Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Another Reason Why Armstrongism Is Dying


From a rightwing COG Yahoo group:

It is apparent that some of you are being involved with other forums and that is your business, but to bring to this forum what some dissident minister has to say in regards to a charge that Mr. Armstrong made some mistakes in dealing with God`s Church and that particular minister feeling that he must correct the mistakes of God`s Apostle, will not be tolerated! Christ would never use some dissident minister to correct any possible mistakes of His Apostle, that would make no sense and does not! Any mistakes that Christ`s Apostle could have made, Christ would have seen to it that He would use His own Apostle to  make any needed corrections!


  1. Armstrongism was never alive in the first place.

    Oh, wait!

    I think I see the problem!

    Yes, yes!

    It's the assumption that Herbert Armstrong was some sort of Apostle.

    Anyone want to prove that?

  2. "Any mistakes that Christ`s Apostle could have made, Christ would have seen to it that He would use His own Apostle to make any needed corrections!"

    This is such theoBS. Do you realize how much chicanery one can get through believing this concept?

    Almost as stupid as "If I make mistakes, Jesus will correct me. You don't correct me." If ever there was a stay out of jail card free, this is it.

    Jesus does not correct anyone. He frankly is missing in action on most things as far as we can tell. Fundamentalists are so ignorant and insane.

  3. No one in their right mind would let that unkempt hippie vagabond in the drawing into their homes.

    'Jesus' is a fraud, the 'god of this world.'

    Follow the True Messiah and He will give you rest.

  4. What makes them so sure that "Jesus" is not using this "dissident minister" to correct them? Are they, after all, still in WCG, now GCI?

  5. 'No Hippies' wrote: No one in their right mind would let that unkempt hippie vagabond in the drawing into their homes.

    Dear 'No Hippies',

    I looked at the drawing, and did not see what you described.

    I suppose, though, that the resolution of my monitor may be too low to show what yours shows, so please let me know how the picture indicates someone "unkempt", a "hippie", and a "vagabond"

  6. The reason Armstrong is dying is because they are all pathetic Warlocks who just can't get the Warlock General's spells to come out right.

  7. Dear Norm,

    If you can't see the unkempt hippie/vagabond-type in the long white robe in the drawing, its just as well.

    Be careful Becker,

    One of your coven is highly praising the positive benefits of witchcraft on another current article.

    As Berra said, 'it ain't over til its over!' Then you can gloat (oh I forgot we'll all be rotting corpses then).

  8. Perhaps HWA was 'some sort of Apostle.' The fact that he was corrupted and fell so hard has no bearing on the original intention.

    I never heard about any of the HWA abuses or peccadilloes until 15-20 years after the fact, and by then it was all irrelevant. I'm glad I wasn't near HQ at the time.

  9. Anon. said, "Jesus does not correct anyone."

    This is true, 'Jesus' is imaginary, used to fool the world.

    The Messiah however is real and does correct those who follow Him and eventually those who don't.

    "Fundamentalists are so ignorant and insane."

    Are you calling yourself ignorant and insane because you believe(d) in this imaginary 'Jesus'?

    If so, I applaud your honesty.

  10. What blindness. Armstrong and ALL the ministry he trained and branched out into the various Armstrongite splinters are the dissidents against Jesus' own teachings.

    The veil may never be lifted from their hearts when they reject Christ that way. What blindness.

  11. Apostolator, I did, I was friends with the sons of GTA's wife's sister and got the gossip first hand. That made me a skeptic at the age of 12-13.

    I saw Mark Armstrong smoking in front of the other kids in open defiance at the Mount Airy Lodge in the Poconos FT 1967.. I heard first hand that GTA allowed his two boys to indulge in things that were strictly forbidden to the rest of the youth in the church.

    I was a silent watcher. Having a person around the ministry like me was bad for the regime. Especially now.

  12. Wait! What?

    After he wrote "The Plain Truth about Child Rearing"?
