Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Vital Tools For Modern Day Apostles (UPDATED)

Updated with final auction prices

More important tools 
that every modern day Apostle needs 
preach the gospel 
"A Strong Hand From Someplace."

Click on picture once to enlarge, then again for x-large closeup's

 Victorian Gilt Centerpiece  1888
Goddess Ceres in a field of wheat
Sold for $23,300.00

Victorian Silver Four-light Candelabra  1857
Sold for $57,500.00

 Victorian Silver-mounted Frosted-glass Claret Jug and Stand 1845
$4,000 - 6,000
George IV Silver Egg Cruet 1820
$2,500 - 3,500
(HWA had this on his breakfast table in the kitchen for his soft boiled eggs)
Sold for $27,600.00 

 Victorian Silver-gilt and Agate Desert Service 1854
$3,000 - 5,000
Sold for $4,370.00

 Victorian Silver Vase 1874
$2,000 - 3,000
Sold for $2,700.00
Edward VI Silver-gilt Warwick Vase
$5,000 - 8,000
Sold For $5,650.00

George IV Silver-gilt Wine Coolers 1826
$50,000 - 80,000
Sold for $74,000.00

Regency Silver Salver 1813
$7,000 - 10,000
Sold for $24,150.00

George IV Silver Tea and Coffee Service
$10,000 - 15,000
Sold for $16,100.00

Important Regency Silver-gold gilt Candelabra 1812
$80,000 - 120,000
Sold for $222,500.00


  1. So many Holy Grails to choose from!

    I'd love to know where the pure silver model of the Mayflower that was on display in the Hall of Ad went. I loved looking at that beautiful and unique piece of work. It was amazing.

    It better not be in Joe's basement!!!

  2. The Goddess Ceres? You know there was one inexpesive little bauble with the signs of the Zodiak.

    So does this mean that Herbert Armstrong's success could be attributed to the intervention of the ancient Greek Gods? If Ceres is here, can Zeus and Athena be far behind?

    That makes for a very interesting gospel -- one which I'm sorry I missed. You know, all those stories about the Greek Gods are so fascinating! You could fill books with them?

    This begs the question, though: If Herbert Armstrong had access to such wonderful resources, why did he settle for the pedestrian? Why build a mythology around the dull preposterous British Israelism when you could build one on the rich tapestry of the Pagan Greeks? Even L. Ron Hubbard had more interesting stuff, although "Battlefield Earth" was a real bomb. Here was a full field of plagiarism just waiting for the plucking!

    Oh well, we shant dwell on lost opportunities, because the past is past: Herbert Armstrong is gone, his empire is gone, British Israelism is gone. The glorious empire is in ruins, which is where we found these artifacts.

    At least there's some viable legacy: UC Gaia, the only church of the gods named after the Godess of the Earth. At least that's something of the legacy which could have been -- and just think, it too, is full of mythology! Or what's left of it, anyway.

  3. The Mayflower ship model made of sterling silver was commissioned by Harrod's of London and made especially for Herbert W Armstrong in appreciation for being such a good customer! It was bought by a guy on the Landscape Department for $3,500.00. It's estimated value was $4,000-6,000. The last I heard it was parked in his home in South Carolina

  4. Douglas:

    Many of Herbert's gold and silver treasures were covered in signs of the zodiac and with god's and goddesses. For someone that HATED pagan traditions he filled his houses and offices with them!

  5. Hey!!! I'm in South Carolina. I want to go see it again! That was my comment! :)

    Boy, he got the deal of the century


  6. Dennis, are you sure YOU don't have it? :-)

  7. NO2HWA,

    Ah, graven images. Specifically forbidden by one (or more) of the Ten Commandments. Isn't covetousness idolatry? Certainly, coveting those "vital" tools seems like idolatry.

    Say, wouldn't that make Herbert Armstrong an idolator, or did he have to actually have to bow down to them?

    And aren't Christians supposed to avoid idolators?

    Why didn't we all avoid Herbert Armstrong [beside being the fact that he was a false prophet]?

  8. Because we all believed that gawd's end-time apostle should have the finest of everything!

  9. Recently a friend of mine who had attended AC in Big Sandy, Texas for a couple years until he couldn't take it any more, said that several were witnesses to Herbert Armstrong saying near the time of his death that he was a Pope, descended from a direct line from the Apostle Peter.

    I certainly don't remember the coworker letters from that period very well (circa 1985). Does anyone know for sure if this is true?

    I would like to add that this person commented that several ministers from the WCG became ministers in the Church of God Seventh Day and they were just terrible. My comment is, maybe some may find comfort in the Church of God Seventh Day as refuges from the Armstrongist philosophy, but be warned: Wolves move freely as hirelings from one flock to another and I don't actually recommend that people join the CoG7 to get away from Armstrongism [though it may be an option for you]: The best plan is an exit strategy which will alow you to leave the PTSD environment and recover. That may include time with mental health professionals who understand PTSD.

  10. I too have heard the horror of Armstrogite ministers going to COG7day. Almost all of them have mede life pure hell in the congregations they went to. Armstrongite minister are not men of grace because grace is mocked in Armstrongism. They tried to impose the legalistic Holy Day, unclean meats and British Israelism BS as if the COG7day were heretics for not keeping or believing Herb's revealed 'truths'

  11. It's disgusting that this religious pervert was using the money my family mailed in to buy these items. My brothers and I went with out new clothese for years because money was being mailed in. Our clohese came from second hand stores. We suffered so this prick could live in a life of luxury.

  12. Again, thank you for displaying where my parents money went to support the "end time apostle of God" preaching the gospel to the entire world as a witness and warning before the return of Jesus Christ in 1975.


  13. I used to review the bills and sign the checks for all those kinds of things that HWA would buy in London or LA. Read the coworker letters about how the Work was in crisis one day and people needed to dig deep and sacrifice to send in the money, then come to the office the next day to find that HWA had spent tens or hundreds of thousands on more art,gold, crystal - whatever he wanted. Helped grease the skids for easing me right on out of the church, especially after his sermon justifying why he was going to marry Ramona. So much hypocrisy, lying and double standards.

    Glenn Parker

  14. Doug, I'm not sure but I believe the coworker letters are available online. I went ahead and downloaded the HWA searchable library to help with finding out information in putting together my past with the church. (Definitely not what the developer intended. Some stuff cuts both ways:) ) But you might find some information in it.

    Anyhow just as a side note its interesting to do a word search in the program on "grace" and "law" for the number of times mentioned. I shouldn't have been surprised out the outcome but it only highlighted how much we were hammered with the law under HWA.

  15. I'm really baffled when I think about how long most of us stayed with HWA! Most of us didn't know what was going on? Nonsense. We didn't WANT to know what was going on. We hid our heads in the sand. Everything was wonderful and beautiful. Reminds me of Jesus talking about the whitewashed sepulchres. We were all guilty for feeding that bastard and his "ministers".

  16. Steve:

    We were repeatedly told that it was our responsibility to tithe, and that it wasn't our place to question how the government of God used our funds. We were also told that those in God's service deserved a greater portion because of their special calling.

    I didn't agree, but I was too terrified of violating God's law because of all the horrible curses that befall those who lift up their heel against God's annointed.

    My deepest regret is not listening to that small, angry voice inside me over what I perceived as lies, misrepresentation, and greed on the part of HWA & Co.

    We were brainwahsed into thinking that how much we sacrificed and gave determined how much our heart was in the alleged "Work" as well as our place in the Kingdom.

    You know the saying: If you repeat a lie often enough, people believe it. Plus they separated us from our friends and family, replacing it with those of "like brainwashed mind."

    If the WCG never broke off in 1984-85, I bet a lot of us would still be in bondage to that despicable organization.

  17. What amazes me is that there are people floating around out there who believe they can clean up the corruption, get rid of the bad fruit, and happily live by the 18 restored truths in the privacy of their own homes! That's like trying to "clean up" Communism or facism.

    Such thinking totally ignores the cause and effect relationship.


  18. Typo ... should have read

    "If the WCG never broke off in 1994-1995 ... "
