Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

COGWA Sets Up New Doctrinal Committee Because They Still Cannot Decide What They Believe

It is amazing that each harlot daughter of Armstrongism has to set up a doctrinal committee to study doctrine and church beliefs.  The various COGlet splinter cults love to mock mainstream Christianity because of it's varying beliefs, yet they do the exact same thing.

The COGWA doctrinal team will have to tweak their doctrines to be  just a tad different that UCG's.  If their teachings were the same then there would be no reason behind their organization and therefore no need for anyone to have followed them. 

I am also pleased to announce that on Wednesday the board, by unanimous approval appointed a permanent Doctrine Committee as required in our governing documents. The men approved by the Ministerial Board of Directors as members of the Doctrine Committee are:
  • John Foster
  • Bruce Gore
  • Don Henson
  • David Johnson
  • Ralph Levy
These men are all known for their personal integrity and knowledge of God’s Word, including the fundamental beliefs of the Church. It should also be noted that other men worked very hard in this capacity during the interim period for the past nine months to protect the integrity of our beliefs, and we very much appreciate their service during that time.

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