Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The End Times Are Here! Or, So Says Church of Malm

End time guru of wanton death and destruction is blasting his trumpet that the "end times are here!"  No, I am not talking about Flurry, Meredith, Pack or Cox.  There is another voice that is God's end time mouthpiece. God only has ONE true end time mouthpiece that is TRULY warning the true remnant COG. James Malm has been in high gear in the last few weeks promoting that message.

Bedsides demanding that TRUE Church of God members should be worshiping the moon, Malm is giddy with delight that Israel and Gaza are now engaged in battling each other.

Malm writes:

This is the first in a series of posts that will show how very close the end time events are getting.  These posts are NOT designed to set any specific date or year; they are intended to make it very clear that we are now in the end time... (i.e. 2011)

Here is how Malm comes up with his convoluted date:

...it is interesting that the first permanent English colony in America was assured with the first harvest and a thanksgiving  in 1621. Add 390 in light of the prophecy.  Again this shows the closeness of the end times and may NOT be exactly accurate as to a year; since we do not know for certain that this period started at that time. 
2011.  Yep, the end times are here!  Death and destruction will be pounding on the doors of the Untied States, Britain and Israel.  Death, famine, destruction, Germans, rampaging Muslims and DC 10 plane trips to Petra are in our forecast this year.  Forget Meredith's2012 prophecies.  Malm is the TRUE end time date calculator!

Where does Malm come up with the 390 figure?

These things were all prophesied thousands of years ago. Ez 4 Thou also, son of man, take thee a tile, and lay it before thee, and pourtray upon it the city, even Jerusalem: 2And lay siege against it, and build a fort against it, and cast a mount against it; set the camp also against it, and set battering rams against it round about.
Ezekiel is told to portray the city of Jerusalem under siege by setting up a model of the city under siege as an instruction and sign for the people.
3Moreover take thou unto thee an iron pan, and set it for a wall of iron between thee and the city: and set thy face against it, and it shall be besieged, and thou shalt lay siege against it. This shall be a sign to the house of Israel.
Yet, during the days of the siege, an iron plate or wall is to be placed between the city and the besiegers.  At this point Ezekiel is told to bear the sins of Israel for 390 days [190 LXX] and to bare the sins of Judah for 40 days; this being symbolic of a day for a year in fulfillment.

The same thing will happen to Joseph-Israel  [Ephraim- Manassah] as God bears their sins and blesses them for 390 years; after which he stops bearing their sins and stops their blessings as well.

This developing war is setting the conditions for a peace deal 1 Thess 5; exactly how long it will take for this war to run its course and for a peace deal to be finalized remains to be seen.  We can KNOW that the tribulation is now very close.

COG  false prophets have been spitting this kind of nonsense for close to 70 years now.  Not ONCE in this entire time span have ANY of them been right about ANY of their utterances!

HWA's prophecies failed, GTA's have failed, Flurry's have failed, Meredith's have been a laughing stock for the church. Waterhouse has been proven to be a complete imbecile.  Blackwell's have all failed, Hoeh's have all failed. Weinland has published books listing in dated detail the exact moments of the end time...FAILURE!  Neville Stevens has been posting his stupidity for several years now and has proven himself to be another Armstrongite fool.

When will COG ministers stop lying to their members?  When will members stop letting themselves think they are so incredibly special that billions of other people are going to die so their sorry asses can be saved?  A few thousand gloating in the desert of Petra are more special than 6 Billion other souls?  Isn't Armstrongism grand!


  1. I like how this guy knows we are in the end times, unless we're not.

    what a dork. At least he seems to have learned how to declare the end time truths yet give himself weasel room if necessary, he can just go back to being ministerial and only fool the braindead again.

    I'm going to vote bi-polar

  2. Bipolar is good; maybe schizophrenic is better.

    Schizoaffective is a combo of the two.

    Of course, distorted perceptions are not limited to either of the foregoing in terms of psychosis.

    Let's just say that these particular delusions about the end times being here should be treated as mental illness, but will not be because of freedom of speech.

    Besides, you have to go to all that trouble to actually objectively prove that he is a danger to himself or others. I can tell you from experience it is hard to gather such proof.

    The best recourse then, is to make note of it, and then avoid engaging in it, lest some weakness in your own mental structure be exposed inadvertently, rather than in your psychiatrist's office, as it should be.

    And remember my #1 law: Never knowingly argue with a crazy person, the operative word here is "knowingly". Be alert because there are crazies out there and some of them are quite convincing, as you have all already experienced.
