Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Dave Pack: Owner of the World's Largest Biblical Site??????????????

Dave Pack, Armstrongisms' most belligerent know-it-all minister has been off pimping himself out to Israel and Jordan.  Imaging the tithe money it took to fly him and his crew off to film and tour Israel and Jordon. Money is of no consequence when one is trying to imitate Herbert Armstrong.

I find it funny that he did not venture out to see the Peace Park that Herbert Armstrong used tithe money to fund back in the 80's.  The Peace park fell into disrepair from vandalism and age, so Lord Six-Pack dumped a lot of tithe money into refurbishing the park.  That really must have galled Packman to be one-upped by Gerald Flurry, a fellow cult leader.

You can read about this amazing journey to Israel and Jordan here:  David C. Pack Received by Officials in the Middle East

One of the funny things on his web site is his link to his new book on prophecy.  He boasts that his web site is one of the largest in the world where it comes to biblical matters.  Liar, lair, pants on fire!


  1. Maybe his IT room simply has a rack of extra servers?!

  2. Does anyone know how many members this guy has? A true figure ... not the inflated figures that the cults are know to exaggerate.

  3. Uncle Davie is the only splinter cult leader that refuses to release his membership total and the amount of money he brings in. I suppose though someone could dig through his IRS papers, but have never seen anyone do it.
