also prove Tammuz 1. They learned that the Kingdom of God arrives at dawn but is actually coming at sunset. They learned Dave can receive an utterance from God without receiving an utterance from God. They learned Dave is not Elijah while he proved that he is Elijah.

That is some of the massive, marvelous knowledge David C. Pack refers to just in the last month.


Another tidbit of marvelous knowledge in the past month was when David C. Pack allowed Jesus Christ to be the Branch again. Hopefully, the brethren learned to take notes in pencil.

@ 41:04 I wanna give you some more wonderful, inspiring news. We gotta go back and talk about the Branch. I’ve gotta correct a correction. Christ rules in the background. He's calling the shots. Elijah's in front a Him every day. But the visible frontman is Elijah. So, let's see if we've got let's see if I've correctly understood all the details of who the Branch is. ‘Member, Christ is the vine. We’re the branches.

This is wonderful, inspiring news only for David C. Pack, who cannot stomach Jesus Christ hogging the spotlight. He tiptoes just right through his reversing reversal without clueing the audience in on who the Branch really is.

@ 42:18 “…just say to him, Behold, the man,” not the Lord’s anointed. Not the angel of the Lord. “The man whose name is the Branch.” Now, here’s where you get into a a almost it's impossible this is Christ, and I don't know how I missed it. I'd known it long ago, and then, I forgot about it.

Imagine forgetting that a role of Jesus Christ in the plan of salvation actually belongs to you. That is some minor Whoopsie Daisy, for sure.

Dave covers the same Bible verses as last time but with an opposite conclusion. This is how we will get to Part 600.

@ 42:52 Does Christ sound like a sprout to you?

Dave must have been kicking himself while shaving in the mirror that morning. He had it right, then made a correction, but now has to endure the discomfort of correcting that correction.

Discerning between Jesus Christ and David C. Pack in the Bible is a monumental challenge. When you hold up both of them to the light side by side, even a person of above-average intelligence cannot tell the difference.

Boy, that is a chore nobody wants to tackle. Not it!

David C. Pack carefully tries to tiptoe just right past this topic to get the brethren back on track.

@ 44:28 So, that’s one thing I wanted to tell ya. This is this is setting something up because, you know, you're not talking about yourself. We're all branches. It’s just God uses this one man as a kind of a type of what we would all expect. We’re all gonna sprout because we’re all branches. So, you’re just using one man. This so you’re you’re you’re reading about yourself while looking at this one kinda we’ll call him a what? A prototype.

As of Part 521 in The Restored Church of God, Jesus Christ is no longer the Branch. There is one man who is a prototype. But who is he?

Dunno. David C. Pack was so careful tiptoeing that he avoided revealing who the Branch was. Longtime readers know Elijah is the alternate default, but since Dave recently denied he was Elijah, it becomes an open question.

Anyone paying attention has the answer: David C. Pack is the Branch because he is Elijah. Wink-wink. But the self-professed man-child will not say that until he is tired of having to tiptoe just right.

Watch the video segment courtesy of another former RCG member’s exRestoredCOG YouTube channel.

@ 1:29:06 So, we know we’re close. We know Israel’s at war. We know 2024 is the year, so don't worry about it, brethren. All is well. Stay close to God and enjoy thinking about how enjoyable it will be once all of this begins. Good night.

We are not close. 2024 is not the year. All is not well in The Restored Church of Another god. Today, Tammuz 1 failed. Dave’s shift to Tammuz 5 will not make him more accurate than he has always been.

David C. Pack tried to tiptoe just right and lacked the conviction to declare openly, “I am Branch.”

Marc Cebrian