Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dennis Luker Says UCG Is "...About to Go Through a Fiery Trial" (Luker Video Added)

The Shining Light blog is reporting that Dennis Luker gave a sermon this past weekend that will most likely be sent out to all UCG churches to be played for the membership.  It looks like the situation in South American has really come back to bite the UCG hierarchy in the butt big time!  There is  an immense backlash about the shenanigans that went on with that situation, with the Salyer episode and other disgruntled ministers. Rocky times are ahead for UCG.

The tape subject was “Fiery Trials”  and it was stated the the UCG/AIC was going through or about to go through a “Fiery Trial”.
It is very important to understand that the only fiery trial, is one being placed on United by the Council of Elders.  All that is needed to prevent such a trial, is for the CoE to confirm and support the previous long standing policy on working or paying others to work on Sabbath; and to begin an honest and sincere effort at reconciliation with the offended Latin American brethren. 
What is so very difficult about that?  In short, all they really need to do to prevent a fiery trial, is to maintain the doctrinal status quo; and reach out to those they have offended in true Godly concern.
So why is Dennis warning of a fiery trial?  Is it because the Council has no intention of maintaining the long standing doctrinal position of United?  Is it because the liberal faction is irrevocably commited to changing the present teaching in favour of the Roig family position?
Why is United’s Council of Elders and President FORCING such a fiery trial on United?

Shining Light also had this to say about Luker:

At one point Dennis says that he is a hard tough man who will do whatever it takes.  He then tried to go on and say;” in love of course”: yet his statement and body language was certainly belligerent and defiant against any possible questioning of his position.

This seems to have become a matter of personal pride with the liberals; who seem to be willing to fracture United rather than back off their agenda.
This tape was a rather obvious attempt to intimidate  the elders and people before the important decision come up.

It looks like UCG is starting to go through the same issues that their Mother Church went through.  Those pesky liberals are at it again!

To hear the message yourself check it out.  NOTE:  This is NOT an endorsement of UCG!


  1. Luker (in video) says "America is in debt, deep eeep debt". But not him, he receives the BIG UCG SIX-FIGURE presidential salary!

  2. Just watched the UCG video presentation by Dennis (the Menace) Luker.

    Maybe these smooth-talking UCG Laodiceans can all, without malice or anger in their voices, disfellowship each other until they are all split up, without any hard feelings or resentment or ill will, since they are all so full of love for everyone.

    The UCG talk might sound nice to a naive person, but it could make an informed person want to vomit.
    No wonder J.C. said in Revelation 3:16 that he would spew them out of His mouth. They make me sick too.

    No wonder the correct biblical term is filthy Luker.

    While there has been no overall growth in the UCG over the past fifteen years, the little UCG congregations have not been totally static. There has been an ongoing process of decent people being kicked out while perverts have been welcomed in. The whole organization is totally unchecked and unbalanced, despite their propaganda to the contrary.

    The UCG is now like a structure of rotten wood that is so unsafe for decent people to enter that it will have to be burned up.


    Is President Dennis Luker of UCG-ia the “Fiery Trial” that has come upon Faithful Saints (ministry and brethren) of UCG who are striving to maintain the Faith once delivered?

    Luker certainly has marketed himself as 'Mr. Love' over the years (2 Cor. 11:14,15). He operates with a smooth talking (Isaiah 30:10), affected speaking voice while exhibiting a touchy-feely manner and a preference for prayer circles and holding hands with other men.

    But are his true colors beginning to show now that he has position and power (1 Tim 5:24,25). I heard a report by a wise older gentleman referring to him as 'dennis the menace' (dennis who menaces the church) while another stated his fruits and actions manifest him as 'Lukifer'.

    It seems he never had position and power in Worldwide Church of God - kept in the boonies, viewed as a liberal with a liberated wife. His ministerial specialties are homosexuality and alcoholism which he prefers to call dysfunctions (medical abnormalities) rather than sin. Many have heard his crafted rhetoric involving the misuse of words such as; forgiveness, tolerance, unity (conformity), adversary, peaceful separation i.e. purge & censorship. But a deafening silence remains when it comes to elaborating on concepts such as God’s Law, Sin and of Repentance being part of the equation for Reconciliation. Some have said he has a history as a liberal and comes across as Pentecostal or Evangelical while using the minimal necessary lip service to the doctrines, teachings and ‘church-speak’ that those with a Church of God background expect. Others have stated he exhibits a classic speaking and writing style of misapplying Great Truths to one's own purpose & agenda.

    A surprising number have expressed witnessing the little known and well hidden fact that he exhibits a terrible temper when he does not get his way. And this anger is not ‘righteous anger’. More and more are coming to see his negative attributes of ruthlessness, deception and dishonesty in this regard. He is destructive to the church in his current position and the fact he was the one chosen of four candidates for president is omen enough for some.

  4. ‘Dennis the Menace’, and friends bungle it again and again. It’s about power and pride. And pride comes before a fall. A tough, hard man is probably his true carnal colors showing, rather than the act of a loving, compassionate Christian which he has positioned (marketed) himself over the years for a liberal agenda. Many can attest to his bad temper, controlling manner, and lack of depth in the scriptures – i.e. Great Truths Misapplied. It is well known that his wife wears the pants, directs him on church matters and likely writes his sermons. He repeatedly states publicly that he is a ‘golden retriever’ and his wife is ‘the lion’. And like many impotent men who fail their role as a leader in the family, they attempt to overcompensate and alleviate their internal frustrations by playing the tough guy on all others they feel threatened or made insecure by. A “man who will do whatever it takes” is cause for alarm. You will find he means what he says as he feels he is above the law i.e. God’s law. “Fiery Trial” sounds like a self titled autobiography. It would probably be wise that he retire before he destroys what is left of the church. Maybe it’s time for the Council or General Conference of Elders to ask him to resign.

  5. Dennis Luker and Ministerial Trainees

    William F. Dankenbring

    An Overview and Time-Line of My Life and Ministry
    My daughter asked me recently to give her a timeline of my life and early years. She said I have never really spoken about them, and she is very interested. I thought perhaps others would also be interested, so here is a brief overview of God’s dealings in my life.
    William F. Dankenbring


    Further Ministerial “Training”
    After this meeting, I was held back from writing for the magazines, and was sent off to “gain experience” by serving in the field ministry as a “second man.” At that time I was sent up to San Francisco, to work as a ministerial assistant under Dennis Luker, for 6 months, giving sermonettes, leading songs, doing Bible Studies, visiting the members, and accompanying Dennis as he made his rounds. One of the first things on his agenda, it seemed, was to take me to a North Beach club in the Tenderloin District, to have a beer and watch a “nudie cutie” gyrate naked on a stage to the song, “Michele, My Belle.” I suppose this was to help me become more “mature.” Frankly, I think it was ridiculous, and showed how far the Church leaders had plunged into foolishness and had departed from the pure and upright ways of God! During this time, Dennis treated me like a boy, thinking I suppose that I needed to be ‘humbled.’ He put me to work weeding his flowers, taking his leased Chrysler Imperial automobile to be washed, taking his suits to the cleaners, etc. But on the Sabbaths, I led songs, gave sermonettes, and grew in experience, grace, and knowledge, and confidence.

  6. Hmmm...sounds like Joseph Tkach III
