Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, January 7, 2011

New COGaWA Locomotive Is Barreling Out of the Station!

January 7, 2011 – Today Feast Coordinators, camp directors and youth corps administrators met to consider the needs of the members of the Church of God, a Worldwide Association in these respective areas. While the number of members needing these services is still undetermined, potential Feast of Tabernacles sites, youth camps and international service projects were considered.

Yesterday several committees met to work on assignments. The interim governance committee chaired by Dave Baker met to refine three options it will present to the ministry on how to function until a permanent form of governance and leadership is selected.
The immediate administrative needs committee chaired by Dave Johnson also met on Thursday to work on the recommendations it will give to the interim leadership team that will be selected by the end of the conference. Of particular focus was the financial need of congregations, ministers and the organization.

The pre-conference leadership team also met yesterday and asked an international attendee, Andre Van Belkum of New Zealand, to give the closing address to the elders and guests on Tuesday.

As for yesterday's meeting of the long-term governance committee, Chairman Bruce Gore explained that the committee created a mission statement for itself and discussed the pros and cons of centralized and decentralized governance. This committee's job entails reviewing biblical guidelines for governance and recommending governance options to the elders. Although specifics have not been determined, consensus is building among members of the committee for recommending a centralized structure that will seek to be inclusive of members and minimize politics.

The mission statement of the long-term governance committee is: "Our mission is to recommend a structure founded upon biblical principles by which this new organization will be administered and to propose to the elders this structure for their consideration."


  1. "Our mission is to recommend a structure founded upon biblical principles by which this new organization will be administered and to propose to the elders this structure for their consideration."

    Ok, so they will discern the true Biblical form of government (which seems to have escaped them all for 50 years) and then PROPOSE for CONSIDERATION?

    Hmmmm. Somehow I can't grasp the format here. Not that I think it literally happend, but when Moses came down with the Big Ten, he tended towards not just proposing for the Israelites consideration..ha. "And in that day, three thousand died..." (always such a round number)

    The Apostle Paul hardly proposed his Gospel for Consideration. He cursed and damned those that wouldn't accept it even though he crowed about "when cursed we bless." He cursed just as they did. It was Paul's way or the highway which is why he often found himself walking away from churches on the highway with "all those in asia have forsaken me..." yet never asking why?

    Oh well...

  2. "This committee's job entails reviewing biblical guidelines for governance and recommending governance options to the elders."

    MY COMMENT: "Reviewing biblical guidelines"? Uh...let's see, since the "ordained minister" governance is NOT Biblical, and actually has its origin in the Catholic Church, does that mean that they're going to use the BIBLICAL "guideline"? Don't hold your breath!

    "Although specifics have not been determined, consensus is building among members of the committee for recommending a centralized structure that will seek to be inclusive of members and minimize politics."

    MY COMMENT: By "members", do they mean the average MALE who is NOT "ordained"(no FEMALE input of course)? Don't hold your breath!!

  3. Remember, in COGdom "members" only represent those on the boards. The general membership are only seen as commodities to be traded back and forth between organizations as revenue streams.

    The new COGawa will be the same organization structure as HWA demanded. Organization from the top down.

  4. So much for transformation of the heart, one person at a time, from the bottom up! (Sigh) That's what builds the "organization" known as the body of Christ.

    They still have no understanding of God the Holy Spirit, and how He works! Therefore, the splintering will continue, a la Gamaliel!


  5. "Remember, in COGdom "members" only represent those on the boards. The general membership are only seen as commodities to be traded back and forth between organizations as revenue streams."

    Entirely the same way with Grace Communion International- the ONLY corporate members who can vote or hold limited power are the few men Tkach appoints to his 2011 Board.

    Tkach, like Armstrong did, has ALL the power in GCI to do anything he wants for as long as he wants.
