Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Are You Practicing Witchcraft in the COG's? The Apostle Thinks So!

According to Apostle Malm marrying outside the Church is a sign of WITCHCRAFT......along with everything else in the world. 

Break a commandment and you are committing...WITCHCRAFT!

Brethren to do what you know is against God’s commandments; and to attempt to justify it as Saul did IS  rebellion against God: IT IS A FORM OF WITCHCRAFT!

When UCG states that marriages outside the faith are condemned in the scripture; but if you want to do it, that’s alright with us. When they say that they will support any elder who is comfortable in conducting such a ceremony: They are practicing the same kind of rebellion as Saul did!!!   This  is witchcraft!

Celebrate a birthday...WITCHCRAFT!  When you light those candles the burning flames carry your prayers to the Satan!

The elders in UCG and those that formed COGWA are strongly supportive of birthday celebrations.  While the years do pass and we do get older; should we really celebrate the passage of the years by pagan methods involving witchcraft?

Should we close our eyes making a wish [offering a prayer] over burning candles so that the prayer will ascend to the spirits in the fire and smoke as is done in witchcraft?  Should we party with a gathering of our friends as the pagans did and do; this done to pacify the demons to guarantee a good year?

So in order to stop this vile practice of WITCHCRAFT the apostle is instituting a new way to keep birthdays...

Some food for thought: Is it scriptural to exalt the child?  or for the child to honour the parent?  As parents we dote on our children daily; if we were to acknowledge a  birthday; would it not be better and more godly for the child to honour their parents by thanking them for all they have done for the child; including giving them life and the all that they have.   This world with its rebellious nature does the opposite of what is godly;  why participate in its errors?

Part of the reason you cannot keep your birthday is that you are too stupid to know exactly when you were born.  Pagans have influenced our calendar, witches, demons and Samuel LeVay have taken over birthdays now and use the calendar according to their will, thereby making it invalid.

In LaVeyan Satanism, birthdays are considered holy days and are ranked as the most important holy day of the year for the person concerned, as a time when the gods will grant requests.  The Satanic Bible says that each individual is a god and therefore one’s own birthday is the birth of a god.  This is the basic lie of Satan in the garden that we are all gods if we decide right from wrong on our own.

And this is only from Part 1 of his screed: http://theshininglight.info/?p=4740


  1. Let's see now, "Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft".

    Logic dictates that since Herbert Armstrong rebelled against the Church of God Seventh Day, he was a warlock.

    Therefore, to continue the logic, all of the ministers in the Armstrongist Churches of God carry on the legacy of Herbert Armstrong, the prime warlock, and are, therefore, all warlocks.

    Apostle Malm, by continuing this legacy of rebellion, is now also a warlock.

    By the dictates of Scripture, we must now mark and disfellowship him for his witchcraft, which has created division in the church, to turn him over to the bonds of Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that his spirit be saved, unless or until he repents of his presumption.

    So there.

  2. Apostate Malm said:

    This is the basic lie of Satan in the garden that we are all gods if we decide right from wrong on our own.

    Um...no Malm. Man was told not to take of the two trees because in both the Sumerian and Hebrew version, the tree of K of G and E and the tree of Eternal life was god food. Humans, as worker bees in the garden of the gods, simply are not to have that god knowledge.

    Haven't you ever wondered what is wrong with knowing right from wrong? Why was that forbidden fruit? Because it is god knowledge in the story and "now man will be like us and know right from wrong, so before he gets eternal life from that fruit tree of the gods...we need to kick him out of the garden of the gods.

    Know your story Mr. Malm. Dont just make stuff up. The Serpent was not defined as "Satan" until years later and in the original story was a scorning of the serpent the wise counselor to the goddess, but that is another story.

    If every serpent in the bible is Satan, then we have a problem with Moses lifting up the serpent in the wilderness to be looked on for healing. Actually that is in itself a nutbag story. The serpent ends up being a type of Christ...uh huh.

  3. PS Even as a child I wondered if Adam and Eve did not know right from wrong how would they know it was wrong to take of the tree? How can they be blamed for sinning when they didn't know right from wrong before taking of the fruit.

    Of course it's a myth, but makes no sense to blame someone who is prevented from even knowing what they did wrong.

    Gnome sayin'??

  4. It's kinda like Cain getting all worried about being cast out of the garden and afraid that "whoever finds me will kill me...."

    Um...let's see. Mom and dad, you just killed your only brother. Seth was the third it says next chapter, sooooooooooooooooooo


    Evidently even God forgot there was no one else, as He promised he'd not let that happen. What a story!

  5. Religious masturbation is what Malm teaches. Rule on rule, evil around every corner. Demons in every corner.

    Anyone who buys into this crap is mentally ill. Armstrongism is a mental illness. The whole lot of herbie's religion takes those on the fringe and coverts them into potential Terry Ratzmanns.

    Armstrongism is sick, their quips are rife with contradictions and difficulties; they're entirely obdurate, meet no objective criteria, and are unsuited for a supposedly educated population.

    And as if that weren't enough, there is historical precedent for their mind games. Specifically, for as far back as I can remember, the Churches of God have been introducing more restrictions on already dwindling freedoms. Their intellectual level corresponds to the material offered. And they call it meat! If you thought McCarthyism was dangerous, just spend a month listening to the World Tomorrow, Beyond Today, or The Key of David.

    The Churches of God are surrounded by brown-nosing know-nothings who parrot the same nonsense as Malm. Why do these idiots continue?

    The guilty go unpunished, and they insult the intelligence, interests, and life plans of whole groups of people with their malice.

    They harbors a sense of entitlement and an expectation of success beyond reason. Is this sane? Are these so called leaders escapees from a mental institution?

    Sometimes I wonder why the Journal ever publishes this crap from these morons, the so called educated people. But year after year we hear from a new apostle, or prophet, and even flying saucer advocates that introduce more and more mental illness into the various groups all under the guise of religion. In the end they are building an asylum before the building has even been constructed.

  6. just be happy that such mentally disturbed people don't have the kind of control the authorities in Salem, massachusetts had about three hundred years ago.

    They'd like to though. One of the presidents Bush said an atheist couldn't be a good citizen because this is "one nation under God." He apparently is ignorant of the fact that that statement wasn't in the pledge of allegiance until the 1950s. I never repeat those words when reciting the pledge of allegiance. It's a lie, and I am not a liar.

    Also, when there is an opening prayer anywhere, I just stand silently and never say "amen." No sense making a scene about it, but I will not participate.
