Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, September 5, 2011

Armstrongism on the Flood and Squashed Whales

I bet you never knew that our oil today comes from millions of dead, squashed whales who died during Satan's rebellion which caused the first flood.  The earth was destroyed again with a second flood during Noah's time.  Simplistic Armstrongism has to have all the answers to everyting in life.  How little it actually knows!

  In the education that I have received in the past in regards to those two worldwide floods, not remembering exactly where my education came from, in school, from religion, or other sources, I will relate what I have learned that made sense to me then and still does today!! I doubt that most educational institutions today explain those two floods!! They choose to hold to their false theory of how things have evolved into their teaching today, and how man has evolved from ape to man!!
  The first flood came about with Satan`s rebellion and the catastrophic results. With the hundreds of thousands of tons of earth compressing the vegetation into the anthracite hardened coal that can be found deep under the ground, and with the rotted flesh from the sea life, especially with all of the may tons of compressed whales that has produced the oil that we now use especially for fuel for our autos, and the tons of compressed trees that had become petrified like hardened rocks that has now become exposed to the surface from the second Noachian flood located in the petrified forest of Nevada.
  With the many tons of earth compressing against more of the vegetation into the bituminous soft coal that can now be found in layers nearer the surface of the ground and perhaps with more of the compressed sea life vegetation creating more oil for our use!!


  1. Right out of the debunked Genesis Flood by Whitless and Borris.

    Try "Evolution: What the Rocks Say and Why It Matters by Prothero.

    Amazing what Science truly so called has learned and done well with understanding.


  2. I'm confused.

    I thought it was those Dinosaurs (which GTA claimed walked next to human beings -- what? As pets?!) which were squeezings made into crude.

    What do I know?

    I'm not a geologist.

    But then...

    Hardly any in the WCG leadership could claim any scientific competence... they just made stuff up....
