Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Apostle on Arab Wars, Dead Popes and Unapologetic Preaching

Apostle Malm has been on a roll lately talking about the love of Jesus and how grace is available freely to all predicting that a coming war between the West and the Arab nations will end in a bitter defeat of Muslims.  A period of peace will be declared with peace around Jerusalem.  The Pope will then die and the Antichrist Pope will emerge and start the destruction of Israel, Great Britain, United States and other "Israelite" nations.

He seems to be giddy with glee at the prospect.  As well he should, be since he thinks he is the ONLY true voice in the wilderness proclaiming such a message.  His words are so powerful and God inspired that 18 million people have been warned by his prophetic web site last year alone! He intends to use his site to preach his message to the world about the coming end time events and how people should be prostituting themselves to the law instead of God.

At some point after this conflict, this Pope is likely to die. While there is really nothing keeping him from being empowered as the final false prophet at the appointed time, his advanced age and frailty seem to mitigate against that happening.

Building interest throughout this coming conflict, followed by the death of a Pope; would be a tremendous opportunity to preach “The Gospel of Warning, Repentance and Deliverance” [the Kingdom] to this world. I am not making a prediction that this Pope will die soon, but it is a reasonable conclusion that frail old men do pass on from this physical life.  I intend to be ready to use these events to preach the True Gospel with all the strength that God provides.

Oops, Apostle Malm realized he was about to make a fool of himself and then qualified his Pope prediction to a natural timely death.  That's really prophetic!

The Apostle  warns that he will soon become more powerful.  He will spare no one, but will preach his message forcefully to the world.

There will be NO COMPROMISING with me!  I will be as up front and straight out as I have been in regards to anything else.  Straight Talk and Crying Out with Strength will be the watch word.  Interest in events, as the economy suffers and war causes distress; will be used to “Tell it Like It Is!”  from the Word of God!  If this Pope should pass on, that shall also be used to provide a solid Warning and Witness!  When the final false prophet [the abomination] is set up, I shall NOT shrink back at all; no not for a moment!

I have no intention of dumbing down or compromising with the Word of Almighty God!  Quite the contrary, I shall become stronger and stronger; and clearer and clearer; as we see the day approaching

Ho hum...........I've been hearing that silliness for over 45 years.


  1. He's trying very hard to be as bombastic as old Herb. It will be interesting to see how that limb he has climbed out on gets sawn off.

    Deja vu. Brings back memories of Herb, Hoeh, Meredith, Waterhouse, etc.

  2. 18 million people have visited his web site???????????? What a gas bag!

    I thought true Christians were not supposed to be liars? He sounds as stupid as Gerald Waterhouse!

  3. It has always seemed that the NT contains both the "keep the law" and "By Grace are ye..." messages.
    I feel it reflects the Peter, James and John Jewish Christian perspective that Jesus did not come to found a gentile based faith splitting off of Judaism. The keep the law aspect also comes from Paul who seems bent on "being all things to all men," but does not believe in the Jewish Law perspectives in fact.

    Paul also is the only one in the genuine writings of himself that defines Jesus and what it is all about. He chooses "Grace" perhaps because he gave up on law personally as a way to be. He seems to have had a time with it personally in areas undisclosed to us.

    There is no one consistent view in the NT of Law or/and Grace. It is a battle and one which still rages to this day. Those inclined to discipline and law see that and those who aren't, don't and see Paul's Gentile views and grace.

    We also see that too much gracieness leads to the need for laws to hold things together. Corinth proved that to Paul. Those inclined to law end up seeing that the best intentions of men and mice fall short.

    The NT is, when viewed realistically, a hodgepodge of controversies and views. There is NO one consistent message that is clear and unambiguious.

    It is a book of men arguing with men over the nature of God, Jesus and the Church.

    Nothing has changed to this day

  4. I have no intention of dumbing down or compromising with science and technology absolutely disproving once and for all the claims of all of the Armstrongists!

    No. Really.

    Coming soon (about 2,000 years, but it will be worth it! No, wait! Maybe that's in minutes or hours!).

    Oh, darn, I have to add the Borderline personality disorder to the site!

  5. "The NT is, when viewed realistically, a hodgepodge of controversies and views. There is NO one consistent message that is clear and unambiguious."

    That is the crux of the whole matter. The founders of the Christian religion were no more united than their confused and confusing self-proclaimed representatives and followers of today. They were semi-ignorant itinerant salemen all with their own ideas, just like Malm, Meredith, etc.

    Nothing has really changed in two thousand years. Rome was plagued by the same wild-eyed conglomeration of sefl-important teachers and prognosticaors as the modern Western world is.

    Constantine tried to unify it all at Nicea and succeeded, after a fashion, by establishing his syncretic religion through the power of the state and the Roman military, until the Protestant Reformation broke the power of Rome. Since then, the original hodgepodge has returned and gets more hodgepodgy every day.

    No matter how confusing the hodge podge is, it's better than the alternative our founding fathers tried to short circuit.

  6. I guess I've just been away from this whole charade for too many decades, so I have to ask, who is this James Malm? What is his position or status in COGdom? Is he a lay member of the Bob Theil mode, or is he actually an ordained minister? Did we label him as an apostle as a matter of well-deserved satire, or is he another one of these cartoonish guys who ordained himself to that rank?


  7. Malm is nothing more than a lay person. Uneducated in a real theological education.

    He might have been a deacon in the Canadian church but not sure. He claims to have left WCG years ago.

    Malm claims he is the only person telling the truth of God at this point in time. Thus the sarcastic title of 'apostle'. He is anything but!

    He also claims 18 million people read his web site last year. That is about as absurd as the idiot splinter group minister in Washington who claims over 140,000 COG members in his church.

    Malm knows about as much about the 'truth' as my cat does.

    He is already soliciting donations through his web site, though they are not tax deductible right now.

    He wants to have a Feast site but does not have the funds to hold a separate site. Therefore has told people to attend their assigned Feast sites for THIS year, and then see what he can do for next year.

    Malm is following a dangerous precedent set by the murderous likes of Flurry, Pack, Cox and Meredith. How many more 'sincere' COG folk will needlessly die because of his teachings?

  8. "Malm is nothing more than a lay person. Uneducated in a real theological education.

    He might have been a deacon in the Canadian church but not sure. He claims to have left WCG years ago."

    Thanks for the info. I, too, was wondering who in the world this buffoon was.

    Although I know Daniel to be a spurious forgery from the time of the Maccabbees, there is a statement in it that would make sense if I believed in a Most High God. That statement being that that supposed god sets over nations (in this case organiation) the basest of men.

    A raving lunatic like Malm certainly qualifies as one of the basest of men.
