Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, November 22, 2010

Smackdown 2010: Leon Walker vs Mario Seiglie

Letter from Leon Walker regarding UCG accusations:

Hello everyone,

As you know, Denny Luker sent a letter to the Spanish ministry still credentialed by UCG demanding that they choose between him or me—as though that was the issue. The letter contains many errors regarding this issue—including the concept that I have formed a group in competition with UCG. This is totally false. I have not formed any new group. I have visited with and spoken only before United Church of God congregations in Latin America, pastored by ministers still credentialed by UCG. However, Mario Seiglie has traveled to Latin America and formed groups in competition to the UCG congregations—contrary to the UCG Rules of Association.

This morning Mario began a telephone campaign calling the Spanish ministry and asking what they plan to do regarding Mr. Luker’s letter. Mario attempted to intimidate them by stating that if they reject the Council of Elders they are rejecting the government of God. How arrogant! Did Mario believe that when he rejected the WCG Pastor General in 1995 that he was rejecting the government of God? Rejection of a system that has gone astray from God is not rejection of the government of God. Mario even attempted to intimidate one minister by implying that his rejection of Mr. Luker will send him into the Great Tribulation.

However, the ministry in Latin America will not be intimidated by such bullying.

Warmest regards,

Leon Walker

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