Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Reblog: When Tornadoes Miss Gay Universalists

Here is a great post on the Dancing on Saturdays   blog that illustrates the mindless hypocrisy of so many ministers today..  With over 200 people killed in the recent batch of tornadoes it will soon be time for the COG ministurds and leading evangelicals like Pat Robertson and John Piper start spitting their spittle.

When Tornadoes Miss Gay Universalists

Apr 28, 2011 by Chad

Leading evangelicals have determined that discretion is  the better part of valor and will therefore wait until all the storms have passed and casualty counts have been determined before they assess which of their favorite pet sins God is judging.

Preliminary reports predict that this could be a toss up.   A gay man in Birmingham was untouched in the suburban home where he lives with his life-long partner but not so for the happily married heterosexual couple who lives across the street.

“We don’t know what to think,” the couple is reported to have said.  ”We have been having proper sex for decades and never dreamed this could happen to us.”

Meanwhile, in Cleveland, TN, a family who reportedly read and loved Rob Bell’s controversial book, Love Wins, made it through the night unscathed.    Just down the street, however, a family who reportedly told Bell to go to hell are presently living in it.

“It’s a crap shoot,” shared one evangelical pastor who wished to remain unnamed.   “I think God may be trying to test our resolve on this one.   Maybe the gays and the universalists were just in the wrong houses last night.  I dunno.”

Rest assured, judgments will be passed soon enough.   We can count on it.


  1. That suspiciously smells like it came from The Onion.

  2. He writes great stuff on his blog. this one was aimed directly to the religious nutcases that blame every tragedy in the United States upon those who are 'other than' or who aren't up to their high and mighty standards. Give it a few days and Flurry and Meredith will be spitting their bile.

  3. Try Paining some fresh blood from a freshly killed lamb on your door posts. Maybe the tornadoes will just pass over the sinner's home...what a concept.

    How About Showing a little grace FLURRY, You might wish you had one day.
