Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Silly Heathens! Mooning Is Commanded!

Malm is on another of his legalistic old covenant benders today:  Paying homage to the new moon.

HOW SHOULD WE OBSERVE THE NEW MOON DAY?  We are commanded to begin each month with special sacrifices to consecrate that month on the New Moon day.  Today we go to the Father with the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  Church organizations and independents should hold bible studies on the New Moon day and should pray to our Father through our sacrifice thanking him for the blessings of the previous month and asking him to bless us with his spirit and increasing understanding, wisdom, knowledge and blessings durimg the coming month. 
So should a person who follows Jesus observe new moons?

Even one of Armstrongism's biggest propaganda/apology sites says Christians should NOT be keeping New Moons: Are Believers Required to Observe New Moons?

But nowhere in the Bible is there a command from God that we in this present age are to observe new moons! There is no such command and that is why articles which assert that we are to observe new moons today are never able to quote a specific command from God. New moons simply don't feature amongst the commanded assemblies of God.

Furthermore, where does God say that on the new moon kings should have special meals, national leaders should address major problems, and those of military service age should be mustered?


The new moons are not at all like Sabbath days! The very word "Sabbath" is an intensive form of the Hebrew word for "REST"! Any day that is NOT "a rest" is simply NOT "like the Sabbath"! And new moons are emphatically not at all like Sabbath days. Would God want a king to organize a banquet for a Sabbath day? Certainly not! So if a king does have a banquet on a new moon day, then this illustrates that the new monday is different from a Sabbath day.
Sometimes people quote Scriptures which refer to the millennium, and which also mention new moons. That's fine ... but that still is not the same as clear instructions from God for this present age. This approach is nothing more than reasoning that tries to INFER instructions for us today from these references about the millennium. But such inferences are not justified.

The point to consider is this: since without doubt new moons were important to Israel in Old Testament times, why is there not a single command to actually 'observe' them anywhere in the Old Testament? People did, and still do, many things which are not commanded. Some of these things certainly have some merit.

But the observance of days is not something God expects us to just 'infer!'

Of course this all ties into Malm's strict Sabbatarianism.  Here are a list of things that Sabbatarians do NOT like to be confronted with:  Questions Sabbatarians Don't Like


  1. My number one Law is never knowingly argue with a crazy person.

    The guy is the second documented case of a crazy Canadian, right after Richard Brothers.

    And if it's only two over three Centuries, the Canadians have done well so far. Did we miss a few? Just as well....

  2. I guess in your bitter atheistic babble-on you forgot about the 'Feast of Trumpets' which is observed on the seventh new moon....

    ...not to mention Col.2:16-17 in the New Testament:

    Col.2:16: Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:
    v.17: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body [is] of Christ.

    I'm sure you didn't really forget them....nor all the many other OT passages.

  3. Is this sort of 'nodding' a 'shadow of things to come'?

  4. Ha ha, this is fun...

    Psalm 81:3 Blow up the trumpet in the new moon, in the time appointed, on our solemn feast day.
    4: For this was a statute for Israel, and a law of the God of Jacob.

  5. I hope this guy also wears his tassels, and doesn't cut the hair on the sides of his head. He's beginning to sound like a Messianic Hassid. What part of the word "fulfilled" don't they understand about the Old Covenant?


  6. Ignoring the point as usual, and embellished with Jew hate speech to boot.

    The original post said there was no command to observe the new moon.

    Clearly false from a number of passages.

    Paul spoke to the former pagans at Colosse AFTER Yahshua 'fulfilled' what He fulfilled.

    The feasts, new moons and sabbaths were therefore a shadow of OTHER things to come, namely, fulfillment in the KOG:

    Isa:66:23: And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall ALL FLESH come to worship before me, saith the LORD.

    Eze:46:1: Thus saith the Lord GOD; The gate of the inner court that looketh toward the east shall be shut the six working days; but on the sabbath it shall be opened, and in the day of the new moon it shall be opened.
    Eze:46:3: Likewise the people of the land shall worship at the door of this gate before the LORD in the sabbaths and in the new moons.

    Later, pagans...

  7. I thought only pagans worshipped the moon. And how come it is all right to worship the moon, but worshipping the sun is idolatry? Clearly, His ways are mysterious to us mortals.

    Paul Ray
