Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Legalistic COGers Devastated

The diehard COGers on Yahoo are devastated.  They learned today that Häagen-Dazs  ice cream is not kosher.  So what's the problem?  Is there little piggie juice in it or what?

Nope, the issue is that some legalistic rabbinical  fools have declared that Häagen-Dazs is made with milk from farmers who are not Jewish and who use cows that are not kosher.

Milk produced by non-Jews without Jewish supervision was forbidden by the sages of the Talmud due to a concern that it may be adulterated with milk from a non-kosher animal.

So all of you Christian and atheist dairymen/women out there had been stop selling your milk to Häagen-Dazs.  You are polluting ice cream with your dirty, filthy, unclean, pagan milk!

In an update sent by the rabbinate on Sunday, the kashrut department said that because Häagen-Dazs is made with unsupervised liquid milk, as opposed to milk powder, the marketing and sale of the ice cream in establishments and outlets with kashrut certification is not acceptable and constitutes “a severe infringement of kashrut procedures.”

“We request from those providing kashrut certificates not to permit the sale of this product in places with [kashrut] supervision,” the notice read. “One should not take into account the opinion of kashrut advisers in this matter who request to continue selling this product, and if the management of any chain insists on selling them it is possible that ‘kashrut [license] withdrawal’ may be enacted against them, according to the law.”
So what's a poor legalist supposed to do?  This Rabbi had this to say:

Asked what Häagen-Dazs lovers should do instead, he replied, “Love God more than ice-cream.”

Asked what Herbert Armstrong thought about it, they found out that there was Häagen-Dazs served in his home all the time.  If HWA ate it, so can I!  

Surprise! ‘Häagen-Dazs not kosher’


Pack's Agenda For Schurter And Other Defecting Ministers

Don't I Look Like The Most Important Person On Earth Today?

Davie Pack is taking full advantage of the Dale Schurter defection from UCG.  Poor Davie has been getting so much negative publicity that he sees Schurter as the new mouthpiece to stem that flow of negativity.  Poor Davie may have jumped his guns on that one because the reaction form a LOT of people is pure shock that Schurter did what he did.  People are amazed that Schurter would join up with such a wacko as Pack. What Schurter and these other soon-to-be defectors are becoming is Pack's lap-poodles.

Davie is on a steamroll to gather in as many new members as he can. He has a multimillion dollar Auditorium and college campus to built within the next three years.  The only way his fledgling cult can do that is with more members and more income.

In his typical arrogant and self righteous mindset he gives the reason behind his new web site that features Schurter and hopefully more UCG ministers who defect.  He wants their voice to counterbalance all the negative publicity he gets.  Plus, he wants you to know that his church, The Restored Church of God, is experiencing mind boggling new growth that is unparallelled in Church of God history.  I guess two new members for a minuscule cult IS mind boggling.  Who knew!

Longtime Ministers Speak Out About The Restored Church of God and David C. Pack

About This Website

This website’s purpose is to highlight the unparalleled growth and fruits of The Restored Church of God (RCG), and to counter many years of falsehoods and misinformation regarding the Church and its leader. It will feature ongoing posts, including eyewitness accounts from a number of ministers who have left Worldwide Church of God (WCG) offshoots for RCG. Readers can look forward to information on the rapid expansion of the Church and Work, as well as its educational institution, Ambassador Center. Additional ministers who come with The Restored Church of God will also contribute. Answers to readers’ questions considered helpful to a broader audience will be posted.

Dave Pack Gloating Today That He Stole a UCG Minister

Dave Pack with his puffed up chest is even bigger today as he gloats about stealing Dale Schurter from United Church of God.

Longtime Minister Comes with RCG: We are pleased to announce that a senior minister in God’s Church, Mr. Dale Schurter, has resigned from the United Church of God (UCG) and, with his wife, Mona, come with The Restored Church of God (RCG). Mr. Schurter was first ordained in 1965 after graduating from Ambassador College in Pasadena. He served for 19 years on the faculty at Ambassador’s Big Sandy campus, and has pastored members in Texas, Louisiana, Ohio, New York and Pennsylvania.

All brethren in the splinters, regardless of affiliation, will want to visit the website often, where he and other ministers formerly in splinter groups will make exciting announcements and take you inside RCG, but also counter the years of misinformation, spin and disinformation about RCG and its leaders. He will regularly post many kinds of information, and answers to questions sent by readers.

So what exciting announcement are we all in for from Dale and the rest of the backstabbing ministers who have jumped from one church to the next over the last few decades?  Now that they have joined the largest and most important work that has ever been in existence since creation will they be thrust into new prophetic positions or will they just became Pack's lackeys in his new mini-me cult college he is building?

The Dale Schurter Propaganda/Resignation Letter

You have to checkout Dale Schurter's complete propaganda/resignation letter on Dave Pack's Restored Church of God site.  This has to be one of the biggest propaganda pieces I have ever seen by the splinter cults of Armstrongism.. It is quit obvious the RCG PR Department went into overdrive on this letter!

It is too big to post here, but here are a few excerpts:

In the early years, Mona and I had the honor to know Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Armstrong personally, and over the years spent many hours with them….especially with Mr. Armstrong, on numerous occasions. We learned much directly from him one-on-one about the way of God and His purpose for all of us, in addition to the many ways we all learned from God and Jesus Christ through him --- directly or indirectly. This brings responsibility, hence the length of this letter.

Now in the very last years of this age I am both burdened and moved to share a message of hope, vision and serious concern for our spiritual wellbeing --- and a way out of spiritual confusion in which the churches of God find themselves. God and Christ provide the way out, and it includes “anointing our eyes” with the oil of the Holy Spirit and “anointing our ears” with the Word of God. Everyone can read Revelation 3:17-18 --- “anoint your eyes with eye salve” --- but many fruits and teachings in the churches indicate it is not understood as it applies to each person individually.

My message is straight and to the point, and shared in sincere love for each of you.

Mona and I now know that the Truth which was lost during the buildup and final volcanic eruption of the apostasy in the late 1980s and early 1990s, following the death of Mr. Armstrong, has definitely been found and restored to God’s Church….including the all-important Government of God headed by Jesus Christ.
The work and work atmosphere we witnessed was also seen in a four-day follow-up visit that included a great many hours of interaction with Mr. and Mrs. Pack, department heads and staff. Both visits reflected the same spirit of unity and zeal we saw during the exciting growth years of the Worldwide Church of God when it was fully “on track” under the leadership of Jesus Christ through Mr. Armstrong and his support team. (Translation: While I was still on UCG's payroll I was  conspiring on how I could leave and jump straight into another paid job while bringing UCG members along with me.)


Think about this. When the conference of “elders-of-like-mind” convened in Indianapolis in 1995 and established the United Church of God, some among the leaders present openly commented that a government based on casting lots (balloting, voting) was, at best, a poor second choice compared to the Government of God restored by Christ in the Philadelphian Era through Mr. Armstrong. The idea was to keep our eyes open --- to watch for fruits of a work that might emerge in or from one of the “Church of God” organizations. It would reflect the Government of God at work, and have fruits similar to the WCG when it was on track and being so obviously blessed by God. THIS would be the signal for all the groups to reunite as one!

To my knowledge no committee was ever formed --- and assigned --- to be a “watchman” to look for this organization. Mona and I, as a self-appointed committee of two, have been keeping our eyes open, being frustrated with the fruits of division all around.

When we were led to the Restored Church of God, and did due diligence in our research, we confirmed to our satisfaction that the works and fruits of this organization were of God. Christ is the Head of this Church. We saw Christ at work through one He had called and appointed to finish the work --- to fulfill the prophecy of Revelation 10:11, which we should all know, “You must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.” This prophecy was on Mr. Armstrong’s mind, especially in his latter years.
The Restored Church of God is truly about our Father’s business. I am thankful to be a part of this very end time work --- and I urge you to take a very serious look. Investigate it as we have. I heartily recommend as a starting point Mr. Pack’s book “Anoint Your Eyes” – Christ’s Warning to His People.

I must caution that you will probably experience a “blizzard” of lies and deception about Mr. Pack. Do not let this deter you. I have prepared myself for some of the same treatment. You all know me, and I have known Mr. Pack for almost 30 years. Think of how Mr. Armstrong was and still is being slandered and attacked. It could not be different with Mr. Pack --- and maybe with me!  
(Translation: Brethren!  Mr. Dave Pack is NOT an egotistical liar. Mr. Pack is NOT a narcissistic cult leader! Mr. Pack is NOT lording it over his membership to fund his new college that will employ ME and probably my wife. Those are all demonic attacks by Satan to destroy the ONLY TRUE CHURCH!  But beware, they will also be coming after me for leaving the apostate and corrupt United Church of God which is NOT under God's government.  Brethren, I could go on and on about the magnificence of this end time work of Mr. Pack but will let my letter suffice. I am here today to work with you UCG brethren that are disappointed in your church to come over and join up with us, the ONLY TRUE CHURCH ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH TODAY!)
To our surprise, we also found that over the years several hundred UCG brethren, with many brethren from all the other major splinter groups, have already anointed their eyes and gone to the Restored Church of God to support the only true Work of God. They, as we, have found where all that we had in the past has been restored and is again available….including the same Government and the same gospel of the Kingdom of God.  (Translation: We will be working diligently to bring many more of you UCG members into our TRUE Church!)
Mona and I remain available to serve you and all others, spiritually or physically, just as we have continued to serve others around the world over the years. However, from now on I will be a minister of the Restored Church of God, serving in the New York City area. I will also be serving as a “pastor at large”, freely communicating with anyone in UCG or individuals in other groups who wish to contact me.

I will regularly write on an important website/blog (www.rcgtruth.com) to keep you informed and updated. This will include more of my observations and thoughts. It will also contain exciting updates about God’s work, including reports from other ministers who have joined RCG, but also many other kinds of information. There is much more to say.

Our hearts and home remain open to you as they always have. Do not hesitate to contact us in person, by phone, email, snail-mail or fax.
(Translation: Please join with us in conspiring behind your Church HQ and its leadership to come over an join with us.  You should no longer be part of a lost and impotent splinter group who no longer has the where-with-all to proclaim God's TRUTH TO A LOST AND HURTING WORLD!) 

Dale Schurter's Ego Getting As Big As Pack's

In an update today on his magnificent defection from United Church of God to the ONLY TRUE CHURCH, Dale makes several boastful comments. Because he is part of the worlds largest and most important COG ministry on earth, his resignation/propaganda letter is rapidly spreading around the world.  People in 645 cities in 33 countries have read it.  Woo Hoo!  Look at me!  I am here to help you all escape from your dead and dying COG's and to help facilitate a smooth transition to God's Largest Church on earth today!

In beginning to go through, one by one, the many incoming emails, phone calls and voicemails thus far, it is quite encouraging to receive so many….so quickly. My letter has reached people in some 645 cities in 33 countries at this point. Yesterday Mona and I hosted an Open Forum all afternoon and were able to answer a large number of questions, personally….questions (and answers) which may be posted later. I was especially encouraged by one attendee who said, “I’m so glad to hear what you’ve been saying. I’m so in need of more strength and spiritual truth.” Brethren, that strength and truth can be found only in the Holy Bible, The Scriptures, and is taught in its fullness in The Restored Church of God, yes, as taught by Jesus Christ and the Apostles.

My wife and I made an important decision, and are very thankful for the exciting calling and opportunity to now be enabled to assist RCG and its Pastor General, Mr. Pack, in reaching out to people around the world who face that same choice where this is being accomplished. We must come to understand all that it means to be in the very last years of the very last era of the Church. It is soon going to come to an end, and it is time for all of us to wake up to that reality. God’s work needs to be done, and my goal is to help brethren understand the reality of the stark choices every person in the 7th era faces…to wake up now, before the Tribulation strikes….and not wait until it is upon them. I pray all of God’s people will begin to investigate the truth now, before it is too late….and find themselves in a much worse situation.