Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Worshipping WCG Relics

Old Six Pack is on a roll in acquiring remnants of the glory days of Armstrongism. He has forked over an undisclosed amount of tithe money for the swan sculpture that used to grace the Big Sandy campus. Will he paint them white like the Harvest Rock Cult Church did with the Pasadena birds? Or will Old Six Pack be bowing down to the swans like some moron in Pasadena did years ago when he proclaimed the egret sculpture was going to come alive and carry the Auditorium to Petra. Stupid people believed that guy just like people believe Old Six Pack.


The swans will be disassembled and transported to a foundry in Oklahoma for minor repairs and refinishing before being installed in their new home, the reflecting pool in front of Armstrong Auditorium. The sculpture and water feature will be installed just as they were in Big Sandy; the five swans will appear to soar into flight as six water jets cascade over them.
In a sermon on April 9 in Sulphur Springs, Texas, Mr. Flurry told church members, "The water cascading over the swans makes it look like they are soaring-or beginning to soar. Aren't we about to begin to soar as never before?"
Referring to Amos 9:11, Mr. Flurry said, "We have a responsibility to raise the ruins. We are going to show the world the best of the human spirit, combined with God's Holy Spirit." He added, "God has given us these gifts to raise up the ruins and He's even giving us some of the treasures He gave to Mr. Armstrong. This swan sculpture is going to bring life to our campus in a special way."

Six Pack is doing everything he can to be like Herb. Six Pack hauled a dirt and moss laden rock all the way from Oregon because he wanted to worship at Herb's supposed prayer rock.


If it was used by Herb it is of value to Six Pack. For a cult that supposedly is the restored gospel he forgets one command of God that he regularly ignores. "Coveting." Oh, and there is also "Pride". The Six Pack cult thinks that there is a miraculous era about to dawn for their cult.


Old Six Pack and Jr. Six Pack both believe that there are glorious new days coming for PCG. They are going to be a magnificent tool in proclaiming some god's word to the world. Six Pack seems to think he is as important as Herb was and will be able to do the same things. Someone needs to tell apostle Six Pack it is NOT going to happen! image

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