Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Why Churches Suck

Let's see what this stirs up.......  :-)

The Nasty New Taste of Funda-gelicalism.

In the world of candy, Reese’s is known as “two great tastes that taste great together.” In the church world, Funda-gelicalism is sort of the opposite—a toxic combination of two flavors of Christianity that not only taste terrible together, but that inevitably infect and sicken the ones who consume it. Watch out—this new flavor has become available at all church denominations, and may already be being served up at a church near you.


  1. My personally favorite combo of thought is written on the roof of a barn just a bit south of me.

    "LOVE Jesus-Or Burn Forever in Hell"

    It just has a nice ring to it and gives me permission to tell my children, "Love daddy or I will shoot you."


  2. They lie to you; then they take your money, that way, you can be financially bankrupt while being spiritually impoverished.

  3. It's like something out of a Kurt Vonnegut novel although there's probably not a dimes worth of difference between Evangelicals and Fundamentalists. They're both chock full of, mostly, white people, and ministers trained, mostly, in southern bible colleges.

    It's a down economy and religion is big business. There may be other faith mergers. Can you say Catholi-Methodism?

  4. I've got a theory. I believe that people either seek or find people, philosophies, or events which are compatible with their own natural proclivities. Change and transformation are rare phenomena, as a result.

    How else could you explain the attraction between sincere seekers and some of these horrible taskmasters or hate mongers, like the "God hates fags" guy who pickets military funerals. Or, the Christian patriot movement which uses their Bible to support racism?

    Clearly, some churches really do suck.

