Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, June 3, 2011

Did You Bow Down Before the New Moon Tonight?

I still amazes me how those steeped in all the myriad of laws that Armstrongism has yoked it's members with, that some of those same members seek out and find myriads of other 'laws' that they 'require' of 'true' followers.

Apostle Malm has been commanding that true Christians (COGers only) are COMMANDED to observe monthly new moons with bible study and celebration meals, prepared of course BEFORE sundown.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: After sunset ending June third, the first  light of the New Moon will be visible at Jerusalem.  This begins the first day of the Third Biblical month by the Biblical Calendar. Four June in the New Moon Day, which we observe with a family Bible Study and special meal [prepared BEFORE Sabbath] to sanctify the new month as  prophesied for the Kingdom and observed in ancient Israel.  

The New Moon is NOT a High Holy Day; it is a consecration of the new month and is commanded to be observed by God. The New Moon falls into the category of the Passover and Wave Offering as being commanded to be observed, yet short of a Sabbath or Holy Day.
 In the Kingdom it will be a required observance for all flesh, Is 66:23, Ez 46:3. Today we should have a special Bible Study [a personal or family study if your group is not yet ready to obey God in this matter] in lieu of the commanded sacrifices; it would also be appropriate to have a festive meal as done by ancient Israel: example King Saul.
 How do you know exactly when the new moon is occurring?  You will be told by a Karaite Jew in Jerusalm who blows on his shofar.  Once he blows the horn you are commanded to worship  the moon.

The New Moon has been confirmed by actual observance at sunset this evening in Jerusalem.  Welcome the Sabbath and the New Moon with the Shofar.

Is it just me are all Armstrongites getting crazier by the minute?


  1. So we hear from this buffoon,
    we're supposed to keep the new moon,
    Why should we believe this strange guy?
    It seems like a big lie:
    And the fella is nothing but a loon.

  2. PS to NO2HWA: No, it's not just you.

    Obviously, attempts to bring religion to the masses is failing, so we must redouble our efforts (to make it even stranger than an alternative earth history which never happened, along with the prophecies which also never happened).

  3. So much for the scientists who say the New Moon occurred Wednesday afternoon U.S. time.

  4. Can someone give a brief bio or link to any background information on Malm? I'm curious how the craziness started.

  5. The more important question is:

    Did you send your tithe & offering to the Apostle tonight?

  6. What I don't understand about these new moon fanatics is why do they keep the new moon(supposedly) according to Jerusalem time, but, on the other hand, they keep the sabbath according to THEIR time?Malm has to be one up on all the other wannabe Armstrongs to try to gather a following after himself. The only ones following him, probably as many as 10, are the ones who are cofused and disgruntled at the other strange cults of Armstrong. Of course, he's not the first one with this new moon "revelation". James Russell was one of the first ones to start this crap. He never got beyond his "dark moon doctrine". That was their entire bible. That's all they ever talked about.

  7. When I was still in UCG, I did a lot of research of the Jewish calendar, and the Mishna. Wade Cox e-mailed me asking me for the passages in the Mishna concerning the calendar. I sent him all the information I had. The Mishna is just as holy to the Jew as his bible. I really believe all the COGs are just "Jews" in disguise.

  8. Well, it's difficult to know exactly how to interpret this. I personally believe that all of the rituals from the Old Covenant have been fulfilled. Many observant Jews do not acccept Jesus Christ as Messiah, so therefore believe that all of the rituals, including the new moons and the washings are still in force. Armstrongism taught that Jesus' fulfillment of the Old Covenant rituals was limited, and set out to teach which ones were and which ones were not still in force today.

    Circumcision was one of the telling signs of the Abrahamic Covenant, and was grandfathered into the Mosaic Covenant. That Paul was able to teach that physical circumcision of the penis had been superceded by circumcision of the heart speaks volumes about the rest of the rituals, and certainly sheds light as to why there is no New Covenant command regarding the sabbath, and why Jesus did not reiterate the sabbath when He restated the other commandments.

    These people who teach observance of the new moon are simply doing a bit less picking and choosing, although they are still patching an old garment with new unshrunken cloth in a curious mixture of OC and NC. Fanaticism seems to occur by degrees, and Malm, Flurry, Pack, Weinland, Cox, and others have simply amplified the original fanaticism of HWA. It is similar in nature to the progression of a disease.


  9. During my transition of coming out of the grips of the controlling types, I was a new moon observer. However, since that time I have come to understand that there are many, if not most, and possibly all of the writings of the OT are the opinions of a tribe of people. I certainly no longer accept those writings as the absolute word of the creator of this universe. The details simply do not agree if those details are viewed from a perspective of logic and reason.

    Concerning James Malm – I had never heard of him until a few months ago. After reading some of his posts I realized that he is so stuck into tradition. But that did not stop me from challenging a couple of his comments. Below is my latest correspondence with him.

    o Comment by Homer
    Quote by James, “Man was created ….“a little lower than the angels”…..” James, are you quoting Heb2:7 or Ps8:5? Even though each agrees in the English, these two verses do not agree between the Greek and Hebrew. This is just another example of mis-translation in the book we claim to be the very word of God. With a bit of word study we could, if we would take the time, learn that there are several translations that are incorrect. I also include transliterations in that pile. Yet we have based our convictions on the misuse of those words. Question to you James, what should you or I or anyone do if we realize we have incorrectly understood the words, phrases or concepts in that book? Why and how could that happen? I submit this possibility. We all have accepted, in the past, the “authority” of others rather than proving for ourselves as individuals. I heard the following a few years ago from one who thinks he has such authority, “We have men who have studied all these things, just believe what we tell you!” Sorry, that no longer works within my “calvary”. Does my use of that word make sense to you or anyone reading this? If not, look it up. (Latin Calvāria) BTW, what is the transliteration of a Latin word doing in a Greek manuscript? For that matter, what is a Latin term doing in a Hebrew manuscript and how did it get there? (Isa 14:12) Another question: was Jerome inspired by God or a puppet of the Roman religious system?

    o Response by James
    If you are referring to the fact that the word translated “angels” in Psalm 8:5 is “Elohim”; I am aware of that. The term “Elohem” actually means “Mighty Ones” and refers to any Potentate or “higher authority” including angels. By chance today’s post is on these names. I will also say that it is self evident that angels are superior to man. Satan has not deceived the whole world because he is stupid! In fact Heb 2:7 is translated from the Greek “Angelos” meaning angel or messenger; which confirms the rendering of Psalm 8:5. They do agree! And yes I do try to rely on God and not man, so I agree on that point. James

    o Comment by Homer
    I must disagree. The Greek “angelos” does not have two meanings except by tradition of the translators. Angelos is NOT a translation. It is a transliteration, which offers no understanding of the meaning of a word. It offers only an approximate sound and exchange of letters from one language to another.

    Please note this from Merriam-Webster. (and others) Transliterate: to represent or spell in the characters of another alphabet.

    There is nothing here (or anywhere except in tradition) that offers an understanding of a definition or meaning. If you decide to accept transliteration as a valid(?) understanding of the meanings then you (or anyone for that matter) are subject to the decisions of others that have gone before you. As for me, I do neither.

    Also, you gave no answer to my question about Jerome and how transliterated Latin words became a part of the Hebrew and Greek text. Was Jerome inspired by God? If not, then why do we accept Latin over Hebrew or Greek? Do you have an answer?

    The above last comment was not posted on his blog. I do not condemn him or anyone else for keeping his/her head in the sand. I have more sorrow than contempt.

  10. I remember when I was in Iceland one time. I got stuck there for months, locked into a kind of perma-sabbath. The sun set Friday night, and almost immediately rose and then it didn't set again forever! I didn't realize the dire significance of that Friday as the preparation day, and would have starved to death had it not been for the brethren!

  11. Humans are amazing for the many dumb ass ideas they can come up with to give them meaning.

    Why are New Mooners so zealous for the monthly new moon yet I seriously doubt they note the Spring and Fall Equinoxes (Equal Nights) or Summer and Winter Solstices which are really worth noting. Most world religion has evolved from the story of the Sun's journey through the twelve signs of the Zodiac, including Christianity.

    If they can get giddy about the moon, which is the feminine principle, why not the Sun? The moon was considered feminine because it did not have it's own light but rather reflected the light of the male Sun. Women only shine because of men. Anyone knows that! :)

    M.T. Astrolobe

  12. I've searched the Scriptures and can find NO compelling reason to keep the New Moon. It may be observed for calendar purposes, but except for the 7th New Moon, there is absolutely nothing to keeping it as a special day like a Sabbath.

    Moreover, my observation after watching any number of Sabbath Keeping churches implode, when a church starts keeping the new moon, they start into an immediate severe decline. Every one I have observed has only grown smaller and some have disappeared (or simply gave up keeping the new moon). The fruit just isn't there.

    Next time we can discuss the farmers who went bankrupt keeping the land Sabbath (and the fact that Scripture is silent on tithing on wages).

    It's all one big con.

    They lie to you;
    Then they take your money.

  13. I remember in my early college days someone telling me that the new moon used to be marked by Herb's early followers as a get together of some type. I don't know why they dropped it.

    All kinds of lunacies have arisen out of astro-theology and each cult has to search for something to make them special.

  14. Allen, Herbert Armstrong used to have a Bible Study on the evening of the new moon.

    But as you know, January... was it the 9th -- somewhere in there -- was always special for the "Work".

    It's mix and match time. Pagan calendar that actually seems to work, or the Jewish Calendar where it's a bit off and in 21,000 years, people will be celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles between Christmas and New Year's.
