Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, October 18, 2010

Sex Crazed Long Haired Teens in Prayer Booths and Inter-racial Walking in LCG Camp

A while back on the LCG Yahoo board there was this serious comment about the horrible state of affairs at LCG Summer Camps.  Is it any wonder people mock Armstrongism when there are yahoo's like this posting their stupidity on newsgroups?

Who would have dreamed that prayer booths would be connected with rampaging fornicating teen boys at a Living Church of God Summer Camp!  And what the hell is the problem with walking next to someone of another race.  Is it going to rub off on you?

This stupidity is tied directly into the absurd teachings of British Israelism that still permeates the COGlets to this day.  Whites are superior to all other races.  Meredith still believes it.  Flurry believes it.  Look at both of their splinter cults. White as white on rice.

Photo from Spanky's childhood photo album

Given Spanky's obsession with sex, his constant talking about it in sermons, writing about it in his magazines is it any wonder the kids in his cult want to try it!

Masturbation seems to occupy so much of his mind.  The same goes for Six Pack and his teachings to his cult college students.  I guess HWA's flog log has had a permanent imprint on their minds. (Read about HWA fascination with certain anatomy parts here AR 27 )

The second Sabbath at camp on 7-28-07 RCM gave a sermon about prayer.
During the course of the sermon he suggested that the church give "a
few thousand dollars" to the camp so they could build some prayer booths
for the teenagers. 

The first question about that idea is whether or not
it is an appropriate use of tithe money to give it to a facility they do
not even own? 

The second question regards if RCM is so naive as to not
realize what teenagers could end up using those booths for instead? 
I happen to have firsthand knowledge that one teenage boy and girl
successfully fornicated despite the so-called watchful eyes of
supervising adults at the camp. Thankfully this situation was not
further complicated by a pregnancy! 

Another eye catching event was the presence of at least 4 boyswith long hair. How long? It covered their ears and the back of their necks. The previous year this was non-
existent. I was told by a minister and staff member that the staff
camp manual had a grooming guideline of no long hair for boys. Yet last
year it was allowed. Did the camp director not have the courage to
contact the parents and tell them the boys would have to get haircuts
or go back home?
Does this alleged evangelist not understand I Cor.
11:14 ?

Last noteworthy occurrence was the teenagers given the latitude to decide whether or not to couple up interacially in the march to
Sabbath services. This decision should be the domain of the adults not
the children. This was not allowed in WCG camps under HWA. The only
exception was an odd number of teenagers per race which made 100%
coupling impossible. This was a sound practice put in place by the last
living Apostle and no one in a lesser office has the authority to
change it.

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