Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Dave Pack: God's Greatest Gift To Humanity

 There is something not quit right about this guy!  It shows in his face and demeanor.

Poor Dave Pack. he gets no respect!  But one can only respect that which is honorable and there is NOTHING honorable about Dave Pack.  Arrogant, pompous, self-serving, liar, false teacher, false apostle, and wanna-be HWA clone, are just a few of the words one could ascibe to Pack. He considers himself to be the worlds foremost Biblical scholar and his web site contains more Biblical information than any other site in the entire world.

UK Apologetics had this to say about Pack:

According to his own website, after attending Ambassador College, David C. Pack,
"...entered the Worldwide Church of God ministry in 1971 and was personally trained by Herbert W. Armstrong. He has established over 50 congregations, authored more than 20 books, written hundreds of booklets and articles, and appeared on The History Channel. As Editor-in-Chief of The Real Truth magazine and voice of The World to Come program, he has reached millions around the globe with the most powerful truths of the Bible, unknown to almost all."
There is appalling arrogance there. If somebody other than Mr Pack wrote these comments he needs to move quickly to remove the arrogant tone. But if - as one suspects - the comments appear with his approval, one can only gasp at a man who would claim that he alone reaches "millions around the globe" with an authentic Bible message which is "unknown to almost all." To be frank, this is typical of the amazing arrogance of the armstrongists. So, according to the reasoning which the "Restored Church of God" encourages us to accept, forget about Aquinas, forget about Luther, forget about Calvin, forget about John Wesley, CH Spurgeon, Martyn Lloyd-Jones and all the rest - until Herbert Armstrong came along we knew virtually nothing about the Bible and now - how wonderful! - Mr Pack is devoutly and selflessly continuing in his path. Herbert, of course, was full of an arrogance and (entirely misplaced) confidence just like that so it is perhaps no shock to find his disciples inheriting the very same trait.
In the very same, Who is David C. Pack? article on his website, Mr Pack (or, one presumably writing with his authority), modestly points out that in order to attend Ambassador College, he declined an invitation to attend Dartmouth College, as well as an appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy, plus numerous other scholarship offers. Hmm. What a very able and clever young man! Continuing in the same line of modesty, the article further tells us that,
"...he has traveled the world, pastored thousands and conducted many public Bible lectures. Mr. Pack has also held a number of leadership positions that have given him a wide range of ministerial and administrative experience."
Yep, while this may all be perfectly accurate, the impression is that this is real 'CV' material of the most embellished kind. Moreover, we are told that Mr Pack's writing is,
"Published on the most extensive biblically based websites in the world, Mr. Pack’s and the Church’s materials address the everyday concerns of the average man and woman..."
Of course, the unpalatable truth (for the armstrongists) is that no "biblically-based website" would allow any material coming from Mr Pack or any armstrongist disciple anywhere near their website unless the purpose should be to critique it, as we are doing right here.

Pam Dewey has this to say on her Field Guide to the Wild World of Religion: Worldwide Church of God Family Tree page:

Although Pack did have some folks follow him out of the GCG, that was a bit surprising for many people.
Here is how the Ambassador Report put it back in 1985 when Pack was still a minister in the WCG:
"For a number of years now, no WCG minister's name has  appeared more often in letters written to the Report complaining of  ministerial abuse.  A group of members was even so brazen as to  circulate an open letter detailing his abuses and calling for his  removal.  According to this group, he "intimidated members, used threats  and mind control, was given to emotion outbursts, disfellowshipped  members for trivial faults, prescribed diets while playing M.D., put  down women," etc., etc.

The letter quoted Pack as saying, "Everyone who has challenged me has  either died, been seriously injured or has been eliminated from the  work...God backs me even if I am wrong."
Someone who had been an insider in the Global Church of God, before Rod Meredith left to form the Living Church of God, confirmed to me that Pack's reputation was identical within that organization at the time, with numerous complaints from people coming in about his tactics all the time.  

In spite of all that, Pack did gather a following. Over the years since then there have been numerous defections from his ministry, but he has also gained more supporters, both from other WCG splinter groups and from the public via the Internet.

Like Gerald Flurry before him (whose claims Pack mocks) David Pack claims to have inherited Herbert Armstrong’s mantle. He also claims that his organization follows the teachings of Herbert Armstrong more closely than any other WCG splinter group.
As of an astonishing sermon given in February 2005, he declared himself to be the only Apostle of our time, and insisted that he will be personally "training" those two individuals who will end up being the “Two Witnesses of Revelation.” You can see a detailed overview of that sermon on the Exit and Support Network website.


  1. The Restored Church of Revenue requires members to come up with a FIRST TITHE (tenth) of their gross pay every year, a SECOND TITHE (tenth) of their gross pay every year, and a THIRD TITHE (tenth) of their gross pay every third and sixth years of a seven year cycle. In addition to this there are to be generous OFFERINGS at each of the seven annual Sabbaths. Doing all this is merely doing what is required of them and makes them "unprofitable servants." To really do well, they must go above and beyond this, which will be covered below.

    The FIRST TITHE goes straight to the leader.

    The SECOND TITHE is supposed to be used for attending the annual festivals, but the leader wants a tenth of that too (which he calls a TITHE OF THE TITHE) as well as any so-called EXCESS SECOND TITHE that is not spent.

    The THIRD TITHE is supposed to be used mainly to help the poor in the church. The leader insists that people pay it. That is how he wants his followers to practice "precision of doctrine." However, that is where his concern for precision ends. The leader wants to get his own greedy hands on that money too and use it for his own purposes. The poor can go get a job.

    Even this much is never enough. Time remaining often appears to be short, invariably because of another one of the leader's wrong guesses about when the "end of the age" will come. Somehow, it follows that it is time to start a great building program for the church, even while members are told that they won't need their own houses for much longer. The leader will want to build an auditorium to try to impress people in the world, and will set up a BUILDING FUND for that purpose, in addition to all the other regularly required tithes and offerings.

    So far, oh well.

    The problem is that, amazingly, even all this is never enough. The leader will fly into a rage and shout at his followers to SELL THEIR HOUSES, and CASH OUT THEIR RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLANS (taking the income tax hit in the process) and send everything to the leader.

    This is why someone once said that the GIVERS have to set some limits because these TAKERS never do.

    The followers are told that God will bless them if they hand over their money (which they are told is actually God's money) to the leader, and that God will curse them if they do not hand it over cheerfully without grumbling. In actual practice, this usually turns into a case of Starting Your Financial Worries (Their ought to be a booklet about this problem, as it seems to be so common!).

    After they have handed over all their money, the followers are of little further value to the leader and can be shouted at to get out of the church if they don't agree with and go along with every new idea that the leader comes up with.

    Then the former follower might want to ponder the accusation made by other former followers that the leader is all about numbers and money.

  2. Dave Pack, while he denies it by protesting too much when it comes up, is all about the numbers.

    I have worked around the man and my family was subject to his arrogance.

    Our greatest family coup was when a family member was ordained a deacon by the minister who came after Dave. Dave made a point to tell him that if HE had felt he should be a deacon, HE would have ordained him. Thus he disagreed with the ordination.

    Quote: "Well Dave (it drives him nuts not to be called Mr. Pack) If I didn't think you had shit for brains, I'd care what you think."


    All kidding aside, Dave, like Rod Meredith, could never work for anyone. He has to be the boss. He has left a trail of tears across the country over 4 decades and probably needs some kind of mental health counseling. He exaggerates and inflates EVERYTHING about himself and his ministry and like HWA dreams of building a college empire etc while trying to explain just why "time is short" and still wanting to do this.

    I believe he has family members on his payroll making big bucks and even a son ordained who has zero training in theology outside of dad.

    He has many more former employees than employees who have great stories to tell

    M.T. Cranium

  3. I think I have posted this information before. Dave Pack maintains a public profile on the professional networking website linkedin.com. A couple years ago I sent him an invitation to connect with a short note about my WCG background. He accepted my invitation.

    His professional profile describes himself as "finance at financing" which I thought was an interesting and appropriate description.


  4. Not worth my time, but...

    There is a booklet coming: "Ending My Financial Worrie$".

    I hope that will suffice.

  5. I'm starting to think that Mr. Pack's sack needs to be whacked.

    I feel a new Holy Day coming on-

    The First Great Day of Packsackwhack!

  6. Would the editorial staff at the Journal actually fault Douglas Becker for referring to David Pack as being a narcissist?


  7. Byker Bob, yes, yes he would.

    Just you wait.

  8. Byker and Douglas-

    Stop it, you two!

    You're both liable to get Mister Pack's ears burning, which could lead to the bonfire of the vanities.

  9. Dave "Psychopath" Pack. His reputation is known far and wide in every WWCG congregation he pastored. I wasn't in one of his congregations but my parents were and some close friends. The story was always the same.

    Some experts write that psychopathic behavior is not learned. The WWCG may be a data base large enough to prove otherwise. I think most of the ministers learned that sick behavior from Herbert and that is how they run their churches.

    Without conscience or empathy, pathological liars, making slaves of their followers to list some characteristics of that mental illness.

    Dave Pack meets all of the criteria as did HWA.

  10. Michael D. Maynard said, "Some experts write that psychopathic behavior is not learned. The WWCG may be a data base large enough to prove otherwise".

    MY COMMENT - I agree Michael. I believe the WCG is a large enough sample to be statistically significant to extrapolate the behavior to the entire population as a whole.


  11. By the way, I wasn't going to say this. But, what the heck.........

    Is it me, or does the photo of Dave rat Pack look like he is a giant erect penis? :)

