Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Only Grievous Sinners Grill Steaks on Saturdays

Pastor Malm of the Church of Malm (one of the two witnesses in training) has laid down his holy writ in regards to those grievous sinners that dare throw a steak on the grill on a lazy Saturday afternoon as they drink a cool beer - and maybe even smoke a cigar.  Notice true acolytes, this is a TEST COMMANDMENT to see whether you love God. 

Hi James,
I agree with you on buying & selling on the Sabbath (restaurants,etc.)& I wouldn’t butcher a chicken or a cow on the Sabbath but throwing a steak on a grill I have no problem .Sabbath is made for man as a joy not a burden !
God says do not cook; cooking is a burden even if we enjoy it: just like fixing our car is work even if we enjoy it. If you seek your own pleasure and do whatever you personally enjoy then God’s word is of no effect for you. We are to make the words of God our pleasure! That is the basic problem today; people chose to ignore God’s word and do what seems right to them. They are lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. Doing what we think is right is self-righteousness; obeying God and doing what he says is right, is true godly righteousness. This is a TEST to see whether we love the Father enough to do as he says, even if we like little children do not understand; very many are failing. James


  1. Any words about the drive thru to get your latte on the way to services?

    While we're at it, is grilling steaks on the Sabbath (as opposed to using a convection microwave) a big enough sin to keep you out of the Kingdom? How does it compare to the minister committing adultery on his wife while she's dying of cancer, with a young guy he really likes?

    Just how far does this Redemption thing go? What if the guy grilling the steaks doesn't make it to the next Passover (kept on the wrong day!)?

    Just where does following a false prophet fit in the scheme of things for salvation? What about II Timothy 3:5? What if a church member doesn't turn away from men who be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
    Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof? You know, like just about every Armstrongist minister ever? This is a direct Biblical command from the Apostle Paul. Can Church of God members really afford to violate this clear command?

    We have candid questions.

    We get canned answers.

  2. There is a lot at steak in determining this truth Perhaps YOU have a personal steak in the outcome??????? :)

  3. If these questions are really offered candidly, then the response to this honest answer will not be full of contempt and ridicule.

    When a believer is shown sin from his day to day prayers, he must ask for repentance and the faith and spiritual empowerment to overcome it. Then act upon it.

    Obviously, if our 'righteousness by faith' does not exceed that of the hypocritical pharisees, we won't be in the kingdom.

    If the spirit that led the Messiah to live sinlessly dwells in us, and we consistently follow it, we will be saved despite our remaining sin, for we saved by pardon through faith, not by perfect commandment-keeping.

    We will always have sin due to our weakness in the flesh, 'wretched man', as Paul bemoaned. Its not about straining at gnats or steaks or lattes, but where your heart is and who you consistently follow: the Messiah unto life or Satan unto sin and death. The Messiah consistently responded, "your faith has saved thee."
