Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, May 16, 2011

We Find This Very Disturbing!

Below is a video of a baby dancing on a table somewhere in Brazil.  
Armstrongites are outraged!  
A few of their comments after the video.

"I find it disturbing, not cute."

"What is the purpose of this dance that baby is doing?"

"Yes a little baby in diapers dancing. Its disturbing."

"Yes, it is disturbing. It is also disgusting that parents would do this 
to their young child."

"I wonder about why so many children are developing weird "talents" 
before they can even control their bladders." 



  1. The child is learning a talent.
    The church members buries their talent.

  2. We'll never know, but what if Mary and Joseph put little Jesus on the table to do a hilarious little skit on driving the Money Changers from the Temple and the Roman's from Jerusalem??

    I guess we'll know. No one would really do that in real life anyway. You could get killed.

  3. Well of course the Armstrongists are outraged!

    The child is obviously a member of the Church of God Worldwide Association, just split from the Church of God, an International Association.

    The UCG has every right to be angry.

    Anyway, shouldn't the Armstrongists be more concerned and busy about preparing for the Sabbath or New Moon or Holyday or something? How can they have any time to watch something like this, let alone comment on it, being so busy living their quiet lives of peaceful godly Christianity and all?

    Hint: The manic hyperbole tends to diminish the credibility of the Armstrongists and paints them as crazy unstable fools.
