Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Women Ruling Over Men

Apostle Malm will not be too happy to learn that COGaWA has a woman in charge of a summer camp for church youth.  How soon we all seem to forget that MEN are to remain in charge of all aspects of the church.  Women are not to lead, rule or teach men.  Yeah right!  There are some women in the Church of God who would certainly make better ministers and leaders than some of the evangelists and splinter group leaders today!  On this I do have to at least congratulate COGaWA on doing SOMETHING right!  :-)


  1. During my life in WCG, I had one, two, three, four bosses that were female. One of the females was a miserable passive-aggressive. The other three were good bosses.

  2. I'm thinking that in reality, some woman ticked the Apostle Paul off big time, maybe even jilted him, and it was all down hill from there when he felt the inspiration of the HS about to hit and explain the role of women in the church.

    Hell has no furry like an Apostle rejected

  3. Anonymous 1:30 PM said,"Hell has no furry like an Apostle rejected".

    MY COMMENT - And Hell waits a rejected Apostle Gerald Flurry" :)


  4. I'm really surprised that the MENisturds in the WaWa church woulod let this slide(a WOMAN being in charge). There's either a MAN in charge of her behind the scenes, or someone goofed. I don't think it will last long. They may start losing "members" from the old who don't like it, or the MENisturds will have to vote on the issue. Oh! They don't vote anymore? Gawd chooses them?

  5. I've had nothing but really bad women bosses, the last of whom, the IT Director, told me that concerning the system running Payroll / Personnel and Budget / Finance, and I quote exactly, "I don't know what I'm doing" as if that made it any better. The other woman I worked for under her was a manager who, with her husband in the same department of a governmental agency, ruled over 85% of the department. The whole scheme has emasculated all the men and I, for one, am relieved I'm retired.

    To be fair, I haven't had any good men bosses either.

    And so, the Armstrongist churches of God, following the very same terrible framework of the so-called world, adopting the worst of the Corporate model and implementing it badly, should expect the very same nonsense as is experienced in the world at large. Don't expect any kind of "Holy Spirit" influence on this bunch of liars.

  6. I only had the experience of one female boss. Her husband was the supposed boss of the cleaning company from which I learned to clean carpets, but she was the power behind the throne and not a nice person at all.

    Lots of people try to be good bosses, but they really don't know how. It becomes a power game and their main goal is to promote their own future covering their asses every way they can and taking all the credit they can, especially when an underling really deserved the credit.

    I'm forever grateful that I claimed my birthright by going into my own business in the 1970s and never looking back. It sure makes a difference in the quality of your diet. Eating sh++ just doesn't agree with me.

    Women are just as capable and often more educated and smarter than the lofty men who have traditionally, under our patriarchal system set up by the male chauvinist founders of Judaism and Christianity, set up and which still holds far too much sway today.

  7. Females led in the old and new testament. You can find this in the Bible. Females were bosses in the old WCG. These are indisputable facts.

    My guess is no member of cogawa or ucg cares if there is a woman in charge.

    Personally, I look forward to a near future return to female ministers and evangelists in all churches, like they had in Jesus' day. That act should make the sphincter of every sexist twinge.
