Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Would You Quit Your Job Over Pork Shoes?

I have not looked at Apostle Malm's, "Glowering Darkness" blog for a few days now.  It is always such a hoot to get back to reading some of the silliness that makes his blog.

Today a person admitted she/he quit their job at Payless Shoes because they were selling shoes made of pork leather.  I am so glad Apostle Malm is an authority on EVERYTHING!  How would we exist in this evil polluted world with out the magnificent instruction from our beloved Apostle?

I know I have asked a similar question, but I used to work at Payless and then after I left it hit me: was I selling some leather that was from swine? I recently have an opportunity to work at a supermarket that respects the Sabbath. But I can’t help but think that they sell pork products and I will be working the cash register. Is this somehow supporting it? Like selling what I myself wouldn’t buy? Is it wrong to work there? I have been looking for a job for some time now with no luck, either because of the Sabbath or other issues.
It is the store that is selling the product not you.  You are just working for that company and as long as you are not involved in becoming unclean through the cutting of the pork etc then you may work for that company.  If we could not work for sinners we would need to be taken out of this world altogether.  We are IN this world: We are not OF this world and are to keep ourselves personally unspotted by its wickedness.  We can work for a store that sells pork in the same way that we can work for a man who curses;  that is their problem and not ours unless we begin to sin as well.


  1. I don't get it. How many pork shoes can you eat at one setting?

    Pass the football? Noooooooooooo! A real Christian can only catch a Kosher ball.

  2. This is getting as stupid as Islam. Those idiots are convinced that if they are just touched by anything from a pig, they won't go to their heaven.

    Many decades ago a ruthless general got the Muslims in line by throwing a bunch of them in a pit and dumping pig guts on them. That scared the rest of the superstitious bumpkins into line.

  3. I wonder if the membership is allowed to play football? Pig skin ya know!

  4. Oh good grief! There is no aspect of human life that is too small for Armstrongites to blow completely out of proportion and micro-manage it to death to spare themselves from the dreaded Lake of Fire eternal damnation.

    On Judgment Day when the Book of Life is open and read, this Armstrongite will be zapped for selling pig shoes at Payless - that horrible and disgusting sinner. Shame on him/her!

    And what about the reference to being a cashier at a store - did he/she sell sinful cigarettes to the general public? I would think in Armstrongism that selling cigarettes is worse than selling pig shoes.

    It is amusing to see how ridiculous the extreme adherents to the WCG can be!


  5. Well, damn. I wouldn't work for a son-of-a-bitch who curses!
