Monday, October 23, 2017

Leaving the Faith, Paying the Price

If you haven’t left an oppressive religious community, peeking inside one may seem novel, a curious poking of your nose into a weird upside-down world where everything mainstream culture takes for granted is swapped out for some alternate reality. 
If you have left such a community, though, stories of others who’ve also found their way out induce a mix of panic and relief. Critics try to stay neutral, but I can’t pretend One of Usdidn’t sock me in the solar plexus; the documentary about three young people trying to make their way outside of Hasidic Judaism is laden with a familiar sadness and longing.
My own background is much closer to an earlier film from One of Us co-directors Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady: the 2006 documentary Jesus Camp, which looked inside a charismatic Christian summer camp for young people that trained them in spiritual warfare (and to an extent, conservative political warfare). That film is hard to watch too. 
Whereas Jesus Camp focused on the faithful, though, One of Us takes a different tack in its examination of an insular religious community (and one that’s more impenetrable to outsiders). Instead of talking to the true believers, Ewing and Grady follow the questioners. The film’s revelations are two-pronged: They uncover much about the Hasidic community, while also more broadly exposing how insular groups keep people in and everyone else out. It’s hard to leave, even when staying is impossible too.  Excerpt from : In the moving Netflix documentary One of Us, 3 ex-Hasidic Jews struggle with secular life

Freedom to be, is the greatest blessing and the price one pays to leave the flock.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Paroled Felon and Church of God Apostle/Prophet Sets Specific Date Of Jesus Return in 2019

Where would the Church of God be without all of its prophets, apostles and criminal ministers?  From Dave Pack and Gerald Flurry to Bob Thiel and James Malm, these men all claim to have the inside track to the plans of God on the earth.  All of these men have hedged and fudged on their dates as the years pass them by and none of the revelations come to pass.  Liars all.

Well that is till now!

God's only true prophet, who had to be humbled and humiliated in prison for 3 1/2 years, is back as a free man and running with specific dates as to what will happen in the end times.  God's greatest prophet alive now is, Ronnie Weinland, convicted felon.  God always uses the basest of men, so I guess Weinerdude fits the bill.  The problem with Weinerdude is that every single thing he has prophesied since his epic failure in 2008 has failed to come to pass.  That does not matter though.  Weinerdude has a way around all of these failures, his prophecies actually happened, but were spiritual instead of physical.  A convenient excuse to get around all the epic and well-publicized failures.

That is all in the past now.  Weinerdude has a specific date when Jesus is returning to earth to wreak havoc and clean up the mess that the Church of God failed to clean up.
This is an account of what is clearly expected to occur on June 9, 2019. The long prophesied Messiah, the Christ (both words, Messiah and Christ, have the same meaning), will be sent by God to take control of this earth and to establish His government to rule over the nations. The self-rule of mankind will be brought to an end as the Messiah and his army will take control of all government over all nations. He will do so with great power—a level of power never before witnessed by mankind. 
Jesus is coming to reign supreme alongside the few hundred followers of Weinerdude.  Notice one thing that irritates the hell out of Weinerdude, he is still bitter and extremely pissed that he was found guilty of tax fraud and sent to prison.
During that millennial period, people will continue to live and then die, as in the previous 6,000 years, except all will live under God’s government and no longer under mankind’s. They will live in a world where justice is swift (not drug out for years), righteous in judgment, and simply just and fair. 
There will be no prosecutors or investigators who can twist, distort, and redefine fact in a manner they desire that is often with the sole purpose of winning a conviction, establishing a record to advance oneself, making their own personal judgment of guilt or innocence, and/or from an unjust bias of personal prejudice. There will be no lawyers who defend clients they know to be guilty. There will be no need for the legal system as it exists today. There will be no need for such things because those who come with Christ will know what has happened in all cases requiring matters that need to be judged. Nothing can be hidden from them. No one will be able to get by with lies, cons, deceit, false witnessing, or twisting the truth in any way.