Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Armstrongism, Ebionitism and Adoptionism


Armstrongism has always been well known to be an amalgamation of different thought processes and beliefs stemming from the many religious movements that developed as a result of Millerism. While not all of Armstrongism carries all of the beliefs of Ebionitism it has lots of similarities as well as with with adoptionism beliefs. It seemed to latch on to anything that supported their view that the law was still a requirement.

What say ye? 


The Ebionites also tended to demote the place of Christ. They taught the necessity for Christians to also uphold and obey the law of Moses and so have often been compared to the Judaistic group who were undermining Paul’s teachings at Galatia. A few have claimed that the Ebionites were the descendants of the Jerusalem church of the first century, but this is very far from being proven. Like the Arians, this group were very soon on the outside of the established Church. This approach is very very similar to the approach adopted by Herbert W. Armstrong, founder of the ‘Worldwide Church of God’ cult/sect.

For Armstrong, law was everything although he was very selective about which laws he was keen on; some were almost ignored, others such as the seventh day Sabbath and the Leviticus 23 holydays, were relentlessly pushed by Armstrong. He appeared totally disinterested in the major Christian doctrine of Grace, despite that doctrines very high profile in the writings of Paul. Armstrong would have agreed that the Old Covenant sacrifices had now ceased but was unwilling to make further concessions which placed his theology a long way from the theology of the New Testament. The tiny WCG offshoot cults have tried to maintain, to a greater or lesser degree, Armstrong’s approach. Ancient Heresies and Discredited Theories

Other views on Ebiontism:

Dr. Schaff sharply distinguishes Ebionism from Gnosticism as follows: "Ebionism is a Judaizing, pseudo-Petrine Christianity, or a Christianizing Judaism; Gnosticism is a paganizing or pseudo-Pauline Christianity, or a pseudo-Christian heathenism. The former is a particularistic contraction of the Christian religion; the latter a vague expansion of it" (Church History, § 67). According to the same writer, "the characteristic marks of Ebionism in all its forms are, degradation of Christianity to the level of Judaism, the principle of the universal and perpetual validity of the Mosaic law, and enmity to the apostle Paul. But, as there were different sects in Judaism itself, we have also to distinguish at least two branches of Ebionism, related to each other, as Pharisaism and Essenism, or, to use a modern illustration, as the older deistic and the speculative pantheistic rationalism in Germany, or the two schools of Unitarianism in England and America. 

1. The common Ebionites, who were by far the more numerous, embodied the Pharisaic legal spirit, and were the proper successors of the Judaizers opposed in the epistle to the Galatians. Their doctrine may be reduced to the following propositions:

(a.) Jesus is, indeed, the promised Messiah, the son of David, and the supreme lawgiver, yet a mere man, like Moses and David, sprung by natural generation from Joseph and Mary. The sense of his Messianic calling first arose in him at his baptism by John, when a higher spirit joined itself to him. Hence Origen compared this sect to the blind man in the Gospel who called to the Lord without seeing him, 'Thou son of David, have mercy on me!'

(b.) Circumcision and the observance of the whole ritual law of Moses are necessary to salvation for all men.

(c.) Paul is an apostate and heretic, and all his epistles are to be discarded. The sect considered him a native heathen, who came over to Judaism in later life from impure motives.

(d.) Christ is soon to come again to introduce the glorious millennial reign of the Messiah, with the earthly Jerusalem for its seatMcClintock and Strong Biblical Cyclopedia

Note this about adoptionism:

It is frequently claimed that the earliest christology was “adoptionist,” the theological claim that ontologically (by nature) Jesus was nothing but human, nothing but “mere man.” This ancient “reductionist-humanistic” concept did, however, allow for an exalted view of Jesus as Messiah, great high priest, the “Prophet like Moses,” and other Jewish-Messianic affirmations. It also permitted Jesus to be a risen prophet, one whom God raised up from the grave as a seal of approval. Moreover, it allowed this risen Jesus to be an angelic being, glorified and exalted into heaven and standing at God’s right hand, carrying God’s name in him, and waiting fto carry out a “second coming” in which he will judge the world. This adoptionist Jesus – properly understood not as a god or God, but as God’s agent – may even be addressed in the Maranatha prayer: “Come, Lord Jesus.” 
But all of these glorious affirmations still pertain to the monotheistic, Jewish Jesus, a man, a prophet, a righteous Israelite rewarded by God. God’s reward, as mentioned, was to raise Jesus into heaven. This heavenly reward is necessarily an aspect of adoptionism. Clearly, a risen Messiah to whom one can pray has par excellence been adopted (as “Son”) by God. Yet Ebionites and other early Jewish Christians believed that Jesus’ adoption by God began even earlier, in his earthly life, before his death and resurrection. 
It was claimed that Jesus, a devout Israelite, excelled all others in piety, obedience and righteousness (as reflected in Luke 2:51-52), so that, by the time he was baptized by John in the Jordan, Jesus had reached the pinnacle of holiness, and so was “ripe for adoption.” Indeed, say Jewish Christian sources, it was at his baptism that Jesus was “officially” adopted as God’s son: the heavens opened, the holy Spirit descended on Jesus “like a dove,” and God’s voice proclaimed him “Son.” This early Jewish christological understanding extends even into the canonical Gospels and the Pauline writings. 
It is generally maintained among scholars that this “low” adoptionist christology characterised only the early, “Jewish” period of church formation. So-called “higher” christologies which made more explict divine claims for Jesus, are held to be much later developments in the tradition. The idea is that the “Jewishness” of low/adoptionist christology indicates its plausibility, because notions of higher christology had not yet had time to evolve. 
Adoptionist christology, it is claimed, is in keeping with Jewish perspectives about prophets, inspired or” holy”people, and the monotheistic/singular-unitary nature of God. Higher christology, it is claimed, is the product of later theological reflection and possible importation of pagan, Hellenistic ideas about god-men and demigods.

However, some expressions of early Jewish christology actually contain both “high” and “low” concepts about Jesus. 
For the Ebionites, Jesus was the adopted son of God, the Prophet like Moses, whose righteousness caused God to embrace him in a filial relationship at his baptism and then to “set the seal” on the act by raising Jesus from the dead. For the Ebionites, Jesus was the Messiah in the sense of carrying out messianic goals during his ministry. (Interestingly, they also held that messiahship is potentially everyone’s birthright, maintaining that all Ebionites, and those who enter that fold, are oiled with the same messianic chrism that anointed Jesus. Adherents can, like Jesus, perform the messianic task.) 
Thus far, Ebionitism qualifies as a typically “low” christology. However, Ebionites also claimed a kind of “high” christology, because they involved their Christ in the field or schema of heavenly pre-existence. Ebionites typically claimed that Jesus, the wholly human but divinely-adopted prophet also embodied God’s holy Spirit. 
To return to the baptism scene: Ebionites claimed that the “Spirit Like A Dove” that descended on Jesus was a type of pre-existent, heavenly “Christ” sent down to abide in Jesus. 
This spirit was thought to be more or less interchangeable with the Adam Kadmon, or heavenly primal Adam; Yahoel, God’s chief assisting angel; Metatron, the Angel of the Throne; and the Standing One or heavenly Son of Man. 
For the Ebionites, Jesus was a man adopted and risen to heaven by God. But he was also the embodiment on earth – or if the term may be used – the incarnation of a pre-existent celestial being. The Ebionite Jesus thus carries in him the dual dignity 1) of a righteous human being and 2) the numinous character who incarnates a revealing tutelary spirit, who is pre-existent and closely related to God. 
To reiterate: Ebionitism claims a dual christological significance to Jesus’ baptismal adoption, an adoption that simultanesously consists of: 
granting to Jesus a filial relationship to God
– and –
the entering into Jesus of a pre-existent celestial tutelary spirit, perceived, conceptualized and symbolized as a dovelike spirit. 
The Ebionite Christ thus exemplifies a synthesis of both “low” and “high” christologies, because: 
on the one hand he is the obedient-and-rewarded prophet,

and on the other hand he is the recipient of a pre-existent, heavenly being. 
It is therefore possible to think that the Ebionite Jesus speaks in two voices: one, the voice of the Jesus “the carpenter’s son,” the obedient-but-transformed/adopted human mystic, “Jesus the Galilean”; the other, the self-revealing, incarnating Spirit, or Adam Kadmon, primal Son of Man, holy angel. 
This christological paradigm is worked out in Islam by the separation of the the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) personal voice from the Voice of God speaking through him. The New Testament does not often or obviously separate the two voices, but a close reading will find them implicit in many texts, most pointedly in John’s Gospel. 
John’s Jesus, embodying the Spirit and will of the Father and being the vehicle for the Logos’ incarnation, speaks with the Voice of the Divine, such as in the “I am” statements. Many of the Johannine Jesus’ statements can be read as self-revelations of the Spirit incarnate in him (“I come from the Father and return to the Father; I know the hidden things of God; before Abraham came to be, I am,” etc.). Here – theoretically at least -is the incarnate heavenly Spirit speaking through Jesus.
At other times John’s Jesus looks more like a human mystic reflecting on and talking about what it is like to incarnate God’s spirit and to be filially united with that God and his spiritt (“the Father and I are one; when you see me, you see the Father; I am a man who hears and obeys the word of God; the Father is greater than I; I can do nothing of my own will, only by God’s will,” etc. Here – theoretically – Jesus the Galilean mystic is speaking about himself.

These considerations indicate that the dichotomy between high-late and low-early christologies is at least partially dissolved in Ebionitism’s combination of the two. For a fascinating discussion of the possible “two voices” of Jesus, the reader is referred to Stevan L. Davies’ book, Jesus the Healer (Continuum Publishing Company, NY 1995, especially pp. 151-169). Ebionitism’s Dual Christologies



Guess Who Is Elijah Again?


RCG News Flash – August 3, 2024

David C. Pack IS Elijah The Prophet After All.
All Restored Church Of God Members Are Prophets, Too.

During “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 526)” on July 27, 2024, the Pastor General of The Restored Church of God spent one hour of a two-hour and eight-minute sermon explaining that he is, in fact, Elijah the Prophet. But all the members of RCG are also prophets.

I Am Elijah – Part 1

I Am Elijah – Part 2

“I’m Not Gonna Claim To Be A Prophet”

The June exrcg.org article, The Elijahn Wink, already called his bluff.

Dave has had an on-again, off-again love affair with being Elijah the Prophet since first believing he was during the worst Sabbath six-hour marathon in RCG history in 2015.

“I Hafta Be Elijah Now”

His god sure has a hard time making things clear to the only living apostle on earth charged with delivering just-in-time divine knowledge. That is probably the product of the not-so-great idea that Dave’s god can talk to him without using an audible voice.

David C. Pack Compilation – Elijah the Prophet 

He knows the date for the return of Jesus Christ. But won’t tell anyone. Yet.

Dave knows his enemies will attack him, but he just laughs about that. Sure, he laughs…sure…

Marc Cebrian  exrcg.org

Friday, August 2, 2024

William Miller and the Armstrongist Church of God Movement


Robin Brace, a former Worldwide Church of God member and a former minister, has written extensively on the UK site Outreach Trust which works to help people recover from abusive churches, legalism, and defending the faith.

This is some of the information he has written about William Miller and the erroneous church movements he fathered (including Adventism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Armstrongism, and even Mormonism).

Note the highlighted section below. Today's Church of God's self-appointed leaders do this exact same thing. They despise the cross and the atoning work and place their entire focus upon fantastical and absurd prophecies interpreted according to their "understanding". This is particularly true of Bob Thiel and his hatred of the cross. The cross and Jesus take the focus off of him.

One cannot stress enough the desire of the early Americans to be free of religious control after having suffered often in the Old World because of its excesses. This hunger for freedom led to a powerful sense of independence and a resulting desire to rediscover Christian community and experience. Much good came from this pursuit of a more personal Christianity, but it also led to an atmosphere in which idiosyncratic beliefs were often tolerated in ways they would not have been in the Old World.

By the 1840s, overlapping historically with the early development of the Mormon religion, William Miller sought to refocus Christianity away from Christ’s atoning work on the cross and instead preached an envisaged, imminent second coming supported by his interpretations of Bible prophecy (especially that found in Daniel and Revelation). He was drawing on strands of sensational teaching which were in no way new. Similar arguments had been attempted before in the Old World but had not prospered because of the wide accessibility of more deeply grounded biblical theology. The New World, however, was determined to be “open” religiously; this American, individualistic freedom assisted the new, exciting adventist worldview and provided an environment in which it could flourish.

All the “adventist” cults and sects—which are American phenomena—can be traced to the legacy of Miller. It matters not whether we speak of Joseph Smith, Ellen White, Hiram Edson, Joseph Bates, Charles Taze Russell (who became the first leader of the Watchtower Society—later, Jehovah’s Witnesses—in 1896), or Herbert W. Armstrong  who founded what became the Worldwide Church of God in 1933—these theological mavericks who posed as Christians all reflected America’s individualistic freedom and bore the marks of William Miller’s “gospel”, replacing the finished work of Jesus on the cross with the alarm: “Jesus is coming; get ready!”

Miller’s new approach had proven to be so popular that by 1844, F.S. Mead calculated in his A Handbook of Denominations in the United States, p 20, “… there were between 50,000 and 100,000 adventists in North America.” 

Miller’s doomsday legacy continues to evolve; David Koresh, of Waco, Texas fame, was also an adventist, originally of the Seventh-day Adventist sect, later leaving to pursue his own highly idiosyncratic theological path.

Today, Miller is quite famous for his date-setting for Christ’s return based upon his understanding of the apocalyptic books of Daniel and Revelation. Inevitably, however, his dates failed, and many gave up adventism; others went into mental asylums, and some committed suicide. They had given up everything, even leaving their crops unharvested, because they believed Jesus would come and take them away. 

Others, however, were not deterred by Miller’s failed prophecies. These adventists refused to accept the fact that they had believed a lie and had discounted the clear teaching of Jesus: “But concerning that day or that hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father” (Mk. 13:32). This group never gave up Miller’s approach of refocusing adventists away from the cross and toward the second coming. As time passed, their methods included prophecy, legalism in various forms, and, inevitably, all the pet theories of each of the founders of the sects that emerged from those persistent Millerite faithful.

Miller, like the founders of almost every adventist cult who would follow him, had little deep knowledge of the word of God and had not been a long-term practicing Christian. He had never studied Greek or Hebrew, and it is known that he only used the Bible and Cruden’s Concordance in his work. He was unaccountable and marched to his own theological drum. 

In fact, all the subsequent sect-founding adventists followed a similar “me-only” approach, believing that God was revealing new truth—only to them! They even rejected the new understandings of other adventists. In short, their Milleresque methods became notable for their sublime senses of self-sufficiency!

These men and women had never been masters of even one of the biblical languages in which the inspired texts were originally written. Neither were they prepared to check their conclusions against the more time-honored conclusions of men such as Luther, Calvin, Augustine, and others. Consequently, it has been easy for adventists to hold their ground, since they have never felt the need to defend their teachings against the more thoroughly biblically-grounded teachings of the Christian world. In adventism itself, typically, the people are held in subjection to various charismatic leaders and do not dare pose questions. Further, most such sects have painted a picture (also very much part of adventism) that they alone have all truth and that those who hold other biblical views are the tools of Satan! Robin Brace: Moving Away from Legalism


LCG: Sciatica, Rumor Mill, Church Successor, Church Wide Fast, Humbling Ones Self, and DON'T PLAY CHURCH!

We are drawing close to the fall Holy Days time and Satan is getting angry. LCG is starting to feel his wrath by Gerald Weston being sidelined by painful sciatica and a herniated disc and busy rumor mills are already starting to spread rumors wondering who his successor will be.

Weston has seen several doctors about this and the prognosis is that it will heal in time. Gone are the days when the church taught that all illnesses in the church were a direct result of personal sin in one's life. And, that God refused to heal many due to their lack of faith. It's interesting that when Herb started getting sick this teaching swiftly went into the digestor in Big Sandy 

Also, it seems pride and haughtiness have set in in the membership of the LCG. Remember, church members can never do anything right so they now need to humble themselves on August 3 to see what's wrong with them in order to appease that incessantly angry COG god.

Oh, and apparently some LCG members are only "playing" church. Stupid members! Don't you realize that all the problems of the church and the failure of Christ returning to spank everyone's behind is all YOUR fault?

Dear Brethren,
Rather than allowing rumor or speculation to occur, I want to let you know about my physical condition at this time. Seven years ago, I had a bout of sciatica—a very painful condition. It lasted about three weeks and went away. It came back last September before the Feast of Tabernacles, but it improved enough for me to fly to Texas for the Feast, even though I had to stand at times due to pain while sitting. 
By November I was much better, and it was very manageable. However, a few weeks before the Texas Teen Camp this summer, the symptoms started coming back. Though painful, this did not prevent me from traveling to Texas to direct the camp, but I had to fly back to Charlotte on Friday to be here for Mr. Ames’ funeral. 
Dear brethren, even though I regrettably had to miss speaking at the funeral, I am extremely thankful to have returned to Charlotte. I was very, very blessed to be able to come back because by Sabbath it was worse, and by Sunday morning, I went to the emergency room for some relief from excruciating pain. This situation would be far more complicated for a variety of reasons if I were stuck in Texas. 
I have seen several doctors and the diagnosis is that it is a herniated disc causing pressure against the sciatic nerve that runs down from the buttocks, along the leg, all the way down to the foot. I am surprised how many of you have also experienced this and understand exactly what I’m talking about. While similar to past episodes, this time is far more intense. 
I am letting you know of this as I am a little sidelined for the moment. This is something that is temporary. It is excruciatingly painful and very unpleasant, but my doctor told me that 80 to 90 percent of people recover without surgery. 
Even though I don’t like focusing on my problems, I know that if I don’t say something then rumors and speculation can get started and people start worrying needlessly. It is kind of funny, but when I get a cold, a few members become anxious and wonder who is going to succeed me. Suffice it to say that there are some very fine men here at Headquarters who are thoroughly converted, strategic thinkers. The only concern I have about succession is which one is Christ’s choice. So far, He has not made that obvious, but it is encouraging to know we have men who can step in when and if needed. 
This is written to let you know that I may not be as visible for a few weeks. I sincerely do not like focusing on my own problems because there are brethren who are going through trials that are far, far greater than mine. Some have been going through long trials—very painful situations. And some are in end-of-life situations. So, while I appreciate your prayers, I feel unworthy of them and hope you will remember our dear brothers and sisters who may be going through much greater trials. They are precious in the sight of God the Father and Jesus Christ and must be in our eyes, too. 
Now may I address another subject—the upcoming fast on August 3. Sometimes people ask the question: Why are we fasting? What is the cause, purpose, or focus of the fast? Sometimes we miss the major focus of fasting, which is to draw close to God. As we read in Matthew 9:14-15, the disciples of John asked why the disciples of Jesus did not fast. Christ pointed out that since God was with them in the flesh there was no reason for them to fast, as the purpose of fasting is to draw close to God. It is very important that we recognize that we do not approach a fast from the perspective of ganging up on God to force our will upon Him. 
There are cases, for example with Esther, where there was a specific issue, a crisis for which to fast and cry out to God. But, as Mr. Herbert Armstrong taught, the focus should be on humbling ourselves. That is what fasting is: humbling ourselves, finding out what is wrong with us, finding out what we need to change. And while there are times where there is a specific focus, most of the time our fasts are about getting closer to God. 
Consider what is happening all around us. The world is in turmoil and looking for a savior. We already have three major upsets in elections. Here in the United States Mr. Biden has dropped out of the Presidential race. We had the assassination attempt on Mr. Trump. We have Mr. Macron in France who took a significant hit in the polls. I don’t understand the French system, but certainly Marine Le Pen won the greatest number of votes. Macron it appears, is still in charge, but the dynamics have changed. And, there was a major overthrow in the British government, with power returning to the Labour Party. Several other significant elections are upcoming this year. We also have members suffering serious trials. Our world is burning up in many respects and who knows where we are going to be by the end of the year. 
So, brethren, we need to recognize the need to draw close to God. This is a time when we must be serious. As Dr. Meredith used to admonish us, “Don’t play church!” I understand that most of you are not. Most of you are very serious and dedicated. But these are serious times, and we must grow closer to God. We need to examine ourselves, praying for God to show us how we can change as individuals and as a Church to get the message out to the world. Our focus should be on humbling ourselves, drawing close to God, being moved in light of all the things that we see in our world today. And be sure to reference Dr. Winnail’s comments on the fast. 
Sincerely, in Christ’s service,
Gerald E. Weston

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Crackpot Prophet Attempts To Play Apostolic Jesus Tag And Fails Miserably

@misterdifficult #cults #CultSurvivor #armstrongism #worldwidechurchofgod #wwcg #wcg #continuingchurchofgod #ccog #bobthiel @Pasadenaguy10 @exRestoredCOG ♬ original sound - misterdiffiCULT

Just when you think the stupidity coming out of Bob Thiel, the Great Bwana to Africa and the occasional 100 Caucasians can't get any sillier, along comes MisterdifiCULT highlighting Bob Thiel's apostolic succession nonsense. We have long said Bob is a liar masquerading as a Christian and this just adds more fuel to the fire.

Here is the direct line of succession that Bob Thiel claims leads to him being the end-time prophet. The asshattery here is appalling!

Peter through death circa 64-68 (mainly oversaw churches from Asia Minor, Antioch, and Jerusalem)

John through death circa 98-102 (oversaw churches from Ephesus of Asia Minor) 

Polycarp through death circa 155-157 (oversaw churches from Smyrna of Asia Minor) 1

Thraseas through death circa 160 (oversaw the churches from Eumenia, but died in Smyrna)

Sagaris through death circa 166-167 (died in Laodicea of Asia Minor)

Papirius through death circa 170 (oversaw churches from Smyrna of Asia Minor)

Melito through death circa 170-180 (oversaw churches from Sardis of Asia Minor)

Polycrates through death circa 200 (oversaw churches from Ephesus of Asia Minor) 

Apollonius of Ephesus through death circa 210 (oversaw churches from Ephesus of Asia Minor). 1

Camerius of Smyrna through death circa 220 (possibly oversaw churches from Smyrna of Asia Minor). 1

c. 220 - c. 254 Nepos of Arsinoe

c. 254 - c. 275 Unnamed Antiochian(s) or possibly Dorotheus 2

c. 275 - 312 Lucian of Antioch 2

c. 313 - 380 Unnamed Antiochian (s) 2

c. 380 - c. 470 Unnamed Nazarenes 3

c. 470 - c. 500 Constantine of Antioch and Aushin 3

c. 500 - c. 645 Unnamed ‘Paulicians’3

c. 645 - c. 650 Leader with New Testament from Syria 4

c. 650 - c. 684 Constantine of Mananali (Silvanus) 4

c. 684 - c. 696 Simeon 4

c. 697 - c. 702 Sergius 4

c. 702 - c. 717 Paul the Armenian 4

c. 717 - c. 746 Gegnesius 4

c. 746 - c. 782 Joseph (Epaphroditus) 4

c. 783 - c. 800 Unnamed Paulician(s)

c. 801 - c. 835 Sergius (Tychicus) 4

c. 836 - c. 919 Unnamed Paulicians

c. 920 - c. 950 Basil 5

c. 951 - c. 980 Jeremiah 5

1000s Sergius (27 years) 6

c. 1110 - 1140 Peter DeBruy (Pierre De Bruy)

1140 - 1155 Arnold of Brescia

1156 - 1181 Nicetas 6

1181 - 1205 Peter Waldo 6

1205 - 1224 Arnold Hot 7

1224 - c. 1240 Arnold Aurisonus, in Latin:  Arnoldus Aurisanus 7

c. 1240 - 1310 Unnamed Sabbatarian Waldensians

c. 1310 - 1322 Walter the Lollard 8

1322 - c. 1335 Raymond the Lollard

c. 1335 - c. 1460 Unnamed Sabbatarian Waldensians 3

c. 1460 - 1492 Anthony Ferrar 9

1492 - 1525 Stefano Carlino 8  or Unnamed Sabbatarian Waldenesians 3

1526 - 1528 Moravian Sabbatarian Anabaptist ‘traveling minister’10

1529 - 1540 Andreas Fischer 11

c. 1540 - 1563 Michiel Rovillart of Arras 12

1560 - 1579 Francis David 13

1580 - 1587 Unnamed Sabbatarian 14

1588 - 1600 Andreas Eossi

1600 - 1616 Simon Péchi

1617 - 1619 John Traske 15

1620 - 1652 John Pecke 15

1652 - 1654 Peter Chamberlen 15

1654 - 1661 John James 15

1661 - 1678 William Saller/Seller 15

1678 - 1711 Henry Soursby 15

1712 or 1716 - 1743 Thomas Lucas 16

1712 - 1716 John Maxson 16

1716 - 1718 John Maxson, Jr.

1718 - 1737 Joseph Crandall 16

1737 - 1748 Joseph Maxson

1748 - 1778 John Maxson

1779 - 1797 Nathan Rogers 16

1797 - 1820 James Dunn 17

1820 - 1850 John Cottrell 18 or 1823-1850 Peter Davis

1839 or 1850 - 1871 Asa Bee or unnamed Sabbatarian

1871 - 1900 A.C. Long

1900 - 1905 William C. Long

1905 - 1921 S.W. Mentzer

1921 - 1933 Andrew N. Dugger 19

1922 - 1933 John S. Stanford 19

1933 - 1986 Herbert W. Armstrong 

1986 - 2011 Aaron Dean 20

1986 -2011 Roderick C. Meredith 20

1986 - 2010 Dibar Apartian 21

2011 - present Bob Thiel

What the numbers mean

19 A.N. Dugger claimed to have apostolic succession, yet lost what he may have had shortly after he knowingly refused to teach truth. John S. Stanford taught doctrines like the Holy Days that A.N. Dugger refused to teach, but lost whatever succession he had when he basically ‘faded out’ of leading the work (probably at least partially because of some of his prophetic misunderstandings). 

20 Three leaders, out of many possible, are listed here in the transitional phase from Philadelphia to the Philadelphian remnant to lead the final phase of the work. All three had laying on of hands succession (as do all true Christians and ministers) as well as reasons why they could have had the Philadelphian succession mantle as well as reasons why that would not remain. Aaron Dean though maintaining many Philadelphian traits, has remained supportive of a non-Philadelphia-era governance structure. In Dr. Meredith’s case, he followed in the error of A.N. Dugger by refusing to teach what he said was true. Dibar Apartian, himself, died December 2010, and had tried to get Dr. Meredith to change. 

21 We accept that scores of others from the time of Herbert W. Armstrong have laying on of hands succession related to Laodicea (and perhaps other eras), but since Philadelphia was to continue (cf. Hebrews 13:1) it is through Dibar Apartian to Bob Thiel that we tend to assert the Philadelphian leadership succession occurred. 

We have seen much nonsense from COG leaders, but this one takes the sweepstake prize.

It is important to note the following:

Herbert Armstrong NEVER ordained Bob Thiel
Aaron Dean NEVER ordained Bob Thiel
Rod Meredith NEVER ordained Bob Thiel
Doug Winnail NEVER ordained Bob Thiel
Richard Ames NEVER ordained Bob Thiel
Dibar Apartian NEVER ordained Bob Thiel

The Worldwide Church of God NEVER ordained Bob Thiel

The Global Church of God NEVER ordained Bob Thiel

The Living Church of God NEVER ordained Bob Thiel 

Notice who is directly missing from this mythological line of succession: Gaylyn Bonjour. Bonjour is the man Thiel used to claim gave him the right of apostolic succession and the blessing to start a new church (which Gaylyn Bonjour NEVER intended and publicly said so)

The lies just keep getting deeper:

And, yes, people like Polycarp of Smyrna and Bob Thiel share the same basic doctrines and practices--including those that have been condemned by Greco-Roman church leaders, who gained political dominance in the third and later centuries.

And then there is this:

Anyway, God grants the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands and succession was taught in the old Radio and Worldwide Church of God, and has extended into the Continuing Church of God.

Bob Thiel is a liar in this apostolic line of succession nonsense and therefore invalidates his standing as a Church of God leader, and which rightly places him as a deceiver of the brethren.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Bible Talk: Universal Sabbath?

The Sabbath: Cultic or Universal?

According to Pastor Vance Stinson of the Church of God International, the Ten Commandments are a "universal" feature of God's Law - meaning that they apply to everyone. Of course, as part of the Decalogue, that would also include the commandment to "remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy." Is that, however, consistent with what Scripture has to say about the Sabbath? OR Does the Bible reveal that the Sabbath was a "cultic" feature of God's Law - meaning that it applied to a relatively small group of people as a religious practice which set them apart from the religious practices of other peoples?

First, although the book of Genesis informs us that the Sabbath was created at the end of God's six days of work after "he" had finished creating (or recreating, as some would say) the earth and universe. Even so, we do not see the Sabbath mentioned again until God introduced it to the children of Israel after "he" had rescued them from Egyptian slavery.

In the sixteenth chapter of the book of Exodus, we read that "the whole congregation of the people of Israel grumbled against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness" because they were hungry (Exodus 16:1-3). As a consequence, we read that God told Moses: "Behold, I am about to rain bread from heaven for you, and the people shall go out and gather a day's portion every day, that I may test them, whether they will walk in my law or not. On the sixth day, when they prepare what they bring in, it will be twice as much as they gather daily." (Exodus 16:4-5, ESV) A little later, in the same chapter, we read: "On the sixth day they gathered twice as much bread, two omers each. And when all the leaders of the congregation came and told Moses, he said to them, 'This is what the Lord has commanded: ‘Tomorrow is a day of solemn rest, a holy Sabbath to the Lord; bake what you will bake and boil what you will boil, and all that is left over lay aside to be kept till the morning.' So they laid it aside till the morning, as Moses commanded them, and it did not stink, and there were no worms in it. Moses said, 'Eat it today, for today is a Sabbath to the Lord; today you will not find it in the field. Six days you shall gather it, but on the seventh day, which is a Sabbath, there will be none.'" (Exodus 16:22-26, ESV) In this way, God introduced the children of Israel to the Sabbath.

Later, at Mount Sinai, we are informed that God included the observance of this Sabbath in the Ten Commandments which "he" gave to Moses (Exodus 20:8-11). Of course, in so doing, the Sabbath became an integral part of God's covenant with the Children of Israel. Indeed, this was made clear at the conclusion of that account of God's dictation to Moses of the terms of the covenant. We read there: "And the Lord said to Moses, 'You are to speak to the people of Israel and say, ‘Above all you shall keep my Sabbaths, for this is a sign between me and you throughout your generations, that you may know that I, the Lord, sanctify you. You shall keep the Sabbath, because it is holy for you. Everyone who profanes it shall be put to death. Whoever does any work on it, that soul shall be cut off from among his people. Six days shall work be done, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of solemn rest, holy to the Lord. Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day shall be put to death. Therefore the people of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, observing the Sabbath throughout their generations, as a covenant forever. It is a sign forever between me and the people of Israel that in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed.'" (Exodus 31:12-17, ESV)

Thus, we can see that the Sabbath was a special feature of God's covenant with the children of Israel. Certainly, the Gentile nations of the world had no such tradition or practice. Hence, if Mr. Stinson is correct in differentiating between "cultic" and "universal" commandments, then we would have to say that the Sabbath commandment is "cultic"!

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix

COGWA delays building of their new learning center


In March of this year, COGWA posted that they are looking at building a new auditorium/learning center, something every true Church of God MUST have! Herbert had one and Flurry has one, so why can't we?

They posted this:

Before I conclude this letter, I wanted to give you a brief update on where we are with the potential building of an auditorium on our property here in McKinney, Texas. We are currently in the process of negotiating with three contractors (we began with five) to see if this project will be viable. We were surprised that from the time we began our planning for this potential auditorium, building costs have gone up exponentially, by 50 percent according to some. To be perfectly clear, our goal from the beginning was to pay cash for any new building, or possibly pay mostly cash with a small, short-term loan that could be paid off in two or three years. If we can’t arrive at a price that we can afford, then we will put the project on hold until we have the cash to complete what we started. This should be determined in the next few weeks. At that time, I will meet with the Ministerial Board of Directors, and a decision will be made as to whether we: (1) put the project on hold for possibly another year, (2) cancel the project or (3) go forward with building. The determining factor will be the cost. I will keep everyone informed when a decision is made.

Now three months later, they have decided to delay the builing yet again. They plan on looking at it in January after the elections and to see whether or not we are in the midst of WWIII. Plus, the average age of COGWA members is getting old and money slows down at that point.

One of our options for this project has always been to delay. With that in mind, during a recent meeting of the administration and the Ministerial Board of Directors, a unanimous decision was reached to delay any building until at least January 2025. Here are the reasons that were discussed for such a delay:

    • Economic conditions. There is uncertainty about the future of the U.S. economy. We should have more clarity by waiting until the end of this fiscal year (December 2024).
    • Contentious U.S. presidential election. While one can say that this happens every four years, I don’t believe this year’s election will be typical of the past. This won’t be a normal election and could further divide our nation, creating more economic uncertainty.
    • Building costs. The cost of construction rose by more than 50 percent in 2023, but the general consensus is that the overall cost of construction (labor and materials) will drop by the end of 2024. We have already seen a decrease in some prices this year, but there are certainly no guarantees that this will be true at the end of this year.
    • New budget year. In December of 2024, the MBOD will approve a budget for the fiscal year 2025. Some important facts will be known by that time that are not known at the present time. What will our budget priorities be for 2025? What will our total income be in 2024? (Currently our income is ahead of last year and above budget projections.)

It isn’t because of a lack of funds that we are making the decision to delay. The Church is in an excellent financial position with the capacity to build an education center with cash, and without affecting the annual operation of the Church or our efforts to preach the gospel. The reality, of course, is that once funds are expended, they are gone and no longer available for other projects. During this recent MBOD meeting, we asked ourselves if we are willing to spend funds at the present time or if we should wait an additional seven months in order to analyze economic conditions and the future needs of the Church. The administration and MBOD unanimously concluded that it would be better to wait until January 2025 to make that decision.

In addition to the points mentioned above, there is another consideration that cannot be ignored. Because of the inevitable factor of age, it is obvious to all of us that within the next five to 10 years we will be losing some of our best teachers and pastors to retirement. How we will replace them is on my mind continuously. An education center may not be absolutely essential at this time, but I believe it would benefit our current education and leadership development programs and any new ones we choose to develop for the future. These programs will be essential for the future of the Church and must be given high priority.

Thank you for your support and patience as we work through all these details. Please continue to pray for this important decision for the future of the Church. We are a work of faith and we depend on God to take care of us, but we want to do our part in gathering facts and making the best decisions for the future based on those facts.



UCG: Even though income is up close to 9% we need more of your money to help us through there perilous end times

In these perilous end times as prophecy comes alive around us and even though you are giving money to us, we need more of it to do our vital ministry. So give, and give, and give, and give and give! You must perform this good work to show God that you are supporting this most vital work. Otherwise, He will be extremely disappointed in you and your salvation may be at stake. Give now as you never have before! We need to get this vital message to the world! Time is short! 

It isn't just UCG doing this; it's almost every COG out there demanding more money from their followers. God can't be bothered till he sees money in the till.

UCGIA Financial Update

With the end of June marking the final month in fiscal year 2023-2024, we are encouraged to report that (unaudited figures throughout) total income has increased more than five percent year over year. This also represents just under a nine percent increase over budget for the same period measured. 
Inflationary challenges continued in many expense categories this fiscal year and (as of the date of this writing) expenses, in the aggregate, exceeded annual budgeted amounts—though by less than two percent. We very much appreciate God’s blessings of increased income to cover these additional expenses. 
I am again reminded of Philippians chapter 4 where the apostle Paul writes about the generosity of faithful followers in Philippi, and how pleasing it is to God (Who is ultimately the source of it). Verse 19 reads, “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Now to our God and Father be glory forever and ever . . .” 
With the mission of the Church to preach the gospel, make disciples, and care for those disciples, including the recognition of its responsibility to help those with financial needs, God continues to bless the Church with the means and opportunity to give and provide this much needed care and support. 
Also, in recognition of our commitment to members outside the United States, the Church, in the form of international subsidies, provided just under $1.7 million this fiscal year to international areas. These funds are in support of their respective operations, including financial assistance to those in need. 
God continues to provide the Church with all it needs. We know and trust He will see us through whatever comes our way, with an ever-changing world in which prophecy continues to unfold. We are grateful to Him, and to the members, coworkers and donors who faithfully support the Work. May we all continually seek God’s will and be faithful in submitting to it. 
Until next time, if you have any questions about the finances of the Church, please feel free to contact me.
—Barry Korthuis, Treasurer

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Can You Trust A Current COG Leader/Member Who Will Be A King/High Priest/God to Rule Fairly And Equitably Over You In The Kingdom?


United Church of God has an article up on their site from Jim Tuck on how UCG members, who will be part of the divine family, will be making judgments, helping enforce the law, and interpreting the law as they judge people in the kingdom who commit infractions. Oh, and they will also be responsible for reeducating the world at that time.

Given the track record on how disunified the Church of God movement currently is doctrinally, spiritually, and temporally, how can anyone trust any of them to do what is right?

Can you imagine living in a world where the godhead ruling over you would be Bob Thiel, Gerald Flurry, or Dave Pack? Imagine 1,000 years under these guys! The licking flames of the Gahenna fire would look appealing after the first month of their tyranny. Imagine being under the kings and priests of the squabbling UCG/COGWA leader! They can't get along now in the 21st century so what makes them think the world will submit to them in some fantastical kingdom?

Imagine being under Dave Pack and Gerald Flurry as their personal slaves as you bring them their morning coffee, clean their offices, and bow your head as the newly crowned god's walk by you. What joy! 

It's going to take God 999 years to get the squabbling COG's all on the same page! How will any of these men lead people to peace, prosperity, and happiness for everyone?

God’s Divine family will rule over the earth

The Bible says the government won’t be left to other people; the family of God will rule (Daniel 2:44)! Those called now will assist Jesus Christ in establishing His great Kingdom, which will never pass away (Daniel 27:14, 18). The Church—the saints—will become glorified beings and join the God Family at the first resurrection. They will begin rule as kings and priests when they are changed to spirit at the better resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:52-54; Hebrews 11:35; Revelation 20:5-6). 

In the United States government there are three separate branches—the executive, legislative and judicial. Additionally, there is a fourth branch of education which is overseen by the government. In God’s Kingdom, Jesus will set up His government in Jerusalem within which all of these functions will be united. God will provide His laws (the legislative function). The God Family will help enforce the laws (the executive function). It will also interpret those laws and judge cases concerning them (the judicial function). And the God Family will be responsible for education—which will always be taught based on God's law. His way will lead to peace, prosperity and happiness for everyone.

The Church of God is training future kings and priests who will rule with Christ for a thousand years, and they will take the law of God to all peoples (Revelation 1:6, 5:10, 20:6). “For out of Zion the law shall go forth, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem” (Micah 4:2).

Each king will be of the Divine Family, and they will rule and serve God’s subjects using genuine love and outgoing concern (1 John 4:16). The entire world will be taught the way of give and love, and not the way of hatred Satan has instilled in mankind. 
When Jesus Christ returns, it will be a time of healing for the whole earth: “But to you who fear My name The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings; and you shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves” (Malachi 4:2).

Monday, July 29, 2024

Dave Pack's New Low - Comparing Miracles

 My Miracle Is Bigger Than Yours

During “The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 524)” on July 17, 2024, David C. Pack capitalized on the assassination attempt on former U.S. President Donald J. Trump in Pennsylvania on July 13.

The Pastor General of The Restored Church of God exploited the global incident to perpetuate religious fearmongering, reminded troubled brethren they were in the right church, and warned the weary that if things do not work out timing-wise the way he taught, they should not panic-swallow Stupid Pills sending them out the door. His most important point was that he is super special and stuff.

I did not think David C. Pack could find a new low, yet he still managed to surprise me. I guess I am still naïve in that way. The worst aspect of his mindset was not covered in the previous article because it is repulsive enough to deserve particular focus.

This article topic again answers the question: “Who is David Crowl Pack?” If you want to get another glimpse inside his twisted brain, keep reading.


Context requires rolling back the clock one week further to when Dave recounted a harrowing experience on a Chicago highway that reminded him how precious life is. Well, his own life.

Flashback Part 523 – July 6, 2024
@ 00:04 I thought I would give you a quick story that was personally very inspiring to me.

@ 04:10 The car passed through me. There’s no other way to explain it.

@ 05:02 Just a seedy, kind of a demonic-looking little guy in a little car. And he wouldn’t stop. I honked and honked.

@ 07:13 I know they were all killed unless God delivered them. And I don’t know. The you know, the devil is said to be at my right hand [chuckles] at the time we are we are ready for the Kingdom. And I’ve often wondered, “What is that?” There’s just no way I survive that. And maybe God just protected them, as well.

@ 07:41 So, is personally very inspiring to me that A) I wasn’t killed. And God may have saved the people behind me.

@ 09:17 And sometimes you can know, as I did, that I I was I was divinely protected.

@ 09:28 So, I I thought maybe that would encourage you.

@ 09:39 Just one more reminder. I’m in the right church serving the right God. So, maybe by me telling you that story. There’s just no chance I’m not dead unless God intervened and an angel moved that vehicle in the way that it did.

I am not denying the possibility that David C. Pack’s life might have been spared via divine intercession. God has mercy beyond our human understanding, even for blaspheming, hypocritical liars who are also false apostles, false prophets, and false teachers like David C. Pack. The man embodies so much of what the Bible warns about on top of being so self-righteous and smug about it.

I have had my own private experiences that I still consider “miraculous deliverances” today. Matters of faith like that are personal, and only awful people would try to insert their uninvited wedges between what did and did not happen.

So, whether God had to spare Dave’s life by taking action or Dave was never in any real danger but falsely imagined the actual circumstances is for God to judge.

That story was not previously covered, and I had not planned on writing about it. Until Dave decided to turn it into a spectacle after President Trump was shot.


Dave told his “quick” ten-minute story, and I held my peace. Then, a disturbed young man took shots at a former President of the United States during a campaign rally in Pennsylvania.

David C. Pack could not resist the one-up potential and planted the seed early.

Part 524 – July 17, 2024
@ 01:00 I I do believe God intervened for His own reasons. And we could sit here and speculate on what they are. I have my own ideas about it. But I know God intervenes. I learned it just a week before President Trump did.

He just had to start with the comparisons. He could not let President Trump have the limelight all to himself. Dave refrained for an hour to let his mind stew before the chest puffing overtook him.

@ 1:10:12 It would be impossible for me to believe in light of all the things that I’ve seen, never mind deliverances. I can tell my story. Mine is more dramatic than a bullet. I had way more than a bullet sitting right over here, coming at me at 60 miles an hour. You know, weighing in a couple tons or whatever it weighed.

This is an undeniable insight into who and what David C. Pack is. A genuinely despicable person's thought process would draw a comparison between an automobile near collision and an assassin's bullet, then elevate his miracle over someone else.

Out of the abundance of his arrogant heart, his foolish mouth speaks to fully expose his true nature to all the members of The Restored Church of God, leaving them without excuse.

@ 1:10:33 I don’t say that wasn’t a miracle. I’m not that’s not my my my my point.

David C. Pack's point was that avoiding a car accident inside his cushy Lincoln Navigator is a bigger miracle than President Trump not being assassinated because he turned his head at the most perfect moment, sparing his life.

David C. Pack’s point is that God spared him more than President Trump because a car is “more dramatic” than a bullet.

David C. Pack’s point is that his miracle required more involvement because he is more important than President Trump.

Again, I am not saying Dave was or was not spared by God. But, to put things in perspective, the bullet hit Mr. Trump in the ear a fraction of an inch from his head just after he turned in the only direction that saved his life. On the other hand, according to Carfax.com, the Lincoln Navigator Dave drives has a 5-star safety rating from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

No matter what the facts are in the cases of both men, David C. Pack will always know that his miracle was bigger than Mr. Trump’s. Bigger than mine and bigger than yours. And that is very dramatic.

Marc Cebrian