Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Earthquake in VA

Today there was a huge spike in viewing of the post I had earlier this year concerning the New Zealand earthquakes and how American preachers were blaming it on rampaging lesbians. The Real Cause of the Christ Church Earthquake Discovered  I thought someone must have linked to it or something.  Then I heard that VA had it's earthquake and realized what had happened.  Several hundred hits happened within about a 10 minute period.

I spoke to my brother that lives in VA and he said it was a really hard jolt.  He has been through many earthquakes when he was in San Diego, but this one felt far different.  I joked with him that it is a sign of the end times.  He lives close to Lynchburg (Falwell country) and said that the preachers have already started claiming the earthquake and approaching hurricane are punishment from God because of the gays.

I am sure it will only be a matter of hours before Flurry and Spanky Meredith start stating the same thing.  "It is just one more sign of the end times!"  Thiel will soon join the chorus too...


  1. Yep, and then they'll start setting dates again. Hell, if they think we're in the end times, they need to come down here in Texas. Gawd has stopped it from raining here. Too many queers and steers according to Merrydeath.

  2. God sure does work in mysterious ways.
    I would have thought He'd give Texas plenty of rain in response to Texas purging much of that devilish science-stuff from school curricula.

    I suppose He doesn't want True Faith too easy to get so He's got to drought Texas too, for awhile.

  3. Yes, or that Germany would have been having typhoons and earthquakes while they were exterminating the Jews!

    This is another thing that the ACOG cult leaders will probably attempt to outdo one another over.
    Blame it on Negroes and Mexicans taking over modern day Israel, or too many homosexuals coming out of the closet, or women lifting their voices and being elected to public office. Or punishment because one of the groups founding the USA has forgotten their identity and their sabbaths, even though the USA was never founded as a sabbath keeping nation, and the biggest majority of genetic material in the general population has been proven to be German.

    I say let the ACOGs continue to destroy their own credibility. They have already marginalized themselves via splinter, even as we watch the real gospel go out in great power around the world.


  4. Haha - that's a good one. The Creator knows as well as we do that America is not going to repent.

    Of what does it have to repent, right? Everything is just fine and its going to stay that way.
