Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Salvation Is Only Available Through HWA

There are various web sites and blogs that just salivate at the mere name of Herbert W. Armstrong.  To them HWA is as important as Jesus Christ, and more so at times.  Jesus was an impotent little man who was unable to restore God's word to the earth.  That impotency lasted for 1,900 until HWA arrived on the scene reacting to a nightmare his wife had about the Sabbath.  We all know the path of destruction and human tragedy that has been left in the wake of this nightmare.

Families destroyed, marriages broken up, hundreds of suicides, unnecessary deaths, doctrinal confusion, close to 700 harlot daughters of his original church, and more.

That is all glossed over though by some of his more rabid followers.  Just look at the following comment today on Yahoo.  It is frightening to see the veneration and worship by these people of HWA.  Ancestor worship in China and Japan does not hold a candle to this kind of worship!

According to these people salvation is only possible through HWA.

I have to wonder just how many of God`s people have so soon forgotten that it was our great God who inspired Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, His Apostle, in this end time, who restored the truths of God, and to open all of our minds, including every Evangelist, every minister, as well as every one of us, to truth that is so necessary for our salvation!!! Truths that could not have been heard before, having received them from Mr. Armstrong!! Not only for our salvation but to educate us to be there as a part of His government to help those at Christ`s return for their salvation, as well as to be there for those on that "Last Great Day" to help them to receive their salvation!!! Will some be left out,  and behind, because of refusal to accept the truths that God has given us from His Apostles, including His last Apostle, Mr. Armstrong?!!
  Mr. Armstrong gave us these truths out of love for us and I believe that F___ O____ also gave us this forum with his love for us in upholding those truths!! I have tried to support Mr. Armstrong`s teachings and  F____ O____ desire to pass those teachings on when I succeeded him in the ownership of this forum. When someone asks to be a part of this forum, I basically ask two important questions: "Do you accept the teachings of Mr. HWA and do you believe that he restored the truths of God?!" I will say that about 99% never answered which tells me that they don`t believe, and this forum is apparently not for them!!
  I again ask, "Have some so soon forgotten?" I had posted, previously, the list of sermons that I keep in my favorites column that my wife and I keep listening to over and over again! I don`t know if any of you have kept the website for reference but I will repost it for those of you who would want to keep for your important salvation!! That posting will follow for those of you who are interested!


  1. Speaking of Herb-worship...

    I've noticed something from some people in the bizarro-world of those who are stuck in the herbster's teachings. There are those who love the Herb but hide it, accusing those who HAVE gotten past it of "worshiping a man"
    They level the charge of Herb-worship and say "It's why you reject his great teachings- because you once totally worshiped him, then found out he was only a man.", to justify to themselves why anyone could possibly move past armstrongism.

    The interesting thing is that such accusers in that bizarro-world are actually the real Herb-worshipers. They just pretend not to be, although ultimately, it's clear that they are. They just want someone else to blame for their bizarro-worldness.

  2. I'm confused.

    The new (and note: Beta) UCG website has a new article about Osama Bin Ladin which concludes with this paragraph:

    One final note of irony: The announcement of Bin Laden's death comes on the same day the death of Adolph Hitler was announced in Berlin. Can we not take some hope in divine justice from this fact?

    They also have their booklet on the Middle East advertised there.

    My confusion?

    Uh... isn't the United States supposed to have won its last war in 1945? Except, except. Well, there had to be some exceptions to that. And aren't the Germans supposed to take us over some time soon now? What's with this God and Justice stuff, when United has been pushing all the gloom and doom stuff, with a legacy from Herbert Armstrong?

    Have any of us forgotten this soon, that over in Living, Roderick Meredith speculated in 2002 that Osama Bin Laden might be the Beast to take down the United States? (It's so amazing to hear their telecasts: In just two minutes they can inject disease, death, hurricanes, floods, fires, earthquakes, declining morality, murders, suicides, financial problems and all the rest -- they have the patter of rubbish down to a science of compact form.)

    When do you suppose that reality will set in? That maybe 1975 in Prophecy never ocurred? I know I missed it; how about you?

    Yet the unempowered Armstrongists want it both ways. Who knows? Maybe the price of gasoline will go back down to $3.60 a gallon REAL SOON NOW. But the Great Tribulation will begin and they will all be taken to a place of safety, magically translated by angels to Petra (what? you haven't listened to the Eternal Church of God?), while the rest of humanity really gets it with punishment from God... er... Satan.

    The events described by that Great False Prophet, Herbert Armstrong, keep not happening. They will continue to not happen. Only very mentally sick people desperately in need of therapy and meds are going to cling to the obsession of Armstrongism. They have to, otherwise, their life time investment in rubbish will be so much empty effort. They can't possibly face the pain of loss by admitting they were wrong (as Gerald Waterhouse did on the day Herbert Armstrong die). They must instead escalate the Ponzi Scheme and put more into it so they can prop it up so it won't fail.

    In the meantime, the Armstrongist leaders lie to them and then take their money.

    And by the way, I'm not really confused: I've dealt with the mentally ill, nut cases, narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths for decades now -- they just never get better.

  3. "Salvation Is Only Available Through HWA"

    Well, maybe.

    After all, I don't think it is available through the Catholic church, or through its Protestant daughter churches. Two billion people all mixed up and wrong.

    I don't think it is available through the Muslim religion. Another billion people out to lunch.

    I don't think it is available through the atheists and evolutionists. Just more morons.

    HWA certainly was not perfect, but consider the alternatives. They are not so hot either. In fact, they are worse.

  4. Actually, salvation is available through Jesus Christ. Individuals and corporate groups who preach salvation are not the gatekeepers, Jesus is. He knocks on our doors, and we answer. We invite Him in, and an eternal relationship is initiated. That's the process. It is a personal relationship which does not require a detour through HWA.

    Also, though HWA claimed to restore truth, much of this claim was rooted in the fact that he introduced personal extrabiblical theories which he had studied and believed to be true into his gospel, contaminating the gospel through racism (British Israel)and elitism (doctrine of the church eras) which was not implied or taught by Jesus Himself.

    The church is the body of believers in Jesus Christ, and all are invited, not just the followers of a self-proclaimed apostle. To suggest otherwise is to indulge in blatant idolatry.

    I wish some of these people could break down their personal barriers and to get to know some non-ACOG Christians so that they could obtain a glimpse into other Christians' hearts, prayer and study lives, the healings and miracles they receive, and the good works which they are doing with regard to the dominant non-believer community. Cultism unfortunately causes horrible tunnel vision.

