Sunday, February 27, 2022

Fred Coulter Creates A Second Organization To Deceive COG Members


The Church of God is filled with so many self-important vain men who have set themselves up as new potentates of splinter groups all claiming to accurately represent first-century Christianity. Fred Coulter, the COG resident phrenologist, rebelled and left the mother church to form the Christian Biblical Church of God. The CBCG is another do-nothing church that has made no impact upon the world even after Coulter reorganized the Bible and started selling it for $175 USD.

Not able to draw in new members these guys then try to reach out to the scores of COG members who stay home and listen to tapes and recordings each week, Coulter set up the Church at Home organization. There is an untapped field of potential tithe payers sitting out there who send money to different groups as they wish and various COG leaders have continually been unsuccessful in drawing them into their groups.

In reality, this second group is nothing more than a shell front for the money-making con games of another COG leader, much like Bob Thiel's CG7 website which imitates the legitimate COG 7 Day and diverts people away to Thiel's improperly named "continuing" Church of God.

A reader here sent this:

Gentlemen —
The current issue of Biblical Archaeology Review has an ad that I found interesting. I immediately figured out it was for one of the WCG offshoots, but “church at” was not familiar to me. Gary, of course, would have known immediately that “church at home” was an alias for the unChristian unBiblical Church of God.

Ad in Biblical Archeology Review

Where would the Church of God be without the British Israelism myth that it uses to support its shaky foundation? Without this myth, which has so much evidence against it, the entire system of Armstrongism collapses into a moldy heap of nothingness.

Witless Witness Knows How The Dinosaurs Died

Isn't it great to have so many intellectuals in the Church of God who know nothing about science, anthropology, theology, archeology, etc., and yet think they are instantly authorities upon everything? The church is sooooooooooooooooo blessed to have sooooooooooooooooo many amazing men as its leaders!

Ronnie Weinland, CURRENTLY the only COG leader to be a convicted felon, imagines himself a highly intelligent minister of old covenant theology and thus capable of weighing in on the destruction of the dinosaurs and plant life.

“Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the multitude in them. On the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it [set apart for holy use and purpose], because that on it He rested from all His work which He created and had done” (Genesis 2:1-3). 
Although it is explained in much greater detail in the literature from God’s Church, many people think that this account of creation being spoken of in Genesis 1 and 2 is about the time when God created the earth and universe itself. That is simply not true. The earth was created at least hundreds of thousands of years, and perhaps even millions of years earlier. That should be easy to understand by scientific evidence itself. 
Living creatures and plant life existed on the earth after it was first created, and there is an exceedingly vast amount of fossil evidence to this truth that exists all over this earth. However, people have not known that Satan at one time destroyed all life on earth after he had rebelled against God. The devastation he brought happened in an instant as he tried to destroy the earth itself. 
Satan possessed the power to rip apart vast regions of the earth, shaking it off its normal orbit and rotation, as well as completely darkening the atmosphere itself. As a result of what happened so quickly within the atmosphere of the earth, temperatures dropped so low that plant life and animal life froze completely within an instant.



Saturday, February 26, 2022

How Dave Pack Calculates His Sermons


LCG: As it Watches and Waits...


Once more Doug Winnail repeats himself and claims that LCG is some kind of watchman. How can that be when Bob Thiel and Dave Pack claim to be the watchman? So do Gerald Flurry and Ronnie Weinland.

Why is it that so many COG's consider themselves to be the "Watchman"? They've been "watching" and predicting for close to 80 years now and nothing they have proclaimed has come to pass. What we do get to watch is the rapid demise of the Church of God movement as it splinters and splinters into hundreds and hundreds of personality cults built around vain narcissistic men who lie through their teeth and cause immense spiritual and physical harm to their members.

Winnail quotes Hosea 8:7, 14 and immediately bitch claps the entire COG movement: 

For they sow the wind,

    and they shall reap the whirlwind.

The standing grain has no heads,

    it shall yield no meal;

Israel has forgotten his Maker,

    and built palaces;

They sow a disjointed message ignoring Christ. Their messages have yielded no harvest. While building their campuses and headquarters they continue to ignore Christ while bowing down to the altar of Moses. Winnail cannot even mention that Christians rest in the assurance of Jesus no matter what may happen in the world around them. They don't live in fear or need to look at Old Testament prophets and sages as saving them from anything. They cannot and never will. 

The church does not need another Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Elisha, pastor general, chief overseer, apostle, or prophet in their midst. All of the ones who have claimed these names and continue to call themselves these names have been and still are liars who cannot and will not preach Christ resurrected. 

The Church as a Watchman: Down through history God has used His servants to warn His people and the world of coming events—for their own good. Moses warned the Israelites that if they disobeyed God and despised His laws and statutes, they would be punished (Leviticus 26:15). Isaiah was told to “Cry aloud” and tell God’s people that their sins will bring serious consequences (Isaiah 58:1). Jeremiah warned the Israelites, “you have forsaken the LORD your God” and “your own wickedness will correct you” (Jeremiah 2:17–19). Hosea’s message was, “They sow the wind, and reap the whirlwind... Israel has forgotten his Maker” (Hosea 8:7, 14). Ezekiel was given a prophetic commission to be watchman to the house of Israel and that he would be held accountable for delivering that warning. In Ezekiel’s day, the house of Israel had already gone into captivity—which means that same message must be delivered to modern Israelite nations today. Let’s pray that God will open doors to make that possible and that we will stay focused on the mission to be a watchman to modern Israelites and the world.
Have a profitable Sabbath, Douglas S. Winnail

Friday, February 25, 2022

LCG Thinks Israel Needs To Hear Their Message

Greetings from Charlotte: 
When it seems as though things cannot get worse, they will. There will be ups and downs, but our world is heading into the time of Jacob’s trouble. We may not be there yet, but that is where the events taking place right now are heading. The invasion of Ukraine by Russia, whether justified or not, sets in motion paths for the future that can move us closer to the fulfillment of end-time prophecies. The disastrous manner in which the United States pulled out of Afghanistan is part of the big picture, but even more so is our headlong plunge into sinful behaviors and divisions within. 
In the meantime, we continue doing the Work of God. Each week between 2,500 and 3,500 brand-new subscribers are added to Tomorrow’s World magazine. While some subscribers do not renew their subscriptions, the mailing list continues to grow as we reach larger numbers of new people. We will be starting a new congregation in Savannah, Georgia, and last week we started airing the telecast in Israel. Please pray that God will use this opportunity to preach the Gospel in Israel to accomplish His purpose.—Gerald Weston