Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, September 19, 2011

Beware of Those Who Claim to Speak on Behalf of God!

A few posts below I posted a  Pat Robertson running off at the mouth again and making a complete ass of himself.  His comments about people divorcing spouses if they have alzheimers quickly made the rounds on the blogs, Twitter and news papers and TV.

One of my favorite bloggers listed here on my side bar recently had an article in the Washington Post about Robertson's proclivities in speaking for God.  Turner's article is just as applicable to COG ministers who also have diarrhea of the mouth every Saturday in hundreds of COG's around the world.  When any ministers says they speak for God then you should run the other direction immediately!

For years, whenever Pat plays medium for the Holy Ghost, the majority of the words that come out of the man’s mouth are chock full of bad theology, run-on sentences and fragments, and proof that he probably shouldn’t speak on behalf of God without using a teleprompter. And what’s more sad is that, most of the time, Pat never apologizes or retracts his ill-formed “wisdom.”

The COG's reek with ban theology, proof texting and out-right lies  Of course we all need to remember that all COG members have the HS indwelling in them because they are TRUE ministers of God. There is not one single COG minister that should be speaking in the name of God.  None of them do!  They all should apologize for what they have preached and taught.  Only a handful of COG ministers in all of COGdumb have apologized:  Worldwide Church of God Ministerial Apologies


  1. I believe that if God has some special revelation for any one of us, He's perfectly capable of working with us directly as individuals. Why would He use some minister in some church to give me instructions? If one is to believe the model throughout the New Testament, elders are simply more mature Christians whose experience can be of value in mentoring newer followers of Jesus Christ. Authoritarians don't understand the HS, or transformation of the human heart in the presence of free will.


  2. Ahhhhh, good old Pat Robertson.

    Hokey Christian TV(like Daystar and TBN) are chock-full of preachers like Pat Robertson, each seeming to have their own market niche appealing to different personality types.

    I like Mike Luckovich's drawing of God putting a cork in Pat Robertson's mouth.

    Somehow, I think there should be another chapter of Revelation, in which Jesus has a cork-producing butt which he uses to blast corks into the mouths of his "followers"

  3. Yep. Lots of false profits....

    Matt. 7:15: Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

    Matt. 24:11: And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

    2 Pet. 2:1: But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies....

    1 John 4:1: Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

  4. but that doesn't prove that there aren't true prophets....

  5. Minions of daughter-fucking prophets like Herbie are even MORE special than those OTHER minions!

  6. A few years ago I took notes on the "predictions" Pat Robertson tends to make on The 700 Club at the start of January, after his year-end time of deep prayer and consultation with.... well, he says God.

    I reviewed them at the end of the year, and found plenty of flaws.
