Tuesday, July 31, 2012

120th Anniversary of Worlds Most Significant Event

Prophet Thiel, the official spokesman for the Living Church of God, has jumped on the Gerald Flurry idolatry band wagon.  Today, the Prophet is letting the world know that 120 years ago Herbert W Armstrong as born.  However, the Prophet wants to make it very clear that he and the Living Church of God do NOT observe birthdays.

Herbert W. Armstrong was born 120 years ago, on July 31, 1892.  And a lot has happened in the world since he was born.  From automobiles to the space age, from paper to computers and the internet, from WWI to WWII to terrorism, from societal respect for biblical principles to abortion & homosexual marriage “rights.”  There have been changes.

But “he who does the will of God abides forever” (1 John 2:17).

Even though we in the most faithful COGs actually do not celebrate (but do acknowledge) birthdays, nor do we celebrate his..., since many who come to this page know little about him that this would be a good time to tell a few things about him.

Of course the Living Church of God is the ONLY true church that holds fast to the message that HWA created.

We of the Philadelphia remnant of the Church of God believe that God used Herbert W. Armstrong to restore much truth to the true Church of God and to raise up the Philadelphia era of the Church of God. Over the decades that I have been associated with the Church of God, I have repeatedly found both biblical as well as historical proof that the truths that were restored were in fact true. And in fact, the early church did teach them.

Then the Prophet writes:

Furthermore, while Protestants like to point to leaders like Martin Luther and John Calvin, the truth is that unlike them, Herbert Armstrong was not involved in getting people killed–the true church does not do that (see Military Service and the Churches of God: Do Real Christians Participate in Carnal Warfare?). The same is true about many Roman Catholic Popes who instituted persecutions in forms such as the Inquisition. Some information on what those non-COG leaders have done to others throughout history may be found in the article Persecutions by Church and State.

Armstrong may not have let his followers go into military service where they might kill someone, but Armstrong killed in other ways.  Scores of people have died in Armstrongism because of aberrant teachings on doctors and medicine.  Hundreds have died from suicide over the years.  Broken marriages, destroyed families, murders, rapes, stalkings, child molestations and financial ruin is the enduring legacy of Armstrong.

Prophet Thiel then adds this absurd comment:

Another difference between Martin Luther, John Calvin, Eastern Orthodox leaders, and Roman Catholic Popes vs. Herbert Armstrong is that HWA actually did teach sola Scriptura. He clearly taught what the Bible taught, yet the other churches have all demonstrated their preference for tradition over what the Bible actually teaches.

How delusional can the official spokesmen of the Living Church of God get?  Armstrong and his minions, including Meredith, have added some much worthless fluff to biblical interpretations that it is appalling to claim otherwise. If you cut out all the proof-texting from Armstrongite literature you would have blank books.

Prophet Thiel states:

Furthermore, HWA did more to get the truth of God to the world as a witness than any did since biblical times.

Yes sir!  That "strong hand from someplace" was surely a potent message!  The world was forever changed because of that message!  The hearts of the children were turned back to their fathers. Millennial peace flow to all corners of the earth.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Rod Meredith and Those Damned Crosses!

Poor Rod.  He has been running a 10 part series in a Nevada newspaper about the horrible end times ready to destroy this nation.  The latest installment leads off with three crosses next to his article.  Given how much the Living Church of God hates crosses I am sure this is not a pleasant thing for Rod and crew to be enduring.  Or, maybe they deliberately included that picture in order to make non-LCG believers think that LCG is Christan.

Jesus Christ gave a series of signs that must occur before He returns. Evidently, the fulfillment of Christ’s prophecy would happen within the lifetime of one generation—once the signs relative to that specific prophecy begin. So Christ is coming back to this earth, but not right away. Not until these signs have occurred! People who go running around mouthing their own ideas and predictions about Christ’s return “tonight” are false prophets. They are not heeding the words of Jesus Christ. The signs listed in Jesus’ words must occur first.

Soon, mankind will suffer through the most devastating, bloody war in human history—called, in biblical terminology, the “Great Tribulation.” “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved [alive]; but for the elect’s sake [for the sake of God's repentant, obedient people] those days will be shortened” (Matthew 24:21–22).

We are now approaching that time, and these things are now being revealed. “Many shall be purified, cleansed, and refined [God is examining you and me, testing us to see who is willing to obey His Word], but the wicked shall continue to act wickedly. None of the wicked shall understand, but those who are wise shall understand” (Daniel 12:10, NRSV).

Do you understand that our degenerate, corrupt nations are headed for a big fall? Do you fully realize that America’s national debts are almost out of control and that, proportionately, Canada’s indebtedness is even greater? Can you grasp the full meaning—in God’s eyes—of the spiritual and moral toboggan slide of our entire Western civilization?

LCG seems to take almost orgasmic delight in wishing destruction and annihilation on the United States. They want to see death and destruction happen to all who disagree with them.  It will  legitimize 70 some years of failed prophecies.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

E W King: Join The Military So You Can Kill Pagans In End Times

The stupid machine is working over time in E W King Land.

Presently the Worldwide Church of God [COGSR] teaches that it is alright to serve in the United States military. There is only one more and final World War which is coming soon. This war Christians will certainly be involved with. The pagans will finally have their chance to take over America [Manasseh]. In this war Christians can fight to the end. The Bible prophecies state that America will go into captivity because of her sins. Christians however love this Great Nation and it would be a blessing to die for it and God in the last great battle!

E W King on Unshowered Swearing Drug Users Who Are Race Contaminated

Words fail me:

It is time for individual states to stop all the paganism in Manasseh! States must use their right to enforce allegiance to this country. Put the Ten Commandments back up. Reject same sex marriage. Stop all the illegal immigration NOW!
There is a group of certain people within our nation that don’t believe in any government. What kind of lifestyle do they lead? That of the freeloader! They move into other peoples living arrangement if they can and there they talk their anarchy propaganda. While they do this they have no compassion toward those who have given them their new living arrangement. They start talking about “living off the land”. So they tear a piece of property up to grow some food.
The amazing fact is, the majority of the food they eat comes from your pocket and mine! They collect food stamps. They never look for a job. They sleep in as long as they want. They smoke the drug of the sluggards. They take money from others only to buy alcohol, drugs and cigarettes. Their language is fowl. They shower rarely. Ultimately they are a disgrace to the working class.
How did they get this way? Many of them have had race contamination, culture contamination and have been raised around lazy people. COGSR has demanded the US government to do drug testing with all their welfare recipients. Also, those who collect any government aid must be put on job programs. If they refuse to comply they must leave the country.
Many of these types of people read books about communist and Marxist principles. Why don’t they move to a communist country? They talk of being “non-violent”. While American soldiers have secured their living arrangement they talk trash about the US military. These people are living in la la land.
Can’t you begin to see that in all of this craziness only God’s help and coming Kingdom will be the ultimate answer to World Peace? However, while we are still walking in our physical bodies down here, we are to proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom and at the same time we are to uphold Church Government AND promote the original God ordained government of this great nation!

E. W. King: Democracy Sucks

E.W. King has had another discussion with his angel and he has a few choice words for any American that believes in democracy.  Apparently it has been revealed to him that democracy is mob rule instead of strict top down leadership.  Apparently true leadership was like HWA mob rule.

Shocking truth about Democracy
Now what I am about to reveal may shock some who have been involved in the Worldwide Church of God. You may have never been taught this before. Mr. H.W.Armstrong, Pastor General of original WCG, originally did vote. Mr. Armstrong voted for who was to become the next US President. He did pay attention to politics in his early life. What happened? When he saw that America [Manasseh] was turning from a God ordained National Republic to a Democracy he knew something was wrong. He stated in “Mystery of the Ages” that not to long after World War 2 this nation began losing its blessings.
Why? The United States began to take advantage of the blessings that it was given. One thing that it was given was the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. These documents were given to latter-day Manasseh. Had the USA stuck with the original principles of Manasseh Government the church would have continued to vote for Godly men.
The Worldwide Church of God rejects any idea of Democracy. The WCG believes that all government should be ruled from the top down, not from the “mob” up. God’s original intention was for a US Republic which was based on moral law as found in the Bible and outlined for social government in the United States Constitution. This way man did not ultimately answer to man but to God ordained law. We were originally a nation built on Law.
Latter our country started saying that we are a “democracy” and stopped using the word Republic. This was the beginning of latter day Manasseh’s downfall.
The purpose of C.O.G.S.R. is not to create a religious reformation by the detour of a political organization. We simply are Christians who promote the true National Republic. That is all. The Church cannot blame the people for not upholding true nationalism any more than Nationalism can blame the church for its demise. True nationalism should however have a good and strong spiritual vision to survive. Good theology can indeed offer help in this area, as the WCG strives to do. The American Republic proves that good religion can produce a strong nation. Christianity helped make this country strong, there is no doubting this.
Many illegal immigrants have invaded this country. The American culture was infected by “third-world type” country morals and standards. This began in the 60’s. It has escalated to the point that now we have increased violence and demoralization amongst the middle class. As far as the middle class goes, it almost doesn’t even exist anymore in the state of California.
This is one of the main reasons why America [modern day Manasseh] has been going downhill. COGSR is trying to help reeducate those who believe themselves to be Christian. We are bringing back the true Christian message! Today we see children who dress like trash, talk like trash and listen to corrupt music. They have become drugged with false doctrine, false ideas and are mostly high on marijuana…the drug of the sluggards.
The liberals [sluggards] are a cancer to this great nation and must be confronted by God’s true children. Here at COGSR we are teaching thousands to understand proper and “sound doctrine” so that the coming generation will not be thoroughly destroyed! Families must be strengthened again by the true gospel message of the coming Kingdom of God.
If we look at all the idiots in ruling the Middle East countries we find people like the Syrians. Killing their own people. We find freaks who know nothing about true Americans and our Christian history. Sadly, America is turning into a “third world country” because Americans have forgotten the strength of the true Christian message. The liberal freaks who believe in homo-marriages, divorce, killing babies [Americans] and supporting the communists have truly and powerfully began to destroy this great nation. Don’t you get it?
It is truly time for Americans to home school their children. Get your children out of the heathen corrupt schools, especially if you live in California. We must not be afraid anymore. We must now stand up!
Sadly, American troops are fighting for a country which is falling apart. Our fight should begin right here in America! Fight here and now for the TRUTH!  Parents can no longer put their children in the military thinking that this will protect America. Individual Americans must stand up for the true Christian Message here and now! Get up!
True Christians who understand that the United States is the blessed Manasseh will not sit back and let the pagans invade. We must continue to proclaim the true God ordained message and government, both Church and State government, that God originally intended for us to have. This does not mean that we jump into worldy politics. It means that we stay alert to the signs of the times, pay attention to what is going on in the world and in politics.