Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

UCG Soon To Loose 150+ Congregations?

Current State of Affairs In UCG HQ

UCG's GCE has hit back at Luker's letter.  There is a far more serious division going on than Luker is admitting.  With more than 150 elders now having signed the letter to Luker, there are serious issues that UCG is facing.  Just like in WCG when all the changes came down. People followed those men that they thought were Christian leaders.  WCG/UCG has always had ministers that had their fan club base.  It is guaranteed that these men will draw UCG members away with them when they form a new church organization through The Ambassador International Outreach.  More lives being wasted over stupid men and their stupid unbiblical doctrines

What Really Happened In Latin America

What Are The Real Issues

What Were the Real Efforts to Seek Reconciliation

"It is estimated that a number of firings will take place soon and that as many as ½ of the paid elders will eventually leave or be fired.  As many as ½ to 2/3rds of their approximately 300 congregations are expected to join them."


  1. And, the sheep will use the same justification that they used when they followed their favorite "minister", friends, or family out of the WCG: "We didn't leave. They left us.". They're going to step from the frying pan into the fire of more hierarchical control, under the guise of "helping the poor people in Latin America".

  2. My UCG Pastor said last weekend what's happening right now is a "little bit of gridlock."

    Yes, those were his exact words.

    (Oh, he hasn't mentioned yet in services the four COE members who resigned.)

  3. I’m a long time member of the Church (1968). To be honest, I’m disappointed and disgusted with the ministry — the ones causing the problems because — bottom line — “how dare you try to rule us” is your baby cry. You morons. Where were you when Mr. Armstrong taught you the lesson about what God is looking for. Loyalty. God does not want rebels in his Kingdom. Duh! Satan has you where it hurts most and YOU are causing discouragement, bitterness, confusion and baying in the flock. If you don’t like it, get out. The loyal brethren are in United to worship in peace with truth. They’re sick of your backbiting, politics and division. Seeing that you can’t seem to be ruled over perhaps you should practice saying those famous words: “would you like fries with that?” You know something — the fryer can get really hot — and that’s straight where you’re headed.
