Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, May 23, 2011

UCG Now Claimning There is Only Three or Four Years Left?

After the abysmal failure of Harold Camping last past weekend (May 21, 2011) you would think UCG would keep their mouths shut about end time prophecy.  But no, they can't.  They can't because they are "God's TRUE Church" and therefore are privilege to special hidden knowledge. 

The UCG Council has informed the ministry that they will be dumped from the UCG retirement programs because UCG over extended themselves with television obligations and now have to pay up.

But not to worry!  You sheeple ministers won't be needing it anyway because we only have three or four years left. 

Stupid, stupid men!  With over seventy years worth of documented failed prophecies you would think that they would have learned to keep their mouths shut.  Seventy years worth of blatant lies and they still continue on with more lies.  Stupid, stupid men!


  1. It is "belief" that gets humans good and controlled.

    Belief in a government that will take care of you when it takes your money to do so, belief that Santa will drop you gifts if you are good and skip you if you are naughty, beliefs that anyone knows who and what God is or even the belief that there is a God just daring you to get the combination of beliefs right, are killing us.

    Stop believing and just be. Drop belief because it's just that..."mere belief." Don't ever confuse it for what is so.

    How different life would be if we all gave up, "well I believe..." It doesn't matter what we believe.

    People read the NT like these writers know. Paul decares Jesus to be this or that and how God Almighty thinks and what he thinks. And Paul knows this????! How does he know this and how do we know he was not just nuts? We don't.

    What if the Apostle Paul was the Dave Pack, RCM, Gerald Flurry or Ron the Witness Weinland of the day? We don't. He could have been an abosolute loon but as long as this much time has passed, he is rehabilitated and we can't know how crazy he was in real life.

    Years from now if people read HWA or Dave Pack or whoever, they won't know them as we do. Their story will be sanitized and the lunacy, arrogance and narcissism will be airbrushed out of the picture. Just their beliefs will be left and can be adopted by new generations of belief-ers.

    This is the man who said "he knew a man," himself no doubt who had gone to heaven in vision somehow, he didn't know how and saw things so amazing and yet he was also so unwilling to share them. He was lying or he was psychotic. You don't have an amazing experience that is real and then not share it. Paul is toying with his followers and now us. And even if he BELIEVED he had this experience, it does not mean it was real or true. Why do we fall for beliefs?

    Why are my beliefs less accurate than his or yours than mine. They aren't. Because they are merely beliefs and we use them to comfort ourselves or put ourselves above the fray and others.

    Come on UCG...Is it three or is it four? Could it be two or five? Could time left buy them more time to put stuff away for themselves?

    How fucking dare you keep men and families in your employ and then screw them over because of the hope that lay within them following your sorry asses all over creation believing your beliefs.

    You are not a church. You are a way station as is PCG, WCG, RCG, LCG and any other stupid combo of letters COG's for the insane and disfunctional. You are mere Bible readers who like Harold Camping mislead sincere people over the cliff like so many squealing pigs to drown in confusion and regret.

    May whatever reward you as you have done to others.

    Sorry..Religion has pushed my last button.... amen

  2. "The UCG Council has informed the ministry that they will be dumped from the UCG retirement programs because UCG over extended themselves with television obligations and now have to pay up."

    Beats WCG's "We can't help it if Jesus performed a miracle in the Church," (Ron Kelly) excuse.

    To which I said, "So Jesus tricked us all into the false church so he could perform a miracle and fix it and we could be blamed as ministers for being insincere and religious fakes and sob's so we get to just rot in old age? That stinker Jesus!"

    What a great blank stare I got...

    I hear Ron is doing nicely heading up the Non-Festival Fall Cruises for Jesus dept.

  3. Kelly has always done 'nicely' in his continued alignment with WCG/GCI. He has had expense paid vacations all over the world while posing as a "feast Coordinator or leader. He has done this for well over 30 years. Life is so hard for those still at the top of WCG/GCI. While the members suffer to support the dying church, the leaders still live lives of luxury.

  4. I wonder what the next bull-o-matic looky looky into the future will be after Jan. 1, 2013?

    In September of this year Comet Elenin is supposed to take us out so we can only hope. Actually it would cool to be able to tell our descendents that we were there for the last Extinction Level event...no wait....hmmmmm....never mind.


    Oh well, not to worry. It's not the end of the world...no wait...it is...or not, I give up.

  5. some even say "Elenin" is Extinction Level Event in the ninth month. ELE Nine.

    Is that like Saxons=Isaac's sons?

    M.T. Hall

  6. "Stop believing and just be. Drop belief because it's just that..."mere belief." Don't ever confuse it for what is so. "

    Hear, hear. The problem with religion (or at least Christianity) is that belief is equated with knowing; belief (faith) is elevated to a virtue. Christians can't really just say, "my mere belief" in all honesty- they must say, "God IS real and I believe/have faith in that."

    Paul Ray

  7. Very true and I am getting it more and more as I go. Smoke n mirrors comes to mind.

    M.T. Hall

  8. I believed. Oh, how stupid me believed! The message of the "just believers" never changes.

    The stupidity of humans is beyond understanding. I just wish I could have the oportunity to kick self-righteous, lying assholes like Meredith squarely in the ass.

    Ron Kelly? What a self-righteous hypocrit. All blow and bombast.

  9. Amazing what a church can get away with ...

    They can arbitrarily cut pensions, and possibly even terminating or reducing benefits to existing retirees as well?

    Doesn't ERISA laws govern pensions? Aren't the funds vested after so many years? The laws may have changed, but I thought after 10 years a pension had to be fully vested. Or was there no formal pension plan in writing? Given the unethical lawyers the Church used over the years, I'm sure the employment contract was full of disclaimers and "this clause becomes null and void if ... "

    Anyone who worked in HR out there know?

  10. Lawsuit in the air. No doubt. Ministers if they have any balls, will up and leave. The UCG shot itself in the foot.

    Its kind of like Circuit City that fired its old time employees and hired new ones for less money. They thought it shrewd until the public found out. They died quickly.

    I wonder if the church associates understand what this really is? Theft comes to mind.

  11. Just one time, I'd like to hear the leaders of one of these groups say "Brethren, either the end is coming in three or four years, or we have no business preaching this type of gospel, and will totally disband!"

    But, you know what??? None of them is capable of that type of honesty, and none of them has the witness of God behind them, or Jesus would have returned at the earliest date HWA stated. The heirs of Armstrongism learned to lie and backpedal from their Apostle, and apparently intend to stick with that routine indefinitely. It'll continue to generate revenue even if there is no longer a retirement fund for most of the ministry.


  12. Everytime one would ask about retirement it was either, we are working on it or we will take care of you.

    They weren't and they did but good

    M.T. Pockets

  13. I should somehow figure out how to get my termination papers online. What a hoot.

    I showed them to a lawyer, (I know I have told this story before) and she said, "this is a church?.....
    ......you're f_ _ _ _ _"

    She really did.


  14. This is about UCG financials, not really about The Great Tribulation and the Second Coming.

    For some time now, United has been moving in the direction of an all volunteer ministry. The CGWA split seems to have hastened the time table.

    Here is what is really important: Dennis Luker's salary and retirement. Nothing else matters. He whined about that every week for years. He was so upset that he wouldn't survive. He was sort of like a parent dumping their problems on their children. He also told the congregation how his parents beat him when he was a teen.

    As long as you know what the stakes are, you can sort of chart out the future of United. All things being equal and progressing at the same rate and the same direction, United might last as much as 7 more years. Of course, the UCG has had an average of 10 splits a year since it was founded, some bigger than others. Prior to the CGWA, the biggest split was CoG,BS at Big Sandy.

    What United has done recently is "refocus" by getting up a spiffy new website at ucg.org. At least they have mega menus. I'm not too impressed. Some enterprising developer should sell an all-in-one CoG website generator. They'd make a fortune. (No, I marginally have more ethics than that. Marginally.) They have these big hopes on using the Internet to convert China. We could start a lottery on how that's going to go... and when.

    It's too bad too.

    United was an easy target. It would have been easy to take them down all at once.

    As it is now, they have shot themselves in the foot and doing a mighty fine job of putting themselves out of business.

    Say. Can we have a going out of business sale? Bargains galore. Unclaimed hypocisies. Fresh brains never been used.

    So does anyone want to start a lottery on the closest earliest date United will go out of business? The rule is, the closest without going over.

    It will be such fun to make them so miserable -- a condition richly deserved for all the harm they've done.

  15. Sadly, the UCG "ministers" do not deserve to be paid anything even right now. Why should they get paid pensions on into the future? Consider what they have done to the sincere, trusting, little sheeple--and be appalled!

    As for the idea of an unpaid "ministry" in the UCG, the practical problem is that there are simply way too many perverts who want to be "ministers" so that they can abuse the sheeple. They would love to have the money too, but their desire to abuse people is so great that they would happily do it for free.

    The sooner the UCG disappears from the COG scene and back into the world the better for everyone.
