Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Brethren, I have to continually quote Herbert because I have nothing original to say to you.

When the so-called great apostasy and implosion of the mother church, the Worldwide Church of God, happened in the mid-1990s, everyone was hoping that the church would start fresh and do things differently. Alas, that thought quickly faded into oblivion as hundreds of splinter groups continued on with the same old, worn out, and poorly researched literature and with the same appalling abuse that the mother church practiced for decades. Almost all of the splinter groups were set up by self-important men who thought they were God's gift to the church, though not a single one has ever proven to be so.

Here we are in 2025 and not a single Church of God group has ever come up with anything original. Almost all plagiarized or rewrote Herbert Armstrong's literature to make it look like they said it. The biggest abuser of this mentality is the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel and his apostate '"continuing" Church of "god'. Even he knows he blabs too much about Herbert in his articles. Felling guilty and tired of being called on the carpet for his blatant overuse, the Great Bwana had this to say the other day.

The Great Bwana starts off by making excuses for the flaws of Herbert:

Received the following in an email:

Herbert Armstrong. I notice you quote him a lot at COGwriter.com Sometimes i wonder why COG people do this? I ask this because i have noticed as i try to share the truths of God with people online anytime someone connects a COG to WWCOG, they will bring up how the WWCOG and Armstrong had false prophesied multiple times. 
Let me add that I also quote from government officials, mainstream news sources, etc. and do not agree with all they say. 
That said, there are several reasons that Herbert W. Armstrong or materials from the old Radio/Worldwide Church of God, of which he was Pastor General, are cited here. 
But first, consider that all humans are flawed:

23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, (Romans 3:23)

Given the certain peccadillos of  Herbert and many in the ministry, including the grievous sinners leading the various groups of Thielism in Africa, the Great Bwana has to make excuses to cover up the sins of Herb and in his own ministry. The David Defense has long been practiced in the Churches of God to cover up the appalling abuses of the leadership and ministry.

The Bible makes that clear and even mentions serious sins that some of God’s servants have had (such as King David’s adultery & murdering, plus a wrong prediction by the Apostle Paul come to mind). 
As far as false prophecies go, Herbert W. Armstrong had misunderstandings related to WWII and sometimes pointed to dates that he should not have–and we do not attempt to defend his errors. To his credit, however, he asserted that he was not a prophet. And as far as the internet goes, I have addressed many of the accusations against him in article titled: 17 Accusations and Truthful Responses About Herbert W. Armstrong. Plus also in another article titled: What is Armstrongism? Are Some Dismissive of Original Christianity? 
People can choose to believe the truth or lies.

The Great Bwana also says this:

The Continuing [sic] Church of God believes that we best represent the continuation of the Philadelphian part of the Church of God. Herbert W. Armstrong is one in the list of successors we trace our history through. 
So, Herbert W. Armstrong and other Radio/Worldwide COG writers are quoted to show that we continued the basic teachings that were held in the Philadelphian era of the Church. Plus, we also do this to show that much of what we teach was taught by an earlier COG (which is also why we quote early 2nd century COG writers, like Polycarp of Smyrna). Many people, including those with a COG background, often do not realize what was taught on various matters–hence quoting those sources helps demonstrate that we in the CCOG are continuing with those teachings. 
We have also restored more details and truth as would be expected in these last days.

Well, we all know that this is NOT true! Justified lying is another thing the COG was good at.

The Great BWana then talks about his apsotolic succession:

We strive not to teach error and do not teach that what Herbert W. Armstrong wrote is not subject to correction. The Bible, not Herbert W. Armstrong, is the standard that we go by. 
Despite organization changes, successively and doctrinally we are NOT a new church. We teach Laying on of Hands succession from the apostles. We clearly trace our history from the Book of Acts to present.

The Great Bwana's "succession" is thought the Baptist church and not some mythical Church of God lineage.  

The Great Bwana Bob then weasels his way out of being held accountable for the unadulterated crap he says and his failed prophecies.

And I will take it one step further. Irrespective of how any may view the role that God has for me, unless I am directly quoting the Bible, or preface a statement to something of the effect of “thus saith the Lord,” I am NOT necessarily stating anything that is not subject to later correction. We who are truly part of the Church of God only accept as inspired the 39 books of the Old Testament and the 27 books of the New Testament and no other document. Therefore, although other current and historical documents/articles/books/booklet/posts by various Church of God leaders throughout history often have value, as they generally also tend to contain personal opinion, we do not consider that any of them are on the same level as sacred scripture, and hence believe that they can contain error.

He ends with this:

Many do not understand true, original Christianity, so they bash/misrepresent Herbert W. Armstrong and/or teachings that he had. 
In the CCOG we have never taught that Herbert W. Armstrong nor any COG leader was the standard, the truth in the word of God is. 
Herbert W. Armstrong changed his position on various matters and never claimed infallibility. Nor do we. 
But, as a continuation of the true apostolic Church of God, we in the Continuing [sic] Church of God believe it is helpful to quote recent, as well as ancient, COG writers for their perspective and insight, as well as to show continuity.

All who profess Christ should, “contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3).

Friday, January 3, 2025

Satan and Amazon Conspiring Against God's Greatest COG Leader!

The sun has been shining brightly in California for the last several weeks, though fog works its way inland every few days from the ocean. That fog has allowed Satan to slip in unawares into the computers of the Greatest Church of God ever to exist in the entire history of Christendom.

Even Amazon has gotten in on disrupting the improperly named '"continuing" Church of "god".'

Greetings from Grover Beach, California.

We continue to deal with malware issues. And although we have made some progress, they are still not fully resolved. This is impacting our making our The Gospel of the Kingdom of God booklet available in as many languages/dialects that we have received. Please continue to pray about this.

Bible News Prophecy magazine

Although we pre-ordered copies of the next edition of our Bible News Prophecy magazine, Amazon Kindle has delayed shipping it. So, it was not mailed to our US and international subscribers yet. Oddly, even though we ordered copies early for New Zealand, that magazine (which is printed in Australia) was even a longer delay.

The Church of God and its "alpha males". Why You Cannot Trust Them To This Day


The Painful Truth website has up a fascinating and relevant article that focuses upon a serious issue that many in the Church of God movement deal with and have dealt with over the decades.

The Painful Truth writes:

alpha male

Nothing is as it seems.

This is a complex topic which has taken years to compile the research in order to resolve serious issues for certain people so they can live the kind of life they should be able to enjoy. For this reason, this is a very long posting which has as much as 5 hours of material. It is structured in a particular way for maximum benefit. This is more of a seminar or course of study. It is also a mature topic which may be disturbing to some. Unfortunately, some of the material contains graphic language which may be offensive to some.

alpha male is a response to a request from a former member of the Worldwide Church of God who grew up in the church.

Here is the email:

Well hello friends,

Three generations of my family have been stuck in the Armstrong cult and as a young person in 2020 I want to assure all of you that the church is alive and well and still destroying lives. I don’t fully understand the effect of the church’s doctrine on my life and my mindset but I continue to unearth new evidence of the damage done every day.

My grandparents began listening to radio church of god back in the old days and the rest is history. My parents were both raised in the church and while my dad is no longer in it and hasn’t been for many years my mom and grandma are still deeply involved with different splinter groups. I have attended many different splinters throughout my time in the church such as United, Living, the fathers call, which is led by Brian Orchard, and faithful flock, which is led by Don Billingsly. I can safely say that these last two people are some of the few people in the world that I truly hate.

I put my foot down and refused to attend church anymore in 2016 and it caused a big rift between me and my mom. My Parents divorced in 2009 and I lived as a “spiritual orphan” for most of my life. I’m sure most of you know that divorced women are the lowest lifeform possible in the church and it wasn’t much better for me. Having been out of the church for four years now I’m only starting to begin to understand just how badly it has infected my way of thinking.

To give an example I was unable to acknowledge the fact that I am gay until 2019 and it still amazes me to this very day. It always felt like my worst nightmare growing up and I secretly hoped I would not turn out gay but here I am. I also find it extremely hard to go see a doctor. I have been vaccinated once in my life and while I would like to get more I can’t bring myself to do it. I received a tetanus last year when I was in the hospital for a work related injury.

If you don’t decide to post this I understand I know I don’t have much of story here but I do need to get all this out of my system. As I said before I don’t understand the extent of the damage done but it helps to say something to someone. Your website has helped me understand things that I didn’t even know I needed to understand. Reading stories from old worldwide survivors makes me grateful that I was only subject to the underfunded and petty splinter groups.

Thanks for listening,


The article on alpha males in the Church of God continues with lots of great information. Just a few highlights will be noted here, The rest can be read at the link at the end of this posting.

Reality #1: The Ministers of Armstrongism are liars

Herbert Armstrong was a liar. He lived a lie. He said he was The End Time Apostle. He was not only not an apostle, he wasn’t even ‘converted’. For a decade after he started his ‘ministry’, he committed incest with his daughter. It only ended when his son-in-law found out and came into the office with a loaded gun. His ‘ministry’ was a lie. He told us to follow him into The Kingdom. He did not know where The Kingdom was or how to get there. Part of his lie was his greed for acceptance and adoration. In his abject narcissism, he stole money from his followers, calling it a tithe — which he was never qualified to collect under any circumstances. He claimed to be bringing the gospel to the world. He didn’t. We’ve documented that here. He claimed that British Israelism was the key to prophecy. It wasn’t. It was thoroughly debunked.

Garner Ted Armstrong lived a lie. He was second in command at one time. He was a boozing alcoholic gambling adulterer. He married his pregnant wife and continued on to have affairs with his estimation of 200 Ambassador College Coeds.

Richard David Armstrong went to his father, Herbert Armstrong, to sternly warn him that he needed to repent! What happened shortly afterward should be of prime interest here, as Alton Don Billingsley described:

On June 7, 1958, I was ordained a local elder by Mr. Armstrong. Mr. Richard D. Armstrong, the eldest son of Mr. Armstrong, then chose me to serve on the visiting program under him. Shortly after this, he chose me to team up with him to go on a baptizing tour in central California. Though I do not want to go into detail, we had a terrible automobile accident, which was my fault; seven days later, he died from the injuries he received in that accident.

Yes, this is the very same Don Billingsley of the so-called Faithful Flock as quoted above from B. Billingsley committed vehicular homicide! He had been up late and had little sleep. The road he and Richard David Armstrong were traveling on was under construction. They were supposed to stay on the pavement on one side of the road, but Alton drove in the other lane and at the top of the hill, he hit a car traveling toward them head on. With the lies Billingsley lived with, it’s no wonder he didn’t want to go into detail. B has absolutely every right to hold contempt for Billingsley. So much for selecting a minister of good report from those who are without… not that it was a practice in the Radio Church of God or the Worldwide Church of God.

Armstrongism was and still is filled with fraudulent men who say one thing while standing on the stage or writing in a magazine while in their private lives do something else.

This quote describes the COG ministry very accurately:

So when it comes to Armstrongism and the ministry of the Armstrongist Churches of God, don’t expect anything but lies and hypocrisy. They are hardly in any position to judge anyone. As Jordan Peterson says, “If you want to change the world, clean your room”. The ACoGs have never even begun the house cleaning, except, of course, for the morsels of dried bread crusts during the Days of Unleavened Bread. It is for this and for many other reasons that no one who has grown up in or attended the Worldwide Church of God or its many spit offs should give one shred of credence nor participate in any way with them. They are toxic liars who know nothing and are more likely than not to give you devastatingly bad advice. None of them have one shred of authority over you. 

The long article, well worth the read, ends with this:

No one should be ashamed simply because the words of Armstrong were intended to convict behavior of the which he disapproved. If he were caught in his incest by the State of Texas up until the mid 1950s, he would have been executed. In any event, if he had been convicted and punished with a prison term, the inmates would have tortured and executed him because no matter how vile they may have been, he far exceeded even their tolerance of evil. That really says something when hardened felons take umbrage at the sort of behavior that apostle had toward his daughter. It’s too bad The Plain Truth never had an article, The Shocking TRUTH about Evil Armstronists.

So when it comes to any sort of guilt projected on you personally by some erstwhile religious figure, there can be no acceptance or even accommodation. The chief Armstrongists were completely evil; totally compromised without any redeeming qualities. They hid a lot of their guilt over their evil deeds. They were so corrupt their conscience didn’t bother them because it was completely dead. They never ‘repented’ from the dead (and deadly — a lot of people died unnecessarily because of them) works. If you have committed no crimes and only engaged in mutually agreed activities, the cult leaders can have no power over you. You are likely to be far more moral in the scheme of things. 

See the complete article here:   alpha male 



Here We Go Again: 2025 Crackpot Prophecy Watch


Well, here we are in 2025, thirty-nine years after Herbert Armstrong's death, so it is fitting to start the year off with more failed prophecies to watch for this year. For thirty-nine years, COGland has been filed with hundreds of false prophets, yet they continue on undeterred.

The Church of God's current most special prophet to ever grace the Church of God has published his latest New Year's list for things to watch this coming year. Ever since 2012, he has published a list of idiotic things he predicted would happen. Failures all, but that never stops the Great Bwana from adding more to his yearly lists.

These are the things to watch for in 2025:

In Mark 13:37, Jesus tells His followers to watch world events that will precede His coming. In this sermon, Dr. Thiel goes over 25 items to watch in 2025 and points out events that were related to several of them in 2024:

1. Scoffing in the Last Days  

2. Immorality Prophecies Being Fulfilled 

3. Media, Internet, and Other Censorship 

4. Weather Sorrows and Troubles Weather happens. 

5. Earthquakes and Volcanoes 

6. The White Horse of the Apocalypse

7. Strife and the Red Horse of War

8. Trade Issues

9. The Deal of Daniel 9:27

10. Knowledge Increasing

11. Debt

12. US Dollar Dominance will Decrease

13. CBDC and 666

14. Gold

15. Unrest, Terror, and the Dividing of the USA

16. Europe Will Work to Reorganize

17. Europe Will Have a Great Army and Many Ships

18. Steps Towards the Formation of the King of the South

19. The Time of the Gentiles will Lead to Armageddon

20. Jews Readying to Sacrifice

21. Inventions of evil things

22. Reelection of Donald Trump and His Adminstration

23. Totalitarian Steps

24. Preparation for the Short Work

25. Fulfillment of Matthew 24:14 and 28:19-20

Dr. Thiel goes over prophetic scriptures (in 2 Timothy, Habakkuk, Amos, Daniel, Matthew, Mark, Romans, Revelation, Isaiah, 2 Corinthians, Psalms), including those that must be fulfilled before the start of the Great Tribulation, as well as others that also need to be fulfilled before Jesus returns. When are some prophetic events expected and not expected to be fulfilled? Could we see events in 2025 in the Middle East involving Israel & Iran that would lead to the Great Tribulation starting in 3 1/2 years? Dr. Thiel goes over many biblical items and ties them in with world events that happened and are in the process of happening.

The one prophecy that will always remain constant in COGland is that the church is filled with self-appointed liars masquerading as men of God. 

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Football, New Years, and Being Free From Armstrongism

When I am not stroking the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel's massive over-inflated ego, I am heavily involved with the Tournament of Roses New Year's Celebration, the Rose Parade, and the Rose Bowl.

Today, we hosted over 650 parents of the Ohio and Oregon football teams. It was a giant pep rally of sorts, with the coaches and athletic directors speaking to the parents, thanking them for raising such honorable young men.

I could not help but contrast it to the blithering idiocy of Bob Thiel in his yearly rants over football and New Year's celebrations. I cannot imagine living such a miserable life that he must have by seeing everything around him as satanic, pagan, and heathen. Today's activities make his comments even more imbecilic and out of touch with reality. It is amazing to watch how Armstrongism robs people of rational thought processes.

While he is still stuck in the 1960s version of Armstrongism that he so desperately seeks to create. it is so freeing not to have to adhere to all of that blithering and useless nonsense anymore. As much as Armstrongism sought to suck the beauty and pleasure out of daily life, the world still has beauty and amazing experiences in it that spiritually degenerate men like Thiel, Pack, and Flurry can never take away.

Happy New Year!

The Christmas Experiment: The Tepid Armstrongist Response to the Challenge of Christmas


The Artful Dodger (Fair Use)

The Christmas Experiment

The Tepid Armstrongist Response to the Challenge of Christmas

By Scout


"Fagin will make something of you, though, or you'll be the first he ever had that turned out unprofitable."  The Artful Dodger, From “Oliver Twist”


Armstrongism handles the issue of Christmas paganism poorly.  There have been several posts on this blog recently related to Christmas.  I contributed one of the posts.  And these are the points that concern me:  

Point One: “How do Armstrongists deal with the logical issue of the Genetic Fallacy?”

 In simple terms, why does a pagan history, now renounced, render modern, unimpeachable practice wrong?  Should we then ferret out and abandon everything that is pagan?  My Quaker ancestors renounced the names of the days of the week.  They went to First Day, Second Day and so forth.  So, this issue is not confined to Armstrongists.  But none of the responses to the recent posts from people who seem to be Armstrongist, that I have seen, attempt to answer this question.   If once pagan means always pagan, does that not besmirch God’s Creation forever?

Point Two: “Armstrongists have no consistent methodology for determining what is pagan.”

You would think they follow this kind of methodology: “If it has any historical pagan associations, we will reject it.”   But this would lead them to reject Thanksgiving and wedding rings, for instance.  And they do not.  This inconsistency leads me to believe that they really follow this principle:

Point Three: “If the Armstrongist leadership says it is pagan then it is pagan.  If the Armstrongist leadership says it is not pagan than it is not pagan.  And this is in spite of any empirical evidence or logic.”

I would like Armstrongists to respond to the three points above, at length.  What we have received so far are parroted sound bites from the Armstrongist pulpit.   Does this mean that their pulpit has no answers or does it mean that those people who participate in this conversation have never really understood their denomination’s belief on this?  The data is yet inconclusive because responses have been so off target, it is as if they were written by the Artful Dodger. 

The recent Christmas posts on this blog could be viewed as an experiment.  The line of reasoning probes the phenomenon of why Armstrongists believe what they believe.  And I have a hypothesis.  The Christmas polemic here indicates that the most important source of truth and understanding for Armstrongists is their denominational authority figures.  They lay aside research, science, logic, midrash and exegesis and follow the words of an authority figure.  (This takes exception to James Tabor who, I recall, posited that Biblical rationale was the most important factor in belief among churches that exalted the Old Testament.)  And what they know about Christmas only goes as far as what the authority figures have said. 

I would like to generalize this to all of their beliefs but I think that would be unfounded.  Because my hypothesis here, though simple, lacks good, broad empirical data.  Moreover, getting at the data is a problem because when I was an Armstrongist, and I was one for decades, I thought I had good, tight arguments in my hip pocket for everything.  I was ready to take on a Protestant at a moment’s notice.  But this was because my beliefs inside the Armstrongist community were never challenged only reinforced.  And I always stayed inside the community.  A theologically astute Protestant would have eaten my lunch.  I just didn’t know it. 



Sunday, December 29, 2024

David C. Pack’s Enemies (Part 2)


David C. Pack’s Enemies (Part 2)

When delving into the subject of David C. Pack’s perceived enemies, it is surprisingly more expansive than one would think. The Pastor General of The Restored Church of God has referred to his (our) enemies for decades, mainly in the context of former members and the worst of the bunch: former ministers. The closer you were to Dave at Headquarters, the more profound your betrayal, fellas.

Shame on you guys for no longer supporting his conscience-breaking malarkey and enduring years of mental abuse!

In Part 1 of this article, David C. Pack characterized his (our) enemies as wicked, mocking attackers full of hatred with unrelenting murderous intent. You know, just your run-of-the-mill satanic liars, really.

Facing those kinds of conditions for years has caused a permanent tender boo-boo on his tushy.

While further analyzing other comments about the assaults by perceived enemies, David C. Pack has a surprising perspective on his role in causing such persecution.

Hold onto your hats.

David C. Pack is the victim.

Most people do not know that David C. Pack has been a victim for decades.

Part 426 – March 4, 2023
@ 35:17 Is it a coincidence that I I believe I became the Seventh Messenger [of Revelation] on the 13th day? I believe. I literally believe that. On the 13th day of Adar, exactly 30 years ago. I was certainly smitten by the fist of wickedness.

The fist of wickedness continues unto this day.

Part 520 – June 22, 2024
@ 1:44:00 But I'll just tell ya, you know when when you when you when you settle on a date, you are settling on an eternal date. You don’t want that pressure on you. I promise you. You have no idea how many of our enemies are sitting out there mocking what I took on that nobody else even saw. You have no idea.

What Dave took on that nobody else even saw has been nine years of prophetic failure, mind-numbing doctrinal repetition, and fleeting understanding of "knowledge" that fades faster than vapor.

Does pointing that out and goofing on him make anyone his enemy? Because he does this of his own accord, does that make him a victim tormented for religious righteousness?

Part 525 – July 20, 2024
@ 1:36:46 Now, again, as I said, it could be argued that you just accept this, and we should. And we have. All except for those who just blew their crown and left and couldn’t leave quietly. Many of ‘em had to attack us. Makes me sad every time I think about that.

When RCG members resign and post their exit letters online, it makes Dave a sad panda. He considers publicly disclosing the reasons for a departure to be an attack.

Read the heartbreaking stories from Adelle Ambrose and Elizabeth O’Leary-Noble and see if you can find any kind of “attack” or vitriolic tone in those exit letters. David C. Pack perverts their bravery by smearing it as wicked intent.


David C. Pack is the victim for doing good.

The former "bodybuilder" and "competitive swimmer" who once stood at 6'7" is really the victim, attacked by ungrateful people for just trying to be a kind shepherd. If you find that hard to swallow, let David C. Pack mansplain it to you.

Part 501 – March 30, 2024
@ 24:04 But, I’m so glad that they did search diligently because, again, it has been of of of a comfort greater than I could imagine to me when under ferocious attack because one man alone couldn’t put this all together in eight and a half years.

One man who has been working alone for eight and half years is under ferocious attack for his efforts. Not the biblical fraud and prophetic lunacy he teaches but because of his efforts.

Part 499 – March 21, 2024
@ 1:49:14 I used to say, "Don't make me a villain. I'm not a hero, but don't make me a villain, either." I’m just holding on to the things we all said we’d never leave. Now, you’re attacking me for leaving what, you know, a year ago before Joe Tkach began to change things, the five of you said, "I'll never leave. I'll die for this." And now you’re putting up a Christmas tree and attacking me.

Dave’s perceived enemies attack him because he will not give up Christmas. Good grief, Charlie Brown.

Part 510 – April 27, 2024
@ 50:26 I would I it I would marvel. Father, I’m providing doing everything in my power to provide beautiful literature, the best telecasts, the most beautiful environment, a college… You know, community gardens, camps, Feast sites all over the world. You know, ev–time off. And they wanted to murder us.

Dave’s former employees now possess a murderous attitude for ungratefully attacking him after he provided such beautiful whatever. Victim much, Dave?

David C. Pack did not provide those whited sepulchres. Brethren paying Common did.

He mentions literature that does not contain the most current doctrinal understanding, telecasts that ceased in December 2017, a beautiful environment with horses the Headquarters congregation gets to enjoy, a laughable, empty-husk “college” that has zero value, camps for the dwindling teen population, and shrinking Feast sites.

Framing that list accurately defuses the shimmer of its illustrious glory.

One small note about his “time off” addition to the list of things HE provides: David C. Pack has repeated to the staff during and after my tenure as a Headquarters employee that he would make everyone work for six days if it were not for the labor laws. He would also remove their vacation days, and if they get sick, that is due to their irresponsibility. In reality, the Pastor General “provides” time off because the government compels him. Now, try to frame him as the magnanimous victim of selfless generosity.

Part 526 – July 27, 2024
@ 2:06:02 It’s just I'm gonna give this message and and the enemies will attack me. And they'll say, “You know what he said?” 'cause there are people listening to this, “You know what he said? He he flattered him and told him they were all prophets. What a wicked man.”

His own lips have said it.

@ 2:06:13 You can't even believe the stuff that's said about me.

People SHOULD believe what is said about him. Statements backed up with facts are the backbone of exrcg.org. Quoting David C. Pack verbatim should be enough for any discerning person to judge who and what he is.

@ 2:06:17 It's funny. I've learned to just laugh about it.

Dave does not just laugh about it. When he keeps mentioning it, the tone and context reveal whether it bothers him or if he lets it roll off his back. Former Headquarters ministers have told me stories about David C. Pack and how incensed he gets when anyone presents the most minor disagreement or perceived criticism. He gets ferociously defensive.

Boy, if you contradict him in front of others, you soon regret it. He does not "just laugh about it," and the men who sit with him behind closed doors know it.

I experienced the opposite of Dave's "just laugh about it" attitude when I wrote Church Administration to clarify what he taught about Revelation. Instead of answering the logic puzzle I pointed out that he placed himself in, I received a cordial dressing down by Bradford Schleifer and Jeffrey Ambrose because the “attitude” of my question “could have been worded better.”

I never submitted another query to CAD after that. Folks, David C. Pack does not just laugh it off.

@ 2:03:09 The ancient Elijah was res–despised. He was not accepted. That's what it says. I've been despised at a level you cannot imagine. Don't try. I brought the most wonderful message one could bring, and I've been hated for it. It's almost a proof in itself.

If anyone truly despised David C. Pack, it is not for him bringing “the most wonderful message.” It would be because he is a blaspheming, hypocritical liar and false prophet coercing money from people with his unbiblical Common doctrine.

I know a lot of former RCG members and ministers… I do not know of anyone who “hates” him. Are some angry? Oh, yes. But I have never heard one utterance that made me think anyone “hates” him or wants him dead. Do they want him to shut the heckfire up? Fo shizzle my nizzle.

David C. Pack manufactures the “hate” directed toward him. It is a figment of his distorted imagination due to an overinflated perception of his own significance. It is as if the “attacks” legitimize him as a servant of God despite all those pesky failed dates for the return of Jesus Christ.

The most insulting thing someone can do to a narcissist is simply ignore them. Recall The Greatest Hissy Fit when Dave was incensed after discovering members in RCG stopped listening to him.

David C. Pack's crying victim is a lame attempt to illicit attention and sympathy. By throwing in the "us" pronoun, he hopes the brethren will share in his imaginary defensiveness. If willfully blind followers believe they have enemies, it substantiates the existence of those enemies even when no tangible evidence supports it.

@ 2:02:06 I am despised in my house and my kin and my country. It's actually proof of being a prophet.

Being acknowledged as a jerk is not proof of prophetic significance, Dave. It just means you are a jerk. People, including family members, discerning you are a false prophet, false apostle, and false teacher does not make you a victim. It makes you a disqualified teacher and religious leader of any kind.

David C. Pack sees himself as the humble target of fiery darts because of his good deeds and steadfast righteousness. Or does he attract unwelcome attention because he created it himself?

While searching the transcripts, I found one instance of David C. Pack explaining the “lies” spread about him and RCG. There must be more, but my recordkeeping is incomplete, and I cannot find them.

Part 450 – Part 1 – June 13, 2023
@ 27:33 I, hopefully, brethren, I put I put the the Series in its in its in its proper perspective. What it was and and what it contained, and what it was not. "Which is 450 sermons on prophecy." That’s what our enemies say 'cause that's the best way to depict it. That they’re the they’re the same people who say, “Pack wants your money.” When I don’t get your money. And I gave up two of my inheritances. And I don’t get a raise when people pay Common. The real truth is the liars saying that. They want your money. Stay with them. And depict us as false, just like they depict us as saying, "Oh, he talking about prophecy for seven-and-a-half years." Come on. You know, but I I can understand if some who were sitting here depict it that way, then what are our enemies gonna say? Particularly when they’re likely most likely to hear from those who leave us that that’s the way to see the Series.

Dave fluffs the “Greatest Untold Story” with other non-prophecy teachings but revises it so regularly that no RCG brethren can speak with confidence if they even believe that particular doctrine today. Current members cannot absorb, retain, and understand the rapid-fire malarkey coming out of his mouth, even when it is not prophetic in nature.

If he has already been proven to be a false prophet, whether the 551-Part Series is all about prophecy, mostly prophecy, or only kinda about prophecy makes no difference. Considering the source informs the accuracy of the information. Even David C. Pack does not believe the teachings of David C. Pack the next week, so why should anyone?

Dave is also disingenuous in his statement about where the Common money goes. The coerced funds do not go into his personal account, but he directly benefits from them. The debt relief on the Campus and their home properties ensure that the religious fraud machine will keep providing his salary and maintain the cieled houses in which Dave and his enablers can live.

Once the debt on the Campus is reduced, they can plant more trees and gardens and fulfill Dave's "whatever we'd do" plan, as documented in the “If More Time” YouTube Playlist.

Part 410 – December 17, 2022
@ 11:20 But, for now, if I released it [8-page Revelation document], some of the relatives of our members around the world study the internet to attack the relatives who are in The Restored Church of God. They give them no end of grief, and I would literally be fueling some of the family members because of what enemies post, and the trouble would mount for some of you out there… your relatives cannot throw things up in your face that look crazy to them because they just don’t understand it.

Dave’s consideration for RCG members was expressed by his desire to spare them unnecessary persecution, so he opted not to release his quickly irrelevant and proven-inaccurate document that is not worth the kilobytes it takes up on a computer.


Remember…David C. Pack is the victim.

According to Dave, sometimes attacks from his (our) enemies are actually his god’s fault.

Part 272 – October 10, 2020
@ 02:22 The mockers and scoffers who were saying, “Where’s parousia?” would sort of be right. And then, of course, there is the fact that our enemies would’ve heard that we thought Christ was coming this year [2020], and it doesn’t happen, and unnecessary reproach would’ve been brought on the Church. You could say by God showing us this too early or for me saying it too early…

The perceived enemies plaguing Dave lie to and lie about them and have been for a while.

Part 286 – February 20, 2021
@ 1:10:08 And there was one era of God’s Church that had to work in this murderous, wicked environment where people among us would attack us, lie to us, lie about us, steal from us. We’ve had criminals, heretics, every vile person, every kind of axe grinder, heretic, opportunists, rebel you could ever imagine have been in this Work over the last twenty-two years.

Part 499 – March 21, 2024
@ 1:14:57 We’ve had to wait twenty-five years. No wonder. Attacked, lied to, lied about, lied to, attacked. And people just, “Yeah, I’ll leave the church,” like they snapped their fingers.

Part 511 – May 4, 2024
@ 1:21:11 You just can’t let them sail into the Kingdom. Blew off all the truth that we have. And attack us. Lie to us and lie about us.

Dave’s perceived enemies from within RCG are unauthorized to leak his gospel.

Part 419 – February 14, 2023
@ 1:56:52 I know enough. I know we have even outright enemies among us.

Part 395 – October 1, 2022
@ 1:43:57 And if it doesn’t happen [Jesus Christ returns on Atonement 2022], there’s not a chance, none, zero, and I’ve got more evidence, there’s not any chance it’s this year… I’m telling you it’s it’s locked. And there’s libel to be because we have evil people among us, one or two is all you need, this’ll get out, there gonna be some persecution. Might be a little tough.

Part 450 – Part 2 – June 13, 2023
@ 1:23:18 But, Christ is coming as a thief. I don’t know how many people outside, our enemies, are getting these tapes and so forth. But, if Christ comes as a thief, in a way, we can't know. Or or certain enemies are gonna know, and maybe God doesn't want that.

Part 510 – April 27, 2024
@ 1:20:54 We've lived through the day of small things. And, as a result, attacked and attacked and attacked from inside and out.

Part 414 – January 14, 2023
@ 1:25:10 Why would God show us Abib 1 in a definitive way? Absolutely inarguable. I don’t care what any enemy knows. I hope the whole world hears it. They won’t. They won’t believe it.

Dave did not hope the whole world would hear it because RCG would release their messages publicly if he wanted that. Who is fibbing now, Dave?

Part 389 – August 24, 2022
@ 34:31 We’ve endured for almost two dozen years beatings by evil people who’ve done everything in their power to destroy this work.

Part 468 – September 9, 2023
@ 1:17:03 This a powerful statement. “You were made a gazing stock.” We’re mocked you like you wouldn’t believe right now. You just wouldn’t believe it.

The mocking of David C. Pack is justified.

David C. Pack may position himself as the noble victim, but he is actually a perpetrator of biblical fraud. Proven, documented facts support the conclusion that David C. Pack is a hypocritical, blaspheming liar and false prophet. He is a false apostle and false teacher, taking the Lord's name in vain and stealing titles and roles belonging to Jesus Christ while spineless, complicit coconspirators at The Restored Church of God enable his theological madness.

David C. Pack reaps what he sows and brings any angst coming his way upon his own head.

David C. Pack is no victim. His perceived enemies are designated such because they accurately record what he said, analyze what he said, publish what he said, and remind everyone what he previously said.

If I am counted as an enemy, I am perfectly fine with that. God will judge between him and me.

ATTENTION: If anyone knows who is lying and spreading mistruths about David C. Pack and The Restored Church of God, please write exrcgwebsite@gmail.com so I may investigate. No one needs to make up things to make them look bad. David C. Pack does that so well, all on his own.

Marc Cebrian