Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, July 30, 2011

LCG/Meredith: God Caused the Norway Killing Spree

The sickness continues to spew from Rod Meredith and the Living Church of God, particularly in regards to the killing spree in Norway.

Did you know that Spanky says that GOD caused the deranged madman to blow up the offices and kill the kids on the island!? This is the reason LCG gives for saying God did this:

The sad fact is that despite the trauma and sadness, the Bible has long predicted events like this would occur in the Israelite nations when they reject God and His way, “if you do not obey Me… and if you despise my statutes… I also will do this to you: I will even appoint terror over you…” (Leviticus 26:14-16).

Besides the British Israel crap he still holds on to, Spanky cannot get his mind out of the Old Testament and the vengeful, blood thirsty god that he is always excited to find there. For some reason, blood lust is a favorite topic of Spanky and LCG.  Their eyes seem to glaze over in orgasmic delight  at the thought of death and destruction that they WANT to happen to people around them.  It makes them special that they are different, called out, chosen, blah, blah, blah.......

Here is further reason for the shootings:

Norway is a nominally Christian nation, however a 2005 barometer poll revealed that only 32% of Norwegians even believe there is a God (http://ec.europa.eu/publicopinion/archives) and only 12% attend church each month. In 2009, 54% of all births in Norway were “out of wedlock” situations (www.familylifeculturewatch.com). Norway has also legalized same-sex marriages. It is a nation that needs to repent of its ways and truly turn to God. Jesus said that tragedies like this would occur and get worse before He returns to bring peace to this earth (Matthew 24:8)—may God speed that day!
Armstrongism, as does most of legalistic Christianity, always equate bad things with the fact that the person or peoples have done something wrong to cause God's wrath to be dished out upon them.  Armstrongite preachers are especially good at this as it lays the blame on everyone else but themselves. "Because we are God's CHOSEN, these kinds of things do not happen to us."  It's YOUR fault that God has cursed you.  It's YOUR sins that caused the hurricane to destroy New Orleans and the south coast.  Its the YOUR gays that you allow to live in your societies that cause earthquakes.  It's YOUR horny Norwegians that give birth without marriage and marrying gays - which is really ironic that the gays in committed long term relationships chose to get married while the rest of the population is jumping from bed to bed but Spanky ignores that part.  It's YOUR fault Japan that YOUR ancestor worship is what cased the Japan earthquake and tidal wave.

With that kind of logic you would think Spanky would have realized that HE was the cause of the shooter that came into LCG Sabbath services and went on a killing spree.  But that was quickly covered up by LCG. It was a mentally disturbed person that killed God's elect, not endless, hopeless, and discouraging sermons by Spanky and crew that pushed the shooter over the edge.

So where is Spanky and the rest of the Church of Gods in this matter?  Are they offering help and prayers of the Norwegians?  Not on your life!  It is not LCG's problem.  They are not of this world and cannot get bogged down in worldly matters.  God is going to fix it all later on.  So in the meantime, Catholics and other Christians are offering support.

Who is making a bigger impact to the Norwegians? The COG or the deceived, sun worshiping, idolatrous, sabbath breaking Christians? What about atheists, agnostics and non-Christians who see needs and reach out with healing hands hands?  It makes no difference to LCG/Meredith who are giddy with delight at the prospect of rampaging Germans, Chinese, Muslims, concentration camps and meat-hooks raining down upon the British Israelite nations? God is coming to take care of it all.

As a post script:

So wheres does Chiropractor  Bob Thiel weigh in on all of this?

Is he offering a helping hand?  Words of encouragement?  Financial help to the distraught families?

Nope.  Dream on!  It's conspiracy theories all the way.

Chiro Bob sees an angry God pissed off at Norway and the potential rise of the Antichrist!  He is scared that the Catholic Church's' emissary that it sent to Norway to assist people in need is going to meet with a certain Cardinal that is potentially the Antichrist. The stupid conspiracies that occupy Armstrongites minds continue to amaze me!

While his intentions to visit Norway are probably fine, I have had concerns about Cardinal Koch (Ecumenism: Cardinal Koch and the Eastern Orthodox and Kurt Koch Made a Cardinal: Might He Become the Antichrist?) including before he became a cardinal (Swiss Bishop Appointed as Ecumenical Head: Antichrist Role?).  If he ever gets close to Karl zu Guttenberg (see Might German Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg become the King of the North?), my concerns will likely intensify.


  1. LCG/Meredith prompts the idea that we should stop calling it Armstrongism and call it Turkeyism.

  2. Let us understand this clearly: A member of the LCG comes into church on the Sabbath, shoots and kills the minister, several other members and then himself.

    Therefore, Roderick Meredith has just declared God's judgment against him and Living by Meredith's own statement: God caused the murders in his own congregation.

    It should be clear that God is very angry with Living and is punishing Meredith, his church and the members for the idolatry and for the fact that Roderick Meredith has been a false prophet for 50 years.

    Meredith and Theil need to answer these serious charges because, according to the same logic, God will continue until you all repent because judgment begins at the household of God and will not stop until there is repentance or the entire church is gone.

    So you have several choices: Repent, make excuses or take your chances staying silent and thus make it clear you hold God in contempt.

  3. If Roderick Meredith really wants to identify the REAL Anti-Christ, all he need do is look in a mirror.

  4. "Norway is a nominally Christian nation, however a 2005 barometer poll revealed that only 32% of Norwegians even believe there is a God"

    I'm pretty sure after God has made it clear , thru LCG, that it is indeed HE who has brought this on Norway to change their evil ways, the percentage of Christians will now soar in deep repentance. Everyone wants to obey and follow the God of "Love me or I'll kill you."

    I thank Wodin and Thor that I did not spend my entire life in utter delusion on all things biblical.


  5. Never heard LCG comment on how mad God is at Somalia and other such less Nordic and blonde countries.

    If I compare the wonder brought to us by the Hubbbel telescope and the LCG or really all human Christian views of any Deity, it is pretty pathetic. Hubbel wins hands down.

    The God of the OT and the Jews/Christians is truly merely a "BibleGod" made up in the minds of men to do the work of men on an insignificant planet of men.


    M.T.D. Eity

  6. There is no one named Theil or Thiel licensed as a chiropractor on the website of the California Board of Chiropractic Examiners. Is Dr. Bob a chiro, a naturopath, or what? On Monday, I will check to see if he is licensed as a chiro in any state.

    Glenn Parker

  7. There is no one named Theil or Thiel licensed as a chiropractor on the website of the California Board of Chiropractic Examiners. Is Dr. Bob a chiro, a naturopath, or what? On Monday, I will check to see if he is licensed as a chiro in any state.

    Glenn Parker

  8. Let's don't forget who's birthday is today!

  9. Let's don't forget who's birthday is today!

    J.K. Rowling (b. 1965)

    Wesley Snipes (b. 1962)

    Mark Cuban (b. 1958)

    Is there anybody else you might have in mind? :-)

  10. Let's have another birthday bash!


    The site is down!

  11. It's birthday bash time for a cult leader/originator today!

  12. I know the birthday boy's name, lets see if others do.

  13. Years ago Bob claimed he was a chiropractor, then it was naturopath, now book author on 2012. If he is a naturopath he is in a long line of COG members who work that field to the maximum benefit for themselves. The naturopaths/Chiropractors in Pasadena made a fortune off of selling supplements and herbs to cure all kinds of aches and pains. Almost all of their patients still suffer from the same problems, except they are out thousands of dollars in cash for the herbs. Its a great racket and Church members are easy prey since they tend to avoid REAL doctors and medicine like the plaque!

  14. Anonymous said, "Let's don't forget who's birthday is today!"

    MY COMMENT - I grew up in the WCG where we weren't allowed to celebrate birthdays, so I wouldn't have a clue whose birthday you could be talking about.

    We saved money on birthday presents, but all our extra money left over after paying our taxes, 1st, 2nd and 3rd tithes, offerings, and Holy Day offerings went to the Church's Building Fund so little Joey Tkach could liquidate the Church property 40 years later and become a multi-multi millionaire. :)

    Quote of the Day - "It was like stealing candy from a baby" WCG Pastor General Joseph Tkach, Jr.

  15. God allows free will. That makes the people who freely turn to Him very special. However, God is not a micro-manager, sitting up there somewhere waving a magic wand as he recites the word "punish". Sooner or later, most people come to realize that He's got things set up so that many of the bad choices and acts cause automatic self-punishment. Call it karma, call it being in tune or out of tune with the laws of the universe, or the temporary physical education of spiritual beings, but it is what it is.

    A few words on the topic of fear. Fear can be defined as being overly concerned about possibly negative outcomes to events in progress. If you can embed fears into the minds of others, to a large extent, you can control them. What does perfect love cast out??? Yet we see the ACOGs constantly embedding and then exploiting the fears not only of their own members, but also of those whom they evangelize. Fear-based faith is bogus from the get-go, and only goes down hill from there. Often, fears are so intense that they become self-fulfilling prophecies.

    We've got to remember that WCG was programmed to believe that they would self-destruct, first through a great falling away, and then through massive persecution. That is the one key difference between them and other similar religious movements. That is why the ACOGs appear to have been spewed from the mouth of God. Self-fulfilling prophecy!


  16. HWA's birthday. The world would have been a better place without him.

    Glenn Parker

  17. So, it's HWA's birthday. Big deal. I just might have another double scotch to celebrate the fact that the old reprobate is dead, like I did when I first heard the joyful news.

  18. I'll take the love and support of a Sun Worshiper ANY day over the smug, self righteous, self abosorbed and self serving COG's.

    I am thinking they might get used to ...."I never knew you...."

  19. I wonder if there is anything in the killer's "manifesto" with which Meredith would disagree.

  20. LCG/Meredith, Bob Thiel, do not believe: "...that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, NOT imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. 2 Corinthians 5:19

    They are blind and have no idea how God is doing that reconciling at all.

    As long as LCG/Meredith, Bob Thiel, continue to blame/judge others they demonstrate their lack of love for others.

    They also don't believe the verse that says: "He that committeth sin is of the devil..."

    So, they continue to blame and judge humans for all that sin they see in others...and don't readily see the sin, the trespasses, in themselves.

    Yesterday I watched a portion of their TV program and near the end the comment was made that was living has to offer is "...not available anywhere else..."

    I do not consider that comment mentioned on their program to be very truthful, because what they have to offer is offered by other xcogs and is not unique to them.

    Doesn't lying break one of those commandments of God?

    The written article here was very interesting in that the obvious hypocrisy of the Living group is easily displayed when one recalls the killing spree at one of their own living congregations is brought up for consideration...and the living group does teach that God is NOT a respecter of persons...


  21. Doesn't lying break one of those commandments of God?

    Lying breaks all those commandments of God.

    As a bonus, let's throw in that Satan the Devil was a liar and a murderer from the beginning, so lying makes Meredith of Satan the Devil.

    But wait! There's more! For a limited time only (for all eternity!), according to Revelation 22, no liar will be in the Kingdom of God.

    So no worries.

    Meredith, who declared that he never committed any major sin (except lying, of course) won't be in the Kingdom of God if he keeps going the way he's been going for the past 50 years, so you won't need to worry about seeing him there.

    Or are we missing something?

  22. BB said..."Sooner or later, most people come to realize that He's got things set up so that many of the bad choices and acts cause automatic self-punishment. Call it karma, call it being in tune or out of tune with the laws of the universe, or the temporary physical education of spiritual beings, but it is what it is."

    MY COMMENT: Oh, really? Where have YOU been? Why do the COGs continue to exist then?

    BB said..."That is why the ACOGs appear to have been spewed from the mouth of God. Self-fulfilling."

    MY COMMENT: What makes you think that god even know they exist, or even cares if they do?

  23. "Meredith, who declared that he never committed any major sin (except lying, of course) won't be in the Kingdom of God if he keeps going the way he's been going for the past 50 years, so you won't need to worry about seeing him there."

    There is not, and never will be, a "kingdom of God" to be in. This is all the invention of wild-eyed fanatics, and yes, I include your Jesus in that bunch even though I'm convinced he is a fictional creation of the Council of Nicea. If there was some itinerant Jewish teacher who wandered around first century Judea and was called Jesus, he was not the individual the world has been deceived into following.

    Let's abandon fanciful fairy tales and get down to the business of solving human problems with human reason and intellect. Pie in the sky "kingdoms" are never going to get us anywhere.

  24. Allen, beware: It isn't always easy to sense irony and satire -- especially when I write it, but my best advice to you is always be on guard because when I write about such things, I'm mocking the genre.

  25. Sorry, Doug. It's sometimes hard to ferret out the sarcasm and I'm dedicated to denouncing the stupidity of religion everywhere and anywhere, so, I tend to just react.
