Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Herbert W. Armstrong: Mr. Confusion by Roger Campbell 1971

Herbert W. Armstrong
Mr. Confusion
by Roger Campbell
Back to the Bible Braodcast
Lincoln, Nebraska

Click on document to enlarge

1 comment:

  1. In a sermon or Bible study once, HWA said in a conciliatory voice something like, "Now I never speak against other ministers who preach on the radio--for example, Roger Campbell on the 'Back to the Bible' program." His voice turned snide. " When I hear him, though, I see him like this."

    He set his Bible down on the lectern and then ostentatiously turned his back to it.

    As sports reporters say, the crowd went wild. They slapped their knees and howled with laughter. You could tell that the faithful were astonished and delighted that their apostle, who they were already convinced had been granted the gift of unerring prophecy, also possessed a sophisticated wit.
