Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Another UCG Resignation: Jonathan Pinelli Resigns

November 26, 2010

Dear Mr. Luker,

It is with the heaviest of heart that I must write this letter to you. I write to you as the highest human level in the administration of the United Church of God.

Clearly for some time now, the United Church of God, (UCG), has experienced a turbulent, troubling, ungodly atmosphere. When did it all start? Some say it was with the removal of the former administration. Those who foster this idea seem to think that the former administration has fomented this rebellion against the Council of Elders and the current administration and thus we find ourselves in the current climate within the organization. I do not believe that to be true in any way, shape or form.

With your selection as the new president of UCG, many saw a chance for healing to take place; that the bitter attitudes that some have had over the former administration’s decisions and philosophy would have the salve of a Denny Luker to heal the division. Understandably and most assuredly first and foremost it is God’s Holy Spirit that must lead us as members of the body of Christ to heal, but many put their faith in you to lead this spiritual healing. Sadly what many of us, myself included have witnessed is not a healing, but rather a “doubling down” on rhetoric and actions that speak to further division rather then healing and spiritual vision to look onward and upward. This has saddened me and surprised me. I expected so much more of a man of fifty years dedicated to serving God’s people.

Over the past seven months, I have found little that I could agree with in terms of your administration and the Council of Elders in words, deeds and actions. Your letters profess love and outgoing concern for the brethren, as do the letters from the Council of Elders, but the actions are clearly not in line with your words or Council’s words. Some examples:

Removal of the Director of Latin America who has served God’s people for 50+ years. Lies and cover-ups told in the aftermath to make it appear as if Leon Walker was the “bad guy” in a situation that was clearly “botched” start to finish. The level of character assassination against Leon Walker has been epic. Never in my forty eight years growing up in the Church have I seen this level of vilifying of a spiritual brother. This includes our time spent under the Worldwide Church of God after Mr. Armstrong’s death. The administration and Council of Elders of the United Church of God should thank God that Leon Walker is a converted man. Many of us believe that he could take this organization to the cleaners for defamation of character.

A minister of Jesus Christ who has dedicated 50+ years of his life deserves much better – both from a human standpoint but more importantly as a spiritual brother. The actions of this church organization with regards to this situation have been very, very far from the love that so many of the Council and you profess. This is not an example of love!!

Appeal for Latin America.

167 members of the General Conference of Elders out of concern for the members and ministry of Latin America, our spiritual brothers and sisters, signed an appeal to ask that the Council of Elders look at this matter, reevaluate and seek the path that we all have been called to; reconciliation. The response? On August 6, 2010 an official letter was sent out. The first paragraph expresses the fact that the Council and Administration have sought to have reconciliation. The letter then goes on to further chastise Leon Walker and other Latin American ministers. This is not the hallmark of reconciliation; this is not love.

White papers entitled “Observing The Sabbath” and “Fasting, Prayer and the Will of God”.

These papers do not agree and mesh with our doctrinal teachings and fundamental beliefs. These papers have not been submitted and vetted through our approved doctrinal processes. These were processes that were put in place so as to protect and preserve our doctrines. You may not have written these papers, nor had any say in there editorial review however as president you are responsible for your operations managers. You have allowed the media department of the Church to post these papers on line on our web site. Therefore the Council of Elders and you have condoned their content by allowing them to be viewed by members and the world at large.

These are only three examples of a myriad of doctrinal, ethical and moral failings of an organization that was founded on many different principles in May 1995 then those we now see. You were at those meetings Mr. Luker. What has happened to you? Why do you not see the demise of our founding principles? Where is the passion and the fire that I saw when you as a Regional Pastor in WCG stood up to Joe Tkach, Jr., Mike Feazel, et al.? I am so very sad at what I have witnessed since you took the office of president. It has not been the Dennis Luker that I saw in 1995.

My responsibilities and duties as a shepherd of God’s people are clear. Those are defined through the Bible as you already know. Feeding and tending God’s sheep has been a tremendous blessing. I thank God that I have been called to care for His people.

I also have duties and responsibilities as an employee of the United Church of God. However, when the duties and responsibilities of the physical organization are in conflict with my spiritual duties as a shepherd, something has to give. I CANNOT NOR WILL I COMPROMISE THOSE SPIRITUAL DUTIES.

Therefore, with my signature affixed to this letter, I tender my resignation as a pastor in the full time employment of the United Church of God, (Effective November 27, 2010 6:00 p.m., MST). I do not resign from the ordination to the ministry that God has given me. I intend to fulfill my calling as a minister of Jesus Christ.

I regret having to make this decision, but the Council of Elders and your Administration make it necessary at this time. I wish no ill will towards any member of the Council of Elders, Administration or you. I will continue to pray that God deal with us all, myself included, in His mercy and bring us to the perfection of His son Jesus Christ not just in words but in deeds and actions.

Jonathan R. Pinelli

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