Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The WatchmanHerald is Here! Bow Before His Magnificance!

The world's greatest authority on all things Biblical that relate to prophecy and worship of old testament laws has given himself a new title!  

No, I am not talking about Harold Reiman who considers himself a Watchman and maybe even one of the two witnesses.  I am not talking about Neville Stevens who is ready to bring his small army of acolytes to Jerusalem and kill those that oppose Neville in order to usher in the end-times.  Nope, it's not even  Weinerdude Weinland. I am talking about our own Illustrious James Malm! Kneel on bended knee in adoration of this mighty man of god!  You can now follow this great man with his new Twitter account under the name "Watchman Herald."

As you might expect all the good “News” names were already taken and I went through dozens of declined titles until I finally settled on “WatchmanHerald”;  it may not be the best, but it was the best available

Our Watchman Herald is now going onto Twitter to get his vitally important message out to the Churches of God who are living in abomination.  Be forewarned though.  He knows all of you evil heretics who have abandoned HWA's teachings will be reading his Tweets and he was a warning for you:

This new site already has several followers representing  thousands of other sites and people.  Please do not be offended if some unsavory elements do decide to follow the news through our Twitter site. remember that even the most wicked person deserves a warning to repent.

 Be ready to be awed by his tweets!

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