Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, May 20, 2011

"There is Nothing Worthwhile Out There In Space Worth Exploring"

An Armstrongite on Yahoo is not happy with the U.S. spending money on exploring space.  "There is nothing out there worthwhile"  Besides, "once we are spirit beings we will have plenty of time to explore space."  More magical thinking!  Once they become 'god' imagine what a hellish world these people would be in charge of! 

 I am sorry to say that I am in complete disagreement with you on this!! This business in space is the most expensive bunch of toys that this country could have ever come up with!! Billions of dollars in total waste. There is absolutely nothing of any value in being out there at this time in our human state! It all started with our trying to prove to Russia that we were better than them. All of those billions could have been used for good use instead of being a total waste,---and instrumental in  helping to destroy our economy!! We will have plenty of time to explore space when we become spirit beings!


  1. Nonsense.

    As I wrote almost 7 years ago, Mars is going to be the Place of Safety.

  2. We had a minister in Dayton years ago who proudly proclaimed that COG members would be placed in rocket's and shot up into space to get rid of us. That was one of the reasons the space program was started. It was Satan's way of getting rid of the true followers of God.

  3. Mars is the perfect place of safety.

    We will all be safe there, from Harold Camping.

  4. Every penny spent on space has been returned billions of times over. Without the space program, we would have ceased to lead the world in technology decades ago.

    One of the stupidest things ever done was cutting back on the space program. We should have a base on the moon by now and gearing up for Mars.
