Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Please Don't Tell Me How to Live My Faith

(Sheepeople Speak Up)

Please Don't Tell Me How to Live My Faith

I will determine how much, when and if I can tithe considering my family and personal needs...Don't tell me how to live my faith.

I will participate in assembling together as my finances and need for quiet time in my live calls for...Don't tell me how to live my faith.

I will attend the Festivals as able and not feel I have to spend 10% of my income as if it were merely play money in 8 short days...Don't tell me how to live my faith.

I will "turn in" excess and unspent tithe if I wish to but also may need to buy groceries...Don't tell me how to live my faith.

I will learn from your sermons if they contain real information from which I can benefit and grow, but won't tell you it was wonderful when it was boring...Don't tell me how to live my faith.

I will look at my watch as often as I want without retribution, during your two hour sermons... Don't tell me how to live my faith.

I will notice your sermons are over even if you are not finished...Don't tell me how to live my faith.

I'll attend extra Church activities IF I have time and am not exhausted from my other responsibilities or concerns...Don't tell me how to live my faith.

I will agree with you about how you see any particular portion of scripture applies to me, us or them if I really agree...Don't tell me how to live my faith.

I will screw up my nose and forehead as I feel I should during any bold statements you make during your sermons...Don't tell me how to live my faith.

I will laugh when you didn't intend me to and be serious when you think I should be laughing as I feel fits the occasion...Don't tell me how to live my faith.

I will leave services when they are over as soon as I wish or even stay after as long as I wish talking with friends...Don't tell me how to live my faith.

I'll include or not include  you as Pastor in my life as I am comfortable and trusting of you and your perspectives and views...Don't tell me how to live my faith.

I'll study and research whatever Biblical topics I choose to even if is not spot on with your view of the view of the organization...Don't tell me how to live my faith.

I'll come to any conclusions outside of the demand to "all speak the same thing," injunctions from those over me...Don't tell me how to live my faith
I'll feel free to say, "that's your/their opinion" whenever I feel mine differs and my real life may be effected by such opinions...Don't tell me how to live my faith.

I'll not push back if you don't push me/us/my family into all or nothing situations or positions...Don't tell me how to live my faith.

I promise not to tell you how to live your faith if you promise not to tell me/us how to live or express ours...or else.

I promise not to think of you as a "false minister or hireling" if you don't refer to me as a "dumb sheep"  Don't label me or tell me how to live my faith
I promise if you say such things as "And brethren, I am an Apostle," "I am that prophet," "I am the Watcher," "I am in charge," "I am God's minister," "I am one of the Two Witnesses,"  "My wife is the other witness because God works in families,"  "Send it in..." God told me," "Jesus caused..." "When God tells us to go to the place of safety," or that "Singles should bring a watermelon to the potluck,"  I will react according to that niggly little feeling in my stomach as appropriate...Don't tell me how to live my faith.



  1. Standing ovation, Dennis!


  2. Dennis said, "I will attend the Festivals as able and not feel I have to spend 10% of my income as if it were merely play money in 8 short days...Don't tell me how to live my faith."

    MY COMMENT - I have to wonder how practical this vintage WCG teaching is in this day and age given the world's economic situation. I wonder how many brethren, even in the United States, can afford the 2nd tithe (let alone the 1st tithe) command today.


  3. Hi Richard, Thank you, it was always annoying and seemed just wrong to feel like one had to virtually get rid of second tithe anyway one could before you went home. I gave away a lot to members who really needed it. After all, it was theirs money originally since my salary was derived from their contributions.

    I did enjoy seeing one particular family from Kentucky who had never been anywhere outside the mtns feel like they had gone to heaven when at Myrtle Beach for FOT. They suffered much loss of contact when the church tanked and changed.

    Watching Egypt come apart and I hope the Palestinians pick up the cue and kick Israel's ass for their genocide and Warsaw Ghetto mindset.

  4. I will not accept your credentials as an "ordained minister", nor will I accept the hierarchical form of government that you PUSH on me, because I realize both of these false doctrines are not in the bible and were started with the Catholic Church...Don't tell me how to live my faith.

    I will not believe the false doctrine of "tithing" which was reinstituted by the Catholic Church in the early 9th century...Don't tell me how to live my faith.

    I will not believe in the false doctrine of the antiquated Jewish calendar to set dates for antiquated days of worship...Don't tell me how to live my faith.

    I will worship God on any day I choose and esteem all days alike unto the Lord, if I so please...Don't tell me how to live my faith.

    I will not believe in the false gospel that you say that only "ministers" can preach to the world...Don't tell me how to live my faith.

    I will not believe that I am in the "true church" when I know our true origins and how many times we have split from each splinter groups...Don't tell me how to live my faith.

  5. It's rather endless isnt it? The difference is that spirituality is an inside job and comes from within taking many forms of perspective for benefit of the person. Religion is that which others and organizations pour into people from the outside and requires compliance, when to be where and why and an expected portion of ones income. It is rather empty in the long run.

    Organizations want us all to "speak the same thing," right or wrong, while Spirituality demands we speak our own truth depending on just where on the journey we tend to find ourselves at the moment. The religious views demanded by others for us usually are the catalyst for a deeper spirituality once you exit the meat grinder.

  6. I will not tithe on my wages;
    I will not accept the concept of "Second tithe";
    I will not accept the concept of "Third tithe";
    I will not accept the Jewish Calendar;
    I will not accept British Israelism;
    I will not accept the religion of an 8th grader;
    I will not accept "God's government" based on the British Empire rules for corporate incorporation;
    I will not accept the abuse;

    I will not accept the lies of ministers who can't get their facts straight;
    I will not accept unqualified counselling;
    I will sue for deliberate slander and libel if I ever get a hold of the internal documents of the CoGs.

  7. I will not accept the lie that you "ministers" preach that Jesus promised that His "true church"(YOUR church, of course)will never die out because of your false teaching about the phrase, "I will build My church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it".
